
=== sinner is now known as Guest67002
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conjohi all i am using ubuntu and a vpn, i have config files, what are some ways i can use these files? in the past i have used network manager gui and set it up, but this only sets up one config file no abillity to choose, ive also navigated to the folder in which config files are and ran sudo openvpn --config 'config file of my choice, and entered username and password01:02
conjoare there other ways to run file in an automated fashon at power up01:03
conjothat my end goal if possible eg a bash script or something01:03
conjosorry got distracted, endgoal=bash script or placement of a command in a location that allows vpn connection process at boot? thanks to any suggestions offered01:08
DiceHello. I have a systemd service file that briefly runs and then kills itself: https://pastebin.com/zwJiw7Qr Is it possible to see any errors in this file?01:18
DiceThis is the systemctl status: https://pastebin.com/aqugJ74T01:19
Lub18042ltsTrying to install backgammonmasters on Wine. During install I get Unable to register DLL/OCX: RegSvr32 failed exit code 0x3. Terminal reports: 00b6:err:module:import_dll Library MFC42.DLL (which is needed by L"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\BackgammonMasters\\X2DL.ocx") not found01:21
Lub18042lts0096:fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x200e2 enable 0: stub!01:21
Lub18042lts0096:fixme:progress:ProgressWindowProc state 0002 not yet handled01:21
Lub18042lts0096:fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x200e2 enable -1: stub!01:21
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leftyfb!wine | Lub18042lts01:25
ubottuLub18042lts: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu01:25
=== puto is now known as conjo
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justaddcoffeeits conjo sorry my daughter hit the reset button on the tower01:28
justaddcoffeecan anyone suggest how i can make commands or scripts run at boot please (openvpn connection using a config file)01:42
justaddcoffeeubuntu 18.0401:42
leftyfbjustaddcoffee: https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-automatically-execute-shell-script-at-startup-boot-on-systemd-linux01:47
leftyfbjustaddcoffee: or https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/startup-applications.html.en01:47
leftyfbboth found on google by searching for "ubuntu 18.04 autostart" and "ubuntu 18.04 run at boot"01:48
justaddcoffeethank you man thank you very much =)01:48
dandu3hello i'm having issues when it's time to install GRUB on a UEFI laptop, should I just install it as legacy and call it a day?01:55
justaddcoffeethanks leftyfb exactly what i needed stoked =)01:56
kuki  02:12
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decorcan you see this02:21
decorshould I use ubuntu 18.04 or 18.1002:21
ub3g33kHow long is a piece of string?02:21
ub3g33kthen, yes.02:21
ub3g33kI personally, use the latest LTS02:22
decoryes what?02:22
ub3g33kand, ymmv02:22
ub3g33kyes, as in a completely un-useful answer to a poorly worded question02:22
ub3g33kBut, I suggest using the latest LTS02:23
ub3g33kand again, ymmv02:23
y9pqbjeremy31, Bashing-om: I upgraded my friend's lubuntu to 18.04 and added the hwe kernel. Now he's happily using Krita and will continue to be a Linux user :)02:29
Bashing-omy9pqb: :D - You do good work.02:30
y9pqbI had to run do-release-upgrade in a terminal. For some reason the update manager wasn't offering to upgrade02:31
Bashing-omy9pqb: 17.10 .. only avenue open to release upgrade is the do-release-upgrade other than a clean fresh install.02:32
y9pqbwhy is that?02:33
Bashing-om!eol | y9pqb02:33
ubottuy9pqb: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades02:33
Bashing-om!17.10 | y9pqb02:34
ubottuy9pqb: Ubuntu 17.10 (Artful Aardvark) was the 27th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 19th, 2018. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2018-July/004483.html02:34
y9pqbI... didn't do most of what's on that page02:36
y9pqbis the idea that upgrading from an EOL version is too risky to just let anyone upgrade? So a user who got into this situation should call someone more experienced to oversee the upgrade?02:43
y9pqbI feel like the system should have done something to prevent getting into an EOL state. Maybe when the EOL date is approaching it should try harder to nag the user to upgrade02:44
Bashing-omy9pqb: Not at all .. Guide is a fair one. Just takes reading and a build of confidence :)02:45
leftyfby9pqb: it'll be a lot easier, quicker and cleaner to install 18.04 from scratch and restore from backup02:45
y9pqbI don't think this guy could do a clean install02:46
Bashing-omy9pqb: Best I recall there is warnings and to get underway to a upgrade.02:46
y9pqbBashing-om: I'll ask him if he ignored those02:47
tomreynbug 31914602:47
ubottubug 319146 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "When a release reaches End-of-Life, update manager should show EoL status and provide a link with working procedures and more information." [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31914602:47
y9pqboh, nice02:48
y9pqbthough unless the risk of upgrading from an EOL version is really high, the update-manager should just give an upgrade button normally and handle it by itself02:50
tomreyny9pqb: if someone or something has been actually running an EOL release for a while (not just sitting there in a stopped VM), connected to the internet (or any network?), it has been low hanging fruit for any of the constant fully automated attacks we see on the internet. and with the unpatched vulnerabilities it will have alotted since it lost support, reinstalling is really the better approach.02:51
y9pqbtomreyn:I guess that means I should offer to do a clean install for him, even if his issue is already solved02:53
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y9pqbI saw he had a lot of disk space, so I guess I'll install something on a second partition and tell him to try it and migrate if he likes it02:55
kuki-{this chat is frre for all or is fot a teme in specific?02:56
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:56
tomreynbasically as the channel topic says02:57
ubottuFor information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode.02:57
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=== help is now known as noobhelp
matt_hey! I want to test an older kernel for solving a but, but i installed and got stuck on the startup process03:03
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Guest36254i think is some problem with initramfs03:03
Guest36254 hey! I want to test an older kernel for solving a but, but i installed and got stuck on the startup process03:04
noobhelphi all-how do i use crontab -e command to make something run at boottime/login03:04
Guest36254how can i created it for the older kernels too without removign the latest ? no way? how to at least generate it for the older one without having to wipe the newest kernel?03:05
noobhelphave read about using @reboot in the txtfile after crontab -e command is run, but i want to run at login not reboot03:05
tomreynGuest36254: downgrading to an older kernel patch level is not supported (and those earlier versions may not be available ont he archives). what is the issue you're trying to solve, which ubuntu version and kernel version are you running?03:06
Guest36254im trying to test if a bug is on the kernel03:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1819915 in linux (Ubuntu) "s2disk freezes at saving image to disk (hibernation)" [Undecided,Confirmed]03:06
Guest36254i apt installed the kernel i used when it worked but it got stuck during startup03:07
StayHungryMorning, comrades03:08
Guest36254I installed another one but initramfs seems to generate only for the latest03:08
Guest36254sso i have too remove the newer ones or not?03:08
AndyChow888Hello, StayHungry. I'm not a comrad, but morning to you.03:08
StayHungryA question about Ubuntu Paste if I may.03:09
StayHungryFor example https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jNp95dMx62/03:09
tomreynGuest36254: this will regenerate all initrds: sudo update-initramfs -k all -c03:09
Guest36254thanks! i just found that!03:10
StayHungryThere is a link “Download as text”, but it leads to login page instead of downloading, why?03:10
Guest36254what about this dmks thing03:10
Guest36254how to tell the system ill be booting on another kernel? is already done? like nvidia drivers and virtualbox modules03:10
StayHungryGuest36254: how? gently, of course ,)03:11
Guest36254okay! :P03:11
tomreynnoobhelp: is this a graphical desktop? do you want this to run after graphical login, or during any login?03:11
noobhelpit is, ubuntu 18.04 desktop and i would like the job to run after i have logged in (only one user account if relevent)03:13
tomreynnoobhelp: https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/autostart-spec/ may be relevant then03:14
tomreynnoobhelp: also https://askubuntu.com/questions/37957/how-do-i-manage-applications-on-startup-in-gnome-303:15
Guest36254im stuck there still03:15
Guest36254this is ubuntu 18.04 and kernel 4.15.0-4403:16
tomreynStayHungry: i don't know the answer, wondered, too, assume it may be abuse related. this is not exactly an ubuntu support topic, os this is a bit OT. maybe #ubuntu-discuss woul dbe a better match?03:16
Guest36254kernel 4.15.0-42 also gets stuck there03:17
noobhelptomreyn, thank you. Im in the middle of making a pastbin of what im trying to automate apon login will post shortly could you please let me know if im on right track when iv posted it03:17
Guest36254how will i test older kenels this way??03:17
StayHungrytomreyn: thank you, sir :)03:17
rodrigot44Hello everyone.I am having a problem with Clementine playing music. It worked fine the first few times I’ve used it, but now it won’t.03:19
Guest36254kernel 4.15.0-45 and 46 boot normally, but the bug happens then03:19
tomreynGuest36254: so you can't complete the boot at all currently? if so, either press ctrl-c and see if the boot continue then, or after waiting 1,5 minutes, or boot into recovery mode instead and work from there, starting with what the output you posted suggests.03:19
