
ledeninoalternative:  ops termbin.com*00:00
=== sinner is now known as Guest42861
noalternativeleden WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.00:04
noalternativeusage: nc [-46CDdFhklNnrStUuvZz] [-I length] [-i interval] [-M ttl]00:04
noalternative  [-m minttl] [-O length] [-P proxy_username] [-p source_port]00:04
noalternative  [-q seconds] [-s source] [-T keyword] [-V rtable] [-W recvlimit] [-w timeout]00:04
noalternative  [-X proxy_protocol] [-x proxy_address[:port]]   [destination] [port]00:04
noalternativesorry should have pastebinned00:04
noalternativethat was the responce to the command00:04
ledeninoalternative: apt-get list --installed | grep 'synaptics' | nc termbin.com 999900:06
noalternativeleden https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/NJTHHGTfwq/00:08
noalternativedidn't work bad combination of commands00:08
aukhmm maybe apt-cache instead of apt-get ?00:09
ledeninoalternative: try again 'apt list --installed | grep 'synaptics' | nc termbin.com 9999'00:10
noalternativeleden.   This is the response. WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.00:12
CarlFKledeni: termbin is nice - thanks00:12
noalternativeledeni sorry for mispelling.  My eyesite is poor sometimes00:14
ledenican you give us ' lsb_release -a | nc termbin.com 9999'00:16
ledeninoalternative: ^^00:16
noalternativeledeni :No LSB modules are available.00:17
noalternativeshould I be pastebining console responses as short as the last one?00:21
noalternativeI am not experienced on irc00:21
ledeninoalternative:  try to install 'sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-synaptics'00:22
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ledeninoalternative:  logout and try your touchpad00:23
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tomreynnoalternative: anything spanning >2 lines should go on paste.ubuntu.com (you can install the pastebinit package and then output into |pastebinit ) or termbin.com00:24
noalternativehttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/v7DFskFSc4/   didn't work because of dependencies00:24
noalternativeledeni, that reply was to you.00:24
tomreynnoalternative: for some background, there is a migration taking place away from synaptics towards libinput. synaptics is no longer getting updates, but for some features may still be useful. For managing the touchpad from gnome-shell (default ubuntu 18.04 desktop environment) you'll want to use libinput, though.00:26
tomreyn!hwe | a newer kernel and X stack *may* be of help, noalternative00:26
ubottua newer kernel and X stack *may* be of help, noalternative: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack00:26
Bashing-om!info xserver-xorg-core bionic | noalternative00:27
ubottunoalternative: xserver-xorg-core (source: xorg-server): Xorg X server - core server. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.19.6-1ubuntu4.2 (bionic), package size 1383 kB, installed size 4129 kB00:27
ledeninoalternative: 1) sudo apt-get install aptitude 2) sudo aptitude update and 3)sudo aptitude install xserver-xorg-input-synaptics00:30
noalternativeledeni: Ok I did that.  Do you want me to reboot it?00:35
noalternativeOr would you like my output?00:35
noalternativeIt removed some things it said Budgie needed, so I am worried now?00:36
noalternativeledeni:  Here is my output https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KZc4K4XBDD/00:37
Bashing-omnoalternative: Reading ^ .00:38
Bashing-omnoalternative: "17 not upgraded." Yuk .. reading some more .00:38
plongshotIf I want to alias a command that requires a flag be placed at the end of the command (after unique data like <path> or <ref>) - then is there a way to make an alias for that command? when you have to interpose some unique identifier before the rest of the command is given?00:43
Bashing-omnoalternative: Hummm... try. and show us ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade ' See were we go from there.00:44
ph88hey guys i try to install this package with apt https://packages.ubuntu.com/cosmic/gretl but it says package not found. I just type  sudo apt install gretl and i'm on ubuntu 18.10  .. what could i be doing wrong ?00:45
Bashing-om!info  and i'm on ubuntu 18.10  .. what could i be00:46
Bashing-om              doing wrong ?00:46
ubottu"i'm" is not a valid distribution: bionic, bionic-backports, bionic-proposed, cosmic, cosmic-backports, cosmic-proposed, disco, disco-backports, disco-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, xenial, xenial-backports, xenial-proposed00:46
plongshotAnd can an existing command name be used as an alias name and result to changing the behavior of that command?00:46
Bashing-om!info gretl cosmic00:47
ubottugretl (source: gretl): GNU Regression, Econometric & Time-Series Library. In component universe, is optional. Version 2018b-1 (cosmic), package size 3314 kB, installed size 14427 kB00:47
Bashing-omph88: Make sure that you have the universe repo enabled ^^ .00:48
ph88Bashing-om, i have it enabled00:51
ph88https://bpaste.net/show/b5992a476e8b  ??00:54
Bashing-omph88: no, we want to know if a universe is available, What shows ' cat /etc/apt/sources.list | grep -i universe ' ?00:58
ph88i checked if universe was enabled with the GUI tool00:59
ph88"Software & Updates"00:59
Bashing-om!info gretl cosmic01:00
ubottugretl (source: gretl): GNU Regression, Econometric & Time-Series Library. In component universe, is optional. Version 2018b-1 (cosmic), package size 3314 kB, installed size 14427 kB01:00
ph88it's the same info as you gave a few minutes ago, is it not ?01:00
noalternativeback going to do an upgrade01:00
noalternativethat was to Bashing-om01:03
noalternativeI am going to dist-upgrade too01:03
Bashing-omph88: Yeah .. same same .. and yes I do not see any errors from that end . Maybe your mirror ? . what shows ' apt list gretl ' ?01:03
ph88Listing... Done01:03
Bashing-omnoalternative: ' sudo apt update; sudo apt full-upgrade' .01:04
noalternativeBashing-om: ok then i'll do the other command after a reboot. So I maybe leaving for a short time.01:05
noalternativeor do you want me to show output before rebooting?01:05
Bashing-omnoalternative: Be good to know now if there are any issues, so yes seeing that output could be a good thing.01:06
Bashing-omph88: Got me .. are you behind some kind of proxy ? I show here : "apt list gretl >> gretl/bionic 2017d-3build1 amd64" .01:07
ph88no proxy01:08
ph88when i do  apt-cache search php  for example i get results ..01:08
ph88maybe if i switch mirror01:08
Bashing-omph88: Switching the mirror is worth the shot, as the package is there, and you should have access to it.01:09
ph88maybe it's got to do something with my cleaner cleaning some stuff from apt01:09
ph88i remember now i did that earlier01:09
ph88ok anyway after switching mirror and reload sources it works again01:10
Bashing-omph88: Do not see how "cleaning" could affect what apt is able to fetch ;(01:10
ph88me neither :(01:11
noalternativeBashing-om: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fhCgM8T8Km/01:11
Bashing-omph88: Anyway .. now if you were to go back to the old mirror is the issue present ? For just the general interrest for you.01:12
Bashing-omnoalternative: Looks good now ... touchpad now working >01:14
noalternativeNo, it isn't working yet.01:15
noalternativeShould I reboot?01:15
noalternativeor do something else? Bashing-om/01:15
Bashing-omnoalternative: Well, a re-boot certainly can not hurt. Then see if you have touchpad operational.01:16
noalternativeOk brb.01:16
cstk421dumb question. do bash scripts run commands in order ? and if so they will stop at the first command that fails ? or will it run the rest01:21
noalternativeBashing-on:ledeni awk etc all.  Whatever we did there worked.01:21
noalternativethanks to the #Ubuntu irc channel for helping me.01:22
Bashing-omnoalternative: :) .. xserver-xorg-input-libinput for the win :)01:22
noalternativeCool!  I save that in a txt file.01:22
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Bashing-omnoalternative: :D .. as pappa told me " a short pencil beats a long memory every time".01:23
leftyfbcstk421: they can and they can, but only if you tell them to01:24
leftyfbcstk421: they can run in order if that's all they're written to do. But they can run not in order if you write them not to.01:25
cstk421ok im not telling them not to for one01:25
cstk421and as i understand they will continue even if previous command fails01:26
leftyfbcstk421: As for stopping at a command that fails, there is multiple ways for you to stop the script if a command fails. But they typically will not do this on their own. One way is to set the interpreter to #!/bin/bash -e. Or set -e I think it is01:26
=== Noisette is now known as Plumette
cstk421ok thanks01:26
cstk421it is set -e01:26
cstk421thank you leftyfb01:27
leftyfbcstk421: if you need further help with bash, I suggest #bash. Though be warned, they are not very nice over there, but they do know their stuff.01:27
cstk421yeah im in a few channels like that :)01:27
cstk421but thank you01:27
HulioI finally gave up fucking installing AMDGPU-PRO for ubuntu 18.04, never work01:41
Huliois there ubuntu 19.10 ?01:41
Sushi-sanoh yeah, I tried that a few months ago, Hulio01:41
Sushi-sanDoesn't work, typically01:42
Hulioyeah man, too complicated01:42
Huliohow to know what ubuntu i have?01:43
Huliohow to check via command line01:43
Sushi-sanHulio, first result from google: https://www.hostingadvice.com/how-to/ubuntu-show-version/01:44
HulioSushi-san, i see, this is what i have: Release:19.0401:44
Hulioso there isn't 19.1001:45
HulioI've heard that they will fix the AMDGPU-PRO in 19.10 version01:45
Sushi-sanNo. It goes by YY/MM01:45
Sushi-sanWe are nowhere near October01:45
HulioSushi-san, do you know any good thing for ubuntu?01:46
Hulioso far i love it01:46
Huliobut I have not seen any software for it01:46
Hulionot very useful at the moment01:47
Hulioboring than windows OS01:47
leftyfbHulio: 19.04 is not released or supported yet.01:47
Hulioso, anything you know for ubuntu that want to share?01:47
Hulioat least i have Nero 4.0 install :)01:48
Hulioand hexchat01:48
leftyfbHulio: This is a support channel. Feel free to chat in #ubuntu-offtopic01:48
=== WestCoastHotDog is now known as FlyingHotDog
shalokSince upgrading from 16 to 18, xbacklight is no longer able to change the brightness of my display?02:22
shalokAnyone else experienced this issue and know how to fix it?02:22
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sabrehagenIs there a naming error in the libgconf-2-4 package? It was previously libgconf2-5 in cosmic, and the dev package is still named libgconf2-dev.02:42
sabrehagen*previously named libgconf2-4 in cosmic02:44
