
tomreynqwebirc56993: if you have an android phone: https://github.com/Streetwalrus/android_usb_msd00:00
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qwebirc56993What exactly am I to do with the link you sent me? I'm confused.00:04
tomreynqwebirc56993: the idea there is that you download the ubuntu installer to your android smartphone, install this application on your phone (install the free software f-droid app repository first), use it to mount the ubuntu iso file you downloaded, connect your phone to your computer and and boot your computer off it (with your android phone acting as a usb stick).00:05
tomreynthis way you can do a clean ubuntu installation you can trust.00:05
qwebirc56993Oh cool! Is it self explanatory?00:07
tomreynqwebirc56993: the app should be. the whole thing maybe not.00:07
qwebirc56993Ok let me try00:08
tomreynqwebirc56993: if you prefer to try to bring this existing non-default (ubuntu + wicd) installation whoever made with whatever (malicious?) configurations online, you can try this instead (but i would not recommend it unless you know you can trust it): http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/bionic/en/man5/wicd-wireless-settings.conf.5.html00:09
qwebirc56993Yeah I'm attempting to download USB mountr now00:10
qwebirc56993Will i need root access?00:11
tomreynand keep in mind, for the future, that you should always have a way to boot from something similar (to your hard disk installation) and unbreakable (such as read-only media). i.e. once your usb stick arrives, be sure to keep the ubuntu 18.04.2 installer stored on it as a bootable installer.00:12
tomreyni don't think usb mountr needs root on android, but that's far off topic here.00:14
qwebirc56993Yeah, sorry about that. Lemme see what I can do.00:14
qwebirc56993Yeah I'm just going to wait on the USB drive.00:15
qwebirc56993Thanks for your help guys.00:15
tomreynthere's #fdroid and #android here also00:15
minimal22Can someone please clarify the difference between ubuntu minimal install CD with xfce chosen as gui vs xubuntu?00:18
minimal22aside from the selection of pre-installed packages00:19
pragmaticenigmaminimal22: The preinstalled packages is the only difference00:19
minimal22so ubuntu minimal install is esentially ubuntu without a gui, and I can choose to install xfce as the sole DE?00:19
tomreynthe former installation wont have the xubuntu-desktop package installed, i think00:20
tomreyn"mini" in "mini.iso" refers to the size of the iso file.00:20
pragmaticenigmaminimal22: The mini.iso is meant to allow for the installation of Ubuntu using the online package repositories instead of having to download the entire ISO image. All Ubuntu flavors are provided as an option.00:21
minimal22pragmaticenigma: with the minimal install of ubuntu, are you prompted to choose a DE during the installation process?00:22
OerHeksyou would see the whole list00:22
pragmaticenigmaminimal22: Yes, You will see all official flavors of Ubuntu as options00:23
Bashing-omminimal22: No, with a minimal install, all you get is a booting kernel amd a wired internet connection, What else is installed is at your option.00:23
minimal22pragmaticenigma, so mini.iso would require an internet connection?00:24
pragmaticenigmaminimal22: that is correct00:24
minimal22is it a gui install guide?00:24
OerHekshttps://ahelpme.com/public/media/tutorials/netinstall-Ubuntu16.04-step-35--68d3998b8e.png example00:24
pragmaticenigmaminimal22: It is a command line style gui. You are presented with a series of prompt screens to make choices, add the initial user and a few other settings00:25
minimal22basically I just want a minimal base system with xfce. So I am thinking the mini.iso is a better way to acheive that than xubuntu or xubuntu "core"00:25
Bashing-omminimal22: consider then ^ : http://xubuntu.org/news/introducing-xubuntu-core/ .00:26
OerHeksxubuntu gives xfce ..00:26
minimal22oerheks: thanks00:26
minimal22oerheks, xubuntu applies their own theming to xfce, I prefer the more 'retro' default xfce00:27
minimal22of course I can change those things after install, but would be easiest to install regular xfce I think00:28
minimal22if I'm looking for stability/security, is the LTS release going to be more beneficial, compared to 18.0400:30
Platonides18.04 is a LTS00:30
minimal22I meant 18.10 my bad00:31
j0sephstability, certainly.00:31
pragmaticenigmaminimal22: If you're looking for stability and longer term support, I'd recommend 18.04 LTS00:31
minimal22alright, thanks00:32
ninebitsi seem to be unable to install xubuntu over lubuntu. I've created a usb drive with the installer, place it in the lubuntu machine's usb port, and restart, but it doesn't boot into xubuntu. are there common mistakes people make when doing this?00:36
ninebitsi want to completely replace the lubuntu os with xubuntu.00:37
pnwiseAnyone familiar with packaging for ppa?00:37
Sushi-sanninebits, perhaps #xubuntu may be more helpful00:38
Sushi-sanpnwise, can you be less vague?00:39