Guest36254oh i didnt try ctrl c03:20
ubottuIf your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode03:20
tomreynGuest36254: what you posted earlier at https://bpaste.net/show/a79cf2a0027e suggests that the RESUME variable is set incorrectly and new initrd's you'll create now will also be broken.03:22
Guest36254the uiid it sets to is right03:22
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tomreynwhich of the two?03:23
Guest36254dev sda803:23
Guest36254but maybe i should fix grub03:23
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Guest36254that resume variable is on gru right?03:23
tomreynright, that's it's newly added logic to ensure it can override broken configurations you have in /etc03:23
tomreynRESUME=UUID=bfc6f294-b737-4999-a444-01e1f410de06 must be configured somewhere in /etc/initramfs-tools03:24
Guest36254well i want to resume from the swap partition ofc03:24
tomreynand should be removed / commented out, then update-initramfs again.03:24
tomreyn"but no matching swap device is available"03:25
Guest36254how to check the uuid of my running swap?03:26
tomreyncat /proc/swaps03:26
tomreynthen blkid against the Filename03:26
* tomreyn afk03:29
HulioI can never get AMD Radeon Vega 56 to install driver in ubuntu 18.04 to work03:40
Huliowhy the fuck is it so complicate than windows03:40
guivercHulio, language please03:40
Hulioso sad03:41
Hulioeven if i install it, after reboot, i got blank screen03:41
Huliothis is so frustration03:41
Huliohow complicated just to install AMD Pro drive ? :(03:41
noobhelptomreyn, hi there could you please help me with this https://pastebin.com/HiwNXE8B03:44
Bashing-omnoobhelp: "22:29  * tomreyn afk".03:50
noobhelpBashing-om, not sure i understand are you saying its late in tomreyn timezone?03:51
noobhelpwhats afk?03:52
Bashing-omnoobhelp: afk == away from keyboard :)03:52
noobhelpaway from keyboard lols03:52
noobhelpim old sorry aye cheers for the heads up are you able to help please Bashing-om03:53
Bashing-omnoobhelp: Lemme look at the paste and see.03:54
noobhelpnoobhelp, laughs to himself thinking this is like that molly word thought it was a name03:54
noobhelpthank you Bashing-om03:55
Bashing-omnoobhelp: Ungood - as you can not embed passwords in that script ..Mot to sure at all how you woukd do "runs after i log into my account" in this case.03:57
noobhelpcould it be run during bootup03:58
noobhelpprior to login03:58
fotatonoobhelp: /me does the third person thing.03:58
fotatoJust FYI :-)03:58
noobhelppardon fotato can you explain please i dont understand03:59
Bashing-omnoobhelp: Sorry my knowledge of VPN is sorely lacking,03:59
noobhelpno problem thanks for trying03:59
noobhelpwith the same goal in mind how can i automate login to my vpn at boot time04:03
noobhelpaimed at everyone Bashing-om and i hit a roadblock04:03
noobhelpplease help me04:06
qwebirc63988Someone can help me with ubuntu gaming issue?04:22
guiverc_dqwebirc63988, you're best if you describe your issue, if someone can help they will (but please be patient on waiting for a reply & try to keep it to a single line)04:23
qwebirc63988No problem with patience.04:24
qwebirc63988Is about GOG games04:24
qwebirc63988DRM-Free platform04:24
qwebirc63988I have Olli and Momodora: Reverie Under The Moonlight04:25
qwebirc63988Those two titles works under ubuntu 16.0404:25
guiverc_dqwebirc63988, try & describe it in a single line please04:25
qwebirc63988But not under 18.xx04:25
qwebirc63988In a single line: Some gog games work under 16:04 but not under 18.xx. Segmentation fault04:26
qwebirc63988I hav no idea why04:26
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qwebirc63988Maybe could be a kernel issue. Anyone has this games running on 18.04?04:29
qwebirc63988Forget it. I think my question is very very vague. I`ll install ubuntu 16.04.6 since it runs all games very well.04:40
qwebirc63988But its weird. Segmentation fault.04:40
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:57
the2048lotuspsychje, it's like 11pm for me but good morning/evening or whatever05:21
lotuspsychjethe2048: good evening05:21
the2048Anyway how you doing05:21
lotuspsychjethe2048: join #ubuntu-discuss mate05:21
the2048Done lotuspsychje05:22
Huliohi guys, how to resolve this:  WARNING: amdgpu dkms failed for running kernel05:24
HulioI am trying to install AMD RAdeon Vega 5605:24
HulioI google and try manything still dont get it05:24
Hulioplease help resolve this: WARNING: amdgpu dkms failed for running kernel05:24
Hulioi am using Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS05:25
lotuspsychje!patience | Hulio05:26
ubottuHulio: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/05:26
lotuspsychjeHulio: did you try this? https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-install-the-latest-amd-radeon-drivers-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux05:36
Huliolotuspsychje: nothing works05:39
Hulioend up with that message05:39
HulioI wish you can teamviewer to me05:39
Huliocan someone teamviwer me: id: 1 226 850 642  pass:38n8wf05:41
Hulioplease help me get the amd graphic to install05:42
Hulioi'm strugle so much and tired05:42
Hulio2 AM now05:42
Hulioi'm so sleepy and need this to work05:42
Huliosomeone know how to do it, kindly help me05:42
soundwaveHey! Anybody know howto use apt-offline on live usb; I have a specific question which requires knowledge on both !05:54
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gigglebothi all i need to learn about config files how to use them edit them and make them-i know nothing at this point any suggestions on what to search up on google that will help me with ubuntu06:07
gigglebotalso do the rules of config files differ for usecase (program using it)06:07
gigglebotor do they all share common terms/commands and syntax06:08
NorthwestVeganwell, theres config files in /etc/06:08
NorthwestVeganand in your home folder like .mozilla06:09
giggleboti know its vauge im trying to understand what a openvpn config file means and how to edit it for my end-because im new many terms are beyond me06:09
NorthwestVeganor .config06:09
NorthwestVeganid look in /etc/openvpn to start06:10
gigglebotyes-thanks guys-could you recomend anything to read or watch to teach me all about config files please06:10
NorthwestVegani would try openvpn website, or the archwiki06:12
giggleboti havnt checked but im assuming those files are filled with text and anything uncommented is enabled is that correct06:12
NorthwestVeganyes, thats the usual format06:12
gigglebotwhen it comes to options within those files do the options differ prog to prog06:13
giggleboti assume yes06:13
guiverc_dgigglebot, conf/config files vary by program; yes they are standard to an extent, but they are standard according to a historical perspective which won't mean much to most people..     wiki's are my suggestion for a place to start, eg. https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/openvpn.html for openvpn & ubuntu06:13
gigglebotthank you very much both of you06:14
soundwaveI always theses questions that nobody can answer ! It's a curse06:14
guiverc_dgigglebot, standard eg., some use # as comment, others use ! as comment; this can be confusing however if you look at history of the programs using ! you'll note they come from like place (my point in history), if contrasted with those that use #  (but both are pretty much the same..)06:15
gigglebotlmao sound like a challange soundwave-hope s1 can help you06:15
gigglebotguiverc_d, now that you mention that thing about the comment symbols i do recall noticing that and wondering in days past06:17
gigglebotjust want to bounce a few assumptions past yall06:17
gigglebotthe options(hope this is the correct term) in config files specific to prog being used will differ but there are options that any and many programs use commonly?06:19
giggleboti need rethink that give me a minute06:20
gigglebotim just gonna read you guys suggestions let it soak in and go read some wikis thanks for your time guys06:22
gigglebotand help06:22
guiverc_dgigglebot, yes, but it's better to assume they are different & confirm before you make mistakes because of assumption.    `man|info` tend to be great for reference/reminders06:23
gigglebotthis place is great thank you all for it06:23
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guiverc_dgigglebot, (re: history, Ubuntu may go back to 2004, Linux back to 1991, but *nix conf/config files go back to 1970s)06:38
pikapikaoh and yes07:17
pikapikagood question07:17
pikapikaWhats the best way to backup an installation so that if something funny happens, I can like restore it to the exact state of the backup except of course things like time are of the current value07:18
pikapikaWill dd disk images cause trouble?07:18
pikapikaas in07:18
pikapikasay I dd the whole ubuntu partition into a backup image07:19
pikapikasometime later07:19
pikapikaI copy it back into the install partition07:19
pikapikais that a valid way of backup/restore?07:19
lotuspsychje!backup | pikapika07:31
ubottupikapika: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning07:31
lotuspsychje!borg | pikapika07:31
ubottupikapika: borg is a fast backup tool with incremental backups: https://www.borgbackup.org/ (Ubuntu packages: borgbackup, borgbackup-doc, and borgmatic)07:31
pikapikaoh I have read that wiki article07:33
pikapikait says nothing of the restore part of things07:33
lotuspsychjeread the manual of the software you using pikapika07:34
ArfedI've found a problem with Ubuntu which may lead to a ton of other hard to identify problems/bugs: When your computer resumes from sleep, sometimes Ubuntu will switch from TSC clock source to HPET - this can kill performance and make e.g. gnome-shell use a ton of CPU08:13
Arfedthis is on 18.04, with Asus Zenith Extreme Alpha motherboard, and 2990wx CPU08:15
lotuspsychjeArfed: try a tail -f /var/log/syslog and come back from resume, see if we can trace usefull errors08:15
ArfedOkey - it's not a consistent error though, it doesn't happen every time. brb08:17
ArfedOkey that worked first time - looking through log08:19
ArfedYea confirmed: https://pastebin.com/XTqU9egg08:21
lotuspsychjelets c08:22