CarlFKim trying to port this to bionic: https://github.com/timvideos/litex-buildenv/wiki/HowTo-LCA2018-FPGA-Miniconf#debian-network-setup02:49
CarlFKwhat's the new network thing called?02:49
shalokI ended up finding another program called `brightnessctl` which works fine so I'm just using that instead.02:50
CarlFKnetplan is the term. now I know what to google for :p02:51
railgunzer0des admin online?03:00
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plongshotThe following problem started happening whenever I open a terminal. I have node on my maching cause I play with various programming as a hobby. Can anyone assist?03:06
plongshotI have nvm as well but not familiar with its use very well03:06
plongshotpeace out DaGodFather03:26
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Mcavityanyone good with nvida driver issues on 18.10?03:56
Bashing-omMcavity: I will not admit to being any good, but I do have some amount of experience. What leads you to ask ?03:57
Mcavityi have installed the closed sourse drivers for my card.. however its not quite working right.03:58
Mcavityonce i got the driver in an di ran the phoronix graphics test for open area i get over 100 fps..03:59
Bashing-omMcavity: K;, and how did you install ? and what is the card we are working with ? pastebin ' sudo lshw -C display' . See where we go from there.03:59
Mcavityhowever if i install open area from the ubuntu software library and run it i get  something like 5 fps..03:59
spinningCatUbuntu can not connect hotspot why is that?04:00
spinningCatWhat can i do?04:00
Mcavitylet me see what i can do about pastbin..04:01
Bashing-omMcavity: checking ^ .04:02
Mcavityi have the same issue with nexuiz04:04
Mcavityruns great under the benchmark.. but if i install it via the ubutu software aplication somehow it seems like it doesnt run on the driver right04:05
Bashing-omMcavity: Well, a nvidia driver is installed, which one ? ' dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia ' , Nvidia recommends the latest 418 version driver.04:06
Mcavityyea i have an old card so04:09
Mcavityits 34004:09
Mcavityi dont think the latest drivers support this card04:09
Mcavity[its the driver ubuntu recomends]04:10
Bashing-omMcavity: Opps I dropped a zero .. lemme recalibrate.04:10
Mcavityno problem i appreciate you looking04:11
Mcavityother than this issue the latest ubuntu install justabout flawlesley on this laptop.04:12
Bashing-omMcavity: Confirmed that the 340 version driver is correct. Si next is to know that the GPU manager is in a haapy state. ' cat /var/log/gpu-manager.log ' .04:16
Mcavitylooks good to me04:19
Bashing-omMcavity: Yup .. no issue seen there either, Is the game the only fault that you see ?04:20
Mcavityso far only games04:21
Mcavitybut not if run from the benchmark program04:21
Mcavitythey run fine then.04:21
Bashing-omMcavity: Well, over my head here. Let's see if others with greater skills will advise.04:22
Mcavitythnaks for looking04:23
Bashing-omMcavity: :) Of interest, just do not know what now to advise in this use case.04:24
excelsiorawhat things should I be checking out on my laptop before I wipe Windows and install Ubuntu?04:24
excelsiorawifi seems to work.04:24
Mcavityget a copy of your windows key just in case lol04:25
excelsiorahow do I do that?04:26
excelsioraisn't that in the bios?04:26
Bashing-omexcelsiora: I often see the advise not to go cold turkey off Windows .. culture shock !04:26
excelsioranew laptop, not noob to ubuntu!04:27
Bashing-omexcelsiora: Oustanding :)04:27
excelsiorawhat else to check out?04:30
Mcavitywell thanks Bashing-om04:31
Mcavityi think im going to crash for now.04:31
Mcavityill try again later. to tired to dig in deep.04:32
tootheHi all. I am looking to install Mixmaster, but I don't see the package.04:46
tootheapt install mixmaster doesn't seem to work.04:46
tootheit comes back saying "package mixmaster is not available, but referred by another package."04:46
flingHow to batch download from a google drive folder?05:04
railgunanyone can give me some nudge on zer0des or ghost pepper? i was able to gain the foothold..05:14
CarlFKI need help migrating this to netplan:   /etc/network/interfaces.d/    https://github.com/CarlFK/video-stack-bin-chicken/blob/master/scripts/howto/lca2018/lca-setup_eth.cfg05:28
CarlFKthat gets added to the existing, typically dhcp.  might be I need to know  how to do :1 in yaml05:29
lotuspsychjeCarlFK: can this help anyhow? looks like a clean tut: https://www.linux.com/learn/intro-to-linux/2018/9/how-use-netplan-network-configuration-tool-linux05:34
CarlFKlotuspsychje: thanks, but no help.  I need to know how to specify a 2nd .. virtual interface?  whatever the foo:1 gets me from the old way05:37
lotuspsychjeCarlFK: all the guides i browse mention the edit of the yaml, and add your route there05:43
CarlFKI think I found it on https://netplan.io/reference  "most available features"05:43
lotuspsychjeCarlFK: fail-over-ip is that what you need?05:43
CarlFKI need dhcp to give a 192.168.1.x so I can ssh to the box, I need so that it can talk to another device : (that is very static)05:45
JojeroHi! Any developer here?05:49
lotuspsychjeJojero: ask your ubuntu question05:49
JojeroIm just new on IRC. :P Not much friends.05:49
JojeroOh! Yes sorry, does ubuntu have only gnome installation no more option for other desktop manager like unity?05:50
lotuspsychjeJojero: yes it has, the user can install the DE of his choice05:50
JojeroBecause last time I install ubuntu it has choice after I boot to Unity 8 / Gnome which feels it bloats the system.05:51
JojeroAnd last does Ubuntu really makes laptop hot? Or 38 degrees c?05:51
JojeroIt's like burning. :(05:51
lotuspsychjeJojero: pastebin your dmesg we can have a look05:52
ahoneybun38 C is pretty cool really.05:52
JojeroI feel hot05:52
ahoneybunnow 90+C is hot05:52
Gerowen38c is totally normal05:52
JojeroWhen I touch the face right next to my touch pad.05:52
ahoneybunThe keyboard or the fan vents?05:52
Jojerokeyboard and the face of the fan vents05:52
Jojerooh no the speaker*05:53
Jojeroim using asus x455lj05:53
ahoneybunUbuntu is shipping with GNOME as the default unless you use one of the flavors.05:53
JojeroSo no more unity desktop with it?05:53
lotuspsychjeJojero: unity can still be installed05:54
JojeroI mean its not pre packaged?05:54
ahoneybunI think the package is ubuntu-unity-desktop05:54
JojeroI mean if I install gnome no more unity?05:54
lotuspsychjeJojero: read what ahoneybun just said05:54
ahoneybunsudo apt install ubuntu-unity-desktop05:55
xmetaldont want to get off topic but i did use 18.04 and had Gnome and Unity 7 working fine side by  side05:55
JojeroI mean if I install gnome no more unity?05:55
xmetalafter the upgrade to 18.10 the unity side got a little buggy05:55
JojeroOh sorry, not that I accidentally pres arrow up05:55
lotuspsychjeJojero: please dont repeat the same questions 3 times in a row05:56
JojeroYes yes, I just accidentally press arrow up key. Sorry.05:56
ahoneybunJojero: if you install Unity you will have both Unity and GNOME when you login.05:57
ahoneybunThere will be a gear icon at the login screen so you can choose which one you want to use at that time.05:57
lotuspsychjexmetal: to have a more stable experience, stay on LTS05:57
JojeroAhm guys last, in dev works really linux is better? I mean like more flexible and yet stable especially using command lines?05:59
lotuspsychjeJojero: thats offtopic here05:59
lotuspsychje!chat | Jojero use this05:59
ubottuJojero use this: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:59
DiceDoes anyone know why a file in ubuntu just won't save after making changes?06:03
DiceIt says it's saved but it just reverts back06:04
userbbwhat exactly do u mean Dice?06:04
xmetalyou dont have ownership/permissions for that specific file would be my guess06:04
DiceI'm doing it through sudo06:04
DiceI managed to keep the changes for a while but it reverted back again06:05
Diceit's a yml file for an irc bot06:05
lotuspsychjeDice: sudo on GUI is disabled on ubuntu now06:07
Dicei dont know what that means06:07
Dicebut there are no permission errors06:07
lotuspsychjeDice: why are you editing a file with sudo?06:07
Dicebecause it's owned by another user06:08
ahoneybunlotuspsychje: still works here on Disco. sudo gedit /etc/gdm3/custom.conf06:09
Dicethe file keeps the changes until the bot that is associated with the .yml file starts, after that it reverts back for some unexplainable reason06:10
lotuspsychjeahoneybun: they removed gksu and its not reccomended running GUI as root you know that too right06:12
ahoneybunDice: does the bot has a user account? it may be better to change to that user and then edit the file.06:12
ahoneybunlotuspsychje: kinda need to be root to edit a file in /06:12
ahoneybununless one does 'sudo su'06:12
Diceahoneybun: I've been able to set up and change settings like this before06:13
DiceI managed to edit the changes earlier today as well06:13
DiceI have permissions06:14
the2048Are you running the bot as root? (run it after running sudo su) Try that06:15
the2048Although I most likely am being horribly unhelpful though06:15
Ben64probably a bad idea to be running an irc bot as root06:15
the2048Yeah most likely06:15
the2048It'd be better to try to move it to your home folder or something so that you aren't encountering any root issues06:16
lotuspsychjeahoneybun: you can enter nautilus with admin:/// for example06:16
DiceBen64: I'm not running the irc bot as root, that's why I have to edit the files with sudo06:17
DiceI have one user, irc bot is run by another user06:18
ahoneybunlotuspsychje: have to say I didn't know about that.06:18
lotuspsychjenp ahoneybun06:18
Ben64Dice: just switch to the other user06:20
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the2048So randomly after a day of uptime I'll encounter that my temperature sensors desire to read -5 degrees Celsius (except HDDs)06:45
gde33mine do that after going well over 100 c06:46
the2048All I've seen is that I'll go for a bagel or something and I'll come back to 83 RPM on the CPU cooler fan, -5 Celsius for almost everything06:47
lotuspsychjeyousun123: can we help you?07:18
ryuolotuspsychje: you scared them off. :o07:23
Steristif I'm copying a folder from my desktop, to my localhost directory (owned by root) via terminal, it is sudo I use?07:31
Ben64Sterist: localhost directory?07:31
Steristyes, /var/www/html07:32
SteristI believe that is the default location, of which it is currently configured07:33
Ben64yeah you can sudo cp file destination07:33
Steristanother question, should the first "/" be prepended or just "sudo cp /blah/blah /bam/bam"07:34
Ben64i don't see the difference07:34
Ben64prepended would be with a / at the beginning, which your example has07:34
Steristprepend the / as in, something before the /07:35
