
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
zygaHey mborzecki06:39
mborzeckizyga: hey06:42
mborzeckizyga: see you've had a productive weekend?06:42
zygaBusy on my bije06:49
zygaI did 27km yesterday06:49
zygaOther than that just house work :-)06:49
zygaHow was your weekend06:51
mborzeckizyga: quite packed, didn't manage to do do anyting i planned, but did plenty of unplanned stuff07:05
mborzeckizyga: oh, and finally was able to try the kimchi i made, turned out quite good :)07:09
zygaThis week is bug fix week for me07:10
zygaPlenty of little things to resolve07:10
zygaI will be in the office before 9:30, I still have one kid to handle and send to school07:10
mborzeckibtw. shouldn't we update the opensuse images to 15.1 now?07:11
mborzeckiagain, 2019-03-25 06:27:04 Error preparing google:opensuse-15.0-64 :07:15
mborzeckiit'd gcc now, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KRpjVpwndT/ wtf?07:15
mborzeckiwe're using zypper in -y, that should be non interactive07:16
mborzeckimaybe we should allow downgrades?07:16
mborzeckimvo: morning07:35
mvohey mborzecki07:36
mborzeckihttps://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6644 simple PR <--- should fix opensuse package installs07:36
mborzeckibtw. github triggers don't work anymore?07:36
mvomborzecki: looking07:36
mvomborzecki: oh?07:36
mvomborzecki: how do you mean they don't work anymore? manual trigger? or travis picking up tests on changed prs?07:36
mborzeckimvo: or just mup_ is silent07:37
mvomborzecki: aha, mup probably unhappy07:38
mvomup_: hi07:38
mvomborzecki: yeah, I think mup_ needs a restart, maybe niemeyer can restart mup for us :)07:39
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=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
mborzeckipstolowski: hey08:05
zygaback in the office08:11
zygahow are you chaps?08:11
mvohey zyga and pstolowski08:14
mvozyga: good, good!08:14
mborzeckihttps://status.opensuse.org/ says there is partial outage of mirroring infra, but it's nto clear what that means exactly08:17
mborzeckiisn't opensuse using metalink now?08:18
mvoiirc yes08:19
mborzeckiehh, so zypper times out on gcp, but works just fine locally, either a different mirror, or gcp has some caching behind the scenes08:21
zygamborzecki: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6485/files#r26852683708:26
abeatomvo, morning! is the fix for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/1819728 in the core snap already?08:28
mborzeckizyga: adding the file is too simple :)08:29
zygamborzecki: wrong coment08:29
zygamborzecki: the one at the top08:29
zygaI'm not talking about the one 20 days ago08:29
mborzeckiah, i see now08:29
mvoabeato: it was initially, the backport of #8803 - however when we did a SRU validation we noticed that it breaks (segfaults) under some circumstance, this is an upstream bug and lead to PR#11121 which was a bit harder to backport. I just finished the xenial build and will now run the package against our autopkgtests, if that is successful I will push to the PPA and for the SRU08:33
mvoabeato: sorry that it takes a bit, its delicate code and the "heart" of systemd (deeep in the job handling) so we are a bit cautious08:33
abeatomvo, nw, indeed it is something to be very careful about, thanks08:34
mvoabeato: do you already get asked? I will update the bug with the info here08:34
mborzeckizyga: hm maybe i should just drop that last commit, too many things to check to find out whether snapd or core is used, extracting directly from source does away with all this08:35
abeatomvo, not yet, but maybe today they were going to ask, so I wanted to know the current status08:35
zygamborzecki: shall we prototype "snap tool snap-{confine,seccomp,discard-ns}08:35
zygaI would love not to have to source dirs.sh08:35
mvoabeato: yeah, the updated debdiff for xenial should be in the SRU bug today and I think we will push it to the "edge" core snap for testing08:38
abeatomvo, nice!08:38
mborzeckizyga: would that work reliably with core.experimental.snapd-snap?08:38
mvoabeato: I will also test i386 with spread, for 8803 this was the one where the segv manifested itself08:40
mborzeckihmmm https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/gadget-snaps-for-mtd-devices/1055408:43
zygamborzecki: I saw that08:43
abeatohm, interesting that it was in i386, was that second issue something provoked by the first change or something completely unrelated?08:43