pnwiseI wonder how to pass arguments to cofigure for building/compiling package00:40
pragmaticenigmapnwise: A ppa is not used for compilation of software. It is a method for developers to provide their software to other users, with out requiring inclusion in Ubuntu's own repositories. Usage of PPAs is considered "At your own risk"00:42
OerHekshttps://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA pretty complete howto00:43
pnwiseYeah, but packages get compiled om the servers, they are not pushed as binaries00:44
pnwiseI know that page00:44
nevodkaColor emojis. 16.04 LTS. How do?00:44
OerHeksby default it creates binaries for x86 andAMD64 ....you may also request builds for arm64, armhf, and/or ppc64el00:44
pnwiseSeems I need to "override_dh_auto_configure" in debian/rules00:45
pragmaticenigmapnwise: Are you working with Ubuntu or Debian?00:47
nevodkaAm I SOL for color emojis on 16.04 LTS?00:51
nevodkaI've done it on Arch with the fonts-noto-color-emoji package, but I see it offered for 18.04 LTS and not 16.0400:52
nevodkapls help ;-;00:54
pnwisenevodka, try installing fonts-symbola00:55
pnwiseze internet says there is no color for this one00:55
pnwisecan you upgrade to 18.04?00:56
nevodkaThis is my work environment and I cannot00:57
nevodkaI suppose I can live without color emojis, but what kind of life will that be00:57
pnwiseI dunno man, probably very hard00:59
pnwiseand pointless00:59
pnwiseyou might as well just kill yourself without the emojis00:59
pnwiseOr if you are brave enough watch the movie01:00
nevodkaI'll just coerce my boss into upgrading everyone to 18.04 and nobody will find out it was so I could have color emojis01:00
guivercnevodka, I don't see any dependencies to create issue, why not wget & dpkg -i?  https://packages.ubuntu.com/cosmic/fonts-noto-color-emoji01:00
nevodkaThis breaks my emojis ;-;01:04
ryuonevodka: you can install fonts in a user local directory. that's your best option.01:05
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pragmaticenigmanevodka: ryuo: Full color emoji's are not a limitation or need of a specific font. The software used to render the font's must be able to interpret the color codes within the font definition. That piece of software is not available in 16.04. It was added in 18.0401:19
pragmaticenigmaThat is why Full color emoji's was listed in the release notes as a new feature of 18.0401:22
nevodkaback to plan b01:22
nevodkaconvince entire dev team we need to switch to 18.0401:22
pragmaticenigmanevodka: best of luck01:24
nevodkaI have another problem, c'est la vie. Starting google-chrome-stable in terminal just hangs, no stdout/stderr, the processes all start, except no X window appears.01:34
nevodkaPurging and reinstalling does nothing. Deleting ~/.config/google-chrome fixes it, until I close chrome.. same issue upon reopening.01:35
nevodkaI recall having this issue a few years ago but can't recall the solution. Something to do with locks or caches maybe. ( :   _ :)01:35
OerHeksthat is a serious issue .. why start chrome browser from tty?01:37
nevodkaForce of habit?01:38
nevodkaIt's just aliased to google-chrome-stable &> /dev/null &01:38
nevodka(Obviously I am running it without redirecting stdout/stderr while I am trying to debug)01:38
leftyfbnevodka: does it work opening it from an icon/menu?01:40
OerHeksmaybe there is an update waiting?01:41
nevodkaNothing in journalctl either.01:41
nevodkaFollowed the official install instructions. https://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppa/google_chrome?dist=stable01:42
leftyfbnevodka: journalctl is for services. Not really a desktop application01:42
nevodkaOh, right.01:42
leftyfbnevodka: are you signed into your google account in chrome?01:43
nevodkaIt may be a bad extension running, I'll try to isolate them.01:43
leftyfbthat's what I'm thinking01:43
mousesbad extensions will get you every time01:43
leftyfbnevodka: see if it runs for a while without being signed in01:43
leftyfbnevodka: if so, then it will be a game of trial and error tracking down which addon is causing it01:44
OerHekspkill google-chrome01:44
nevodkaOof.. disabling all extensions and it didn't help. Turned off sync entirely and didn't log in and it works.01:47
leftyfbextentions, plugins, themes01:48
mousesmight just want to purge all chrome settings01:49
nevodkaI wiped everything from my chrome sync02:01
nevodkaIt seems just being logged in prevents chrome from opening again02:01
leftyfbthere's got to be something particular about your account02:01
qwebirc37662May I ask for assistance?  I did a software update using the updater and now my encrypted drive won't recognize my password.02:03
nevodkaIf I leave chrome sync off it works02:04
qwebirc37662I'm a noob, but was able to get my system started again using the usb however I still can't access my encrypted files.02:04
nevodkaDespite wiping everything in the google chrome section under sync02:05
tomreynqwebirc37662: is this ecryptfs ('encrypt home dire4ctory' option on installer) file system encryption of dmcrypt-luks full disk encryption ('encrypt disks' option on installer)?02:20