ryuoSterist: whether you use a / or not determines whether the path is absolute or relative to your current directory.07:35
Steristthat wasn't necessarily the question, but, that is something I did not know. thank you :)07:35
ryuoSterist: it basically was. you were wondering when to prepend the / essentially.07:36
lotuspsychjewelcome u0_a26908:03
lotuspsychjehow can we help you?08:03
u0_a269just testing out this irssi terminal irc chat program08:03
u0_a269have you used it before?08:03
lotuspsychjeu0_a269: we focus on ubuntu issues in this channel, you can /join #ubuntu-discuss if you like08:04
zetherooconnecting with 18.04 to work VPN using 'openvpn --config file.ovpn' I see this is the output: Unrecognized option or missing or extra parameter(s) in [PUSH-OPTIONS]:6: register-dns08:33
zeekhuge[m]Okay so, I was using unetbootin to make a Ubuntu bootable drive, and I dont know how, I clicked "okay" when it was set on HDD. Now, I closed it the next moment, but some directories were added to the / . So, I need some help clearing those directories. Although I have some idea what dirs are safe to remove, yet I need some confirmation. I have following directories : http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/RrdDt5hdq8/09:19
zeekhuge[m]Please help me tell which of these can be safely deleted. (Maybe pastebin your ls -l ?)09:19
nonix4b"loginctl unlock-session 5" => audit: type=1107 audit(1553420062.030:3831): pid=704 uid=103 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 msg='apparmor="DENIED" operation="dbus_signal"  bus="system" path="/org/freedesktop/PolicyKit1/Authority"09:35
nonix4binterface="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Authority" member="Changed" name=":1.10" mask="receive" pid=621 label="snap.uefi-fw-tools.fwupd" peer_pid=746 peer_label="unconfined"09:35
nonix4bhow do I change apparmor temporarily to complain-only mode?09:37
blackflownonix4b: aa-complain <profile>09:49
nonix4bblackflow: how do I map the audit message to profile names?09:58
blackflownonix4b: there should be comm="<executable>" in the trail but there isn't, and I see now what that is that's a snap confinement profile. huh, I'm not sure what to do here exactly because snaps dont' allow you to override their profiles (I've filed a bug about that). I guess you can temporarily stop entire appamor.10:01
nonix4bblackflow: 'k... guess I need to do that for a short while, just to unlock a frozen X session10:02
nonix4bblackflow: wonder whether installing snappy-debug would give further info?10:07
blackflownonix4b: I don't know, but from that trail it appears that maybe the snap needs an interface enabled? If you wanna pursue this, you could ask on the snapcraft.io forums10:08
nonix4bhrm "apparmor stop" mentions that "teardown" would be needed... but can that be scoped to just the issue mentioned above?10:14
nonix4bblackflow: also, your bug report #?10:15
blackflownonix4b: I don't know, the interaction between AA and snaps is a bit of an unknown to me as namespacing/container awareness is a relatively recent adittion to AA, and I think snaps have only one big profile defined in the core that is modified by interfaces.10:16
blackflownonix4b: bug #176149610:17
ubottubug 1761496 in snapd "Allow users to override individual snap AppArmor profiles" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176149610:17
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supayhi, getting kernel panic, vfs can't mount on grub10:18
super_kozaI am having problems installing Ubuntu on my desktop PC.10:19
lotuspsychjesuper_koza: explain whats happening so volunteers can think along with you10:20
super_kozaWhen booting from USB I choose to Install it and then the purple background with Ubuntu logo and dots beneath is shown breafly. After some time it dissapears, however I can hear the chimes as when the system is booted...10:21
super_kozaThe monitor goes to the power saving mode.10:21
lotuspsychjesuper_koza: during the setup or after the install booting?10:22
freakyyhi all. is it possible to install gnome 3.32 in ubuntu 18.10?10:22
lotuspsychje!mix | freakyy10:23
ubottufreakyy: it is usually a very bad idea to mix packages from different releases (or Linux distributions), and it is completely unsupported10:23
nonix4bfreakyy: you might be interested in 19.04 instead10:28
super_kozalotuspsychje: during the setup10:28
lotuspsychjesuper_koza: during setup its normal monitor goign blank for energy saving10:29
lotuspsychjesuper_koza: press a key to go back10:29
super_kozaNo no10:29
super_kozaYou got me wrong10:29
user__super koza ai you romanian10:29
super_kozauser__: No :)10:29
super_kozalotuspsychje: so I boot and choose USB10:30
super_kozathen there is the Grub bootloader and I choose to install or to try it10:30
super_kozadoesn't matter10:30
super_kozathen I see the ubuntu logo and dots below it10:31
super_kozaand after a second or two10:31
super_kozathe display turns off10:31
super_kozaand I hear the sound from the system10:31
super_kozaas if it was logging in10:31
user__superkoza disconexted?10:31
super_kozaI can't get the display to turn on after10:31
super_kozauser__: what?10:32
user__super koza!10:32
lotuspsychjesuper_koza: try F1 to textboot and see whats going on in there10:32
blackflowsuper_koza: please ignore the trolls.10:32
mousessuper_koza: Have you tried passing NOMODESET to the boot?10:32
super_kozamouses: no I didn't10:32
super_kozaI should mention that I have an Intel system with GTX 970 GPU10:33
mousesooooo nice10:33
super_kozaI have tried switching the cable to the HDMI port on the mainboard10:33
super_kozabut that didn't help10:33
adrdorHi, im first time on IRC. Hello World!10:33
mousesadrdor: welcome!10:34
user__super koza10:34
lotuspsychjesuper_koza: GTX cards needs the nvidia drivers from the ubuntu graphics ppa10:34
lotuspsychje!ops | user__ troll & flood10:35
ubottuuser__ troll & flood: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax10:35
adrdorim not troll rly10:35
adrdorim form PL10:35
nonix4bno that was about from another user10:35
lotuspsychjesuper_koza: try what mouses suggests and bypass with nomodeset to get in system10:35
mousessuper_koza: a nomodeset will get you in long enough to install drivers10:36
mousesthen you should be set!10:36
user__super koza! yey,yey10:36
super_kozaI tried the text boot but the screen was ON for too short10:36
super_kozaand I couldn't read anything10:36
super_kozaI don't get what the problem is10:36
mousesuser__: please take the annoying trolling and off topic comments to PM or other channels10:36
user__no trolling no10:36
super_kozabecause I used to have Ubuntu 18.04 on the system10:37
super_kozaand it worked10:37
lotuspsychje!enter | super_koza10:37
ubottusuper_koza: Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.10:37
user__you are linux zeven os10:37
super_kozaNow I can't get to the installer.10:37
adrdori doing first app on android10:37
super_kozaubottu: Sorry, I will behave. :)10:38
ubottusuper_koza: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:38
user__easy instaler10:38
BluesKajHi folks10:40
supayhey, unable to boot into elementary os, keeps going back to login screen10:41
blackflowsupay: you're gonna have to ask in #elementary10:42
mousessupay: might try ##linux10:43
supayah yes10:43
mousessupay: but #ubuntu = not gonna be able to help you with this :(10:43
supaymakes sense, thank you!10:43
mousessorry, wish I knew more - have not used elemnetary in years and years10:43
blackflowin general consider rather using a distro with alive and well support channels. like, say, dunno.... Ubuntu. :)10:45
=== lenny is now known as lenny_lemon
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=== lenny is now known as lenny_lemon
lenny_lemonHi guys. Having a problem to free some space on ubuntu 16.0410:56
lenny_lemonI'm new to linux so not that experienced yet10:56
mouseslenny_lemon: Running low on space?10:57
lenny_lemonmouses, yes10:59
lenny_lemonprobably badly... try to run counter strike as I played it few days ago and now require install and 811MB space10:59
mouseslenny_lemon: first up i'd look in your user home directory and considering backing up / removing large files (video eats a lot of space)11:00
lenny_lemonusually do sudo apt-get autoremove / autoclean / clean after update && upgrade11:00
mouseslenny_lemon: ya11:00
mouseslenny_lemon: might want to (in your home directory)11:00
mouses# du -a | sort -n -r | head -n 1011:01
mouseswitout the #11:01
mousesthat'll show you the 10 largest directorys in your home11:01
mouseslenny_lemon: if that does not help, maybe look at purging some large packages you don't use11:01
lotuspsychje!info bleachbit | lenny_lemon11:01
ubottulenny_lemon: bleachbit (source: bleachbit): delete unnecessary files from the system. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0-2 (bionic), package size 316 kB, installed size 2003 kB11:01
mousesubottu: oh cool i've never heard of that11:02
ubottumouses: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:02
mouseserr, lotuspsychje *11:02
lotuspsychjemouses: i always use it, clean like several gigs by default11:02
mouseslotuspsychje: does it have a CLI mode?11:03
lenny_lemoni have ran it as sudo as u posted above11:03
lenny_lemonwaiting for result11:03
mouseslenny_lemon: might take a bit11:03
lenny_lemongot result11:03
mousesmake it easier on your brain11:03
mousesdo this11:03
mouses# du -ah | sort -n -r | head -n 1011:04
mousesh = human readable11:04
mouseswill give results in MB/GB vs blocks11:04
lenny_lemoni'll do some notes as well to keep it in mind :)11:05
mousesglad to help, let me know if you need any more help!11:06
lenny_lemonfirst shown video 3.7GB what i am moving now to other partition11:06
lenny_lemonbut in -ah does not show11:06
lenny_lemononly steam files11:06
lotuspsychjelenny_lemon: please dont use this channel to describe every step you try11:07
lotuspsychjelenny_lemon: only for support questions please11:07
lenny_lemonmouses, it worked. thanks11:10
mouseslenny_lemon: yay!11:11
j0sephHi all. At the Ubuntu installation screen, I know it is possible to set up full disk encryption with LVM and LUKS. Is it possible to have / is there an option to have the root and home directories in different partitions while setting this up? Thanks!11:11
mousesj0seph: yes, you11:11
mousesyou need to do manual partitioning11:11
mousesI believe the button is 'something else' when it asks where to install11:11
j0sephmouses: Oh yes I see, and you can set up LVM+LUKS this way too?11:12
mousesj0seph: and bonus points for having seperate / and /home partitions, saves so much headache11:12
mousesj0seph: yes11:12
j0sephmouses: ah yes, thanks! yeah, honestly the separate partitions has saved me on multiple occasions in the past. :)11:13