ArfedI'm ok with computers and fixing up stuff myself, but for a layman not so great with computers, it's bad to have that issue as they won't know how to fix it and will get put off08:23
lotuspsychjeArfed: did you recently play with bios or cpu overclocking?08:23
ArfedOverclocking, yes08:24
lotuspsychjeArfed: try setting bios back to defaults and try again08:24
lotuspsychjeArfed: while you there, maybe biosupdate too?08:24
ArfedAm on latest bios. Ok, back in a bit08:24
ArfedOk, confirmed that clock switches to HPET even on base bios08:38
lotuspsychjeArfed: allright, wich kernel version are you on?08:38
ArfedI'm on 18.04 LTS, so would be that kernel - one min I'll find out how to check directly, if needed08:39
lotuspsychjeuname -a08:39
ArfedCheers - 4.18.0-16-generic #17~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP08:40
lotuspsychjeok thats HWE08:40
lotuspsychjeArfed: you still got other kernel version in your list to test?08:40
ArfedAh, I don't have any other version at hand? I just downloaded 18.04 - not much of a Linux guru08:42
lotuspsychjeArfed: ok you might not have any, np08:43
lotuspsychjeArfed: lets try to make a !bug out of your issue, do you have a launchpad account?08:43
ArfedI reckon the HPET issue, is the bug these guys are experiencing btw:08:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1773959 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "High CPU usage by gnome-shell when only running gnome-terminal" [Medium,Fix released]08:43
Arfedbecause someone showed a log trace with high clock_gettime there - which I was able to replicate08:43
lotuspsychjeArfed: but you cant reproduce this with gnome-terminal?08:44
Arfedperf trace rather08:44
ArfedI can repro it even without any terminal08:44
ka920hello , i install apache2 and i'm running index.php , it's shown successfuly and work right on firefox but on chrome it's showing the source code and it's not working, any help?08:44
lotuspsychjeArfed: anyhow, or only with resume?08:44
ArfedI could do a fresh boot with nothing open, sleep/resume and check clock source, if you like - what we saw in the logs shows it wouldn't be terminal though08:46
ArfedI reckon terminal in that bug is a red herring08:46
lotuspsychjeArfed: allright, lets make a new bug for this mate08:46
Arfedokey cool - best link it to that other one, too08:46
lotuspsychjeArfed: from a terminal: ubuntu-bug linux08:46
lotuspsychjeArfed: and describe all your steps we tryed, feel free to link back the bug #08:47
b247Hi there, I need some help for a port forward (allow access from external to internal VM). External is public IP (directly connected to the internet, internal is virbr0). If someone able to help i can provide more details08:54
b247b247, HOST it's a laptop running Ubuntu 18.10, GUEST is a KVM machine08:55
constantibЯ думал ирка уже умерла давно08:59
lotuspsychje!ru | constantib09:00
ubottuconstantib: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.09:00
ArfedCheers lotuspsychje - made the bug report here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-signed-hwe/+bug/182144109:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1821441 in linux-signed-hwe (Ubuntu) "Clocksource changes from TRC to HPET after sleep. Kills performance." [Undecided,New]09:01
lotuspsychjeArfed: thank you for taking your time to file the bug09:02
lotuspsychjeArfed: also mention your bios is up to date please09:02
ArfedNo worries! Thanks for helping me get that put in. Hopefully it's fixed quick enough09:02
BluesKajHowdy all09:06
b247Looking for a kind sysadmin able to help me with some networking NAT/FORWARD rules ..... anyone :)09:10
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B1ack0phi there09:42
xyz111Hi All, I have placed a symlink to a script in my /etc/cron.d folder, however whenever the job starts to run, it logs an error saying "(*system*prx-cron-jobs) WRONG FILE OWNER (/etc/cron.d/prx-cron-jobs)" - does that file have to be owned by root? Is there a way round it? Thanks :)10:44
blackflowxyz111: I believe so yes. non-root crontabs are in /var/spool/cron10:48
blackflowxyz111: btw, "script"? you mean you put a crontab there, right?10:48
xyz111yes correct, crontab, not script10:48
blackflowright, so user crontabs under /var/spool/cron10:48
xyz111perfect, let me give that a shot10:49
xyz111thank you10:49
blackflowxyz111: /var/spool/cron/<username>  see the crontab(5) manpage10:49
blackflowxyz111: eh, sorry, /var/spool/cron/crontabs/<username>10:50
xyz111yeah - I'm thinking I may just "chown root", because the script restarts a few services which I believe only root can do10:51
xyz111unless I can somehow add a sudo into the non-root crontab?10:52
xyz111but I'm afraid it will get stuck asking for a password10:52
blackflowxyz111: technically you can, but why? the only reason for user-owned tabs is if you want said users to be able to modify them. technically, user crontabs aren't meant to be edited with anything but crontab -e10:52
blackflowxyz111: also consider using systemd timers10:53
blackflowand don't forget that user crontabs don't have the user specification between time pattern and command to exec10:53
xyz111I think just "chown root" is the easier option10:54
blackflowxyz111: tha should've been the default. /etc/cron.d/ is root owned and only root can place files there, so you must've chown'd in teh past10:54
xyz111the symlink is root owned, but not the file it points to10:55
blackflowwhich btw whouldn't change the fact that it's a systemwide crontab that executes as user specified in the tab itself10:55
blackflowsymlinks are resolved and transparent in this case, so the target file matters10:55
xyz111yeah, hence why I'm getting the WRONG FILE OWNER error10:55
xyz111so if I chown the target file to root, then I think things will be okay10:56
xyz111my real reason for doing this is modularity10:56
blackflowxyz111: not sure I follow. why not place the files under /etc/cron.d/ ?10:57
xyz111it's a much neater solution if I can just symlink a file within a git repo and whenever I need to update the cron file, I modify it remotely and git pull10:57
xyz111also easier to know where all the config is stored - basically all in one repo10:57
blackflowxyz111: or reduce complexity and script a git pull followed by cp or rsync into /etc/cron.d/ :)10:58
xyz111yes, that's also an option, but there is a bit of additional complexity in the situation which I can't describe right now (we'll be here for an hour!)10:59
xyz111I appreciate the help - thank you very much :)10:59
xyz111I'll consider the cp solution - maybe it is the right way to go11:00
blackflowor use systemd timers. unlike cron, systemd allows symlinking of .timer files from /etc/systemd/ to wherever11:02
SaldruI everyone, I have a question. I use Ubuntu Server 18.10 as a virtual machine and on this VM I have two network interfaces. One to access to Internet (WAN0) and a second one for my management network (MNGT0). My personal computer is connected remotely via a VPN Server and I manage my VM via SSH throught the Management IP address binded on the Manag11:23
Saldruement Interface. I want to bind an HTTP service on the WAN0 interface to be reached by Internet and all the operating protocols such as DNS NTP, SSH just to pass via the MNGT0 Interface. The problem I have is that my personnal computer have only one IP address and I want the VM to respond to my computer on the MNGT0 interface if I reach the MNGT0 I11:23
SaldruP address and also I want the VM to respond to my computer on the WAN0 interface if I reach the WAN0 IP address. I use Netplan for network configuration and I saw on the documentation that the "routing-policy" and "tables" can do that but I'm not able to make it work. So I ask the community if someone know how to do that. Thank you for your time !11:23
AscavasaionIs there a way to share files on Linux that Windows machines can access, besides Samba?11:23
BluesKajAscavasaion, extfs for windows11:25
AscavasaionBluesKaj, I meant via networks.11:25
java_devi have a package thats pulling qemu-kvm, and i already have vmware running. will there be conflicts with both these apps running on the same host11:26
AscavasaionSo no way to map drives etc. like Samba?11:26
BluesKajPuTTY uses ssh and telnet11:28
G3ph4zjava_dev: Nope, you will be fine.11:28
AscavasaionBluesKaj, I know PuTTy and extfs.  I was hoping for something where I can possibly browse with a file manager to eg. ///192.168.X.X/mnt/documents/ etc and make it a permanent connection using the file manager.11:30
java_devG3ph4z: the package in question is gns3 and last i checked it didnt require qemu-kvm as a dependency, i wonder what changed. but alright.11:31
BluesKajAscavasaion, https://www.techrepublic.com/article/windows-10-will-soon-let-you-access-linux-files-from-file-explorer/ , but not until April11:32
G3ph4zjava_dev: Sorry I missed some part of the message. GNS3 is using qemu as a default hypervisor, if I know correctly.11:32
AscavasaionBluesKaj, Okay, thank you.  So not possible really, except with that new Win 10 feature.  Thank you for the heads-up.11:34
c0mradeI've made an IRC bot that prints to a serial impact printer connected to a server of mine and put it on live stream on youtube at https://youtu.be/tVuvoM7NZj8 if you join ##robot and send whatever text on the main channel it prints hehe11:35
blackfloweh they left and nobody mentioned WEBDAV11:44
blackflowc0mrade: queue trollfest abuse and you taking the whole thing down in embarassment.11:45
whoareUafter installing firefox manually, how to build a launch icon instead launching from command line11:58
java_devwhoareU: which DE are you using?11:59
blackflowwhoareU: while that's not supported here in #ubuntu, google up how to write your .desktop launcher, which you can place in ~/.local/share/applications/12:00
blackflow(that = running custom built software outside of regular apt or snap repos)12:00
whoareUjava_dev: gnome12:02
whoareUblackflow: google has been blocked several years12:04
blackflowso? no other search engine you can use?12:06
whoareUa little, but the result of search is not satisfied12:07
blackflowwell then you're out of luck.12:07
