
lundmartrying out pre-release 19.04, it seems grub no longer loads the correct modules to support usb keyboard input?09:28
lundmarI can get keyboard working if I manually load the modules (GRUB_PRELOAD_MODULES="usb usb_keyboard ehci ohci uhci") but then it fails to find my nvme disk. Anyone else with similar issue?09:29
lundmartested on xps 15 (9570)09:30
guiverclundmar, i just booted a 19.04 laptop (thinkpad) & it let me use usb keyboard (instead of laptop kbd) at all steps, so it may be specific to your/some devices..09:34
lundmarguiverc: yes, it might be specific to xps 15. Some say that usb legacy support needs to be enable in bios but I have already done that.09:37
guiverclundmar, i'm unlikely to be able to help you, if you wait maybe someone else will be able.  i just tried a sony thing and didn't have the success i expected; but I didn't see grub at all so i wanna explore what i saw instead09:44
lundmarguiverc: ok thanks. xps 15 is pretty popular - I simply hope we can get it sorted out before release.09:46
guiverclundmar, file a bug report is probably the best advice anyone can give you, at least it leaves a 'paper' trail that people can comment on, track etc09:47
lotuspsychjelundmar: biosupdate might help10:11
lotuspsychjelundmar: see also if you can trace acpi issues in your logs10:13
lundmarlotuspsychje: I'm running latest. Worked fine with ubuntu 18.10 but after upgrade to 19.04 grub usb input stoppped working.10:13
lotuspsychjelundmar: sounds like a kernel issue then, can we have your dmesg pastebin plz?10:13
lundmargrub kernel?10:14
ubottudmesg is a console command which outputs the kernel ring buffer - an important log for diagnosing problems in  Linux. Often when something errors with hardware it will result in additional lines reported which can be seen by running dmesg in a console.10:14
lundmarno no, this is before loading OS10:14
lundmargrub ignores my keyboard on xps 1510:14
lotuspsychjelundmar: keyboard works on desktop?10:14
lotuspsychjeoh right10:15
lundmar19.04 broge grub keyboard :/10:15
lotuspsychjelemme search around10:15
lundmari'm even booting non-secure mode now10:15
lotuspsychjelundmar: legacy usb enabled in bios?10:16
lundmarlotuspsychje: enabled10:16
lundmarlotuspsychje: its very similar to the issue seen here (long ago): https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=222662110:17
lotuspsychjelundmar: you sure this works in 18.10 right?10:17
lundmaryes, never had any issues with 18.1010:17
lundmarbut 19.04 upgrade blew things up10:17
lundmarI suspect maybe they messed up the default grub payload10:18
lundmarlotuspsychje: I've tried the stuff from the link with GRUB_PRELOAD_MODULES and I can get the keyboard working but then it can't find my nvme disk :/10:18
lotuspsychjelundmar: are you dualbooting or singleboot?10:19
lundmarlotuspsychje: singleboot ubuntu10:20
lotuspsychjelundmar: i think for nvme ssd you need advanced partitioning in setup10:20
lundmarlotuspsychje: im not using lvm10:22
lotuspsychjelundmar: did you try another keyboard?10:24
lundmarlotuspsychje: i've tried the laptop keyboard which i think is usb and then my logitech wireless via usb dongle10:25
lundmarneither works10:25
lotuspsychjelundmar: so your keyboard works also in bios itself right?10:26
lundmarlotuspsychje: correct10:27
lotuspsychjelundmar: allright, lets create a new bug you have time for it?10:27
lundmarand I can force it to work by forcing preload of the grub modules10:27
lotuspsychjeubuntu-bug grub2 from terminal10:28
lundmarlotuspsychje: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/182170910:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1821709 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 19.04 breaks grub keyboard input on XPS 15" [Undecided,New]10:33
lotuspsychjelundmar: tnx for taking your time to create it10:33
lotuspsychjelemme take a look10:33
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic10:34
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (disco), package size 2 kB, installed size 15 kB10:34
lotuspsychjelundmar: ah, i have a suggest could you try this with a 19.04 fresh liveusb?10:34
lotuspsychjelundmar: testing dev branch best always cleans instead of upgrades10:35
lundmarlotuspsychje: I'm using liveusb to try fix grub. The liveusb grub works fine.10:36
lotuspsychjelundmar: also please describe your grub pre modules test too10:36
lotuspsychjelundmar: so keyboard works on grub livemode?10:37