zygaafaik not supported :/08:44
mborzeckizyga: yeah, we had a similar issue with mender, started with just block device support, but then people came asking for mtd08:44
zygathe only way I would see this work is ubifs or something simialar to map mdt to block devices08:45
mborzeckieven some of the implicit structure labels would make sense if aplied to volumes08:45
zygapstolowski: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6629#pullrequestreview-21819924508:50
pstolowskizyga: ty!08:51
zygamborzecki: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6634#issuecomment-47609512408:51
mborzeckiarrrgh Package glibc-32bit-2.26-lp150.11.9.1.x86_64 (openSUSE-Leap-15.0-Update) seems to be corrupted during transfer. Do you want to retry retrieval?09:11
pedronispstolowski: hi, I had to contracdict a comment zyga made in 662909:12
pstolowskipedronis: just saw it, sure, thanks!09:12
* Chipaca ⇝ more coffee09:39
* tobias_ says hi09:41
threshWimpress, ping rpi & vlc09:51
Wimpressthresh: o/09:52
WimpressBuilding VLC for the Pi requires two things.09:53
mborzeckijust me or does github feel slow adding comments today?09:53
Wimpresslibraspberry-dev and libraspberry0, only available for armhf.09:54
WimpressAnd the MMAL patches for VLC, which currently only available for VLC 3.0.609:54
threshthat's weird it needs patches, since we do ship mmal in the code09:56
threshin 3.0, that is, and in 4.0 (the upcoming version)09:56
Wimpressthresh: Patches are here - https://github.com/RPi-Distro/vlc in debian/patches09:56
threshthat's a big patch09:57
niemeyermvo: I'm off today, but will give mup some love when I get back home later today09:58
niemeyersorry for the trouble there09:58
mvoniemeyer: thank you and sorry for bothering you on your day off10:00
niemeyermvo: np, thanks for letting me know10:01
dot-tobiasWhat's the best way to debug snap hooks? I'm adding some commands to a post-install hook and would like to identify thinkos or unexpected errors without the whole “install old rev, build new rev, install new rev, repeat”. I found “snap run --hook”, but since my hook contains “snapctl stop --disable my-snap.my-service”, it complains about “unknown flag: disable”. I presume it's something to do how the hook is called by10:08
dot-tobias “snap run”, the same command in my install hook runs without complaints.10:08
Chipacadot-tobias: it looks like snapctl stop doesn't have a --disable10:11
Chipacathe help might be wrong though10:12
* Chipaca looks inside10:12
Chipacaah look at that, it does10:12
dot-tobiasChipaca: That's what I've been wondering as well (comparing “snapctl help” with “snap help stop”), got it from here: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/support-for-snapctl-stop-start-restart-services/1908/17?u=tobias10:13
dot-tobiasAnd the disable flag works fine in an install hook; presumably as well in the post-refresh – just throws the error if called with “snap run --hook=post-refresh my-snap”10:13
dot-tobiasChipaca: And if I interpret https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5777 correctly, the fix that keeps disabled services disabled after refresh is not in yet, right?10:15
zygapstolowski: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/1606674 is something you could assign to yourself10:22
dot-tobiasChipaca: As for my initial question, just figured out that I can run “snap try” over an already mounted try snap and it will run like a refresh – including hooks. The snapctl command works fine with --disable.10:22
zygapstolowski: the serial port hotplug work seems like good test case for desktop users10:22
Chipacadot-tobias: 'run --hook' is internal, AFAIK without the context setting up that's done by snapd before calling it, things will fail10:23
Chipacadot-tobias: but yes both 'snap try' and 'snap install --dangerous ./some-local.snap' are actually refreshes10:24
Chipacadot-tobias: i mean of a previously installed thing with the same name10:24
dot-tobiasChipaca: Noted 😊 http://www.addletters.com/pictures/bart-simpson-generator/bart-simpson-generator.php?line=I+won%27t+assume+undocumented+CLI+flags+are+always+public.10:28
Chipacadot-tobias: undocumented are probably fine; undocumented and explicitly hidden, are … who knows :-)10:29
ChipacaOTOH the completion thing doesn't hide hidden flags10:29
Chipaca… or does it10:29
* Chipaca checks10:29
