
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
willcookehi all08:49
willcookeHappy Friday!08:49
marcustomlinsonmorning willcooke08:49
dufluMorning willcooke and marcustomlinson08:59
marcustomlinsonhey duflu08:59
jibelHi everyone09:00
Laneyhey hey09:01
dufluHi jibel and Laney09:01
seb128good morning desktopers, happy friday!09:01
willcookehi seb128, how are you feeling?09:01
seb128hey willcooke09:01
seb128slightly better, I'm over the fever and feeling to tired to be out of bed09:02
seb128it's like an annoying cold today, coughing, headache, still not great09:02
* marcustomlinson thinks seb128 really should not be out of bed09:02
seb128yeah, i'm going to take it easy09:03
willcookerest up, dont spoil your holiday09:03
dufluMorning seb12809:03
seb128but I'm on holidays next week and there are stuff I want to handle or at least handover for next week09:03
clobranogood morning all o/09:05
seb128hey clobrano09:06
Laneymoin duflu seb128 willcooke marcustomlinson clobrano09:06
seb128hey Laney09:06
Laneyduflu: did you see https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter/merge_requests/502/ ?09:06
gitbotGNOME issue (Merge request) 502 in mutter "Charts" [1. Feature, 5. Clutter, Opened]09:06
dufluLaney, thanks. Reminds me this really should have landed a while ago: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter/merge_requests/15409:08
gitbotGNOME issue (Merge request) 154 in mutter "clutter: More accurate & detailed CLUTTER_SHOW_FPS" [1. Feature, 5. Clutter, 5. Performance, Opened]09:08
dufluwhich outputs the same info09:08
seb128yet again a mp that has been sitting there waiting for reviews for cycles :/09:09
dufluseb128, I have 13 of them in mutter09:10
seb128yeah, I know09:10
seb128and I bet you the new one L_aney pointed is going to be reviewing/landing before any of those09:10
dufluThat's likely. I have added another small reminder for them09:11
dufluseb128, don't worry because I'm not. Plus it's almost the weekend here.09:11
dufluAnd you should rest09:12
Laneythere was me thinking that he was sharing a nice thing09:12
Laneyturned instantly into negativity09:12
Laneyway to go09:12
dufluLaney, it is a nice thing. Thanks. But also a reminder of one specific MR that is ready to land09:13
seb128reality is that they sit on community mps and just ignore them for ages but do review/merge their things, it's not negativity to state it, no point pretending there is no issue either...09:16
seb128anyway, enough on the topic, we clearly disagree on whether there is a problem there or not, that's fine09:17
Laneynot necessarily, just on whether it is a good thing to respond to someone sharing a nice thing they saw with a rant09:18
Laneyduflu: cool09:18
Laneymaybe grabbing feaneron directly would be helpful09:18
seb128I was not replying to you09:18
seb128but to Daniel's pending MP he pointed out09:18
dufluLaney, I don't think anyone is angry or ranting here. Delays are something we've become used to. I appreciate you pointing out that pretty MR. It is also directly related to an older one that is worth reminding upstream about, so I have now.09:20
LaneyOK. I think that seb128 knows that the us vs. them thing is upsetting and/or triggering for me, so I'm a bit sad to see it raised (especially when it's the resulf of me trying to share a cool thing), but fine - that's me being oversensitive.09:21
seb128that's probably also me being tired, sorry about that09:22
seb128but it's really getting me down how they keep ignoring could work waiting for review for ages09:22
seb128and then redoing something similar or that could reuse what has been done/waiting09:23
Laneyyou can continue the topic if you want, but if it's OK I'd rather not respond (for my own state of mind)09:24
seb128yeah, sorry, I'm stopping there09:24
seb128I should probably find a way to stop looking at that project because the way upstream is acting just doesn't work with me09:25
seb128it's neither good for me nor for the interactions I've with the team over it09:25
dufluTrevinho, OK. I now know how Xorg manages to tear even when the i915 kernel driver outlawed it years ago. It sometimes uses single buffering mode (shadow FB) and uses glamor to render the scale-down into that. Unfortunately vsync is not possible so it's the single-buffering part that would have to change09:42
dufluWhich is halfway to implementing TearFree09:42
tjaaltonduflu: mupuf is working on taht09:44
duflutjaalton, cool. Is there code somewhere?09:44
dufluI should clarify "vsync" is being used. But it's only synchronizing to the frequency and not the phase09:45
dufluSo your tearing appears on screen instead of during vblank where it would be invisible09:45
gitbotxorg issue (Merge request) 24 in xserver "Modesetting: Per-CRTC framebuffers to provide 32k framebuffers to everyone (and enable Tear-free support)" [Opened]09:45
tjaaltonthough I think this should be split and not try to get everything done in one merge09:46
tjaaltonlooks like it's stalled09:46