java_devcopy one from /usr/share/applications/application.desktop and edit it with respect to your desired app, them cp it to  ~/.local/share/applications/12:08
java_devwhich country are you from ? whoareU12:08
java_devalso searching directly on https://askubuntu.com might help12:09
leftyfbwhoareU: why did you build Firefox from source? The one in the repos is the latest12:10
whoareUi need the development edition of firefox12:12
whoareUno reason, it12:13
whoareUit's the latest version and i hope try it12:14
leftyfbwhoareU: are there any particular features available in the development 67 version that aren't in the stable 66?12:17
whoareUleftyfb:what are difference between two version i don't know until now,12:23
leftyfbThen why are you running it? Doesn't make any sense . Just stick with the stable version12:24
java_devleftyfb: dude, just let a person who is curious do whatever they please with their machine really.12:25
java_devthere is nothing wrong with running "unstable" versions of an app do long the user is aware of the consequences that may arise12:26
leftyfbIncluding not receiving support for it12:27
leftyfbAnd researching their one answers12:27
java_devall am aganist was your point about it "not making sense" and this "Just stick with the stable version". thats really not your concern.12:29
leftyfbThank you for your opinion12:30
whoareUleftyfg: only curiosity, on other motive,  i am not the professional of IT, i use linux only personal favor12:30
java_devwith pleasure leftyfb12:30
gigglebothi all am newish/dont know alot about linux-am curious what is stopping anyone from making a connection to one of my open ports in linux-if this is not the place to ask let me know12:36
leftyfbgigglebot: what ports do you have open and why?12:37
gigglebotis it the lack of a password and service for connection setup eg ftp and/or not having sudo password12:37
giggleboti dont but was watching a video on youtube and it triggered a random question in my mind to which i have no clue about the answer12:37
leftyfbYou should not open/forward any ports unless you need to and know how to secure that service12:40
leftyfbgigglebot: opening a port for ftp for example allows anyone from the internet to keep trying passwords till they get in. Configured incorrectly, they could get in without a password.12:41
leftyfbgigglebot: you could use something like iptables(firewall) to lock down ftp traffic to only be allowed from certain ips on the internet12:42
ikanoboriGenerally when you have no firewall all services listening on appropriate addresses are reachable through that address for other machines that can access that address so you need to trust that service (and know it has authorization, etc).12:43
ikanoboriUsually people just firewall everything aside from specific services that need to be reachable and then possibly deploy extra measures such as source addresses.12:44
leftyfbDK__: can we help you with something?12:44
gigglebotthank you12:45
ikanoborigigglebot: Its is common to always close everything and explicitly open things because some services and applications might by default listen on reachable addresses.12:45
gigglebothow about the ports that always stay open which i think iv read, eg for loading webpages (or am i way off and making to many incorrect assumptions?)12:46
ikanoboriYou're not; a webserver is one of those processes that might want to listen on a port and that you want to be reachable.12:46
gigglebotoops i missed alot above need to read it brb12:46
ikanoboriThe normal suggestion is to close everything and then open up the ports you need, which for a webserver would usually be 80 and 443.12:46
ikanoboriWhen you do close everything, remember that if you access this machine remotely that you will need to open that port (usually 22 for SSH).12:47
giggleboti really appreciate the feedback guys thank you12:48
lsdir99hi. how many services generally are in debian (like apache2, sftp, ssh, squad...)?12:53
leftyfblsdir99: Try #debian12:53
lsdir99Can I ask the same question under ubuntu?12:55
leftyfblsdir99: which version of ubuntu? lsb_release -ds; cat /proc/version /proc/cmdline12:56
gigglebotleftyfb, ikanobori any suggestions on where to start ;linux usecase to learn about configuring ports correctly&securely, im intriged id like to learn more12:56
blackflowlsdir99: are you asking about available packages or service installed by default installer profile12:56
gigglebotwhat should i search-i know it sounds silly but google and my choice of search terms arent always best12:56
leftyfbgigglebot: linux networking, networking security12:57
leftyfbgigglebot: your interest is not Ubuntu-specific12:58
gigglebotit is im running ubuntu12:58
leftyfbgigglebot: your interest applies to linux in general. Not just Ubuntu12:58
leftyfbgigglebot: understanding that will help in your research12:59
gigglebotokay i get you now thanks12:59
lsdir99leftyfb: I don't have ubuntu now. But I just came up with some questions in my mind that I'd like to know about them. first of all, I'd like to know what we are going to install (apt-get install) are all a new service?12:59
leftyfblsdir99: for what purpose?13:00
gigglebotwhile on topic i use ufw which i think is a frontend to iptables(a firewall yes?) default enabled no rules added are my ports safe enough for everyday use?13:00
lsdir99leftyfb: curiosity!13:00
leftyfbgigglebot: not directly connected to the internet, no13:00
blackflowlsdir99: you install whatever package (and its service) you want. none are installed by default, except basic networking dhcp listener, stub resolver13:00
d0lfWhat is xubuntu13:03
leftyfbd0lf: https://xubuntu.org/  # first result on google for "xubuntu"13:03
blackflowmore precisely, the about page   https://xubuntu.org/about/13:03
gigglebotleftyfb,what do mean by not directly connected- (i just use a browser and irc or transmission-dont use ftp or other atm)13:04
giggleboti have ubuntu 18.04 desktop if this helps answer13:04
leftyfbgigglebot: If you don't have a router between you and the public internet, get one13:04
gigglebotrofl okay now i understand13:04
giggleboti didnt know that making a direct connection without a router was possible period as i assumed all connections where made with modems which almost always had routers inbuilt to the modem13:08
gigglebotwhat kind of setup would ever have a direct connection or is it just an eg of bad practise13:09
ikanoborigigglebot: You can read about generic iptables advice.13:10
leftyfbgigglebot: someone without a router. Servers. Either way, we're pretty offtopic at this point. This channel is for Ubuntu-specific support. Feel free to join #ubuntu-offtopic13:10
blackflowgigglebot: there is always a router, even when "directly connected" you're actually connected to the first hop router.  people often mean "DSL modem and/or WIFI thingy" as "router"13:10
gigglebotwill do have a great day/night both of you and thanks alot13:11
gigglebotblackflow, lol ur right i get ur point, but i  think it was ommited to avoid confusing me13:15
gigglebotthanks for mentioning13:15
blackflowgigglebot: avoidig confusion by omission of crucial information does more harm than good.13:16
DiceOne of my systemd service files briefly starts and then kills itself. Here are the relevant pastes: https://pastebin.com/zwJiw7Qr https://pastebin.com/aqugJ74T13:17
DiceHow can I figure out why?13:17
giggleboti kinda agree but need to crawl before i walk13:17
leftyfbDice: how do you know it kills itself?13:18
blackflowDice: because the service process exited. Is there a custom log for it?13:18
blackflowleftyfb: because it's Type=simple, no extra daemon so SD knows when it's done, marks "code=exited"13:19
Diceleftyfb: Its's a service for IRC services, ie nickserv etc. Nickserv and Chanserv connect to my ircd when I start it, but the service immediately kills itself and they get disconnected13:19
leftyfbDice: what happens when you run the command manually13:19
Diceleftyfb: it works manually13:20
leftyfbDice: what user is the systemd service configured to run as? What user are you running it as manually?13:20
blackflowDice: does it when run exactly  in the same context? under user and group "irc"?13:21
blackflowit's in the paste....13:21
leftyfbblackflow: where?13:21
Diceblackflow: I can't run it with the user and group "irc" manually because of permissions, it works through systemd though for a second before it dies13:21
blackflowleftyfb: first paste13:22
Dicethere are log files but they're empty13:22
blackflowDice: well then that's it. your systemd unit runs it as User=irc and Group=irc13:22
blackflowyou must be able to run that process "manually" under that UID/GID13:22
leftyfbDice: edit /etc/passwd and change irc shell to /bin/bash, then sudo su irc # and run the command manually to see what's going on13:23
leftyfbDice: make sure to change /etc/passwd back after troubleshooting13:23
Dicei'll try checking the permissions first13:23
blackflowsu -l   instead of sudo so13:23
blackflow*sudo su13:23
blackflowor better sudo -i13:24
leftyfbDice: where exactly are you going to check permissions if you don't know where it's having issues with permissions?13:25
Diceleftyfb: the executable13:28
leftyfbDice: if the executable had issues with permissions, it wouldn't run at all via the systemd unit, not connect and die13:29
Dice"irc:x:39:39:ircd:/bin/bash" do you mean like this leftyfb?13:31
Diceand now I start the service?13:32
leftyfbare you logged in as the irc user?13:32
leftyfbthen yes13:33
Dicethat works13:33
Dicethe service survives13:34
Dicei mean anope13:34
leftyfbDice: do you have a group called "irc" or "ircd"?13:35
Diceit's supposed to be "irc"13:36
leftyfbhow do you know? Your irc user is part of the "ircd" group.13:37
Dicecan I change this?13:37
leftyfbDice: change what? You haven't actually answered the question13:37
leftyfbDice: do you have a group called "irc" or "ircd"?13:37
DiceI created a group called irc when I made the user I believe, I had a user named "ircd" before with that group but I deleted it13:38
leftyfbDice: ok, sounds like a mess you created that I think you know how to fix at this point13:39
leftyfbthough, I would assume installing "anope" would have created it's own user/group and you should be using those13:39