zygamborzecki: perhaps something you can update https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/1750872 :)10:29
* zyga mvo: this is probably fixed now, right? https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/179118210:30
Chipacamborzecki: an excellent opportunity to use "whelm"10:30
* zyga pstolowski: wasn't this fixed already? https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/180644710:33
threshWimpress, doesnt look mergeable in such a form, I mean thousands lines of code, copied avcodec.c plugin, zero commit logs...10:33
threshmaybe if split properly, and submitted by someone who cares and who wrote it, we can go forward10:34
mvozyga: yes, I think this is fixed10:34
zygamvo: should I update it or will you?10:34
* zyga Chipaca: UX bug on snap info: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1814971 I believe this should be fixed now?10:38
* zyga pstolowski: I believe this is fixed now, right? https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/181275110:38
mvozyga: please do10:38
Chipacazyga: fixed how?10:39
zygaChipaca: isatty vs pipe10:39
zygathe arrows become ^ when piped10:39
zygaso ... parsable )10:39
Chipacazyga: that's not what that bug is about10:39
Chipacait even mentions carets as equivalently unparsable10:40
zygaah, I see now10:40
Chipacaand I agree, the channel map is not meant to be parseable10:40
Chipaca(the bug calls them carrots, which I refuse to edit)10:40
zygathanks, I'll leave it as is10:40
Chipacazyga: in fact just last week I was saying "yeah that is not meant to be parseable really"10:40
Chipacaor words to that effect10:41
pedronisChipaca: yes, the only solution to that bug is --format10:41
Chipacaor talk-to-the-hand^Wsocket10:41
Wimpressthresh: I was in a meeting.10:41
Chipacatalking to the socket is really not hard nor unfriendly10:41
Wimpressthresh: I have good contacts at the Raspberry Pi Foundation. I'll see if I can get them to submit clean PRs upstream.10:42
zygawe have a loooot of bugs to go through10:42
Chipacazyga: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/use-of-snap-command-line-in-scripts-other-programs/10471/2 fwiw10:43
* Chipaca hugs zyga 10:43
* zyga looks10:43
* zyga hugs Chipaca back :)10:43
Chipacazyga: we don't have bugs! we have … features that are trying their best10:43
threshWimpress, np, and thanks!10:45
pstolowskizyga: i've updated the two bugs you asked (both fixed)10:52
zygapstolowski: super, thank you!10:53
zygamborzecki: a small bug you could assign to yourself for tracking10:54
zygamborzecki: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/157410310:54
zygaI think your work will fix it10:54
zygapstolowski: does this ring a bell? I recall something similar happening recently: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/180517010:56
zygadegville: a typo in docs, probably stale by now but perhaps you can have a quick look? https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/180173510:57
pstolowskizyga: yes, we've been considering enhancing snapctl to show changed values for current transaction. no concrete plan as far as snapctl is concerned. should be easy to add11:02
degvillezyga: yep, of course - looking now.11:08
mvohey degville! nice to see you :)11:10
degvillemvo: thanks! good to be back :)11:11
pedronisChipaca: some small comments on 663511:13
mborzeckiso the opensuse install fix PR did not fail on opensuse, but this failed instead: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/XWMd4vMGVw/11:17
mborzeckiisn't there a ticket about that?11:18
* pstolowski lunch11:20
zygamborzecki: yes, mvo is working on that11:24
zygamvo: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/1769669 looks like something that was fixed now, shall I mark it as such?11:25
zyga(at least based on the forum chatter)11:25
Chipacapedronis: on it11:31
mvozyga: yeah, this should be more robust now11:32
zygamvo: shall I close the bug?11:32
mvozyga: +111:33
zygamvo: halp11:38
zygamvo: do we have a regression?11:39
zyga--extrausers broke on core11:39
mvozyga: this is edge? let me check11:44
mborzeckizyga: i'm guesing this is where it broke https://people.canonical.com/~mvo/core-changes/html/edge/2.38r6678_2.38+git1203.52b6d65~ubuntu16.04.1r6685.html11:44
zygamvo: that's the critical pr that fixes master11:45
zygamvo: from maciej11:45
mvomborzecki: indeed11:45
mvozyga: yeah on it11:45
zygamborzecki: when exactly?11:45
mborzecki6673 seem sok11:45
mborzeckiseems ok11:45