lundmarI know I took at risk upgrading at this early stage but thats why im here - to avoid this issue in final release.10:37
lundmarlotuspsychje: correct10:37
lotuspsychjelundmar: ok please add this to the bug too10:37
lotuspsychjelundmar: must be some upgrade flaw somewhere then10:37
lotuspsychjewe strongly reccomend testing dev versions clean always10:39
lundmaryes, i took a chance haha10:40
lundmarstill, someone needs to test upgrade :D10:40
lotuspsychjelundmar: reccomended upgrades at final mate10:41
lotuspsychjelundmar: mark your bug solved ok, as this works on 19.04 live daily10:42
lundmarlotuspsychje: but running from live and install is a different thing no?10:44
lundmari mean, this could still be a real issue10:44
lotuspsychjelundmar: did you try installing a daily 19.04 fresh?10:44
lundmarlotuspsychje: no, upgrade.10:45
lotuspsychjelundmar: test please10:45
lotuspsychjeif live works, the daily install 'should' also work10:45
lundmarI can't do a fresh install atm.10:46
lotuspsychjelundmar: ok thats your choice np, but hopefully you understand we cant bug out on a non-daily10:46
lotuspsychjelundmar: its not fair towards the devs and avoid making more work then necesary10:47
lundmari understand, I took at chance upgrading early just before beta release. Time will tell if the issue will persist.10:48
lotuspsychjeanyway final will be there for you soon10:48
ubottuIf you install a development version of Ubuntu Disco and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 19.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade » in a terminal.10:48
lotuspsychjelundmar: but that doesnt mean this will get your issue solved, hence it might hold leftovers from the upgrade10:49
lotuspsychjeits also a move from non-lts to non-lts, less stable10:49
lundmarlotuspsychje: is it possible to do a fresh install without destroying home ?10:50
lotuspsychjelundmar: setup can choose to install 'next' your current install10:51
lotuspsychjelundmar: but ideal is to backup and fresh install 19.04 (if you want to help test)10:52
lotuspsychjecause until final, things can still break (not reccomended for daily usage yet)10:53
lundmarok, i'll give it a try and follow up after final 10:53
isomarigreetings, I update my kubuntu 19.04 everyday but my kernel is still at 4.18.0-13-generic. How can I update it?13:57
isomarito 5.0 I mean.13:58
naccisomari: `lsb_release -sd`14:09
naccisomari: 4.18.0-13 isn't even the right 18.10 kernel14:09
isomarinacc: I said I'm on 19.0414:10
naccisomari: you said that, but that's not the correct kernel14:10
naccisomari: so i would like actual proof :)14:10
naccisomari: 18.10 is at 4.18.0-16 for one thing.14:11
isomari1 sec .....14:11
isomariI got that from uname -r14:11
naccisomari: ok, not what i asked for. also when you say you 'update' every day, what specifically do you mean?14:12
isomarilsb returns Ubuntu Disco Dingo (development branch)14:13
naccisomari: ok, in a pastebin `apt-cache policy linux-image-generic; ls /boot`14:13
isomariby update I mean apt-get update; apt-get upgrade14:13
naccisomari: you should be using dist-upgrade or apt full-upgrade during the development release14:15
isomarinacc: sorry, my system just lost power, 1 sec ....14:20
isomariproof? what do you want me to do?14:21
naccisomari: we've moved on14:21
naccisomari: you should be using dist-upgrade or apt full-upgrade during the development release14:21
isomarinacc: that's what I used to originally upgrade from cosmic.14:22
naccisomari: no you didn't14:22
tewardisomari: dist-upgrade doesn't upgrade you between Ubuntu releases14:22
naccisomari: do-release-upgrade, is probably waht you mean14:22
tewardisomari: apt-get dist-upgrade will install all packages that have updates INCLUDING their dependent packages14:22
isomarinacc: with all du respect, It's still in my history. I'm not a layman.14:23
naccisomari: if you did do a manual sources.list modification and dist-upgrade, then you didn't do it correctly.14:23
teward^ that14:23
isomariok. That's what i did. So what can I do now?14:23
naccisomari: have you done a `sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade` ?14:24
isomarioriginaly yes14:24
naccisomari: no, right now.14:24
naccas I've said a few times.14:24
isomarishould I?14:24
naccisomari: yes.14:24
isomariok thanks ........14:24
isomariafter that ill I be ok?14:25
naccisomari: i don't know.14:25
isomariI C14:25
isomariwell here goes nothing..14:26