lenny_lemoni have another question. I don't know what it cause. I disabled touchpad on laptop to use only mouse as is easier but sometimes somehow touchpad activated and when I touch touchpad the cursor randomly crazy jumping cross screen and openes folder on desktop11:13
mousessame lol11:13
mouseslenny_lemon: the xinput CLI tool can be useful for this11:14
mouseslenny_lemon: find the ID number of the touchpad11:14
mousesand then xinput --disable 11 or whatever number it is11:14
lenny_lemonmouses, when touchpad activate itself I can see is disabled in settings11:14
mouseslenny_lemon: yeah, ran into that problem on a oldlaptop with a bad touchpad once11:14
mousesdisable with xinput11:14
mousesannoying part - you have to do that every boot, automate at own risk as the devide ID number can change11:15
EriC^^you could possibly automate fetchin the device ID using awk/grep11:15
mousesEriC^^: good point11:15
mousesEriC^^: I reboot that laptop 2-3x a year so never bothered11:15
EriC^^i wouldn't either :D11:16
lenny_lemonfor me can be very annoying as I write quite a lot and part of my palms touches touchpad and can be messy afterwards when is activated11:17
mousesI hate that11:18
mousessimilar issues on this Chromebook, the default linux drivers for the touchpad = no palm detection11:18
EriC^^yeah i meant the whole fetching a device ID, i'd just use the xinput with device id as mouses suggested11:18
mousestook forever to figure out to hack that in11:18
mouseslenny_lemon: but yeah use xinput11:18
mousesxinput --list to get the device ID11:18
mousesxinput --disable to disable a device11:18
lenny_lemonmouses, EriC^^ thank you guys. very easy to follow, check and so.11:19
mouseslenny_lemon: just glad to help!11:20
freakyyhm ok thanks ;D11:23
AndikaDinataI am From Indonesian11:32
AndikaDinataCan you help me??11:32
lotuspsychjeAndikaDinata: ask a question first please11:32
AndikaDinatawhy i am can't using irssi in wsl11:33
lotuspsychjeAndikaDinata: type /join #ubuntu-on-windows for support11:34
j0sephmouses, when setting up LVM+LUKS via the "Something else" menu, which options would you select for each partition? I had a look, and I assume you use "physical volume for encryption" and select the "Logical Volume" option?11:34
buschhardtHallo I've a mouse connected by usb. For a project I connect a old PS2 mouse. The second mouse can also control the cursor. Its possible to request only the events from the PS2 mouse without that mouse control the cursor?11:34
mousesj0seph: correct11:34
j0sephmouses: perfect, thank you11:35
mousesbuschhardt: you can disable the mouse you don't want via xinput11:35
mousesbuschhardt: xinput --list to fine the device ID11:35
mousesbuschhardt: xinput --disable id_number to disable it11:35
mousesbuschhardt: xinput --enable id_number to turn it back on11:35
buschhardtmouses: ok i try :-)11:36
buschhardtmouses: cool thanx - with evtest i get the evnts :-) perfect11:37
mousesbuschhardt: yay! \o/11:38
mousesbuschhardt: just remember to be careful with xinput after reboots, the ID numbers can change11:38
buschhardtmouses: oh - is there a good way to find the number?11:42
mousesbuschhardt: xinput --list11:43
buschhardtmouses: maybe the name dont change? ImPS/2 Generic Wheel Mouse11:43
mousessounds right11:44
mousesif you disable it, the events should still be in evtest11:44
mousesbut it won't control the GUI11:44
mouses( I think )11:44
mousescould be wrong xD11:44
buschhardtmouses: no ist correct - I looking for a cheap input and tha old microsoft mouse do that :-)11:45
lotuspsychje!it | tore__12:10
ubottutore__: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)12:10
=== BrianG61UK_ is now known as BrianG61UK
Andika1337is there anyone here12:18
lotuspsychjeAndika1337: do you have an ubuntu question?12:18
Andika1337but this quiet12:18
lotuspsychjeAndika1337: this is not a chat, its meant to be silent when there's no support12:19
Andika1337how to install chaosvpn??12:20
Andika1337can you help me??12:23
lotuspsychjeAndika1337: chaosvpn has its own support channel12:24
tore__buongiorno avrei un problema all'avvio di ubuntu 18-0412:50
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lotuspsychjetore__: type /join #ubuntu-it12:51
stefan321Hi. This is a test12:54
lotuspsychjestefan321: it works we see you12:54
stefan321Thank you :)12:54
=== murthy_ is now known as murthy
tete_hi, can someone tell me if it is possible to somehow "reinstall" the complete system while it is running?13:06
tete_i changed some files (pretty long time ago) to get the video output working correctly (i3 with embedded gpu), but i do not know what exactly i changed. i noticed i do not have correct video passthrough and so i thought this would be an easy way to check if something is messed up (manually edited files etc.)13:08
lotuspsychjetete_: sounds like you need more a backup of your config files13:08
lotuspsychjetete_: and why do you want to reinstall?13:09
tete_why a backup of my config files? the config files should not be touched when i do a reinstall, thought only on purge they are removed13:13
tete_i want to reinstall because i changed files - i had support from #kodi some time ago where the i3 was so new that no mesa driver was available -> no passthrough, now i noticed this is somehow gone again, so i thought i do a re-install of all packages to have the current software without my modifications13:14
lotuspsychjetete_: wich ubuntu version are you on?13:17
katronixHi all, when I did my most recent install of Ubuntu, it didn't have a /home partition. Is it possible to add it after the fact?13:20
tete_lotuspsychje, 18.1013:21
lotuspsychje!home | katronix13:21
ubottukatronix: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving13:21
tete_katronix, why not? of course, just modify your fstab13:21
lotuspsychjetete_: a possible idea could be choosing in setup to install ' next' your current install, this way you can switch between 2 worlds13:22
katronixokay the only other thing I'm not sure of , is the drive that has the partition is a usb 3 drive. Will that cause any issues? Linux sees it just fine13:22
mouseskatronix: it'll work but when you add the fstab for it - mount by device ID, not by name13:23
mouseskatronix: otherwise changes / reboots to USB may cause that mount to change and it won't automount13:23
katronixmouses so use the uuid of it?13:23
mouseskatronix: yes13:23
mouseskatronix: UUID will make sure it mounts without having to be /dev/sdX or whatever, which can change depending what USB things you have plugged in13:24
katronixmouses, never seen this before, I suppose I would use the part_uuid in this case? "/dev/sda3: LABEL="External" UUID="3c954c24-c1de-4a05-95f7-a2d2491adcbb" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="Linux_External" PARTUUID="7927d5c9-9c5b-49af-882e-2535e9f57fa0""13:26
katronixerr part_uuid = partuuid13:26
katronixmouses in my fstab would I also use partuuid as opposed to uuid? when I got to the mount -a portion I was told it couldn't find the uuid13:33
lotuspsychje!uuid | katronix13:34
ubottukatronix: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)13:34
mouseskatronix: maybe it is UUID, it's been a while since I have done it13:34
katronixie instead of saying: UUID=7927d5c9-9c5b-49af-882e-2535e9f57fa0 /media/home  ext4  defaults       0       2, should I have said PARTUUID= ?13:34
katronixit seemed to like partuuid13:35
mousesshould be partuuid I think13:36
mousesI'd have to google it, been a while13:36
katronixso far its liking partuuid, guess I'll know for sure when I reboot :)13:40
DeihmosAnyone use htop? Why does it show so many instances of the same app?13:47
calcul0nbecause it shows threads and subprocesses13:48
DeihmosIs there a way to get it to group as 1 ?13:49
calcul0npress F2 to see display options, you can hide some things but i'm not sure you can get only one13:50
calcul0nalso F5 will display them as a hierarchy13:50
imihi. I'm about to buy an USB temperature logger. which one supports linux?13:55
HellFireDeihmos: F2 for setup, display options, tick hide userland process threads. F10 to save13:57
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DoctorMilwaukeehey for some reason recording doesn't work14:27
lotuspsychjeDoctorMilwaukee: audio?14:27
DoctorMilwaukeein all my applications recording doesn't work... i thought it was an application-specific problem.... but it isn't14:27
DoctorMilwaukeei restarted my computer multiple times...14:28
lotuspsychjeDoctorMilwaukee: is your sound driver loaded correctly? sudo lshw -C sound14:28
DoctorMilwaukeelotuspsychje: it says *multimedia14:29
lotuspsychjeDoctorMilwaukee: at bottom driver=...14:29
lotuspsychjeDoctorMilwaukee: allright, looks good there14:30
lotuspsychjeDoctorMilwaukee: could you do the same test of recording with pavucontrol please?14:30
DoctorMilwaukeelotuspsychje: that a app? or a driver?14:31
DoctorMilwaukeeor what is that?14:31
lotuspsychje!info pavucontrol | DoctorMilwaukee14:31
ubottuDoctorMilwaukee: pavucontrol (source: pavucontrol): PulseAudio Volume Control. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0-4 (bionic), package size 126 kB, installed size 804 kB14:31
=== murthy_ is now known as murthy
DoctorMilwaukeelotuspsychje: i just installed and tried to record and it said in the app that the app was recording14:34
DoctorMilwaukeeis that what you mean? i'm not sure how to utilize pavucontrol14:34
lotuspsychjeDoctorMilwaukee: been a while since i tested, but you should be able to to pick your soundcard from pavucontrol14:36
DoctorMilwaukeei only have onboard soundcard14:36
lotuspsychjeDoctorMilwaukee: doublecheck your input/output devices too?14:37
DoctorMilwaukeei'll figure out myself nvm14:37
edencis the current daiyly build of 19.04 expected to upgrade role into the release version? I'm reading the alpha's typically do, but you run some risk of needing to reinstall.14:51
lotuspsychjeedenc: join #ubuntu+1 for 19.04 support please14:52
lotuspsychje!final | edenc14:52
ubottuedenc: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Disco and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 19.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade » in a terminal.14:52
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edenccool, I think I'll do that, not a mission critical problem reinstalling anyway, but sounds like that won't be necessary. Need that Disco Dango :')14:53
sappheirosWhen dealing with an issue that might be specific to lubuntu, should I still ask here?14:56
lotuspsychjesappheiros: there is a #lubuntu channel but its sunday, you might wanna try here14:58
tonytsappheiros most in here will suggest asking questions in lubuntu's channel14:58
sappheirosMy brightness function keys don't manage brightness as well as the slider bar. How can I help improve their functionality?14:58
sappheiros(latitude d620)14:58
lotuspsychjesappheiros: that might be an acpi issue, maybe check your dmesg logs14:59