zygamborzecki: before 1:4.2-3.1ubuntu5.411:45
zyga(version from hell)11:45
mvozyga: let me sort this out11:46
zygasuper, thank you!11:46
mvozyga: there must be some confusion, my original SRU added all the missing patches :/11:47
zygathat's why I'm puzzled11:47
zygamaybe CVE fix dropped them?11:47
mvozyga: anyway, fix should be there soon11:47
zygaor maybe image ppa woe?11:47
zygaI don't get it11:47
mvozyga: I think the PPA is confused, I manually uploaded a no-change version to hopefully fix it11:57
mvozyga: this version was briefly in ppa:snappy-dev/image but then I removed it again because I wanted to SRU the full version with all pending changes to the real archive instead of the PPA (I did that on friday but iirc no sru review yet)11:58
mvozyga: anyway, hopefully a gentle kick will fix it11:58
mborzeckiok, so this, then opensuse branch, then merge master to the PRs and we can finally start seeing some green :P11:59
zygamvo: ideally the fix is that the main version in the archive is ok11:59
zygamvo: and we can drop this from the ppa forever11:59
Chipacamborzecki: things are broken right now?11:59
* Chipaca was about to push12:00
mborzeckiChipaca: yeah12:00
zygamvo: shadow failed to upload in the snappy-dev/ubuntu/image ppa just now12:00
Chipacamborzecki: I'll hold back then :-)12:01
Chipacamaybe i should have lunch12:01
pedronispstolowski: I mand an high-level remark in 662912:05
mvozyga: yeah, its more confused, I uploaded anohter fix12:08
mvozyga: main archive>yeah, I was working on exactly that, i.e. SRU our two pending patches plus the new userdel one12:09
mvozyga: its iirc in unapproved12:09
zygamvo: there's a thing I need to discuss with you12:09
zygamvo: maybe after you are done with this you could give me a ping?12:09
mvozyga: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text= (fwiw)12:09
mvozyga: we can talk in ~2min, just want to double check the build and then trigger core rebuild12:10
mvozyga: I'm in the standup channel12:13
pstolowskipedronis: thanks12:26
mvonew core build triggered, should be ready in some minutes with fixed useradd12:30
=== ricab is now known as ricab|lunch
cachioChipaca, hey12:39
Chipacacachio: 'sup12:39
cachioI am testing the core revert test12:39
Chipacacachio: ok12:39
cachioperhaps you can help me12:39
cachioafter I refresh the core snap12:39
cachioit cannot make a snap refresh12:40
Chipacadid it reboot after refreshing?12:40
cachioI see an error like https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nJkkcVhVWy/12:40
Chipacacachio: is this on core, or on classic?12:40
cachioit is core12:40
cachiocore 1612:40
Chipacacachio: ah, that looks like a network issue12:41
cachiocould it be related to the catalog refresh?12:41
Chipacacachio: what's in the log? (is it running with DEBUG_SNAPD_HTTP)12:41
Chipacaor was it SNAPD_DEBUG_HTTP12:41
cachioI added core to ping api.snapcraft.io before make the refresh12:41
cachioand it can reach the endpoint12:42
Chipacathe logs should have more info about what's going on12:42
Chipacaif debug is on12:42
cachioit I wait like a minute the snap refresh command does not fail anymore12:42
cachioI'll add the debug in that case12:43
Chipacacachio: you're not running with SNAPD_DEBUG already?12:43
cachioChipaca, the test is running in a vm inside other vm in google12:43
cachioChipaca, it is part of the nested test suite12:44
Chipacacachio: what's in the logs _without_ debug?12:44
Chipacaor does the vm die12:44
cachioit is running without debug beacuse I test the core which I get from edge12:45
cachioon that suite12:45
Chipacacachio: but can you get the logs?12:49
cachioChipaca, yes12:50
Chipacacachio: please do12:50
Chipacacachio: even without debug there might be something useful12:50
cachioChipaca, I am running again the test12:51
cachioI'll have the logs in 5 minutes12:51
pstolowskicachio: hey, #6491 fails repeatedly on google:ubuntu-14.04-64:tests/main/interfaces-daemon-notify and it's unclear why (it's completely unrelated to the PR); do you have a moment to help with that?12:53
cachiopstolowski, hi, checking12:54
mborzeckioff to pick up the kids12:59
cachiopstolowski, I see errors related to opensuse which I am trying to fix13:13
cachiopstolowski, I think best is disable it until the solution is in place13:14
pstolowskicachio: yes, this time opensuse failed as well. but the problem is that test i mentioned, it failed many times in a row13:14