isomarifunny. after the update, the dist-ugrade only wants to upgrade vivaldi-snapshot.14:27
naccisomari: ok, then the command i asked for 15 minutes ago14:29
isomariwhich one?14:29
naccisomari: ok, in a pastebin `apt-cache policy linux-image-generic; ls /boot`14:29
isomari1 sec .....14:29
isomarithis is the site I followed to do my upgrade a while back:  https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-upgrade-ubuntu-to-19-04-disco-dingo14:45
isomarithe only difference from that site is that I was/am on kubuntu.14:47
tomreynpreviously you said you used this (wrong) method to do the release upgrade: edited sources.list manually, replacing the previous release codename by 'disco'. now you're saying you actually followed this how-to, which uses the do-release-upgrade utility to carry out the release upgrade. what you're saying doesn't seem to add up.14:58
tomreynif you used the former method, you should rather do a fresh installation, if you used the latter method, then maybe, too. but then, 19.04 is unreleased and not yet supported, so really you're on your own there.14:59
isomaritomreyn: sorry , I was mistaken for a different machine. Not my laptop.15:01
isomarisothere's no way to upgrade my kernel?15:01
tomreyninstall linux-image-generic15:03
isomariwhen the final is released, will I be able to upgrade from this beat?15:03
naccisomari: sorry was on the phone15:04
naccisomari: yes, to your last question15:04
naccisomari: ... your pastebin doesn't make sense15:04
isomariwhich one?15:04
naccthe policy one15:05
naccisomari: `sudo apt-get update` in a pastebin ?15:06
isomariI followed that site I posted and I've had n problems with this installation so far.15:06
isomariI don't know what could have happened or what I could have done worng.15:06
naccisomari: did you run do-release-upgrade or not?15:07
isomariI did15:07
isomariit's in my history on feb 215:07
naccisomari: your machine is sayng that there is no linux-image-generic package from the mirrors you are using15:08
naccwhich there is, i just looked on it15:08
tomreynmay depend on architecture15:08
nacctomreyn: maybe, i see the binary deb for both15:08
naccand rmadison says both are published15:09
naccisomari: are you on i386?15:09
tomreynok, i was just guessing15:09
nacctomreyn: ack15:09
naccisomari: please pastebin the `sudo apt-get update` output15:09
isomari1 sec ...15:09
isomariit's comming. It's showing 1386 packages. I never noticed that before. 15:11
isomaristill working. Bad connection where I'm at.15:11
* tomreyn kthxbye15:12
isomarireally bad link. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz15:14
isomariin the meantime, how can i upgrade the repos to 64bit?15:14
isomariI already pastebinned the soruces.lsit file. I don't see anywhere in there that explains wht apt-get is using 32bit repos.15:15
isomaristil updating ............15:16
isomarithese typos make me look retarded. ;-)15:16
isomariactually, it's showing both 32bit and 64bit repos. still going .......15:24
isomarisomewhow I lost the first line:  https://pastebin.com/WHBwWVEB15:29
naccisomari: it also failed to download several package lists?15:30
naccisomari: what does `apt-cache policy linux-image-generic` say now?15:30
isomari1 sec .....15:31
naccisomari: ok, now try a `sudo apt-get dist-upgrade`15:32
isomari1 sec ...15:32
naccisomari: afaict, you have network issues, or your mirror is broken, or your were not running `sudo apt-get update` regularly.15:33
isomari266 to upgrade and 86 new. I don't see any kernel though. Should I proceed?15:34
naccisomari: pastebin the output15:34
isomari1 sec ....15:34
naccisomari: what are you talkinga bout? line 18.15:36
isomaridon't mind me. I havent slept in days. ;-)15:36
isomariso what was the original problem that I caused?15:37
naccisomari: i don't know, it woudl appear you didn't run `apt update`15:37
isomariso should I proceed now?15:38
naccisomari: yes15:38
isomarithanks for your patience...15:38
lundmarlotuspsychje: I've found a workaround/fix for my grub usb input issue. I've updated the bug report.17:49
lotuspsychjelundmar: nice work19:48
Bashing-omlundmar: Bug squashing ?19:49
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/182170919:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1821709 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 19.04 breaks grub keyboard input on XPS 15" [Undecided,New]19:50
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Looking :)19:51