qwebirc37110ping ubuntu13:40
Diceleftyfb: I think it did in a pervious installation of the ircd13:40
leftyfbqwebirc37110: this is a support channel. Test elsewhere13:40
DiceI think I've fixed the group anyway13:40
qwebirc37110can I get any info for this request - https://askubuntu.com/questions/1127134/login-with-kerberos-user-on-ubuntu-16-04-desktop-with-sudo-privileges13:40
qwebirc37110its regrading login with kerberos user on Ubuntu 16.04 lightdm13:40
Diceanope.service still didn't work sadly13:44
Dicealthough starting it manually worked13:45
qwebirc37110jeremy31: yes13:45
=== c0mrade is now known as Guest95605
leftyfbDice: when you're logged in as "irc" type "groups".14:03
jairhello all my bridge br0 <> eno1 was working perfectly with netplan and the lxc hosts were able to ping my lan router/internet/ and being accessible via internet as well.  Today I installed a couple of updates in the past month and noticed that now the containers can ping the host but cannot ping other members in the LAN nor the internet :(14:21
leftyfbjair: you should ask in #lxcontainers14:24
jairThis is the status of my bridge > https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fhWXqtccN8/14:24
jairleftyfb: alright, I will check thanks14:24
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djp_does anyone know why when i add a specific app to my menu, it fails to open? The app in question is here, https://github.com/pete-gordon/oricutron. it loads perfectly fine from the cli if I'm in the directory where i installed it. running ubuntu 16.04. all other apps launch just fine.15:07
leftyfbdjp_: if the .desktop file is correct, then you'll need to seek support from pete-gordon15:08
djp_leftyfb: sure. yes, i've tried everything. will do as you say. thanks.15:09
john__does anyone know about swift. i installed swift 4.03 version on ubuntu 18.10 and got the error message error while loading libraries libatomic.so.1: wrong ELF class ELFCLASS 3215:10
jeremy31john__: was swift a 64 bit version?15:22
MyStartxXlib : extension "RANDR" missing on display " :0.0"15:22
MyStartxhiw cai i solve guys?15:23
lotuspsychjeMyStartx: 14.04 is almost going end of life, consider making a backup and upgrade or clean install 16.04?15:34
MyStartxi want to solve on this version somehow15:35
lotuspsychjeMyStartx: tell us what you did exactly please?15:36
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MyStartxis about a phython script who working with x11 and return this message on ubuntu 1415:39
ioriaMyStartx, xdpyinfo | grep -i rand15:40
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blackflow!bug #157319 | MyStartx15:42
ubottubug 157319 in Ubuntu "Xlib: extension "RANDR" missing on display ":0.0" while using -nvidia with Xinerama turned on" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15731915:42
MyStartxis intel card and i found that i must disable xinerama ..?15:43
blackflowMyStartx: otherwise, you need to give more context. what is this python script doing, which package is that (and note we don't really support software not packaged on Ubuntu here)15:43
MyStartxis ubuntu error15:43
ioriaMyStartx, are you on a xvfb ?15:44
blackflowMyStartx: if you google for that message you'll get a lot of results, ubuntu related even, with some suggestions. please try those, otherwise please give more info on the context. which application you're running.15:45
MyStartxi just installed xvfb15:45
ioriaMyStartx, xdpyinfo | grep -i rand15:45
MyStartxis no return any message15:45
MyStartxthat command15:46
ioriaMyStartx, so it's not supported15:46
blackflowwhich would imply your gpu driver doesn't support it. which kernel are you using?15:46
blackflowragequit, possibly could've solved witth HWE kernel or as lotus suggested, full upgrade.15:49
ecvhi, is there an app such that it will monitor the memory and swap and under a given threshold will freeze the top ram consumer processes and show a pop-up with a warning and options to either kill or resume these? I'm a bit sick of running out of memory any time I make a mistake in blender or any such ram hungry app. I know I can bind oomkiller to16:02
ecvsome shortcut but that's not what I want. I should be able to decide what to do at that time. Maybe I'd like to kill other apps instead16:02
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lotuspsychjeecv: i would go the root problem, make your system smooth once again, tweak until you work lighter16:07
lotuspsychjeecv: how much ram do you have on wich DE with what kind of app?16:07
blackflowthe only solution here is simply to add more RAM. more swap temporarily.16:07
blackflowblender will probably want gobs of it.16:08
ecvok thank you...16:08
nullbyte_i have compiled kernel 5.0.3 with ubuntu lts16:10
nullbyte_it's ok but on boot i gout failed to mount gnome.snap lines16:10
nullbyte_that's it16:10
lotuspsychjenullbyte_: we dont really support own kernel compiling16:10
lotuspsychjenullbyte_: if you want kernel 5 help test dingo?16:11
OerHeksself compiled kernel is indeed not supported here, you could try the mainline repo, still you are on your own16:12
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds16:12
qwebirc13511Hello everyone16:18
lotuspsychjewelcome qwebirc1351116:18
qwebirc13511I've just installed Ubuntu16:18
qwebirc13511It is unbelievable how good it is16:18
qwebirc13511I had a question I wanted direction regarding16:19
qwebirc13511For my work, there are a lot of repetetive tasks that I want to automate using a voice command software16:20
qwebirc13511I've never used Dragon naturally speaking, what I want to use is something where I can say specific commands that I have created16:20
qwebirc13511For specific tasks16:20
qwebirc13511I have very scare understanding of programming, and can code a little in AutoHotkeys16:20
qwebirc13511Any suggestions as to how to proceed?16:21
lotuspsychjeqwebirc13511: you can search the repos with apt-cache search speech for example16:21
qwebirc13511Where could I search the repos?16:22
lotuspsychjeqwebirc13511: from a terminal sorry16:22
qwebirc13511How would I access a terminal?16:22
lotuspsychjeqwebirc13511: slide your mouse pointer towards the terminal icon and click it16:22
qwebirc13511Found it in applications16:23
qwebirc13511These are all applications that people have made?16:23
OerHekslook at mycroft.ai, or simon, or lucida .. all of these have a learning curve, not that advanced16:23
qwebirc13511This is amazing16:24
qwebirc13511I don't come from a computer science background, however this is really fascinating stuff, and has a lot of applications to automate and improve my work efficiency16:24
qwebirc13511Could someone recommend any books / youtube videos to get a hang of how to navigate and customize Ubuntu and make softwares?16:25
lotuspsychje!discuss | qwebirc1351116:25
ubottuqwebirc13511: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!16:25
blackflownah you gotta make the bot love you and listen to you first. give it something to eat, pet it.16:26
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!16:27
qwebirc13511@lotuspsychje and @OerHeks thank you, I will search try to join #ubuntu-discuss16:27
OerHekstons of howto's on the internet, tweaking ubuntu. omgubuntu.co.uk , fullcirclemagazine.org16:27
qwebirc13511@OerHeks yes, yes, most definitely, super excited to get building!16:28
brimurrayPermissions problem on Ubuntu 18.04.2 with the snap app.  I can't delete viewed files from my TV app, any ideas?16:36
blackflowbrimurray: where are those files?16:36
brimurrayblackflow: in my /home/videos/plex16:37
blackflowbrimurray: ah so from the application?16:38
blackflowsnaps are supposed to interact  with $HOME under ~/snap/...16:38
nullbyte_so i want to disable perm snap (snap.gnome) in system specially on boot when it shows snap mount hdd16:38
blackflowthat'll probably break everything16:39
nullbyte_tell me16:39
OerHeksdisabling a core snap..?16:39
nullbyte_systemctl disable?16:39
nullbyte_no core snap16:39
nullbyte_just snap16:39
blackflowI mean gnome is now installed as a snap in Ubuntu. if you disable the snap, you'll have to replace gnome from apt then16:39
blackflowor not have gnome at all I suppose16:40
nullbyte_blackflow, ok i will try16:40
nullbyte_i will check cinnamon maybe16:40
brimurrayblackflow: They show up when added, play on all my client palyers ok. But I can't delete when marked as played? used to work OK on the ppa install16:40
nullbyte_aptitude remove snap snapd not helps16:40
blackflowbrimurray: well the snap probably has read access there, but not write access.16:41
blackflownullbyte_: helps with what exactly16:41
OerHeksnullbyte_, on mint?16:41
heller_so guys, is KiTTy safe alternative for putty?16:42
nullbyte_blackflow, ok i have kernel516:43
brimurrayblackflow: Ive given snap (group) read/write access but still no joy on delete. This worked OK on non snap install16:43
nullbyte_blackflow, how to enable snap there it's disabled16:43
nullbyte_specially on boot16:43
OerHeksnullbyte_, kernel 5? not a current supported ubuntu version16:43
nullbyte_mount snap(gnome)16:43
blackflowbrimurray: that won't change anything. snaps are containers enforced with AppArmor. I think they're designed that way. They need the "home" interface to acess files in $HOME, but I _think_ not sure, that's read only. RW access is under special directories in ~/snap/...16:43
blackflownullbyte_: there? where? what are you talking about.16:44
OerHeksheller_, kitty is not in our repos?16:44
heller_mm well its not an ubuntu related16:44
blackflowbrimurray: besides, they run as your user, so the "snap" group is irrelevant in this case16:44
nullbyte_blackflow, i have kernel5 but snap not works with kernel516:44
OerHeksnullbyte_,  there you go, you created an unsupported situation16:45
blackflownullbyte_: #ubuntu+1 is what you need there, for support with Dingo16:45
OerHeksor better the mint channels16:45
nullbyte_blackflow, where is this16:45
tomreyn!ot | heller_: according to its website, "KiTTY is only designed for the Microsoft® Windows platform."16:45
ubottuheller_: according to its website, "KiTTY is only designed for the Microsoft® Windows platform.": #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:45
tomreynheller_: oh you noticed, cool.16:45