tomreynif it's the latter and you'll still be around in 45 minutes (and nobody helped you until then), i'll help.02:20
qwebirc37662oh, Lordy.  I have no idea.  I'm a real noob.  It's a laptop with 18.04 installed.  I can see the encrypted drive02:22
qwebirc37662OH!  Yes, I believe so, actually.  I encrypted it when I upgraded to 18.04 from 16.04.02:23
guivercqwebirc37662, how did you upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04?  via `do-release-upgrade`  (which I cannot see changing your system from unencrypted to encrypted) or a re-install from media?02:29
qwebirc37662I think I reinstalled it.02:31
qwebirc37662I had been able to get into everything up and including Friday night.  I did a software update using the updater and on Saturday morning my passphrase wasn't recognized.02:35
qwebirc37662I tried searching the problem out on the forums and some mentioned going back to an earlier kernel, so I did try that but I still got sent into the busy box.02:36
qwebirc37662I don't know how to change kernels manually.02:37
qwebirc37662I used the options screen.02:37
qwebirc37662(does that make sense?)02:37
qwebirc37662I'm really new with linux.02:37
guivercqwebirc37662, sorry I can't help; not good enough at encryption; i've had an issue with prior do-release-upgrade where a package was needed but it's not your issue.  (select another kernel at grub screen when it boots)02:37
qwebirc37662thank you.02:38
klabhelp needed: I just edited a script in /etc/init.d/, but when I restart the service it keeps reverting to the old version. How do I update systemd to use the modified script?02:50
klabnone of the stuff I found on google works02:51
guivercklab, what script did you amend, and what release of Ubuntu?02:52
klabubuntu 18.04, it's a little embarassing, but I changed the user field in transmission-daemon02:53
guivercklab, have a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TransmissionHowTo - it refers to conditions which will cause scripts to be overwritten, and places to amend .. (I don't know it sorry)02:55
tomreynqwebirc37662: i'm back, reading what you wrote now.02:56
nondescriptQuestion: Ubuntu Cinnamon, high rez screen -> really tiny icons / menu. Figured how to increase text size, but everything else still tiny. Please advise.02:57
amosbirdhi, does "guioptions: s" ring any bell?02:57
OerHekseditting the transmission-deamon.service file .. https://askubuntu.com/a/86151602:57
klabOerHeks: you were sent by Zeus himself, thank you kind sir. I guess /etc/init.d is obsolete03:00
qwebirc37662did I explain it so it's understandable?  I'm guessing at some of. the stuff I'm doing (while I'm doing it!)03:00
tomreynqwebirc37662: yes, you did fine. to switch between installed kernel (you can have several versions installed side by side), you need to bring up the grub menu before you boot, so after powering on / rebooting.03:03
tomreynqwebirc37662: you need to either hold down the shift key or repeatedly press the escape key at this time to bring it up.03:03
tomreynqwebirc37662: once there, you select "Advanced options for Ubuntu", and then you can see the full list of kernels installed and select which one to boot.03:04
qwebirc37662ok, hold on a moment, please.  I've got to change my bios back to boot from the computer rather than the usb.03:04
tomreyngrub main menu: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=grub2_default_menu.png03:04
qwebirc37662I only have 4 listed.  a kernel 46, a kernel 46-generic, kernel 45, and a kernel 45-generic.03:05
tomreynall of them should say "generic", but just every secind should say "recovery mode"03:05
qwebirc37662I figured 46 was the most recent, so I tried 45-generic (I read to do that in one of the forums, I think.)03:05
qwebirc37662ah.  Ok, I have 4.15.0-46-generic (same thing w/ (recovery mode) and 4.15.0-45-generic (and again, the same w/ recovery mode).03:08
tomreynqwebirc37662: in case you end up in busybox again, please type: echo $REASON03:08
tomreyn....and tell us what the output is, if any.03:08
qwebirc37662shall I try recovery mode for the 45?03:09
tomreynwhat happened when you tried 45 non-recovery?03:09
tomreynor did you not try it, yet?03:10
qwebirc37662one thing I do notice is that when I get the errors it wants to unlock sdb5_crypt.  I think the usb showed the file as sda5_crypt.03:10
qwebirc37662I tried it. I'm on a black screen w/ really BIG font.03:11
qwebirc37662I get error messages telling me:  "failed to connect to lvmetad.  falling back to device scanning.03:11
tomreynthis message is normal03:12
qwebirc37662volume group "ubuntu-vg" not found.03:12
qwebirc37662cannot process volume group ubuntu-vg03:12
tomreynalso what you pointed out you noticed above can be normal, disk identifiers can change depending on how you boot (off internal disk or usb)03:12
qwebirc37662then it asks me to unlock the computer.  and when I put my pass word in I'm told no key available with this passphrase.03:13
