[02:49] <studiobot> <Eickmeyer> Huh. May have accidentally deleted the telegram chat history. Oops.
[02:51] <studiobot> <Eickmeyer> Ubuntu Studio Support Chat | Pastes to https://paste.ubuntu.com | Please be patient and see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio if no one is around | For off-topic, please find the Telegram link at https://ubuntustudio.org/community | All Ubuntu IRC Guidelines Apply
[02:59] <studiobot> carbonzero was added by: carbonzero
[05:30] <studiobot> physicist164 was added by: physicist164
[08:07] <studiobot> physicist164 was removed by: physicist164
[09:21] <studiobot> <mario_buoninfante> @Eickmeyer [Huh. May have accidentally deleted the telegram chat history. Oops.], it seems to be there still 😄
[09:21] <studiobot> <mario_buoninfante> I think on Telegram you can delete something for you o for everybody
[14:05] <studiobot> <Bayu Setiawan> Hello guys
[14:06] <studiobot> <Bayu Setiawan> Latest update make droidcam cant work, it show "device not found(/dev/video0-9)"
[14:07] <studiobot> <Bayu Setiawan> Anyone experience the same issue?
[14:07] <studiobot> <Bayu Setiawan> Any help will be appreciated, thanks before
[14:28] <playinmyblues> Hi. I am a new user of Ubuntu Studio and have a question about installing an LV2 plugin - synthv1, if anybody can help?
[14:42] <carbonzero> bayu: hello and welcome to the Ubuntu Studio support channel. I'm also here to answer questions but the one you ask is outside my level of knowledge. When Eickmeyer and Ovenwerks come online, they'd be able to help you a lot since they're awesome.
[14:44] <carbonzero> playinmyblues: Just letting you know that I'm here to answer questions but that one is also outside my level of knowledge. I'm not new to Ubuntu Studio but I don't know as much as I should. Perhaps Eickmeyer and/or Ovenwerks can help with that since they work on the programming a lot.
[14:53] <studiobot> <Eickmeyer> @mario_buoninfante [it seems to be there still 😄], Must've done it to myself. :S
[14:56] <playinmyblues> Thanks folks. I was here a couple of days ago and Eickmeyer helped.
[14:57] <Eickmeyer> playinmyblues: http://lv2plug.in/pages/filesystem-hierarchy-standard.html
[14:57] <playinmyblues> I just saw that synthv1 is an instrument installed in UbSt already. I am trying to get a version to show up in T7.
[14:57] <Eickmeyer> So, for local user, it's in your home folder in a hidden directory named .lv2
[14:58] <Eickmeyer> Oh. It's installed.
[14:58] <Eickmeyer> T7?
[14:58] <Eickmeyer> Tracktion?
[14:58] <Eickmeyer> playinmyblues: ^
[14:59] <playinmyblues> Yes, it is installed but it does not show in Traktion 7. Free DAW from Traktion.
[14:59] <Eickmeyer> Yeah, we don't support anything not included in the Ubuntu repositories. Sorry.
[14:59] <Eickmeyer> I would help, but I'm not familiar enough with it.
[15:00] <Eickmeyer> And, it's my son's birthday weekend, so I'm likely to be offline. :/
[15:00] <Eickmeyer> playinmyblues: ^
[15:01] <playinmyblues> Just reading that link now. It seems to answer my question - about ./configure [--prefix=/usr/local] as I am not sure if that stood for any user specified options.
[15:01] <Eickmeyer> You might have to ask someone in a Tracktion forum.
[15:01] <Eickmeyer> Gotta go. Good luck. o/
[15:01] <playinmyblues> Ok. Thanks again.
[23:18] <studiobot> Graziano Palamara was added by: Graziano Palamara
[23:22] <playinmyblues> Back again. I have tried to install synthv1 as an LV2 separate from the Ubuntu Studio install. I am trying to get it to show up as a plugin in T7, a free DAW by Traktion. I know T7 is not supported by Ubuntu Studio's team but if I could get some help with installing the plugin, that would be great.
[23:23] <Eickmeyer> playinmyblues: Looks like the LV2 version of synthv1 isn't installed by default, so try "sudo apt install synth1-lv2" in a terminal
[23:23] <playinmyblues> It seems that I have not installed LV2 correctly yet as the synthv1 install says that there is no LV2 support after I type in ./configure prefix=/usr/local
[23:24] <playinmyblues> That would seem quite simple.
[23:24] <Eickmeyer> playinmyblues: Did you try the command I provided?
[23:25] <playinmyblues> I did.
[23:26] <playinmyblues> Now I am seeing if I can get it to show in T7.
[23:26] <Eickmeyer> ok
[23:27] <playinmyblues> I suppose I know enough to do some installs but not enough to know where it was installed.
[23:27] <Eickmeyer> Make sure T7 is looking for it in /usr/lib/lv2 since that's where LV2 plugins are stored by default.
[23:27] <Eickmeyer> playinmyblues: ^ That should give you a clue.
[23:27] <Eickmeyer> LV2 plugins in Ubuntu (and Debian) are installed into /usr/lib/lv2.
[23:28] <Eickmeyer> That is, if they're systemwide, which they should be if installed with apt. User-only LV2 plugins typically go into ~/.lv2
[23:29] <playinmyblues> Thanks. It scanned them but it says it did not install them correctly in T7.
[23:29] <Eickmeyer> Then I have no idea what T7 is doing. The only thing I can think is that T7 is 32-bit finding 64-bit plugins, or vice-verse.
[23:30] <playinmyblues> It is a 64 bir program.