Bashing-om^^ Good to know .. noted :)19:53
lotuspsychjewe adviced to test 19.04 clean instead of upgrade, but he found workaround so19:54
lundmarlotuspsychje: at least the bug report will be there if anyone experiences the same post 19.04 release.20:08
lotuspsychjeyeah its good20:09
lotuspsychjewe will see what happens at final right20:09
lundmarnow that i can use grub again I can continue to try get the intel gpu up and running - the dell xps 15 onboard intel gpu just blanks when booting. I saw the same issue with linux 5.0 on ubuntu 18.10.20:11
lundmaryeah, the only way i can get it up and running is with nomodeset but that means software rendering instead of gpu :/20:13
tomreynyou should get a log and post it to get an idea of what the actual issue is.20:21
tomreynone thing you may want to try: Ctrl+Alt+F4, log in, edit /etc/gdm3/custom.conf and uncomment (remove leading #) the line: #WaylandEnable=false20:22
tomreynthat's a workaround for a bug which was since fixed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mutter/+bug/1727356  - so *maybe* it just helps here, too20:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1727356 in mutter (Ubuntu Cosmic) "Login screen never appears on early generation Intel GPUs (Core2 and Atom etc)" [High,Fix released]20:24
lundmartomreyn: that would disable wayland right? I would like to try run wayland.20:26
tomreynit would make gdm not use wayland. i assume this also means you cannot run wayland at all, but i'm not certain there.20:27
lundmaralso, it worked fine with 17.10 but breaks with any use of linux 5.0 in either 17.10 or 19.0420:27
tomreyni assume right now you'd be happy to have any kind of graphical output at all20:27
tomreynis this an optimus / prime system?20:28
lundmarllvmpipe rendering works, however - not using the gpu features such as my external dock DP monitors do not work20:28
lundmartomreyn: i've blacklisted the noveau driver20:28
tomreynthis sounds like you're saying "yes"20:29
lundmari only want to use the intel 630 gpu20:29
tomreyndo you know the exact model?20:29
tomreynof the laptop20:29
lundmarsure, its the new xps 957020:29
lundmaraka xps 1520:30
tomreynthen ignore my workaround suggestion, it most likely wont help20:30
lundmarits a pretty popular laptop20:30
lundmarshould work20:30
tomreynthis? https://www.notebookcheck.net/Updated-Dell-confirms-that-it-is-fixing-the-XPS-15-9570-GPU-issue-that-it-previously-denied-existed.376516.0.html20:31
lundmartomreyn: i dont think its related - it concerns gpu throttling limits.20:33
lundmareither way, the noveau driver is not in play since I've blacklisted it.20:34
lotuspsychjelundmar: an optimus card you should not blacklist nvidia, but disable performance mode in nvidia-prime20:35
tomreynbut the firmware surely is. maybe this is what your keyboard not working issue is really about: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/180317920:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1803179 in linux (Ubuntu) "System does not reliably come out of suspend" [Medium,Confirmed]20:35
tomreyni.e. maybe you did suspend?20:36
lundmari dont use suspend at all20:38
tomreynok. but you use a docking station, you said?20:38
lundmarthe last comment in the thread hints at using "acpi_rev_override=1 acpi_osi=Linux nouveau.modeset=0 pcie_aspm=force drm.vblankoffdelay=1 scsi_mod.use_blk_mq=1 nouveau.runpm=0 mem_sleep_default=deep"20:38
lundmari'm gonna give that a try20:39
tomreynon (just) a quick glance, this really looks like a firmware issue20:39
lundmartomreyn: yes, i've successfully used a dell docking station with 2 external daisy chained DP monitors.20:39
tomreynbut without a log it's not possible to say, and even then, maybe, too.20:39
lundmarbut first step would be to simply have laptop display working with gpu20:40
OerHeksmaybe "i915.alpha_support=1" helps with that intel 630 ?20:40
lundmarOerHeks: I've thought about that but isn't alpha support a bit late for for this chipset?20:41
lundmarI would expect it to be fully supported at this point20:41
OerHeksworth a try ..20:41
lundmarbut I will try the option if nothing else works20:41
OerHeksit used to be a fix for 620, iirc20:41
tomreyni915.alpha_support=1 was (in some cases) needed for linux 4.14 to 4.18 only, i think20:42
lundmari've seen some use it for intel 630 on a 4.7 kernel20:43
lundmarbut linux 5.0 ....20:43

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