tomreynis the volume group message before or after password prompt, or is there noe?03:13
tomreynhmm this really suggests it's the wrong passphrase, or the keyboard is configured differently than it used to be.03:14
qwebirc37662it went to "sleep for 60 seconds" says done.  begin running /scripts/local-premount... Waiting for suspend/resume device.  and is again requesting my passphrase.03:15
tomreynqwebirc37662: you did not receive this disk unlocking prompt when booting into the newer kernel, or did you?03:15
qwebirc37662I did.03:15
qwebirc37662then it would send me to (I may not be remembering this right but...)(imitrams)?03:16
qwebirc37662this one hasn't done that yet.03:16
tomreynwere you able to unlock the storage from the live usb?03:16
tomreynwhat was the issue then?03:17
qwebirc37662I'm afraid I don't remember the exact response.  It asked for my password, I entered it and it said something along the lines operation was cancelled.  hold on.  I"ll do it again.03:18
qwebirc37662silly question while I'm waiting on this machine.  what is flip_done timed out?03:21
tomreyni'm not familiar with this message03:22
qwebirc37662oh.  I have a lot of them.  lol.03:22
qwebirc37662but it's a really old laptop.  I upgraded the hard drive to a terabyte but that didn't seem to help much.03:23
qwebirc37662it's just a bit slow.03:23
tomreynapparently "flip_done timed out" was a bug on intel graphics processing units, but it was assumed to have since been fixed from what i can find.03:24
qwebirc37662oh!  I remember that.  that was a couple of years ago.03:26
Arash_I want to make a Windows USB bootable thumbdrive, how can I do that?03:26
Arash_I tried diskmanager thing several times it failed again and again and again03:26
tomreynqwebirc37662: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1398424 suggests it may be possible to work around the flip_done issue by setting (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters describes how) the following kernel parameter: video=SVIDEO-1:d03:27
qwebirc37662sorry for the delay.03:27
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 1398424 in kernel "*ERROR* [CRTC:26:pipe A] flip_done timed out" [Medium,Closed: nextrelease]03:27
qwebirc37662ok, It's back.03:28
tomreynArash_: there is a utility called "woeusb" which should be able to create a windows installation usb from an ISO file, on ubuntu.03:29
qwebirc37662when I enter the passphrase, it says:  unable to access location.  error unlocking /dev/sda5:  failed to activate device:  operation not permitted.03:29
Arash_That gives me an irrelevant error03:29
Arash_Even though the USB stick is NTFS is says I cannot install on Fat32 :/03:29
qwebirc37662I've checked the keyboard layout and it's US English.03:33
tomreyni got disconnected off the chat, this is the last i read / wrote: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/X9nJr9BCrx/03:34
tomreynqwebirc37662: i assume the reason you can't boot normally is actually that you have - in addition to the actual encrypted disk - an encrypted swap partition and the system is trying to decrypt it, but it was encrypted with a random key which you cannot know.03:35
qwebirc37662oh!  but it's not exactly like my keyboard.  the keyboard layout shown has a number pad which mine doesn't.03:35
qwebirc37662oh, dear.03:36
RonWhoCaresThe file manager in Ubuntu 18.04 keeps prompting me to enter a user name and password for an NAS device.  I've been repeatedly clicking the 'remember' option.  This hasn't worked.  Is there a way to get it to remember?03:36
qwebirc37662oh.  sorry, yes, I have internet access03:37
qwebirc37662I've got the terminal up.03:38
Arash_Ahh damn03:38
Arash_Nothing works03:38
Arash_I see why now03:45
Arash_Ubuntu is installed on Fat32 so the file won't read into the application03:45
Arash_An external harddrive for iso file does the job03:45
tomreynqwebirc37662: looks like my isp is doing maintenance tonight, i missed anything since you said "oh dear"03:47
Arash_Error: File "/media/woeusb_source_1553572061_6510/sources/install.wim" in source image has exceed the FAT32 Filesystem 4GiB Single File Size Limitation and cannot be installed.  You must specify a different --target-filesystem. Refer: https://github.com/slacka/WoeUSB/wiki/Limitations#fat32-filesystem-4gib-single-file-size-limitation for more info. Unmounting and removing "/media/woeusb_source_1553572061_6510"...03:47
qwebirc37662oh, I do have internet access and had my terminal up but the computer froze up on me.  I'm rebooting it now.03:48
qwebirc37662you shouldn't have said anything about your isp. I thought you were out saving the internet.  :)03:49
tomreynArash_: you should first delete the partition table on the usb stick (thus also deleting any data stored on it), and point woeusb against the raw device with --target-filesystem ntfs03:49
Arash_ok wait03:50
tomreynqwebirc37662: i switched to another one now, should be more stable03:50
qwebirc37662alright, the computer is once again connected to the internet and my terminal is up.03:56