brimurrayblackflow: OK, I understand you but a tad annoying i cant easily delete (say from my TV) but only from the source folder on my Plex server (on my desktop PC.16:47
qwebirc31304i need help to get bluetooth in ubuntu 18.04.2 in my intel atom z3735f mechi9ne16:55
qwebirc31304hel me pls16:55
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Diceqwebirc31304: ask the question16:59
qwebirc31304i need help to get bluetooth in ubuntu 18.04.2 in my intel atom z3735f mechi9ne17:00
qwebirc31304i acnt get bluetooth worked17:00
qwebirc31304i can't get bluetooth worked17:00
qwebirc31304i am using ubuntu modified by linuxium17:01
tomreyn!ot | qwebirc3130417:01
ubottuqwebirc31304: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:01
qwebirc31304#ubuntu help17:04
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qwebirc31304any body help me to on topic ubuntu17:04
qwebirc31304anybody help me to on topic ubuntu17:04
lotuspsychjeqwebirc31304: dont repeat please, be patient17:04
qwebirc31304lotuspsychje:ok dev17:05
qwebirc31304bluetooth is not working in my ubuntu by linuxium baytrail machine17:06
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qwebirc31304bluetooth is not working in my ubuntu by linuxium baytrail machine.17:11
qwebirc31304bluetooth is not working in my ubuntu by linuxium baytrail machine.THe current drivers by linuxium is not appears to be working in my baytrail computer17:11
lotuspsychjeqwebirc31304: stop that please17:12
qwebirc31304ubuntu doesnt sense any bluetooth in laptop17:12
qwebirc31304bluetooth is not working in my ubuntu by linuxium baytrail machine.THe current drivers by linuxium is not appears to be working in my baytrail computer17:12
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qwebirc31304whyno discussion is going on17:19
lotuspsychjewelcome MuralitoYa17:25
MuralitoYaI'm from Perú17:25
XLVi am trying to install ubuntu on an UEFI laptop.. it already has windows in there, on a 256GB ssd, i want to install ubuntu 18.10 on a partition on the 1TB hdd thats also in there.. from this link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI i gather that the option to select a device to place boot loader in ubuntu install shouldnt appear, and instead ubuntu attaches itself to the windows boot manager in the already existing EFI partition of windows, is it so? if17:38
XLVnot, what boot entry should i choose?17:38
Alpha-OmegaAs far as I'm aware, Ubuntu gives you the option of whrre you want to install thr bootloader.17:40
Alpha-OmegaXLV: Just because you have a bootloader on one disk doesn't mena you can't install one on another disk.17:40
XLVhttps://askubuntu.com/questions/221835/how-do-i-install-ubuntu-alongside-a-pre-installed-windows-with-uefi from this link i gather an option to install alongside windows boot manager should appear, i dont see that17:41
XLVAlpha-Omega, sure but then i will have to adjust the boot sequence in the bios17:41
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI17:41
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compdocsometimes Ubuntu will make the worng choice of where to put the bootloader, but you can stop and tell it where17:41
XLVand that laptop is EFI only, cant boot from MBR hdds or ssds, only MBR installation media17:41
XLVand you cant select a single hdd/ssd like you can with MBR, you gotta create an EFI boot entry17:42
XLVkinda complicated17:42
XLVin boot sequence, i mean17:42
XLVi will try again with secure boot on.. in that link they say the installation was seamless with secure boot on17:43
XLVand that ubuntu is secure boot validated17:43
Alpha-OmegaXLV: So you have two differenr disks and want to install the bootloadrr on one disk, but boot from both drives?17:43
XLVAlpha-Omega, the laptop has a 256GB ssd where win 10 is17:43
XLValong with the EFI partitions of windows17:43
Alpha-OmegaSo what is the 1TB?17:43
XLVthen theres an 1TB hdd also in there17:43
XLVi want to install ubuntu in a 200GB partition in that hdd, i have already create the partitions needed, / and swap17:44
XLVand the rest as ntfs partition17:44
Alpha-OmegaSo like I said two different disks. 256GB with Windows and you want to install Ubuntu on a 1TB HDD.17:45
Alpha-OmegaYou will most likely need an EFI partition as well, unless im mistaken.17:45
XLVyes... ubuntu EFI bootloader should attach itself to the EFI boot loader  and partition of windows, no?17:45
XLVand not create a new EFI partition and boot load in the 1TB hdd17:46
ubottuValve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.17:47
Alpha-OmegaNot sure if that's how it works in cases of booting the bootloader off one disk and the OS from another.17:48
Alpha-OmegaYou probably don't need the second EFI, but it shouldn't hurt. Does thr installer see both disks? just select the Windows disk for installing the bootloader.17:51
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Alpha-OmegaXLV: Just make sure you turn of fastboot, if applicable, or Ubuntu won't boot.17:53
leonarduscan anyone vouch for any of these? https://www.humblebundle.com/books/linux-wiley-books17:53
XLVAlpha-Omega, yeah, already turned off.. and it can create data corruption too17:54
ducasse!ot | leonardus17:56
ubottuleonardus: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:56
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nonix4bHow do I unlock a frozen X session on 18.04, after switching to console? Input on lock screen was apparently going to tty1...18:04
rypervenchenonix4b: Moi. Frozen as in it froze up on you and you went to TTY1 to try to see what was wrong?18:06
nonix4bas in does not appear to take any input; switching to console worked and tty1 had password in cleartext...18:07
nonix4bsomewhat similar to Bug #1685141 but that was reported already vs 17.04...18:09
ubottubug 1685141 in gnome-screensaver (Ubuntu) "System freezes after locking screen" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/168514118:09
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soundwaveHey! Anybody well versed with apt-offline and live USB?18:28
blackflow!ask | soundwave18:30
ubottusoundwave: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:30
xzcvczxis there a way to set the install command in ./configure (in most packages)?18:31
nonix4b... ps lists 4 copies of gdm-session-worker [pam/gdm-password] - why more than one?18:33
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blackflowxzcvczx: probably, but this wrong channel for automake questions18:33
Huliohi guys, is anyone willing to help me resoloved installing amd graphic for RX Vega issue under ubuntu 18.04 ?18:37
Huliothis is the problelm: WARNING: amdgpu dkms failed for running kernel18:38
tomreynHulio: do you mean -pro ?18:38
Hulio./amdgpu-pro-install -y18:38
tomreyndo you need those?18:38
Huliospend like 5 days18:38
Hulioso stress18:38
Hulioyeah...how else can my graphic work?18:39
HulioIt works nicely in Windows OS18:39
Hulioso easy   to install in Windows OS just run install with their exe file18:39
tomreynamdgpu is supported out of the box18:39
tomreynjust not the -pro overlay18:39
HulioI need it for mining18:39
tomreyn-pro is not supported here, ask amd18:42
Huliotomreyn: last time it works18:43
Huliounder ubuntu 16.0418:43
Hulioi did something18:43
Huliosomething with --headless18:44
Hulioand something...firgot the steps18:44
mattfly how can i tell apt to automatically install modules for an older kernel?18:44
nonix4bdebian#799179 might be a related bug for that screen lock hang issue too... or does ubottu have different syntax for debian bugs, if any?18:44
Huliotomreyn: AMD does have driver for ubuntu 18.0418:44
blackflowmattfly: kernel modules are part of the corresponding kernel package, so it's automagic.18:45
mattflywell why it doesnt work then?18:45
tomreyni know, but it's still not supported *here*. they do the driver, they (maybe) support it, ask them.18:45
Huliowho know how to resolve my issue?  ./amdgpu-pro-install -y   ....at the end with this: WARNING: amdgpu dkms failed for running kernel18:45
mattflyget stuck on this screen https://imgur.com/gallery/kLPMFhg18:45
blackflowmattfly: no idea, you'll have to elaborate what you're doing, what you expect to happen and what is happening instead.18:45
mattflytty works18:45
mattflyno eth0 or wlan0 interface18:45
mattflywhat should i do?18:46
mattflyI want to test an older kernel to see if a bug is relateed to the kernel or not18:46
blackflowyou should check dmesg and see what the kernel is saying about that18:46
mattflybut i runned apt autoremove after the bug happened18:46
Hulioso basically no one know18:46
blackflowmattfly: something tells me you did not install the kernel from teh package?18:46
mattflyI runned sudo apt-get install linux-image-4.15.0-42-generic linux-headers-4.15.0-42-generic linux-headers-4.15.0-4218:46
mattflyso maybe not?18:46
blackflowmattfly: and corresponding linux-modules-$(uname -r)    no?18:47
mattflyoh so theres a linux-modules pakage!18:47
Huliois there a way to downgrade kernal?18:47
blackflowyeah, like I said :)18:47
blackflowmattfly: also linux-modules-extra-$(uname -r) but that's hard dep of the kernel18:48
mattflyill do all18:48
mattflydoes this somehor configures my graphics card modules and virtualbox modules too for this older kernel?18:48
HulioI just can't believe Ubuntu can't make graphic installation just like the windows..make it simple man18:49
mattflyheh ubuntu has a very pretty graphical installation, unless youre talkign about ubuntu server Hulio18:49
mattflybut i think even ubuntu server has a graphical installer now?18:50
XLVhmm.. the solution was to use the option install alongside windows manager, the automatic option18:50
XLVbut, it didnt create a swap partition, just deleted the two partitions / and swap i have created in there and created one single / partition18:50
blackflowmattfly: dkms will trigger build automatically. vbox modules (for guest) are part of teh kernel since 4.1518:51
XLVwell, gotta shrink it and create a swap partition manually, i guess18:51
mattflyok... illl be testing it again soon blackflow!18:51
mattflyjust installing the linux-modules18:51
mattflyshouldnt linux modules be a dependency of linux-image?18:52
