[00:12] Maxel: the package is called linux-image-4.4.0-128-generic [00:32] how much space in my boot partition should I need to do the upgrade to 18.04? [00:32] and should I be able to upgrade without any issues? [00:32] guessing, ~250 megs ought to be enough [01:39] hmm, trying to do the upgrade right nwo and it says I need to download 563mb [01:39] I've got about 260m free on /boot/, but I only have 400m total [01:42] is /boot also on the filesystem that will receive all the downloaded packages? that'd be quite strange.. [01:42] well, no, not really, but .. having only 400m free on / might be a serious crimp in the upgrade :) [01:44] I'm not actually sure where this will download to [01:44] I just assumed it would go to boot since every time I do apt upgrade, it fills up /boot [01:44] hehe [01:45] I'm just worried about blowing up my install, I assume it should be capable of aborting if it doesn't have necessary space [01:46] I think for 'easy' filesystem layouts it probably can handle it; but it probably assumes most package contents will be unpacked onto / [01:46] alright, giving it a shot [01:59] well this is not good [02:00] "ing" keeps printing to the screen [02:02] that does sound bad. [02:05] was a window error, but when I pressed enter it selected some option [02:05] I think I'm upgrade, lsb_releases -a says I'm on 18.04.2 [02:07] I just don't know what I selected for a setting in that menu [02:07] what versions do you get from: dpkg -l bash systemd [02:11] http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/QMrHnJjJTz/ [02:14] well, that's good and bad. the versions look good, but the 'it' rather than 'ii' means something went wrong partway through [02:14] yeah, I haven't restarted yet [02:14] not sure if that would be a good idea or not [02:15] try dpkg --configure -a and apt-get install -f -- those can often either dislodge errors, or show you an error message to tackle next [02:16] dpkg: error: dpkg frontend is locked by another process [02:17] I have a suspicion that some process got backgrounded that is still finishing the install [02:19] aha! [02:19] it is run in screen, perhaps you just need to reattach to the screen session [02:20] what's the command for that? [02:21] back when I used screen I used screen -RAD [02:21] hmm, cleared out the screen, didn't seem to reattach to anything [02:23] try control-A, followed by l (ell) [02:24] no dice [02:25] how about control-A 0, control-A 1, etc ? [02:27] well ctl-a isn't sending a signal at all it seems [02:27] I'm using a vmware remote console to do this, closest I get to a keyboard plugged into a machine [02:28] oh f, accidentally restarted the server.... welp lets see what happens [02:28] yeah, disaster, cant mount fs [02:29] uhoh :/ [02:29] I haven't tried this function out, but I'm going to see if I can revert my vm image [02:29] hopefully it works [02:29] made a snapshot before I tried the upgrade out [02:30] lets hope it's happy with that :) [02:30] if the machine was mostly quiet then it'll probably be fine.. but databases sometimes don't take that kind of treatment well [02:31] reverted super fast, seems to be back to a good state [03:51] alright, got it upgraded I think [03:51] but now the upgraded os isn't mounting my drive I had connection correctly before [03:51] I'm not sure how to debug this though [03:53] "wrong fs type, bad option, bad superbloc [03:53] it's a drive controlled by a raid card [07:14] what could be the cause when network installation of ubuntu 16.04 runs fine but after bootup of the system there are no nic found by ubuntu_ [07:21] theres only LO [07:23] Good morning [07:38] theres no /lib/modules/4.4.0-142-generic/drivers in the installation === Coca|ne is now known as Remy^ === Remy^ is now known as Tjetter [12:41] does anybody know if docker just got removed from microk8s in the last updates? === Tjetter is now known as Remy^ [13:01] rbasak: I have an FTBFS in package X, that is fixed by patching a bug in a build-dep Y. Is it common to add the version of Y that has the fix in X's build-deps line? [13:02] it will be an ubuntu release, i.e., ubuntu version at the end [13:06] hmm... I think I discovered a bug in the live installer.. o.O [13:06] 18.04.2, it boots without an Internet connection then crash-loops the subiquity installer when I try and set the subnet with a search domain... hmmmm [14:04] weird discovery of the day: pgrep depends on systemd, lzma, lz4, gcrypt and gpg libs ... who would have thought [14:23] ahasenack: no, I specifically avoid doing things like that. [14:23] ahasenack: it stops things like cherry-picks from working if the bugfix is backported. [14:24] The way I see it is: the versioned relationships are for a hypthetically bug-free version of what you're referring to [14:24] I'm sure there are exceptions where it's needed, but in the general case IMHO it creates more problems than it solves [14:27] ok [14:27] and I would SRU Y (from above example) at the same time as X [14:28] That should be fine I think. If it fails due to the race then the retry button can be used once the race is resolved. [14:34] Hi [14:34] o/ [14:35] so I have to upgrade a 14.04.6 LTS server to 16.04.6 LTS. according to the discussion we had on #ubuntu, it may take me some time to improve my setup first (setting the right DNS entries and so on) [14:36] and I'm a little busy right now, so I may have to wait some time before upgrading [14:36] is there a risk keeping the server on 14.04.6 LTS version for some time, although it says the HWE is supported until april this year ? [14:37] it's not an internet server, just a local server [14:37] small company [14:39] well it wont' stop working on april 25st :) it only means you won't be getting any new updates. [14:39] harware related, or any update [14:39] (unless you subscribe to ESM thatis) [14:39] *hardware [14:39] any update. [14:39] wow ok [14:40] I don't think I'm really at risk here, but I guess I won't wait monthes [14:46] micmac: that's what I said for the last FreeBSD server in our fleet. it's still 11.1, hasn't been updated since summer. "Oh just a few weeks, we're migrating to Ubuntu anyway". [14:49] blackflow: heh, I don't know how long it will take but I'll do it [15:07] is all software from main repos free for use [15:07] ? [15:08] Yes. [15:08] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories#Main [15:15] DammitJim: AFAIK, every piece of software from the archive is free ($) to use [15:20] that's if you have an intel cpu [15:22] https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/27591/Linux-Processor-Microcode-Data-File Version: 20180312 (which is apparently in 18.04.2) states "This Software is licensed for use only in conjunction with Intel component products. Use of the Software in conjunction with non-Intel component products is not licensed hereunder.". I run an AMD system, and i think this package was installed automatically (from main) here. [15:23] i recall there was a lot of discussion about this, though, and maybe you (and I, as a user) were granted an exception. [15:24] also there was a notion that this is not software in the ubuntu sense (it apparently is in intels') and thus doesn't need to be free to be in main. [15:28] tomreyn: obvs you're not using intel microcode on AMD cpu, even if the package is installed. [15:29] as for the "free for use" question above, I'd point out "within the confinement of what individual licenses allow". "free" usually implies "do what you want", that's why GNU folks prefer "libre" instead. [15:29] blackflow: i have it installed, but don't have a license to it, maybe you're right in that 'use' is the relevant word there and it refers to 'running', not to 'installing'/'downloading' [15:32] pretty sure "use" means actually using the software, ie. running it. there'd be a lot more rioting from distros if it didn't. [15:32] as it was with the benchmarking limitation which they promptly removed, following a minor uprising with pitchforks in the linux community. [15:33] tomreyn: and if you wanna go into such detail, then be wary of the nvidia proprietary license which only allows ONE instance of the driver installed per physical machine. [15:34] that's not in main, though [15:36] the latest intel-microcode version in bionic is actually 3.20180807a.0ubuntu0.18.04.1 which doesn't have this license restrictions.