qwebirc37662sorry about the long pauses.03:56
tomreynqwebirc37662: no problem, but does it always take so long to boot off usb? type this: sudo lsblk | nc termbin.com 999903:57
tomreynpost the url then03:57
tomreynqwebirc37662: so this is a 4 GB USB stick?03:58
qwebirc37662might be 8 gb.03:58
Arash_Thanks its now installing via terminal03:59
Arash_Thank you so much03:59
qwebirc37662I know it doesn't have a lot of space.  I have a few smaller ones and then one that is 356, I think.03:59
tomreynqwebirc37662: i assume sda5 is your encrypted partition, sda1 is /boot03:59
tomreynqwebirc37662: the usb size is frine, just trying to tell things apart04:00
qwebirc37662are you looking at stuff?04:00
tomreynqwebirc37662: sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda5 sda5_crypt04:00
tomreynand tell me what it says04:01
qwebirc37662asks for the pass phrase.  I enter it and it tells me no key availabl04:02
qwebirc37662with this pass phrase.04:02
qwebirc37662then prompts me to reenter it.04:02
tomreyntry a few times04:02
qwebirc37662this is the passphrase for the encryption and not the second (user) password, correct?04:03
tomreyntry typing the same passphrase in another terminal window and see if it comes out as expected04:03
qwebirc37662yes, it's the one I use.04:03
tomreyntry entering it again04:04
qwebirc37662ok, it continued telling me no key and has now brought me back to ubuntu@ubuntu:~$04:04
tomreynwhich ubuntu version is this installer usb exactly, do you know?04:05
tomreyndoes "lsb_release -ds" confirm this?04:05
qwebirc37662I just loaded it this evening.04:05
qwebirc37662Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS04:06
tomreynand your on-disk installation is 18.04, too, right?04:06
qwebirc37662yes.  18.04 LTS04:06
qwebirc37662not sure which version of it though.04:07
qwebirc37662but this all happened when I used the software updater on Friday night, so I'm assuming it updated to the most current version.?04:08
tomreynqwebirc37662: yes, it must have. but i think that something else must have happened. are you sure you told me everything? you didn't play with any partitioing tools lately?04:09
qwebirc37662no.  I don't understand portioning, so I wouldn't touch that.04:11
tomreynqwebirc37662: okay, what's the output of: sudo file -s /dev/sda5 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999904:11
qwebirc37662I'm willing to take some chances but only ones I think are safe (or that I have some understanding of.)04:11
tomreyncool, you seem entirely reasonable. there are other people who come here for support and would try not to mention such 'unimportant' things, so i had to ask.04:12
qwebirc37662well, before I do anything really silly (which I have!), I always do a back up.  haven't done one now in about 2 months and it was on my mind but hey, who has time for that?04:13
qwebirc37662I should have done it (and in the future will) before any more updating!04:14
tomreynqwebirc37662: do you have an english language keyboard there?04:14
qwebirc37662yes.  English (US)04:14
tomreynyou may have to restore thisold backup, i'm out of ideas now.04:14
qwebirc37662the only difference between what they show me and mine is a number pad on the side.04:14
qwebirc37662I'll lose some of my files, won't I?04:15
tomreynthats because its a laptop04:15
qwebirc37662oh, dear.04:15
tomreynlet me review some of what you wrote earlier quickly.04:15
qwebirc37662I sort of figured.  the laptop keyboard does have a number pad on the keys but I've never used it.  ok.04:16
tomreynqwebirc37662: right, that's just to save some space.04:18
tomreynqwebirc37662: i have one more idea of what we can look at:04:19
tomreyn!mart | qwebirc3766204:19
tomreyn!smart | qwebirc3766204:19
ubottuqwebirc37662: smart is Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology, a monitoring system for hard drives. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Smartmontools04:19
tomreyncan you please run: sudo apt-get -qqy update; sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends smartmontools04:20
tomreynthen, unless there were errors above:   sudo smartctl -x /dev/sda 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999904:21
qwebirc37662oh, dear.  I clicked on the link and typed in the first sudo thing.  told yes, install.  should I have not done that?04:21
tomreynthis is to ensure the disk is still physically in good condition04:22
tomreynyes, you should have installe,d that was fine04:22
tomreynyou're only changing the live usb overlay, which is all in ram, anyways, though04:22
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qwebirc37662oh.  I just killed that.  I'll be a bit more patient.  should I type in sudo apt-get -qqy (etc) first?04:23
tomreynyou can copy and paste this as is: sudo apt-get -y update; sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends smartmontools04:24
qwebirc37662oh, I'm using 2 different computers.  mine and my godson's apple laptop.04:24