XLVAlpha-Omega, it also created an efi partition for ubuntu on the 1TB hdd18:53
blackflowmattfly: yeah and I have no idea why modules aren't but modulex-extras are.... weird. must be some logical explanation though18:53
mattflymodules-extra arent a modules dependency...18:53
mattfan this is mattf from another computer, testing the older kernel once again now18:55
blackflowmattfly: linux-generic depends on linux-image-generic which dependson linux-image-$(uname -r)-generic and linux-modules-extra-$(uname -r)-generic,   but linux-image-$(uname) actually depends on linux-modules18:55
mattfhah simply worked... how dumb am i...18:55
blackflowmotte: so actually the dependencies are all in place, just  a bit convoluted graph.18:55
mattfu saved me blackflow!18:55
mattfin case this works, should i apt hold all linux-*-4.15.0-42 ?18:56
blackflowmattf: what exactly are you trying to do there? you shouldn't hold any package unless you know exactly what you're doing, in which case you whouldn't ask :)18:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1819915 in linux (Ubuntu) "s2disk freezes at saving image to disk (hibernation)" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:58
mattfI want to hibernate18:58
mattfI'm gonna prove now its a kernel issue or not18:58
mattf I want to use this as a workaround until maybe thats fixed on the upstream18:59
OerHeksmattf, did you try HWE ?18:59
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack18:59
XLVheh.. it created a 2GB swap file.. how lame..18:59
mattfI'm on 18.04 LTS18:59
mattfwas working on 18.04.1 and stopped after upgrade to 18.04.219:00
OerHekshwe would give 4.1819:00
mattfoh wait19:00
mattfI tested that kernel with ukuu19:00
mattffreezes tryign to resume from hibernation19:00
soundwaveOK blackflow, ubottu : why apt-offline does not seem to download dependencies packages for a package, and why can't I install packages like synaptic, grub-efi-amd64-signed, grub-efi-amd64?19:02
mattfok i did a messy shit here now19:03
mattfI hibernated sucessfully with kernel 4.15.0-4219:03
mattfand resumed with kernel 4.15.0-4619:03
mattfbecause i was too slow to choose the proper one from grub :P19:04
mattfoh, but uname -a still says im on 4.15.0-4219:04
blackflowmattf: so then which one stopped hibernating?19:05
soundwaveOK blackflow, ubottu : why apt-offline does not seem to download dependencies packages for a package, and why can't I install packages like synaptic, grub-efi-amd64-signed, grub-efi-amd64 on live USB.19:05
blackflowmattf: that info is crucial for that bug, in order to track down which patch might've caused it.19:05
blackflowsoundwave: ubottu is a bot, and I have no idea. merely told you to ask the actual question so someone who might know would read and help out. so, patience please :)19:06
soundwaveubottu; that's my question : OK blackflow, ubottu : why apt-offline does not seem to download dependencies packages for a package, and why can't I install packages like synaptic, grub-efi-amd64-signed, grub-efi-amd6419:07
ubottusoundwave: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:07
nonix4balso that gnome session apparently has more than 100k open filedescriptors...19:21
Silmarilion_Hi, for some reason my network connection gets disconnected shortly after I enable it in NetworkManager. I am running Ubuntu inside hyper-v vm and trying to setup a network in order to communicate between host and guest.19:29
Silmarilion_I assigned static IP on both host system and as well in Ubuntu guest,
Silmarilion_255.255.255.0 subnet, what could be the issue for the network to drop connection?19:30
nonix4balso "login-session unlock-session 5" does not change the state of that session in any way :-/19:35
trafaret1hi there19:42
trafaret1maybe anybody can help me. Why I can't just use tlmgr to download latex packages?19:42
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murthyI am using keepassxc on ubuntu, is it safe to use keepass2android on android?19:56
Gerowenmurthy: I believe keepass2droid is an officially endorsed port.19:59
Gerowenmurthy: Yep, it's listed on the download page: https://keepass.info/download.html19:59
Silmarilionmurthy, I've been using it for a while19:59
GerowenI use it on mine too.19:59
GerowenStick the database file in a Dropbox folder and bam, syncs between devices.20:00
SilmarilionGerowen, same strategy20:00
Silmarilionworks like a charm20:00
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info20:00
Gerowenfyi, the Linux version of Dropbox supports symbolic links, so if you don't want to screw up your file structure, you can just symbolically link the specific files you want backed up to Dropbox, :-)20:00
ketoprofensnap or flatpak for ubuntu?20:01
Silmarilionwhy not both :)20:01
ketoprofenwhy have both ?20:02
SilmarilionBy default Ubuntu uses snap, however I've found some apps don't have snap version but have flatpak so I have both.20:02
ketoprofenoh ok20:03
ketoprofenI found all my apps either in the apt rep or snap , so I was wondering how one would be better than the other20:04
ketoprofenhaven't found yet an app that is on one or the other20:05
SilmarilionI had one or two apps from my dev stack missing, can't remember which one though :(20:07
ketoprofenonly difference i found for them is that in ubuntu , it works very well (snap ) and fedora for example doesnt , hence using flatpak20:09
ketoprofenand obviously now that I asked uncle google about it , I remembered about appimage lol20:11
compdocI have an uncle google too? cousin?20:12
murthyGerowen, Silmarilion, cool, I will try keepass2droid, thank you both20:13
ketoprofenmaybe compdoc lol20:13
xednivanyone had this issue with gnome shell: https://i.imgur.com/eSJpulF.png20:19
xednivthe dimensions of the notification area applet are messed up20:19
Cybertinushow can I install Ubuntu 18.04 server without a working internet connection?20:22
Cybertinusif it doesn't get an ip address via DHCPv4 it doesn't want to continue20:27
Cybertinusif I disable the only networkcard in this VM, it doesn't want to continue because it doesn't have a IPv4 config whatsoever20:27
Cybertinuswhen I manually configure an ipaddress (which isn't going to work) I get a python stacktrace on my screen for 2 seconds and the installwizard starts over...20:28
ioriaCybertinus, is that the 'live' version ?20:30
Cybertinusioria: yes20:31
pc_magasHello I have some issues with minitube: Hello may I have some #minitube #ubuntu help? https://askubuntu.com/q/1128127/54074620:31
pc_magasHello I have some issues with minitube: https://askubuntu.com/q/1128127/540746 *20:31
ioriaCybertinus, try the alternative : http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/18.04/release/20:31
pc_magasAny information regarding the problem in written in the link.20:31
pc_magasI try to install it into a Ubuntu 16.04 machine20:32
Cybertinusok ioria, let's see how far I will get with that one20:33
Cybertinusthnx :)20:33
xednivrunning disco dingo here in case it makes a difference20:35
xednivhttps://i.imgur.com/eSJpulF.png is not present with the login screen. the dodgy widget sizing comes into play after login.20:35
Cybertinusioria: that one doesn't even want to boot. My KVM VM doesn't recognise it as a valid boot medium :/20:37
ioriaCybertinus, not very versed in Vm, sy20:38
blackflowCybertinus: which ISO did you use? The "alternative" is the installer to be used. iirc there's a known open bug about this -- server installer refusing to continue without an IP20:41
Cybertinusblackflow: I've tried the normal "live" iso first, which can't complete without an IP20:42
Cybertinusblackflow: the I've tried the alternative iso, which isn't recognised as a boot medium20:43
blackflowwhich "alternative" ISO is that?20:44
Cybertinusblackflow: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/18.04.2/release/ubuntu-18.04.2-server-amd64.iso <-- that one20:45
blackflowhrm yeah, that should be the one. maybe your download is corrupt? Did you verify the cheksum after download?20:46
blackflowCybertinus: ^^^20:46
FingerlessGlovesHey guys, SNMPd question, I've turned off all access controls but a v3 user. Is that as secure as SNMPd can be?20:46
tonytubuntu server iso's, they come with out a GUI?20:46
blackflowyes they don't install gnome or a DE by default20:47
blackflowor *another DE20:47
Cybertinusblackflow: no, I couldn't find a link to SHA256SUMS20:47
Cybertinusright, it's just further down on the webpage20:47
Cybertinuswill check the iso i've downloadednow20:47
blackflowCybertinus: they're literally in teh same page and same directory with the alternative ISOs20:49
Cybertinusyeah, I found them20:49
Cybertinuschecksum is fine20:49
blackflowoh ffs20:50
OerHeksfor minitube, use the gdebi method to obtain missing packages, https://www.linuxhelp.com/how-to-install-minitube-in-ubuntu20:51
OerHekselse ask the maintainer20:51
Cybertinusblackflow: ok, found the issue20:52
Cybertinusit was kvm related20:52
blackflowCybertinus: what was the issue?20:52
Cybertinusfor some reason KVM had removed the actual path to the Ubuntu .iso from the VM configuration. So I was trying to boot from an empty virtual CD drive.20:53
CybertinusI've put the path back, and I'm booting the alternative iso now20:53
blackflowCybertinus: you mean the virt manager did?20:53
blackflowor are you using teh qemu-system-x86_64 directly?20:53
Cybertinusi'm not using virt-manager20:53
CybertinusI've created the vm with virt-install20:53
Cybertinusand I'm managing it with the virsh commands20:54
Cybertinussomewhere in between switching from virt-install and virsh the path to the iso got removed20:54
Cybertinusthanks for your help though blackflow20:55
blackflowCybertinus: np20:56
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NSA_SpyHello world! Is there any best practice way to make a an admin group with sudo that can't modify the sudoers file nor write/change files in /var/log?21:27
blackflowNSA_Spy: no, sudo is not role or mandatory access control agent, which is what you need, like SELinux, or maybe even AppArmor profile somehow forced on a login session.21:32
NSA_Spydamn. I'll look into that, thanks!21:33
rypervencheNSA_Spy: Or you could give the person only sudo access to specific commands that they need.21:35