sappheirosI suppose I should begin by searching 'acpi' and 'dmesg' to learn what these are.14:59
lotuspsychjesappheiros: to see if its not related to lubuntu, you could try an ubuntu-desktop liveusb as test15:00
sappheiroslotuspsychje: it's a latitude d620 laptop ~11 y old. i don't think it could run standard ubuntu15:03
sappheirosor could it?15:03
lotuspsychjesappheiros: feel free to share your dmesg log15:03
lotuspsychjesappheiros: you can type dmesg in a terminal, then copy paste it to pastebin and share link15:04
lotuspsychjesappheiros: you could also try the xubuntu 18.04 if you think specs are too low for gnome15:05
sappheirosIsn't lubuntu lighter than xubuntu?15:11
lotuspsychjesappheiros: in theory yes, but i had cases where xubuntu ran smoother then lubuntu on some machines15:11
lotuspsychjesappheiros: also keep in mind, i just propose this for the brightness test15:11
sappheirosdo you know why?15:12
lotuspsychjesappheiros: we could brainstorm about that in #ubuntu-discuss if you like15:13
lovetruthhm... :) I've read the topic... :) -> does that phrase about "unofficial derivates" mean that, actually, the "official derivates" are actually supported here?... :)15:13
lotuspsychje!derivatives | lovetruth15:13
ubottulovetruth: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)15:13
lotuspsychjelovetruth: see also the official ubuntu !flavors15:13
ubottuRecognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours15:14
lovetruthI'm using Xubuntu :) - so xubuntu is?...15:15
sappheiroshow do i get terminal (LXTerminal?) to show the entire dmesg output?15:16
faLUCEhello. Is there a way to completely purge vlc? I installed it with apt-get, then apt-get purge, I also cleaned the cache under ~/.cache  and under ~/.local/share/vlc  but when I re-install vlc it starts with an enormous window...15:16
lotuspsychjelovetruth: an official flavor15:16
lovetruthgreat, thanks, lotuspsychje :)15:17
lotuspsychjesappheiros: leds dell::kbd_backlight: Setting an LED's brightness failed (-5)15:17
lotuspsychjesappheiros: does keyboard backlight work?15:17
sappheiroslotuspsychje: yes, thank you. that does appear to record how the brightness function keys sometimes don't work15:17
sappheirosthe keyboard does not have backlights, i think15:18
sappheirosi think it refers to the monitor, does it not?15:18
ahoneybunfaLUCE: sudo apt purge vlc && sudo apt autoremove?15:18
sappheirosmaybe i should boot up win 7 and see if the keyboard has a backlight ...15:18
ahoneybunmaybe also something in ~/.config as well.15:18
lotuspsychjesappheiros: good idea, test all brightness settings there15:18
faLUCEahoneybun: already tried15:18
lovetruthI'm actually on freenode right now for openwrt support (trying to build an image with asterisk13 on it for my router... but image builder fails telling me that "* opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package kmod-ltq-tapi.")... - but I thought "why not check out the #ubuntu channel, see if there's indeed any ubuntu support on it :)15:18
faLUCEahoneybun: I removed stuff under .config as well15:19
faLUCEno luck15:19
sappheirosthe brightness slider in settings works, so i am hesitant to spend more time on this issue ...15:19
lovetruthI guess you guys have no experience with building openwrt, anyways... :)15:19
sappheiros(it would be nice if the function keys worked better, but i have so many other problems in my life...)15:20
faLUCEit seems a bug of the windows manager, more than vlc15:20
BluesKajlovetruth, try the chat here on freenode #openwrt15:21
lotuspsychje!acpi | sappheiros see also15:21
ubottusappheiros see also: to debug ACPI issues on ubuntu make sure your bios is up to date and follow the procedure here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingACPI15:21
lovetruthBluesKaj: I actually did... but no answer for a long time already... :)15:21
sappheirosthank you15:21
BluesKajlovetruth, we don't get many questions about openwrt here since it's not directly supported by ubuntu15:23
faLUCEin addition, vlc starts with 100% CPU and it makes the OS freeze15:24
BluesKajlovetruth, try the ##linux chat15:24
lovetruthBluesKaj: thanks :) ... just that it's not such a *dead silence* in it here - as it is on #openwrt ... :)) thanks, anyways :)15:24
faLUCEhow can I remove this shit?15:24
sappheiroslotuspsychje: sudo dmidecode says "BIOS is upgradeable", "BIOS Revision: 1.0", "Firmware Revision: 1.0" so I'm not sure if it's saying it's upgradeable and already upgraded to the max15:24
lotuspsychjeplz language faLUCE15:24
lotuspsychjesappheiros: check your laptop brand website for bios updates15:25
BluesKajlotuspsychje,  ##linux has a very wide range of support15:25
sappheirosoh. >_> right.15:25
lotuspsychje!biosupdate | sappheiros15:25
ubottusappheiros: To see how to update your bios on Ubuntu visit the community collected methods here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BIOSUpdate15:25
BluesKajoops sry lotuspsychje :-)15:25
lotuspsychjeno sweat ; )15:25
sappheiros*"how do i remove this sweat"15:26
Me3kAndroidgot a technical question about ubuntu 18.04 ...15:26
Me3kAndroidi have three hard drives in my desktop ... i can access all three, buit programs like Gimp, etc ... cant access them for some reason .. gives a permission denied ..15:27
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lotuspsychjeMe3kAndroid: gimp from repos, or gimp snap?15:30
Me3kAndroidgimp snap15:31
Me3kAndroidis that the problem15:31
sappheirosi have A10, but Dell says it was updated in 2013 https://www.dell.com/support/home/us/en/04/drivers/driversdetails?driverid=r186796&oscode=ww1&productcode=latitude-d62015:31
sappheirosso i don't know if i need to update or not15:31
lotuspsychjeMe3kAndroid: its not a problem, but we cant support snaps here, you need to contact the maintainer15:32
sappheiroshow do i tell if i have the 2008 A10 or the 2013 A10?15:32
ioriaMe3kAndroid, https://askubuntu.com/questions/1054893/gimp-2-10-doesnt-have-permission-to-access-a-usb-drive-why-how-to-resolve-115:32
lotuspsychjeMe3kAndroid: alternate, you could install gimp from repos to compare15:32
Me3kAndroidok is gimp in repos 2.1015:33
MariozollyCiao a Tutti!!!15:33
lotuspsychjeMe3kAndroid: gimp for bionic is Version 2.8.22-1 (bionic)15:34
Me3kAndroidok will try that15:35
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lotuspsychjesappheiros: didnt you say your laptop was 11y old?15:36
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sappheiroslotuspsychje: well, i bought it from amazon 201715:56
sappheirosbut it's a latitude d620 which came out like a decade ago15:56
sappheirosso it cost $80 from amazon15:56
lotuspsychjesappheiros: yes but that machine might never seen an update yet15:56
srulirestarted my ubuntu 18.04 today and it hangs before loading gdm login last 2 lines it loads is "Started Session c1 of user gdm" & "Started User Manger for UID 115" after that nothing, what can i do to troubleshoot this?15:59
leonardushow is ubuntu with mixed resolution? let's say I have two 1080p monitors and a 1440p monitor in the middle, will it handle that well? is gui scaling and everything going to be ok?16:02
srulii can try it for u, 1 min16:03
srulion my screen 1440 didnt stretch full width but it seemd to handle ok16:04
leonardusgreat thank you16:04
sappheiroslooking at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BIOSUpdate#Dell but my /boot doesn't appear to have an EFI folder16:06
sappheirosdoes that imply i am not using UEFI?16:06
lotuspsychjesappheiros: your model might not have uefi indeed16:06
sappheirosI cd into boot and 'ls' doesn't show it, for example. does 'ls' show hidden folders?16:06
sappheirosls -a also doesn't show it16:07
NewToLubuntuif there is a "failed to connect to lvmetad" during startup, should I disable lvmetad or try and get it to connect?16:07
NewToLubuntuit still starts up but I was reading about the message and it might affect boot speed?16:07
sruliNewToLubuntu: you can ignore it or if its giving you too many errors you can disable it by setting "use_lvmetad" to = 1 in /etc/lvm/lvm.conf (update-grub after)16:10
the2048I am literally suffering trying to install Minecraft from the Software Boutique (fails downloading the icon)16:18
sruliany ideas? ...restarted my ubuntu 18.04 today and it hangs before loading gdm login last 2 lines it loads is "Started Session c1 of user gdm" & "Started User Manger for UID 115" after that nothing, what can i do to troubleshoot this?16:20
NewToLubuntuthanks srulii, do you know a way to edit the /etc/ files through the File Manager double-clicking? in past it wouldn't let me save due to lack of admin permissions16:20
NewToLubuntuwas able to do it through the Terminal but it's not the most familiar interface16:21
sruliNewToLubuntu: i dont know, but why not use nano?16:21
sruliNewToLubuntu: in terminal "sudo nano /etc/lvm/lvm.conf" once open CTRL+W (opens search in bottom) type "use_lvmetad =" (enter) it should find that line, navigate to end of line with arrows change to 1 then CTRL+X it will ask if to save y/s16:24
sappheirosplease & thank you if you can spare the time16:24
Dbuggerhelp! I just did "rm -rf somefolder" where I did not intended to! Is there a way to reverse this?16:26
sruliDbugger: not really, you might be able to try recovery but chances are very low16:28
Dbuggeroh wow, saved! I did push it to my git repo :P16:29
sruli;-) rm is a dangerous weapon use carefully16:30
Dbuggeri shall do so, thks16:31
leftyfbDbugger: future reference, do not use rm unless you want the files gone forever.16:31
srulileftyfb: what is a safe way to delete files?16:31
leftyfbsruli: only delete files you want deleted. That is the safe way16:32
leftyfbor use rm -i16:32
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CarlFK"The serial port echos chars it receives."  it isn't really the serial port that echos, so what is it?16:56
blackflowCarlFK: the kernel's tty layer16:59
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CarlFKblackflow: yes, thats the idea.   "kernel's tty layer" applies if I was connecting to the serial port of a linux box, with a dumb terminal, right?17:02
CarlFKblackflow: im wotking with a serial over usb controled relay board: https://numato.com/product/4-channel-usb-powered-relay-module17:03
CarlFKand if I send cars too fast, it drops them.  and I want to write a little test with echo "abc" > /dev/ttyACM0 & cat /dev/ttyACM0  and getting confused talking about what I am trying to do17:04
CarlFK(not at all a ubuntu problem)17:05
tomreynThen why do you discuss it here, CarlFK ?17:08
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j0sephHm, odd. I tried a couple of times to make logical, physical partions for encryption for / and /home separately, and for the first few times it said it couldn't mount ext4 / to the encrypted partition I wanted the root to be on. Then, after trying it again, it just worked. Lol17:09