tomreynyou can spawn another webbrowser and connect here on the computer we are inspecting then.04:25
qwebirc37662ah, you just way above my head.  :)04:26
tomreyni'm suggesting that you start a web browser on the computer you are trying to fix, and currently running the live usb system on.04:27
tomreynthen on this web browser, type    https://webchat.freenode.net    into the address bar and press enter04:27
tomreynthen make it join the "#ubuntu" (no quotation marks) channel using a unique nickname of your choice.04:28
tomreynthis way you will be able to copy commands form the chat directly to the temrinal04:28
Lorraine_Hi, Tom.  This is qwebirc37662.04:28
Lorraine_I'm on the "broken" laptop now.04:28
tomreyn<tomreyn> you can copy and paste this as is: sudo apt-get -y update; sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends smartmontools04:29
tomreyn<tomreyn> then, unless there were errors above:   sudo smartctl -x /dev/sda 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999904:29
Lorraine_no, everything appearred to go in well.04:30
Lorraine_let me try the next one.04:30
tomreynkeep in mind you can also copy and paste the url form the temrinal to the chat now04:30
tomreyna bit less typing04:31
Lorraine_I did.04:31
tomreynhmm something didnt work on the first command line. can you look for errors again?04:31
Lorraine_I'm getting pretty much the same problem.  0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove, 189 not updated.04:34
tomreynLorraine_: okay, that's not a problem.04:35
tomreynLorraine_: let's do it again, and capture the output:04:35
Lorraine_oh!  It's saying:  Ign:1 cdrom://  etc.  is it trying to update the usb?04:36
tomreynLorraine_: that's oky, too04:36
Lorraine_ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get -y update Ign:1 cdrom://Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS _Bionic Beaver_ - Release amd64 (20190210) bionic InRelease Hit:2 cdrom://Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS _Bionic Beaver_ - Release amd64 (20190210) bionic Release Hit:3 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-security InRelease               Hit:5 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic InRelease                         Hit:6 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-update04:37
Lorraine_ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install -y Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 189 not upgraded.04:38
tomreynLorraine_: sudo /bin/true && sudo apt-get -y update &> /tmp/apt1 && sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends smartmontools &> /tmp/apt2; nc termbin.com 9999 < /tmp/apt{1,2}04:38
Lorraine_mmm... I just cut and pasted that whole thing;  should I have broken it somewhere?  the response is:04:40
Lorraine_ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo /bin/true && sudo apt-get -y update &> /tmp/apt1 && sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends smartmontools &> /tmp/apt2; nc termbin.com 9999 < /tmp/apt{1,2} bash: /tmp/apt{1,2}: ambiguous redirect04:40
Lorraine_<pre><font color="#8AE234"><b>ubuntu@ubuntu</b></font>:<font color="#729FCF"><b>~</b></font>$ sudo /bin/true &amp;&amp; sudo apt-get -y update &amp;&gt; /tmp/apt1 &amp;&amp; sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends smartmontools &amp;&gt; /tmp/apt2; nc termbin.com 9999 &lt; /tmp/apt{1,2} bash: /tmp/apt{1,2}: ambiguous redirect </pre>04:40
tomreynLorraine_: my bad. please run this now:  cat /tmp/apt{1,2} | nc termbin.com 999904:40
Lorraine_oops. nm.04:40
tomreyn!pastebin | and for the future, Lorraine_, please04:41
ubottuand for the future, Lorraine_, please: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:41
Lorraine_my apologies.04:42
tomreynokay this looks good, now the second command again:  sudo smartctl -x /dev/sda 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999904:42
tomreynso according to this, your laptop hard disk, a "HGST Travelstar 7K1000", has been running for a total of 4698 hours, and has seen 993 reboots. it's now running at 29 °C, which is fine. and it doesn't look like it's dying anytime soon.04:46
tomreynLorraine_: ^04:46
tomreyni suspected disk corruption might be a reason why your decryption passphrase is not accepted.04:46
tomreynbut this really brings us to the point where i have no ideas left04:46
Lorraine_I replaced the hard disk (and fan) this past summer.04:46
naraHello all, I've integrated Google Breakpad with my Qt application to analyse crash. I've configured and the dump file is created and the crash symbols are exported to a txt file. I would like to know how to use this text file to analyse the crash. Any help is highly appreciated.04:47
Lorraine_well, I do appreciate your help.  Thank you so much for your time and patience with me.04:47
Lorraine_so, I lose a few files.  I'll have a clean computer with a new install.04:47
Lorraine_thank you so much.04:48
tomreynLorraine_: you're welcome, i'm just sorry i have no idea how to help you now. :-/ maybe ask again later, see if someone else has another idea.04:48