NSA_SpyThanks but in my case it's more of a black list than a white list situation21:37
blackflowNSA_Spy: thats why your buddies designed SELinux. It renders root unprivileged and your user has to transition to a special role designed to allow regular root activity but denies access to whatever.21:38
blackflowbut something like that is very much unsupported on Ubuntu and barely if at all achievable even by experienced SELinux admins.21:38
NSA_Spy:) lol21:39
blackflowAnd coercing AppArmor to do the same is technically possible but I don't know how to force a profile onto a specific login session, AppArmor does not work with labels like SELinux does.21:39
blackflowonly maybe via a separate ssh process that runs under such a profile so your "yeaaaaaaa root but not quite" user can login to that.21:39
NSA_Spybecause we currently have Ubuntu deployed is why i avoided SELinux but I hadn't heard of the possibility of using AppArmor21:41
NSA_SpyI'll look into that and see what I can get21:41
NSA_SpyThanks guys!21:41
blackflowAppArmor is default MAC on Ubuntu. If I were to go that route I'd totally run a special ssh process. You can apply any AppArmor profile to a service from systemd unit files, even if AppArmor is usually path based.21:42
blackflowtherefore it should be reasonably simple to achieve that with a separate ssh.service that runs under a profile that allows everything except modifying sudoers and /var/log/   but that's ssh. dunno how to do that for local console logins.21:43
NSA_Spythats a great starting point21:55
GrimSleeplessHey guys! I am wondering if I should create a bug for the following situation that I have. I have a fresh install of ubuntu and I have started off by installing my updates like I normally do on any Linux Distro. I have activated during my installation the encryption of my disk, just so you know. The next package I install, I have a message to use `sudo apt autoremove` to remove useless packages. Which I did, then I could22:00
GrimSleeplessn't boot anymore since it removed the crypt module. I have reinstall Ubuntu, now I haven't executed the `apt autoremove`.  Should report the issue that dpkg/apt is not seeing what isn't used anymore correctly? sorry for the paragraph!22:00
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OerHeksGrimSleepless, that is ugly, /var/log/dpkg.log or /var/log/apt/history.log could give a clue22:08
GrimSleeplessOerHeks,  do you want me to post it here or should I file a bug with it?22:15
GrimSleeplessCause I agree with you this is ugly.22:15
OerHeksGrimSleepless,  try to investigate, you can paste them on paste.ubuntu.com so we all can take a look22:17
EriC^^GrimSleepless: which package did you install, that it asked you to do autoremove?22:21
EriC^^was it a manual installation or part of the dist-upgrade result?22:22
OerHeksit went wrong with 'sudo apt autoremove'22:25
GrimSleeplessfor the /var/log/dpkg.log22:25
GrimSleeplessfor the /var/log/apt.log22:27
OerHeks18.04 + hwe, or 18.10?22:27
GrimSleeplessXPS 15 956022:28
GrimSleeplessit propably have something to do with the fact I upgraded kernel22:29
GrimSleeplessWell the update had a kernel upgrade22:29
EriC^^OerHeks: he said he removed a package, then it requested autoremove22:36
GrimSleeplessNo I haven't removed anything22:36
GrimSleeplessSimply did a `sudo apt update` && `sudo apt dist-upgrade`22:37
EriC^^you guys confused me22:37
EriC^^"The next package I install, I have a message to use `sudo apt autoremove` to remove useless packages. Which I did, then I could"22:37
GrimSleeplessNow if I do `sudo apt autoremove`, it won't boot22:37
EriC^^if you install something it could remove something, depending on conflicting packages (which you might actually need)22:38
GrimSleeplesshttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/TGvvNkNdfq/ -> This is what I am getting when I install a new package on my Ubuntu... it seems that crypt modules aren't there anymore for some reasons22:40
GrimSleeplessBut in the case a new user encrypted his hard drive and does a autoremove right after he upgraded, that same person would have to reinstall his Ubuntu or try to fix the issue22:41
EriC^^i sincerely doubt that22:42
GrimSleeplessI did22:42
EriC^^we would have had a ton of people with the same issue22:42
Bashing-om!info linux-image-generic cosmic22:42
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (cosmic), package size 2 kB, installed size 15 kB22:42
EriC^^GrimSleepless: you installed like 10-20 packages, + you have xchat which im assuming you used a ppa for22:42
OerHeksi see also 4.18.0-17.1822:43
EriC^^so really there's missing data at play, maybe the sherlock's here can help though22:43
GrimSleeplessEric you also have to understand that this is a fresh install from the issue I am talking about22:43
jeremy31xchat?  Hasn't that been dead since 201322:43
OerHeksand docker-ce ..22:43
EriC^^GrimSleepless: fresh 18.10?22:43
EriC^^it's the stuff you installed22:44
EriC^^what ppa's did you add?22:44
OerHeksand seabios ??22:44
GrimSleeplessThose have no link with the issue I had.22:44
OerHekshmm fresh install with a lot of stuff22:44
EriC^^if you fresh install then it says autoremove, it's literally impossible, this isnt a hardware dependent issue, so everyone who installed 18.10 would have the same issue, and you're the first one who's ever mentioned it here, since 4 months xD22:45
GrimSleeplesswell when you do a fresh install, you do a upgrade22:45
EriC^^GrimSleepless: no issue you're aware of ;)22:45
EriC^^regardless something was added/modified, so if you go over what you added you might hone into the problem better22:46
GrimSleeplessI will file an issue and try to recreate it in a VM22:46
EriC^^not being rude, just seen too many of these where it ends up the guy kept out some info from us, 2 hours down the line we find out22:46
GrimSleeplesscause I had to install Ubuntu twice today because of it22:47
GrimSleeplessit is alright22:47
GrimSleeplessYou don't know me and my experience22:47
GrimSleeplessI will do some more testing over it cause it would be bad for a new user coming to Linux :S22:48
GrimSleeplessand to Ubuntu22:48
GrimSleeplessThank you guys for your time! :)22:48
GrimSleeplessAppreciate your time22:48
EriC^^no problem, good luck22:49
* VonBraun 23:11
VonBraunAnybody else here try out that WSL thing yet?23:12
Bashing-om!wsl | VonBraun23:12
ubottuVonBraun: Windows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide23:12
noalternativeI was referred here from the #ubuntu-budgie community because they said my problem is an ubuntu issue.  To make a long story short, I just installed ubuntu budgie on a lenovo thinkpad x140e.  It looks great,but...23:26
noalternativethe touchpad curser is irratic and can't click on anything.  I have to use a desktop mouse to do anything with it.   This computer has an amd processor and graphics, so it is possibly different from most ubuntu installs.23:27
noalternativeCan anyone help?23:27
auknoalternative, please forgive the question but just to be sure... have you sucessfully used the touchpad with another OS?23:30
auk(just to rule out that it might be a hardware problem\)23:30
noalternativeyes, it works on Windows 10 in a dual boot.23:30
aukthen my first guess would be missing drivers23:30
aukthat is, the default ubuntu drivers are probably not working that great for your touchpad23:31
noalternativeI have upgraded after installation, though not dist-upgrade23:32
OerHekssudo modprobe -r psmouse && sudo modprobe psmouse #sometimes helps, with carbon x1 series23:33
auknoalternative, i'm googling now to try and see what the best way to get a driver would be23:33
auk( i haven't used ubuntu in a while)23:33
auknoalternative, i woudl recommend doing dist-upgrade and seeing if that solves it23:33
auk(unless there's a particular reason you don't want to dist-upgrade?)23:33
aukit might not be just an *update* issue, it might be that you want a different/alternative driver23:34
Bashing-om!info xserver-xorg-input-libinput bionic23:34
ubottuxserver-xorg-input-libinput (source: xserver-xorg-input-libinput): X.Org X server -- libinput input driver. In component main, is optional. Version 0.27.1-1 (bionic), package size 34 kB, installed size 104 kB23:34
aukfor example, sometimes ubuntu might ship with an open source driver, but you might want to enable the non-free repos and install a closed source driver (sometimes the open source ones work fine, but on some hardware they might not support it well)23:36
noalternativeOerHeks Should I reboot after that?23:36
OerHeksnoalternative, no it should work direct,.. or not.23:37
noalternativeOerHeks shoot it didn't work.23:39
OerHeksan old arch page may be of help, not sure of libinput does a better job, Bashing-om ?23:41
OerHeksjust reading this http://motevets.com/linux/2014/12/26/arch-thinkpad-x140e.html23:41
Bashing-omOerHeks: Just waiting amd watchiong .. i do know that synaptics (touchpad) is deprecated in favor of libinput.23:42
OerHeksah oke, like i expected23:45
CarlFKdebian has a package firefox-esr - is there a ppa or repo when I can install that from?23:47
ledeni!info xserver-xorg-input-synaptics23:49
ubottuxserver-xorg-input-synaptics (source: xserver-xorg-input-synaptics): Synaptics TouchPad driver for X.Org server. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.0-1ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 62 kB, installed size 176 kB23:49
OerHekssnap install –channel=esr/stable firefox23:49
OerHekswait, or the ppa https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/ubuntu/ppa23:51
noalternativeOerHeks:  Here is what I found for the two files mentioned in your link doing apt-cache search https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qDHp6T64PX/23:54
noalternativeAny suggestions as far as what to install?23:54
noalternativeI think we have more than 1 person with touchpad issues, so could we please use names so we don't get confused as to who we are conversing with?23:55
CarlFKOerHeks: thanks - ppa is what will work best - trying to apt install the same set of packages23:57
ledeninoalternative:  can you give us 'apt list --installed | grep 'synaptics' | nc termbin 9999'23:59

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