CarlFKthere are people here who know serial stuff17:09
sruliany ideas? ...restarted my ubuntu 18.04 today and it hangs before loading gdm login last 2 lines it loads is "Started Session c1 of user gdm" & "Started User Manger for UID 115" after that nothing, what can i do to troubleshoot this?17:10
tomreynCarlFK: that doesn't make it less off topic. please try in #ubuntu-offtopic or ##linux next time.17:10
tomreynsruli: switch to a text terminal (ctrl-alt-f3), login, post logs online: journalctl -b | nc termbin.com 9999    # then post the url here.17:12
srulitomreyn: when i login in tty it shows the reluar login stuff but i dont get a shell line, cant exec anthing17:12
tomreynsruli: which changes did you make which may have caused this?17:13
srulinothing, hasnt restated in months, nothing new installed (only updates)17:13
tomreynsruli: did you edit any dotfiles (file in your home directory which start with a dot character)17:13
srulitomreyn: no17:14
tomreyn!recovery | sruli17:14
ubottusruli: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode17:14
ioriasruli, or boot a previous kernel17:14
srulitomreyn: i tried editing wifi connection in NM (gui) but it did not allow me to click on any of the tabs so i rebooted...17:15
tomreynsruli: once on the recovery menu, enable networking, then drop to the root shell and run: journalctl -b -1 | nc termbin.com 9999    # then post the url here.17:15
tomreynbooting an earlier kernel is also worth a try, yes.17:16
srulitomreyn: tried previous kernel, tried recovery, the only thing i found was when trying falsafe graphics i get in the log (EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration.17:16
j0sephsruli: I believe I had this problem a while ago too, but it was fixed immediately after I rebooted.17:16
srulitomreyn: only have wifi couldnt connect in recovery, nmcli warns something similar "could fot find suitable device"17:17
j0sephin regards to the wifi connections part, at least.17:17
srulij0seph: i rebooted many times, tried changing nomodset and blacklist amdgpu in grub, nothing helped17:17
ioriasruli, boot in text mode17:18
tomreynsruli: can you plug in a wire (ethernet)?17:18
j0sephsruli: Ouch. It's worth noting that when I tried rebooting after I encountered that problem, it took a long, LONG time to reboot because systemd really wanted to take its time running stop jobs for everything. It lasted upwards of 10 minutes.17:19
srulitomreyn: not that simple, will try to find a way to get it close to the router17:19
sruliioria: how do i boot in text mode? also i dont think boot is the issue, i get plymoth screen no issues, its after that that it hangs (hangs before gdm login screen)17:20
tomreynsruli: what's this hardware, graphics card especially?17:20
tomreynand which kernel are you now booting into according to grub?17:21
tomreyn(which is the latest one installed?)17:21
ioriasruli, the problem seems related to gdm (or maybe Wayland; check /etc/gdm3/custom.conf); so if you cannot get a working shell, i suggest recovery -> remount rw ->  systemctl set-default multi-user.target17:22
srulitomreyn: i believe its an intel gpu, latest kernel is  4.15.0-46-generic, oldest i have is 4.15.0-43 i tried all in regular and recovery17:23
sruliioria: i tired setting usewayland to false, did not help, will try set-default multi-user.target later when i get home17:24
tomreynusing the  systemd.unit=multi-user.target  kernel / initrd parameter would be a better option than changing the default IMO.17:27
srulitomreyn: where would i set that?17:28
tomreynby editing the grub boot opitons from the grub menu17:29
srulitomreyn: so i just hit 'e' and first line add "systemd.unit=multi-user.target " ?17:30
tomreynno, you append to the 'linux' line there. see the wiki.17:30
srulireading, thanks17:31
subcoolIs there are more percise way to view the disk usage and space of my disk? i dont want to lose anything if it can avoid it.17:31
sruliwill try taht later, many thanks all17:31
subcoolI have an microsd card, that Df says is basically, full, but when i goto baobab to view disk usage, the views as empty17:31
opvhi all. looking to find which binaries are contained in a package i installed. google only shows me the other way around17:32
threenucHi, what are your pull down terminal recommendations? I currently use Tilda but it's kinda buggy and it feels like I'm not using the best thing out there17:34
threenucor "drop down" terminal emulators17:34
tomreynsubcool: post "df -h /dev/..." for the microsd card to a pastebin and a screenshot of baobab (to imgur.com or similar)17:34
EriC^^opv: "dpkg -L <package> | grep bin" should be close17:35
opvEriC^^: thx, unfortunately no. only shows me the package status, not the contents17:36
EriC^^opv: -L should show the contents.. -I shows the status i think17:36
EriC^^opv: are you doing this on an installed package or a .deb file?17:36
opvEriC^^: installed package17:37
EriC^^opv: which package? type "dpkg -L <packagename>"17:37
opvEriC^^: apparently i needed to force-reinstall it. sorry about that17:38
opvnow off to wonder why there is no wine binary in the wine-stable package of the wine repos...17:38
opvyeah, nope. apparently, i had to install winehq-stable, and not wine-stable17:42
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mra90how does arecord know what sound drver to call?18:08
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germainbonjour qui peut m'aider a propos de rosegarden18:16
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kostkon!fr | germain18:17
ubottugermain: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.18:17
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sappheirosWhat would you recommend for converting text files to audio ogg files?18:19
mra90or maybe how any aplication which aims to do sth with the hardware find proper driver?18:20
OerHekssappheiros, you want a text-2-speech tool?18:22
elias_aOerHeks: Perhaps morse code would be enough. :P18:32
wondowsWhat do you guys use for CPU temp, fan RPM...?18:58
lotuspsychje!ot | wondows18:58
ubottuwondows: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:58
raubwondows: Are you asking how they are measured/controlled?19:00
CookieMPsensor is nice graphical app19:02
the2048I use a panel object but that's just me19:03
wondowsI have psensor but it doesn't seem to show everything19:03
wondowsit's not showing "CPU" anywhere, it has "Tdie" and "Tctl"  which I think is the CPU temp19:03
wondowsalso no CPU fan RPM, it has only the GPU's19:04
raubwondows: I use fancontrol. It is comman dline but will list everything it can see. And the docs shows how to change the config in case your setup is not common19:05
the2048I do know some mobos need sensors-detect run with everything scanned and the correct added to modules19:05
CookieMthere is also “sensors”, also in command line19:06
the2048For example my garbage ThinkCentre (P4 640) needs its LM85 driver installed in modules otherwise all you see is a virtual 60C sensor19:06
the2048With it installed I can see multiple sensors but without there's nothing19:07
the2048So try running through sensors-detect19:07
wondowsHmm mobo drivers?19:07
wondowsyeah I did that and it shows only Tdie and Tctl19:08
wondows"sensors" I mean19:08
raubSo I upgraded my laptop from 16.04 to 18.04 and it now disables keyboard and trackpad when I close it19:08
raubIf I slap a mouse, I have to roll the middle ball for it to unlock screen19:09
raubmiddle ball being the wheel19:09
subcoolhttps://pastebin.com/DSavWytY tomreyn19:10
subcoolHow do you screen shot? -19:10
the2048raub, I slapped my MX510 and it did nothing. What kind of stuff have you done?19:10
raubthe2048: Meaning?19:11
the2048What kind of software did you install beforehand?19:11
stronk1subcool: u press printscreen19:11
subcooland then?19:12
raubI had blender, gimp, and virtualbox when I had it running 16.0419:12
raubthe2048: besides having chrome and firefox19:12
stronk1the screenshot will be added to your pictures folder19:12
the2048Could be something to do with your mouse19:12
subcoolstronk1, didnt work19:12
stronk1subcool: Nothing happens?19:13
raubthe2048: I do not know. My test was remove mouse, verify keyboard and trackpad worked, close laptop, open after it goes to power save mode, realize keyboar dand trakpad are being irnored, add mouse, roll mouse wheel, and then I can use keyboard and trackpad19:14
the2048Could be a lappy issue19:14
subcoolgotta go19:14
raubNo worries19:14
the2048Did you try disabling all the power save stuff?19:15
elias_awondows: psensor has IMHO all the stuff you talked about. Perhaps a configuration issue?19:15
raubthe2048: yep. I am down to considering wiping and going back to 16.04 bare and then going to 18.04, staying at 16.04, or doing bare 18.04 and the adding programs19:16
wondowswell yeah idk19:16
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raubOr even installing server and then adding GUI19:17
raublike I do in desktops19:17
the2048I'd say do bare 18.04 on a different drive19:17
raubthe2048: I really have nothing important in that laptop I can't wipe19:18
the2048Either way having two drives is worth your time as it takes less time to swap a drive than reinstall19:26
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qwebirc51698Hello, can I ask for technical help here?19:35
lotuspsychjeqwebirc51698: if its about ubuntu, sure19:36
blackflowqwebirc51698: yes if pertaining to using Ubuntu Linux.19:36
qwebirc51698Would installing gpu drivers on ubuntu be considered ubuntu related?19:36
blackflowqwebirc51698: yup19:37
qwebirc51698Sweet, so I've tried to install my gpu drivers for this laptop on latest ubuntu LTS, but I cannot figure out how to do it19:38
qwebirc51698It's an old ATI card, and I have the drivers link from the AMD site, but it makes me download a .run text file19:39
raubqwebirc51698: is this .run file a binary or a script?19:40
lotuspsychjeqwebirc51698: normally ubuntu should load the drivers automaticly, but that doesnt mean its the best driver check with: sudo lshw -C video19:40
sappheirosthe2048: be sure it installed the dependencies?19:40
qwebirc51698It looks like a script19:40
sappheirosthe command i got working was espeak --stdout -f Columbus.txt > Columbus.wav after installation19:40
the2048It installed libespeak1 as well as espeak19:41
sappheirosthe2048: espeak-data libespeak1 libportaudio2 libsonic0, espeak-data libespeak1 libportaudio2 libsonic0 -- these seem to be the required packages19:41
the2048I'll install all of those right now19:41
sappheirosdid you sudo apt-get install espeak ? that command installed them all for me no extra work needed19:41
qwebirc51698@lotuspsychje I did that and it brings up my graphics card19:42