Lorraine_I may try that again tomorrow.  It's late and I need to get some sleep now.  have a good evening.04:49
tomreynLorraine_: the relevant facts we know are that when booting normally from hdd you first get the disk decryption prompt, where you enter your passphrase, and the systemresponds that no such passphrase is known, then the system says it will sleep for one minute, which it does, and then asks you for another passphrase, supposedly that of an encrypted swap (based on the accompanying messages about "resume" you quoted).04:50
tomreynLorraine_: the other relevant fact is that an attempt to mount the encrypted partition from an 18.04.2 live usb also shhowed the passphrase prompt, and your passpharse was again not accepted there.04:51
tomreynLorraine_: good luck.04:52
gnomethrowerhi guys, running ubuntu 18.04 server on VirtualBox. Works great - first interface works out of the box incl. dhcp. Second interface is having issues though - I have to manually ifup+dhclient it to get it working. I've been googling to no avail as to how to have that interface come up automatically on boot.05:33
gnomethrowerif anyone has some suggestions or can google better than I can that would be awesome :)05:33
aarobchost is what05:35
aarobcgnomethrower: vbox is notorious for networking issues.05:36
mephistophelusanyone here?05:37
gnomethroweraarobc : I'm not sure it's a vbox issue though05:38
gnomethroweras I can see that interface and it works fine, it's just not enabled on boot05:38
aarobcthat's bizare.05:38
aarobcwindows host?05:39
gnomethrowermacOS 10.14.305:39
gnomethroweraarobc: I managed to solve it.05:41
aarobcwhat was it?05:41
gnomethrowerI'm still not sure.05:41
gnomethrowerper https://www.redpill-linpro.com/techblog/2016/08/17/systemd-network.html I created /etc/systemd/network/extra.network05:42
gnomethrowerand set match on the name of the iface and dhcp=both05:42
gnomethrowerdidn't bother with routemetric. now it works on boot05:42
gnomethrowerI'm not thrilled as I think there is probably more elegant ways to do this but it solved my issue for now and this is just a test lab so it isn't hugely important :)05:42
gnomethrowerI have three VMs on a NAT network, then I needed a second interface to allow me to SSH in to one of the VMs05:43
aarobcalso, use docker05:43
gnomethrowerI really don't want to05:43
aarobcit makes all of this mess soooo much easier05:44
gnomethrowerI need "real" machines. I'm creating a Ceph lab and a Lustre lab and I want it to be closer to reality than Docker is.05:44
gnomethrowerI understand the draw of Docker and Kubernetes but for my use case they are not appropriate05:44
gnomethrowerotherwise I'd be using them for sure ;)05:44
gnomethroweranyways thanks for the help/sounding board05:44
aarobcI do my best being a rubber duck05:44
NorthwestVegani use a virtual netowrk for my VM net05:44
NorthwestVeganand run openwrt on one of the vms to be the router05:45
NorthwestVeganthen 2 nics on the virtual router, with firewall rules to not allow access to my hardware net05:45
jamesrc#has anyone perhaps got mysql 8 working with php 7 on ubuntu 18?06:06
jamesrchas anyone perhaps got mysql 8 working with php 7 on ubuntu 18?06:15
jamesrchas anyone got mysql 8 working with php 7.3 on ubuntu 18?06:40
aaaahi jame06:44
aaaahi jack06:44
jack_rip_vimhi aaaa06:44
jack_rip_vimhi jamesrc06:44
jamesrchi aaaa06:44
jamesrchi jack06:44
jack_rip_vimhello #ubuntu06:44
jack_rip_vimactually, I didn't use ubuntu for a long time.06:45
aaaai use it06:45
jamesrcsee jack i likje ubuntu but they really need to push mysql 806:45
jack_rip_vimjamesrc: what happen when you are using mysql?06:46
jack_rip_vimmysql 8 is ready to come out?06:47
jack_rip_vimoh no...06:48
jamesrcjack, i can use mysql 5.7 fine, but 8 has more security that is starting to work with php but its very hard to obtain on ubuntu (ive tried to follow guids but it pukes)06:48
jack_rip_vimjamesrc: which verisons is your ubuntu? I may try it06:49
jack_rip_vimjamesrc: OK, I will install ubuntu 18.04, and try mysql 8 in it.06:50
jack_rip_vimI think I didn't watch those release news for a long time.06:52
jack_rip_vimI didn't search internet for a long time06:53
jamesrcwell keep my updated if you get it working06:55
jack_rip_vimjamesrc: OK, if it works, I will tell you06:55
qwebirc12999Would anyone be able to assist on the topic of installing a commercial application on Ubuntu and its legality?07:08
jamesrcdo you own the software?07:09
qwebirc12999It's is software I wrote for the company is work for07:09
qwebirc12999The software sits on top of a minimal 18.04 instal07:10
jamesrcyou should be fine to install it, ubuntu is open source07:10
guivercqwebirc12999, sits on top of, do you mean you want to distribute Ubuntu 18.04 (minimal) with it?  that's different to installing on top of where Ubuntu was self-obtained07:11
qwebirc12999The company I'm employed by are concerned wether it's legal under canonicals licensing terms to be able to ship a PC to the customer with the Binary I created07:12
