
pavlushkahowzitcal: o/10:08
howzitcalhey pavlushka 10:08
pavlushkahowzitcal: should I say afternoon?10:09
howzitcalhaha indeed pavlushka 10:09
howzitcalhows thing that side pavlushka 10:10
pavlushkahowzitcal: better than yesterday (weather is in transition from winter to summer) as I had fever but today I am ok.10:11
pavlushkahowzitcal: and you?10:14
howzitcalall good this side pavlushka 10:20
howzitcalgot any linux news pavlushka?10:21
pavlushkahowzitcal: not much except that stadia is running GNU/linux with vulkan10:26
howzitcalthats awesome pavlushka 10:26

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