cachioI am executing it now13:15
cachioseems to be something new13:15
cachiopstolowski, I am trying to reproduce it here13:16
pstolowskicachio: ta! it seems something with journal cursor? but it's unclear why it's failing on the PR which adds this nested vm test13:17
cachiopstolowski, it is not related to your change13:19
cachioChipaca, the logs are not good :( https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/GFtrm7TWYf/13:32
Chipacacachio: sigh13:32
cachioI have a debug session on that machine13:32
cachiocould I get something else?13:33
Chipacacachio: if you do the refresh agian does it work?13:36
pedroniscachio: both mvo and me made some comments in 662513:37
cachioChipaca, yes13:38
Chipacacachio: sounds like actual network hiccup, then13:39
Chipacacachio: can you turn on debug permanently in the nested tests? (you can do it by just adding a file)13:39
cachiopedronis, I saw those, I'll answer and start a new test for ssh config13:41
cachioChipaca, Environment=SNAPD_DEBUG_HTTP=7 SNAPD_DEBUG=1 is ok for the config¡13:43
Chipacacachio: yes13:44
Chipacacachio: it goes in a [Service] section13:44
cachioChipaca, /etc/systemd/system/snapd.service.d/local.conf ?13:45
Chipacacachio: y13:45
cachioniemeyer, hey, could you please take a look to https://github.com/snapcore/spread/pull/7514:05
=== ricab|lunch is now known as ricab
zygapedronis: can you ack / change https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6636#discussion_r268661433 after the call please?14:19
pedroniszyga: done14:21
mborzeckicachio: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/664414:33
cachiomborzecki, I'll try that14:34
cachioChipaca, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Dw4vPh9PpY/14:37
cachioChipaca, api.snapcraft.io works before make snap refresh14:38
zygaI need to grab lunch and maybe exercise a bit, I will be back later14:40
mborzeckioff to pick up the kids14:40
mborzeckidamn, wrong terminal14:40
niemeyercachio: Heya14:41
niemeyerWill look tomorrow.. off today14:41
mborzeckimvo: restarted #6644 too early probably as it failed with --extrausers again, running it again14:43
Chipacacachio: it looks like the network wasn't fully up?14:44
Chipacacachio: dns was failing at 14:22:19, and still at 14:22:23, then that came up by 14:22:24 but still not healthy14:46
mvomborzecki: ok14:46
Chipacacachio: how are you testing you can reach api.snapcraft.io?14:46
cachioChipaca, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KKHXZgxJCm/14:47
cachioChipaca, does it make sense?14:50
Chipacacachio: the output of 'snap debug connectivity' would be helpful, if you could14:50
Chipacacachio: and you could 'while ! snap debug connectivity; do sleep 1; done'14:51
cachioChipaca, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3JfKfZb4wc/14:51
cachiothis is what I have14:51
cachioI could print all the output, but I need to rexecute14:52
Chipacacachio: I mean, with what you have, my veredict is the network had a hiccup14:54
Chipacacachio: it happening every time makes me think it's actually something in the vm that hasn't finished coming up14:54
Chipacacachio: but I don't know14:54
cachioChipaca, ok, makes sense14:58
cachioI'll try to install a snap and see if it works or fail14:59
mborzeckimvo: fwiw, i ran google:ubuntu-core-16-64:tests/main/ubuntu-core-create-user separately now, so i expect #6644 to be green this time :)15:00
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
mvomborzecki: cool15:08
cachiomborzecki, seems to work well the change for opensuse15:08
cachioI'm updating the image now15:09
cachioin this case we dont need to diable opensuse15:09
mborzecki6644 landed15:19
Chipacamborzecki: is that the fix-all-the-things one?15:19
pedroniszyga: there's a conflict as well in #663615:23
mborzeckiChipaca: yeah, it should make things green again15:24
* cachio lunch15:30
* zyga returned home, rain + bike != fun15:33
Chipacazyga: not with that attitude15:41
zygapedronis: does https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6636 look good now or do you want to see some changes around the go part?16:17
zygaups, bad push :/16:19
pedroniszyga: I need to go have a walk, will look when I'm back16:19
mvozyga: 6642 has conflicts now16:27
Chipacapedronis: wrt common-id search, should I make it reject q+cid searches?16:29
zygamvo: yes, expected16:29
zygaI just fixed the base branch16:29
zygaI need to mend the network again16:32