[23:30] <playinmyblues> I think it only takes 64 bit plugins
[23:31] <playinmyblues> There is no ./lv2 directory
[23:31] <playinmyblues> .lv2
[23:31] <Eickmeyer> playinmyblues: T7 does not support LV2 plugins. https://linuxmusicians.com/viewtopic.php?t=15414
[23:32] <Eickmeyer> Only VST or AU.
[23:33] <Eickmeyer> The only DAW that I know of that supports LV2 out of the box is Ardour.
[23:33] <Eickmeyer> Perhaps qtractor
[23:34] <Eickmeyer> That said, the Carla-VST bridge might work to use LV2 plugins.
[23:36] <playinmyblues> I tried using Ardour when I installed the os but I could not figure it out. Where is a good place to start, look for tutorials?
[23:36] <Eickmeyer> playinmyblues: The #ardour channel is good to start, and the documentation at ardour.org is extensive.
[23:37] <Eickmeyer> playinmyblues: OvenWerks, one of our developers, is an Ardour developer.
[23:38] <Eickmeyer> Once you understand the concept of channel strips in the mixer being separate from the editor, it's very simple.
[23:41] <playinmyblues> I am having a hard time finding VST plugins for Linux. They seem to be mainly LV2.
[23:43] <Eickmeyer> playinmyblues: There aren't many, but they're out there.
[23:44] <Eickmeyer> http://linux-sound.org/linux-vst-plugins.html
[23:45] <Eickmeyer> https://www.audiopluginsforfree.com/linux/vst-linux/
[23:46] <Eickmeyer> Mostly it's because people don't know that VST plugins can be compiled for Linux.
[23:46] <playinmyblues> Helm just installed correctly for me. I tried it on Ubuntu - did not work.
[23:47] <Eickmeyer> Strange.
[23:47] <Eickmeyer> Again, though, if it's not in the Ubuntu repos, we can't really support it.
[23:48] <playinmyblues> It installed correctly just now, but it did not when I was using Ubuntu.
[23:48] <Eickmeyer> We're working on getting Carla into the repos, and I may have just pushed the final commit to get it to land in Ubuntu 19.04.
[23:49] <playinmyblues> I will try Dexed next. It will have to be compiled.
[23:49] <Eickmeyer> Carla would solve these problems since it includes several plugin bridges, which would allow LV2 plugins to be run inside VST-only DAWs and vice-verse.
[23:50] <playinmyblues> That would be great.
[23:50] <playinmyblues> I have a question if possible.
[23:50] <Eickmeyer> Sure.
[23:51] <playinmyblues> I tried to install synthv1 and now have this at the end of the install:
[23:51] <playinmyblues>   synthv1 0.9.6    Build target . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: release    JACK stand-alone build . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: yes   JACK session support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: yes   JACK MIDI support  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: yes   ALSA MIDI support  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: yes   LV2 plug-in build  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: no   LV2 plug-in X11 UI support   . . . . . . . . . . .: 
[23:51] <playinmyblues> Sorry that did not show well.
[23:51] <Eickmeyer> Looks like you're trying to compile it?
[23:52] <playinmyblues> yes
[23:52] <playinmyblues> it looks like I did not install LV2 correctly.
[23:52] <Eickmeyer> !info synthv1
[23:52] <ubottu> synthv1 (source: synthv1): old-school polyphonic synthesizer - standalone. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.6-1 (bionic), package size 38 kB, installed size 327 kB
[23:52] <Eickmeyer> !info synthv1-lv2
[23:52] <ubottu> synthv1-lv2 (source: synthv1): old-school polyphonic synthesizer - LV2 plugin. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.6-1 (bionic), package size 15 kB, installed size 88 kB
[23:53] <Eickmeyer> So, the packages are already compiled and in the Ubuntu repos, so why not install from there?
[23:53] <playinmyblues> I did not know they were there.
[23:53] <playinmyblues> Like I said. I know enough to install some things but do not know Linux all that well.
[23:54] <Eickmeyer> In the future, try "sudo apt search {package}". Another thing to do is to install synaptic and search for a package from there.
[23:54] <playinmyblues> You mentioned installing synthv1-lv2 before and I did that. I wonder if LV2 is still needed?
[23:55] <Eickmeyer> Only if you plan on using it as an LV2 plugin, which I highly recommend as the older LADSPA (read: LV1) plugins are deprecated and no longer actively developed.
[23:55] <playinmyblues> Can you install LV2 from the command line?
[23:55] <Eickmeyer> In fact, I might make a note of that. Seems as though not having the LV2 version installed by default is an oversight.
[23:56] <Eickmeyer> LV2 is a plugin format, not an actual program.
[23:56] <playinmyblues> I tried to compile LV2 from the source files but it looks like it did not install correctly.
[23:56] <playinmyblues> Ok.
[23:56] <Eickmeyer> You need the development sources/libraries. That's what that's talking about.
[23:56] <Eickmeyer> But, again, that's only if you need to compile from source.
[23:57] <Eickmeyer> "sudo apt install lv2-dev" is what you'd want.
[23:58] <playinmyblues> I see.
[23:58] <playinmyblues> I tried to use the download from here:
[23:58] <playinmyblues> http://lv2plug.in/
[23:58] <Eickmeyer> Yeah, that's just the source code. Won't do you any good.
[23:59] <playinmyblues> Even if I tried to compile it?
[23:59] <Eickmeyer> Install synaptic: "sudo apt install synaptic". When you think of an application or something you want, you can search there. 80% of the time you'll find something there, so long as it's open source.