
mupBug #1812605 changed: snap find crached <Snappy:Expired> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1812605>04:19
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
handsome_fengHi, I want to upgrade an software offline, and I make a delta file by 'xdelta3 -s telegram-desktop_637.snap telegram-desktop_617.snap telegram-desktop_637.snap.xdelta3', Does anyone know how to refresh the software in the offline computer using this xdelta3 file?08:23
zygahandsome_feng: hey09:40
zygahandsome_feng: instead of a delta perhaps just get "snap download telegram-desktop" on an online computer and copy the  pair of files over09:41
zygahandsome_feng: then use "snap ack" on the assertion file09:41
zygahandsome_feng: followed by "snap install" on the snap file09:41
zygahandsome_feng: this has the same effect as a normal online installation09:41
handsome_fengzyga: Thank you, but is it possible to refresh the software with the xdelta3 file only, since a software can be very big and I have post this in the snapcraft.io: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/how-to-update-a-software-using-xdeltal3-file/10533 :)10:19
zygahandsome_feng: yes but you need to do it manually10:25
zygajust compute the delta of the revision you have there10:26
zygahandsome_feng: normally the store does that10:26
zygahandsome_feng: but if you want manually, go ahead10:26
zygahandsome_feng: just reconstruct the file on the offline machine10:26
* zyga goes AFK 10:26
handsome_fengzyga: Thanks, Do you know the details of reconstruct the file on the offline machine? I got the xdelta command from the snapcraft source code, and I think the "apply xdelta3" part is in the source code of snapd, but I'm not familiar with 'go' language, :(10:31
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
zygahandsome_feng: it's not related to go, you can use any delta system you want14:57
zygahandsome_feng: I'm not personally familiar with it but I'm sure xdelta manual page shows how to use it14:57

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