=== olga__ is now known as Heavy_Arms | ||
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IrcsomeBot2 | <Anarchotaoist> @Jorge Sánchez, https://www.falkon.org/download/ | 05:20 |
patrick__ | hi | 05:44 |
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lordievader | Good morning | 07:24 |
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ocean416 | Hi, i just tried a linux game. After closing it, i have no border in all other windows anymore. I can't resize window, can't nbring one on top | 09:31 |
ocean416 | Is there a shortcut to fix that | 09:37 |
BluesKaj | Howdy folks | 10:08 |
Kon- | ocean416: Go to terminal and try "kwin --replace" | 10:22 |
Kon- | You can even run this command in krunner | 10:23 |
ocean416 | Thank you, that worked! | 10:28 |
ocean416 | It was not easy to get the keyboard focus to the terminal window. butbe everything isbfune now. | 10:30 |
Kon- | ocean416: If you can't get to the terminal easily, try Alt+Space or Alt+F2 to bring down Krunner. It can run programs, switch windows, or run some commands itself | 10:32 |
Kon- | Just type what you want in the box | 10:33 |
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life | ||
pragmaticenigma | Howdy everyone, Does anyone know a permenent solution to disabling Baloo? I have used it's own configuration tools to attempt to disable it, yet I still continue to see it working in the background in my logs. I need this completely turned off, how can I do that without nuking KDE? | 12:38 |
BluesKaj | pragmaticenigma, system-settings>workspace>search>filesearch, uncheck filesearch, then in Plasma search , uncheck desktop search | 12:51 |
pragmaticenigma | Those are all disabled... I need baloo actually removed | 12:52 |
pragmaticenigma | it is the reason that mounting and unmounting drives is causing udisk to hang | 12:52 |
pragmaticenigma | balooctl status report inactive... I should not see org.kde.runners.baloo[1204]: QSocketNotifier: Can only be used with threads started with QThread or any other message from baloo in my logs | 12:53 |
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BluesKaj | pragmaticenigma, I have balookf5 installed, but it's not running anywhere, perhaps also thru system-settings> startup&shutdowwn?background services> uncheck and stop 'search folder updater' | 12:57 |
pragmaticenigma | BluesKaj: all of the options for file search are disabled where they can be | 12:57 |
BluesKaj | do you have akonadi server running too? | 12:58 |
pragmaticenigma | no | 12:58 |
pragmaticenigma | what also bothers me is that I cannot disable or change the ondemand "Directory Watcher" service | 13:00 |
BluesKaj | then I don't know why baloo is running, since i have done all of the above settings and there's no baloo in ksysguard process | 13:00 |
pragmaticenigma | I don't have a process... it is appearing in my logs... | 13:02 |
BluesKaj | which log?i don't see anything in /var/log/syslog | 13:05 |
pragmaticenigma | journalctl is where I'm finding it | 13:06 |
BluesKaj | pragmaticenigma, https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=193169, these commands should work | 13:59 |
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daniel | Hey | 20:43 |
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Swahilian | Hey | 20:43 |
Swahilian | How do I use the kde partition manager? | 20:43 |
Swahilian | I need to partition my HDD but my linux knowing friend has autism and can't use his words to tell me because he's mad that I want to change from kubuntu to ubuntu | 20:44 |
Swahilian | how do I convince him to help me or how do I partition my hdd? | 20:44 |
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zanna | buonasera. | 21:05 |
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mparillo | buona sere, ma | 22:10 |
mparillo | !it | 22:10 |
ubottu | Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) | 22:10 |
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