qwebirc51698Does that mean they're properly installed?19:42
the2048I did sudo apt install espeak and it seemed to install only espeak data19:42
the2048Because it seems as if the other dependencies are installed already19:42
lotuspsychjeqwebirc51698: at bottom it should mention driver=...19:43
qwebirc51698says driver=radeon19:43
lotuspsychjeqwebirc51698: allright so radeon driver is loaded, are you unhappy about performance right now?19:43
qwebirc51698Oh no, I just wanted to make sure they were installed and i wasn't using the integrated graphics19:44
sappheirosthe2048: https://askubuntu.com/questions/21811/how-can-i-install-and-use-text-to-speech-software?r=SearchResults&s=1|82.973119:44
qwebirc51698Thank you so much everyone!19:44
lotuspsychjeqwebirc51698: if the card doesnt say unclaimed..19:44
lotuspsychjeqwebirc51698: or you wanna start playing heavy games?19:44
qwebirc51698Something light like runescape19:45
lotuspsychjeqwebirc51698: if current driver doesnt perform well, come back to us ok19:45
qwebirc51698Ok thank you! :) Appreciate it19:45
the2048I'll try piping it out to a wave file19:47
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qwebirc65211Hi i've never used IRC chat before. Is this a place I can ask questions about using ubuntu?20:17
jcb2016if i install ubuntu onto a flashdrive w/ bootloader from virtualbox. once its finished should i be able to boot ubuntu on a normal computer?20:19
barabasee title, qwebirc6521120:19
ubottuFor information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode.20:19
qwebirc65211haha thanks. I'm running 16.04 and unity, but my laptop seems to have a lot of gnome-related stuff on it to. Is there a reason for this?20:20
jeremy31qwebirc65211:  like gnome-terminal, gnome-bluetooth?20:21
qwebirc65211yeah I have gnome terminal. I'm pretty sure that's actually the terminal i've been using for a while20:21
renn0xtk9maybe off topic but I want to cross compile gdb for windows. Anyone has instructions for this?20:21
qwebirc65211And I have gnome-control-center20:22
jeremy31qwebirc65211: it might be for fallback20:22
nonix4brenn0xtk9: offtopic indeed but cygwin ought to have precompiled one too...20:22
OerHeksrenn0xtk9, building GNU debugger for windows???20:23
OerHekssounds awesome, but i think it is not worth my time20:23
ioriaqwebirc65211, you should have unity-control-center20:23
qwebirc65211yeah I have that too20:24
qwebirc65211I have both of them20:24
qwebirc65211and I'm pretty sure i didn't accidently download gnome somewhere down the line. I have an dell xsp 13 if that makes a difference20:24
renn0xtk9OerHeks, I have a Linux app in a linux docker which I attach with gdbserver.  I now want to debug it on the windows host. I see no toher option than compiling gdb on windows20:24
ioriaqwebirc65211, ls /usr/share/xsessions/20:24
renn0xtk9nonix4b okay, do you know also if it as cross compiling option ? i.e. debugging linux app from windows ? Or only can debug app targeted for windows20:25
qwebirc65211two files in there, ubuntu.desktop and xmonad.desktop (i've recently been trying out xmonad, so that's why that's there)20:25
ioriaqwebirc65211, dpkg -l  gnome-session-flashback20:27
qwebirc65211the exec for ubuntu.desktop mentions gnome, but the desktopname field is unity, so that's even more confusing20:27
nonix4bqwebirc65211: tbh if you exclude all of gnome, what remains on 16.04 is somewhat ascetic...20:27
nonix4brenn0xtk9: crosscompiling debuggers is such a can of worms that you better avoid it... unless you really like debugging the debugger itself when it crashes.20:28
mra90I set up ubuntu virtual machine on my win10 OS using hyper-v, however I have no internel access on that VM20:30
mra90why is that?20:30
qwebirc65211so is my unity just running on top of gnome or something?20:30
ioriayes, but it's not the point20:30
renn0xtk9mra90  how is the netowk configure in the VM ?20:31
renn0xtk9bridge access?20:31
renn0xtk9nonix4b: yeah I find nearly no doc on it. I would have hope there exist binaries already done. But  have not found any20:32
mra90renn0xtk9: under "Virtual switch" i have "default switch" selected20:32
nonix4brenn0xtk9: may want to look at gdb remote debugging features instead20:32
ioriaqwebirc65211,  i suggest explore /var/log/apt/history.log and grep gnome-control-center20:32
OerHeksunity is just a compiz plugin20:33
renn0xtk9nonix4b you mean with gdbserver?20:33
mra90renn0xtk9: any idea how to bridge iternat to that VM ubuntu?20:33
qwebirc65211the only mentions of gnome in the history log is from an upgrade from a while back, but just for something about gnome-keyring20:34
renn0xtk9nonix4b yeah this is what i do already , I attach with gdb server. Than launch the gdb on windows ( I have found a binary with mingw) but it says No OS/Abi handler found for Linux x86/6420:35
renn0xtk9which means in my understanding that I have to crosscompile it20:35
nonix4bqwebirc65211: apt-cache depends ubuntu-desktop20:35
renn0xtk9mra90 no, I thirst thought you network adapter might be set to host only but apparently not.20:36
nonix4bqwebirc65211: or more specifically, $ apt-cache depends ubuntu-desktop | grep -c gnome20:37
qwebirc65211nonix4b: i got 29 as the answer20:38
qwebirc65211and 6 if i replace gnome with unity20:39
ioriaqwebirc65211,  gnome-keyrings has nothing to do with gnome-control-center20:41
nonix4bqwebirc65211: Which is pretty much the expected result... without that "-c" you get a list, those are installed along normal desktop installs. The longer answer would involve historic essay or two, wonder whether such are already on the net...20:42
qwebirc65211i guess at the end of the day it doesn't matter that much since I'm liking xmonad a lot more than unity20:44
qwebirc65211i guess i'm just curious about what it'd be safe to uninstall should I feel like cleaning up my hard drive one day20:46
ioriaqwebirc65211, dpkg -l  gnome-session-flashback20:46
nonix4bqwebirc65211: actually later ubuntu releases have "minimal install" features which you could like20:47
qwebirc65211ioria: what is gnome-session flashback??20:48
ioriaqwebirc65211, suggested by xmonad20:48
qwebirc65211nonix4b: that does sound appealing. i always bet wierdly anxious about clutter on my computer lol20:48
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cluelesspersonThere's an issue with ubuntu where a lot of wifi networks in the area causes the wifi interface to bug out and cause 100% cpu usage20:59
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mra90what is the recommended VM for windows?21:02
mra90I mean to set up ubuntu VM on windows21:02
james_brownim having trouble starting a service with "sudo service service_name start".  When i look at the service --status-all list, the service does not appear.  And the output of "sudo service service_name status" is https://pastebin.com/Q7jxUjvr21:03
hggdhmra90: good question. I think the best place for an answer would be ##windows21:03
OerHeksjames_brown, check the permissions on that .servicefile or journalctl21:11
nonix4bAre there any uid/gid mapping best practices when accessing files/hds used on earlier ubuntu distributions? Besides "don't do it"?21:12
james_brownOerHeks: they're -rw-rw-r--21:13
james_brownOerHeks: it should be executable, right?21:14
Walexcluelessperson: most likely a bug in the firmware of the WiFi interface, they are very complex21:16
OerHeksjames_brown, -rw-r--r-- sounds more  normal to me21:16
james_brownOerHeks: ok than the permissions are not the issue21:16
cluelesspersonWalex: I think it's a bug in the ubuntu wifi gui21:16
cluelesspersonWalex: if that's the interface you mean21:17
cluelesspersonWalex: it's not the firmware21:17
Walexcluelessperson: that's also possible21:17
cluelesspersonWalex: I think it hasn't been fixed because whoever wrote the code didn't use the wifi where there are tons of wifi points21:17
cluelesspersonI'm in an apartment complex21:17
cluelesspersonhundreds of wifi points, if not thousands.21:17
james_brownOerHeks: this is the content of the logs https://pastebin.com/gCaZAxkZ21:17
Walexcluelessperson: that's a very tupical attitude... getting it "barely working", as in "works for me right now"21:18
james_brownOerHeks: it says it doesnt have permissions to create a repository21:18
Walexcluelessperson: then there is a "scratch my itch" solution :-)21:18
jeremy31cluelessperson: check results from terminal for "iwconfig"  if that shows power management is on, that might be the problem21:18
cluelesspersonWalex: well, last time I did research on it, I think I found an issue related to it, and osmeone identified where each "ping" from the wifi points causes another update21:18
cluelesspersonWalex: so if there's thousands of wifi points, it constantly re-updates the gui, causing 100% cpu and freezes21:19
nonix4bcluelessperson: same issue with most GUIs tbh... try 100+ partitions :)21:19
Walexnonix4b: as uid/gid, each and every UNIX/Linux install has its own set if ids, in theory they can be completely different (except for id 0) from any otrher.21:19
cluelessperson" .Power Management:off "21:19
cluelesspersonnonix4b: yeah, but a gui should only update once with the 100+ partitions21:19
cluelesspersonnonix4b: with this, the gui seems to be made to re-update every time an SSID does another broadcast.21:20
james_brownOerHeks: the permissions for the demisto.db file are -rw-------; is this the issue?21:20
cluelesspersonwifi broadcasts its SSID every N seconds, basically21:20
Walexnonix4b: several filesystems have a "mapping" feature21:20
cluelesspersonso 1000+ wifi points * pings  per minute = updates per minute21:20
qwebirc65211what's the best way to manage wifi connections through the command line?21:21
Walexnonix4b: so if you mount a filetree on a removable disk from another system, the ids can be mapped to the local ones. Unfortunately the mapping has to be done case-by-case21:21
jeremy31cluelessperson: Ask on ubuntuforums.org  see if old chili555 can help21:21
Walexqwebirc65211: depends what you mean by that.21:21
qwebirc65211just being able to connect, disconnect, and see available networks21:21
Walexqwebirc65211: for simple setups the 'iw' command may be sufficient.21:22
cluelesspersonWalex: jeremy31   I'm not sure if that's my primary issue.   My biggest issue (I can work around the freezing wifi gui) is that the wifi takes like 5+ minutes to finally connect21:22
cluelesspersonI need it, desperately, to just connect <5 seconds21:22
Walexqwebirc65211: otherwise using 'wpa_supplicant' and 'wpa_cli'21:22
Walexcluelessperson: you can always write a simple conf file for 'wpa_supplicant'[3~21:23
Walexcluelessperson: it will then just ignore all the other access points.21:23
Walexmore precisely SSIDs21:23