duflutjaalton, thanks. Realistically I was never going to attempt solving TearFree. I may still try solving for the scaled case09:47
tjaalton10:18 < MrCooper> mupuf: FWIW, the initial TearFree support in amdgpu/radeon just disabled DRI page flipping while it was09:48
tjaalton                  active, then I gradually made them work together over the course of ~2 years09:48
tjaalton10:19 < MrCooper> might be better not to aim for a perfect solution right away09:48
tjaaltonthis was a ~week ago09:48
duflutjaalton, Thanks again. It appears I would have saved some time if they had linked the MR with the issue ID. I might remind them09:49
tjaalton19:36 < anholt> mupuf: what's the state of your modesetting rework?09:50
tjaalton20:30 < mupuf> anholt: tearfree needs work to support pageflips09:50
tjaalton20:30 < mupuf> the rest works as expected09:50
tjaalton20:31 < mupuf> every month I say: ok, will do it now! But then new bugs come in or bigger issues09:50
tjaalton20:31 < mupuf> I think I will have to take a vacation to be able to work on this :o09:50
tjaaltonmrcooper replied to that09:50
duflutjaalton, yeah sounds like too big a bite to attempt everything at once09:52
duflutjaalton, for scaling a simpler and faster solution would be the "scaling mode" KMS property. Unfortunately that seems to be half finished in i915, and missing on my desktop even in kernel 5.0.009:55
dufluMaarten was working on it best I can tell09:56
GunnarHjHi seb128! When I installed disco from a daily build ISO yesterday, the installer did not remove the language packs and locales for the ISO languages. Is that intentional?10:28
seb128GunnarHj, hey, I think it's bug #1818890 but we didn't have an image moved to current/ since10:30
ubot5`bug 1818890 in livecd-rootfs (Ubuntu Disco) "[disco] After installation, all the default languages are installed" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181889010:30
seb128GunnarHj, did you try a current/ or pending/ daily?10:30
GunnarHjseb128: I tried "current".10:39
seb128GunnarHj, k, so I guess it's likely that bug and the fix is pending things to land properly10:40
GunnarHjseb128: Ok. It's indeed that bug you mentioned. Thanks!10:40
Laneywe just break translation stuff every so often to give GunnarHj bugs to report :D12:54
GunnarHjThanks for keeping me busy, Laney. :)13:44
dokohow should I debug an issue, that I can login, but the desktop doesn't appear (the ubuntu screen with the five dots stays). Only shows up with the nvidia drivers, but I need those for CUDA13:53
GunnarHjdoko: That happened to me yesterday (without NVIDIA) after having done a fresh install of disco. Worked next time after hard reboot.13:56
xnoxdoko, can you try $ apt remove --purge mesa-vulkan-drivers ?14:05
xnoxdoko, i just managed to not login (keyboard & mouse lock up after gdm3) but after purging that it wored.14:05
xnoxdoko, i also had to uninstall all the desktop snaps cause snapd claimed they were broken.14:05
xnoxLaney, ^14:05
kenvandineseb128: i've uploaded a patch that should fix the xdg-desktop-portal autopkgtest failure in bionic14:15
k_alamseb128: Hi, can you review this https://code.launchpad.net/~khurshid-alam/unity-control-center/info-panel-fix/+merge/36461314:20
dokoxnox, no, just updating to the nvidia drivers in -proposed was good enough14:20
xnoxdoko, ok, cool!14:20
dokoTrevinho: any update on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mutter/+bug/1793496 ?14:23
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1793496 in mutter (Ubuntu) "scaling changes when closing/re-opening the lid" [Medium,Triaged]14:24
Trevinhodoko: can you check if the ppa at https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/x11-hidpi-scaling-available-for-testing-on-disco/10293 changes things for you?14:27
dokoTrevinho: yes, this seems to work, still keeping my scaling to 100%14:45
dokois there a way to set the font size of the Top Bar?14:51
Trevinhodoko: good... I could probably separate the fix, as I have a branch that should fix your issue anyways... I can try to get a ppa with only that so you can test it again.14:55
Trevinhodoko: hmgmm... not sure, you can increase all the sizes, but for that only I think you might need to tune the css14:56
dokoTrevinho: what would be the appropriate package for a bug report?15:04
Trevinhodoko: mutter15:04
seb128kenvandine, good, I'm not SRU team member though so I can't help you accepting the fix15:07
seb128k_alam, k15:08
dokoTrevinho: #182136515:08
Trevinhodoko: sorry misunderstood... for the font is gnome-shell15:10
kenvandineseb128: i know, just letting you know we've addressed the failure :)15:11
seb128kenvandine, good :)15:18
kenvandinewillcooke: pin code? :)15:19
willcookeotp :)15:19
=== cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer
willcookehappy weekend!17:58
willcookenight all17:58
Laneyye byeee, see you in a week18:08
=== Laney is now known as awayney

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