zygatime to actually connect that backup modem I have16:32
zygaI need a 2nd review for https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/659716:44
zygamvo, mborzecki ^16:44
cachiopedronis, hey, #6625 updated16:46
cachiobut it fails with ssh.disable: true16:47
cachiopedronis, is it expected, right?16:47
mvozyga: I can check tomorrow, need to play hockey soon(ish) :)16:48
mborzeckiheh, so now spread jobs hit the travis time limits17:09
cachiomborzecki, do you have a link¡17:11
* Chipaca knows cachio's keyboard layout, and hates it17:12
Chipacahate hate hate17:13
Chipacahow can you program on that17:13
Chipacahaving the logical not right there is cool tho17:13
cachioChipaca, I don't know, well perhaps because I use it since long time :):)17:13
Chipacacachio: obvs :-)17:13
Chipacai just never could get used to it17:14
cachioChipaca, I used to work for argentinian clients17:14
cachioChipaca, I needed the ñ17:14
cachioChipaca, :)17:15
Chipacacachio: i'm still upset there never was ubuntu ñoño ñandú17:15
cachioChipaca, and i also used to share the computer with my wife17:15
Chipacacachio: my condolences17:15
Chipacaanyhoo, back to breaking stuff17:16
Chipacaactually, no17:16
Chipacai'm going for a walk before the sunshine goes17:16
* Chipaca afk17:16
pedroniscachio: actually, not, I thought it would work with recent code changes, we'll need to dig17:19
pedronisChipaca: I don't have a strong opinion, do we think the store will drop support for that? on our side it's easier to add things than to remove them17:22
pedroniswhich is an argument to not allow it unless there's a strong use case17:22
Chipacapedronis: yeah, that's what i was thinking, particularly with rob saying they're not goingt o use it17:22
ChipacaI'll drop support for the combo17:23
Chipacabut first i'll walk17:23
* Chipaca really afk now17:23
cachiopedronis, this is the output https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KbxSxbYGZP/17:26
pedroniscachio: that is weird,  we probably need pstolowski to help debug that17:28
cachiopedronis, this ire the defaults that we use17:40
cachiopedronis, is it ok?17:40
pedroniscachio: yes, it was asked, we'll discuss tomorrow with pstolowski17:42
pedronissorry, it is what I asked17:42
cachiopedronis, nice17:42
pstolowskiIm afk, will check tomorrow morning17:42
cachiopedronis, thanks17:43
* zyga EODs19:06
zygacachio, pedronis: feels like missing path in handleServiceDisableConfiguration, specifically when output is ""19:12
cachiozyga, nice, thanks for take a look to that19:13
juliankI finally decided to start building the apt snap: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/XvgPpKGgqQ/ :D19:15
juliankI think I had a problem with an unclean rebuild in between, as the apt snap ended up with19:15
juliankE: The method driver /apt/lib/apt/methods/mirror+file could not be found.19:15
juliankbut let's see what the next revision brings19:15
juliankHmm, so it builds the snap to install to the snap's /, but then apt looks up methods in /lib/apt, when it should be looking in /snap/apt/<id>/lib/apt19:17
juliankso I guess I can specify - -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBEXECDIR=/snap/apt/current but I'd like the id instead of current19:21
* cachio afk19:24
juliankHow do other classic snaps handle running helpers from their own libexecdir?19:34
zygajdstrand: updated https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/664220:47
zygajdstrand: I kept the permission as they were, I will discuss this with pedronis tomorrow20:47
zygajdstrand: but everything else should be good now20:48
* zyga really EOD now21:07
zygajuliank: that's not an ID21:07
zygajuliank: that's a revision that changes  with each build21:07
jdstrandzyga: ack, thanks21:27
juliankzyga: well, yes22:32
juliankzyga: that's where it should look for its helper programs22:32
juliankCurrently I'm snapping a caldav server, but I don't feel safe having the root daemon, so I think maybe not ship a daemon, and just the command in the snap. oh well...22:33
pgndI've installed snapd on Opensuse, per instructions here: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/installing-snap-on-opensuse/837523:00
pgndThere, degville mentions the need to "systemctl enable snapd.apparmor".23:00
pgndAfaict, there's no such service installed ...  Is that^^ still current instruction, and a dep has changed?23:01

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