WalexI always use 'wpa_supplicant' config files, don't bother with NetworkManager, or even 'wpa_gui' or 'wpa_cli@21:24
cluelesspersonWalex: how does ubuntu typically manage wifi?21:24
Walexcluelessperson: usally via NetworkManager21:24
cluelesspersonwhere's that config21:25
Walexcluelessperson: which one?21:25
cluelesspersonwifi I suppose21:25
Walexcluelessperson: if you want a sample 'wpa_supplicant' config to get online quickly, I have several samples21:25
cluelesspersonWalex: I'm wondering how I can configure network manager to connect faster21:26
Walexcluelessperson: the main cases are: unencrypted, encrypted with WPA, or WPA221:26
cluelesspersonI suppose I can use wpa_supplicant if this fails21:26
jeremy31cluelessperson: Network Manager connection settings are normally stored at /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ need permissions to look at the files21:26
Walexcluelessperson: maybe using the NetworkManager CLI21:26
OerHeksjames_brown, looking for a clue, i have no idea , you might want support from them?21:26
jcb2016if i install ubuntu onto a flashdrive w/ bootloader from virtualbox. once its finished should i be able to boot ubuntu on a normal computer?21:27
Walexcluelessperson: 'nmcli' can help you focus on just the one SSID you want21:27
james_brownOerHeks: its something that i've got to fix21:27
Walexjcb2016: if you do it right yes.21:27
cluelesspersonWalex: what do you think causes it to take  minutes to even find the wifi point?21:27
Walexcluelessperson: I tend to agree with your guess that the very many SSIDs cause it to scan long lists.21:28
Walexcluelessperson: so one way to solve your issue is to use something that does not collect all SSIDs just to show you the available SSID list.21:28
Walexcluelessperson: I guess you already know which SSID you want to connect to21:29
jeremy31cluelessperson: post URL from terminal after entering> wget -N -t 5 -T 10 https://github.com/UbuntuForums/wireless-info/raw/master/wireless-info && chmod +x wireless-info && ./wireless-info && cat wireless-info.txt | nc termbin.com 999921:29
cluelesspersonWalex: well, these are two separate issues.21:30
cluelesspersonWalex: one is that in the background it takes minutes to connect21:30
james_brownOerHeks: do u know what Failed with result 'start-limit-hit'. means?21:31
Walexcluelessperson: BTW if you can scan loads of SSIDs in that building, things are going to suck anyhow because of massive channel overlap21:32
cluelesspersonWalex: I specifically pick channels that are used less.21:32
cluelesspersonmost people here are normal humans and don't manually set their channels.21:32
Walexcluelessperson: if you know your SSID you can force the connection using 'nmcli device wifi connect <(B)SSID> [password <password>] [wep-key-type key|phrase] [ifname <ifname>] [bssid <BSSID>] [name <name>] [private yes|no] [hidden yes|no]'21:35
cluelesspersonWalex: neat, I'll keep that in mind21:35
* cluelessperson writes it down somewhere21:35
wondowsIt's quite ridiculous that in the Screen Lock settings there's nothing between 5 and 30 minutes...21:36
james_brownim having trouble starting a service, i get the error "Failed with result 'start-limit-hit'."  I looked at the service logs https://pastebin.com/gCaZAxkZ  it says it didnt have permission to create a repo so I changed the permissions but without luck21:37
Walexcluelessperson: also 'nmcli device wifi help'21:37
nonix4bWalex: Actually mostly interested in system uids/gids this time... $ sudo find / -xdev '(' -gid +100 -a -gid -200 -o -uid +100 -a -uid -200 ')' -ls | wc # gives just 4221:39
nonix4b... on a newly installed system with incompatible uids/gids mainly in the system uid/gid range.21:40
Walexnonix4b: well, some "basic" system uids/gids tend to be the same, but the others tend to be different depending on the order in which you install packages.21:41
Walexnonix4b: and indeed something like 40 different ones is not surprising.21:42
=== miguel_ is now known as Guest35673
nonix4blibvirt-qemu seems to have switched to dedicated uid range, which happens to be mentioned at http://people.canonical.com/~cjwatson/ubuntu-policy/policy.html/ch-opersys.html ... wish some others did that too.21:45
hggdhGuest35673: we see you Just go ahead and ask your question. Also, please mind the topic21:45
wondowsDoes Ubuntu 18.04 come with Unity by default? Or is it gnome?21:51
wondowshmm I thought Unity was the new thing21:54
qwebirc45469hey guys, can i ask you to help me with the unbuntu installation on a mac? i´m new at this21:57
=== BrittleRust is now known as ThunderCracker
excelsioraI tried installing xubuntu, got through the setup, it said it needed to restart, so I pulled my thumbdrive out and rebooted, and... blinking cursor... pls help22:12
excelsioranow thumbdrive won't even boot it...22:13
=== ThunderCracker is now known as BrittleRust
=== BrittleRust is now known as Thundercracker
renn0xtk9maybe again unrelated but when compiling gdb you specify an architecture e.g x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu    arm-Linux-gnueabi  my question: where is there a list of all architecture? are those names kind of standardized or is it gdb specific?22:17
excelsiorasince the thumbdrive seems ok, I'm redoing the unetbootin setup of the iso, and I'm going to try again... I hope I didn't brick this laptop...22:22
the2048Use rufus instead of unetbootin, excelsiora22:24
Bashing-omexcelsiora: Pay attention to where the intaller installs grub (GRand Unified Bootloader). ' sudo parted -l ' to know the partitioning and device names.22:24
the2048I've made multiple USB boot drives with Rufus and never once have I had issues22:24
excelsioraBashing-om: I'd love to be able to get a shell, but I can't boot from the thumbdrive yet...22:25
the2048excelsiora, does this laptop have a CD/DVD drive?22:25
excelsiorawhat's rufus?22:26
the2048USB drive imaging software22:26
the2048It's at rufus.akeo.ie22:26
excelsiorais there an equivalent to the ubuntu startup disk creator on xubuntu?22:27
excelsioraI think I uninstalled it with ubuntu-desktop...22:27
excelsioraunetbootin is done...22:28
jeremy31excelsiora: you can copy iso to USB with dd or even> sudo cp nameoffile.iso /dev/sd?  replace with whatever mount point the USB is22:29
excelsiorayay, it worked! grub on the thumbdrive!22:29
excelsioraI think grub, it says "UNetbootin" at teh top...22:29
excelsioraI have to give it boot options...22:30
excelsiorapain to type22:30
excelsiorarunning the install again...22:36
Bashing-omexcelsiora: EFI mchine,. and you booted the installer in EFI mode, yes ?22:38
excelsioraNo idea, how would I know that?22:39
excelsiora"almost finished copying files"22:40
excelsioraone single hard drive. already erased windows...22:40
excelsiorathank God, it was making me cringe so hard...22:40
ThundercrackerRegarding EFI. That is determined by your BIOS.22:40
excelsioraoh boy...22:41
excelsiora"An attempt to configure apt to install additional packages from the CD failed"22:41
excelsioramaybe if I create the thumb drive with dd it will work?22:43
ThundercrackerPerhaps. Or another option might be to try another thumbdrive.22:44
ThundercrackerIs it a new laptop?22:44
ThundercrackerAMD or Intel=22:44
excelsiorasudo halt (amd)22:46
excelsiorawhy does the screen hang when I sudo halt?22:46
Tin_manexcelsiora, might be a read, or maybe not. Didn't read it.. >>> https://askubuntu.com/questions/764568/ubuntu-16-04-hangs-on-shutdown-restart22:48
ThundercrackerWell a friend of mine had some issues with Ubuntu 18.04 and AMD. Related to the agpu (I think it is called). It didn't want to start properly half the time. He had to upgrade the kernel.22:50
excelsiorathat'll be the first thing I do22:52
excelsiorais the dd argument of=/dev/sdb1 or of=/dev/sdb ?22:53
ThundercrackerFrom Arch linux wiki: dd bs=4M if=path/to/archlinux.iso of=/dev/sdx status=progress oflag=sync22:54
Thundercracker"o not append a partition number, so do not use something like /dev/sdb1"22:56
excelsioradoing it again... :/22:58
excelsiorastupid unetbootin...22:58
excelsiorabetter clean up while this is running so I don't get ded when my wife gets home22:59
excelsiorawell shoot, I get the grub-ish menu again, but it looks like the CD booter.23:08
excelsioraand tab doesn't let me do boot options.23:08
excelsioraok, I did f6 and now I have a line to type in options23:10
excelsioraturned off acpi, and it boots...23:10
excelsiorac'mon install...23:11
Anonimoushello friends!!!23:11
Anonimousalguém do  Brasil???23:11
jeremy31!pt| Anonimous23:12
excelsiorahey hey hey!!!23:12
ubottuAnonimous: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.23:12
excelsiorathis is going to be done before she gets here if all goes well!!!23:12
jeremy31excelsiora: get the mistress out23:13
Anonimousthanks friends23:13
bigcat4trying to remove two fedora 29 grub entries and not sure where grub is getting the info from. when i update-grub I get...23:17
bigcat4any suggestions very welcome23:17
excelsiorasuccess! (I think!)23:18
OerHeks bigcat4 for fedora join #fedora ?23:19
OerHekssomthing about a raid install, i guess23:19
bigcat4OerHeks I'm using Ubuntu now and wondering if I there's a file I need to remove the fedora entries from, so that they aren't added to grub when running update-grub? I'm using a dell laptop, dual booting with Windows 10 (had Fedora installed and now Ubuntu, hence Fedora remaining somehow)23:22
ceibalsos feo puto23:23
=== Ricardus_ is now known as Ricardus
ceibal chupame la pija23:24
ceibal cagwqgyywywyywyywy23:24
ceibalricardus putoooooooooooooooooooo23:26
ceibal perdon sos mi amigo23:26
Bashing-ombigcat4: Win10 == EFI .. see if efibootmgr tool can help here .23:27
ceiballo de p y eso era joda ñiery23:27
OerHeksi guess the fedora raid is never deleted properly, and was the owner of grub23:27
OerHeksmaybe reinstall grub solves it23:28
bigcat4thanks Bashing-om and OerHeks... will give your suggestions a try23:28
excelsiorakfd kfd: kgd2kfd_probe failed23:30
excelsiorammc0: unknown controller version (3). You may experience problems.23:30
ceibalsoy uruguayo y tu de que pais eres23:31
ceibalcapas que no entienden mi idioma23:31
ceibalme estoy descargando el friv faier de computadora23:31
OerHeks!ot > ceibal23:31
ubottuceibal, please see my private message23:31
OerHeksand english only please23:31
leftyfb!es | ceibal23:32
ubottuceibal: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.23:32
excelsioraboo... xubuntu does not launch with kernel boot options like it did from the thumb drive... :(23:44
excelsioramaybe I mistyped something23:45
excelsioraprobably, I had to type a lot...23:45
excelsioraI turned off quiet and it booted! :)23:49
excelsioramaybe with a new kernel it'll be all good...23:52
excelsiorasudo apt update and sudo apt upgrade... now what?23:55

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