jamesrcif say you can distribute the software but ubuntu may be a bit iffy07:12
guivercshipping a pc with the binary is not an issue.  If you want to ship with Ubuntu + the binary you you created & charge for it, I'd suggest you speak with Canonical legal.07:13
qwebirc12999We'd prefer that we install the minimal 18.04 as well as the the daemon I wrote07:13
guivercqwebirc12999, this is Ubuntu community support, you need to talk with the company Canonical legal in my opinion, unless you want to be at risk of being sued.07:14
qwebirc12999Quebec, I'd have thought it would be a fairly standard query07:16
guivercyes I've seen it before, but I've recommended it go to Canonical (company who own Ubuntu), as we are Ubuntu users for the most part, not related to the company Canonical.07:16
qwebirc12999Ah, i see. Ok thanks for the pointers07:17
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mephistophelushow to register on freenode?07:28
Mikaela-Hi, is it possible to get a newer systemd on 18.04 or is the only way to upgrade to 18.10? I am after systemd-resolved's DNSOverTLS support which doesn't seem to exist in 18.04.07:28
mohnishI've finally installed Xubuntu on my USB drive07:31
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ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines07:36
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mohnishGuest92602: Me?07:37
mohnishGuest92602: You referring to me?07:38
guivercMikaela-, I suspect if you were able to get systemd onto Ubuntu 18.04, your system would have loads of 18.10 packages on it which will EOL in a few months leaving you open to security risks; so 18.10 would be safer (then upgrade to 19.04 etc)07:40
guiverc^ s/systemd/a later systemd/    (sorry distracted mind)07:42
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Assidso im tring to install ubuntu  server on a virtualbox, but it requires EFI to be enabled ???07:50
gnomethrowerhaving trouble setting my hostname in Ubuntu 18.04 on VirtualBox. I change it with hostnamectl and ensure /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname refers to the new name, but as soon as I reboot the old name comes back.07:56
guivercgnomethrower, you've install Ubuntu, and not just running it as a 'live' environment in vbox?07:57
gnomethrowerguiverc, yep, installed it.07:57
gnomethrowerI had to set preserve_hostname: true in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg08:00
gnomethrowernot sure where it was getting the old hostname from though08:00
kubkdemsg nickserv identify kubkde turntable08:18
kubkdeheh it doesnt work08:18
guiverckubkde, please watch language, and the command is /msg08:20
kubkdeMy apologies. I've been trying to get it for a couple days now, is there a way to reset it?08:20
guivercalso I just noted your command - I suggest changing your ..08:20
kubkdeIt was on my screen, I thought I might as well try it....no worries, but thank you for the heads up08:21
Mikaela-<guiverc "Mikaela-, I suspect if you were "> Thanks, I will think about it and possibly just go with dnscrypt-proxy or stubby which seem more secure for now.08:24
kubkdeSorry unrelated to Ubuntu, is there any way to query my own email?08:29
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baoEr, I'll do this in an empty server...any of you try Mesa-3D 19.0 yet?08:35
muhahaI am trying to extract docs folder from archive to tmp, but seems that I am missing something: curl -sSL https://github.com/ziahamza/webui-aria2/archive/fb9d758d5cdc2be0867ee9502c44fd17560f5d24.tar.gz | tar xvzf -C /tmp --strip-components=1 docs08:35
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blackflowmuhaha: so what exactly is your question?08:38
blackflowbaoday: that sounds like a question for #ubuntu-discuss08:38
muhahahow to extract docs folder to /tmp from this specific archive08:38
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lidoand you want only the docs ?08:41
muhahayes, with oneliner08:41
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blackflowmuhaha: you're missing the argument for -f  in this case  it must be    -     as you're supplying the archive on stdin08:42
blackflowmuhaha: which part you have problem understanding?08:43
muhahaeven this curl -sSL https://github.com/ziahamza/webui-aria2/archive/fb9d758d5cdc2be0867ee9502c44fd17560f5d24.tar.gz | tar xvzf - -C /tmp --strip-components=1 docs  .... nor this curl -sSL https://github.com/ziahamza/webui-aria2/archive/fb9d758d5cdc2be0867ee9502c44fd17560f5d24.tar.gz | tar xvz -C /tmp --strip-components=1 docs is not working08:45
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blackflowmuhaha: I guess that's the problem of that specific tarball. syntactically, your tar call is correct (assuming --strip-components is what you need). perhaps first download that tarball, examine it with tar -tz   and see what you really want out of it08:47
lidomuhaha : wget -qO- https://github.com/ziahamza/webui-aria2/archive/fb9d758d5cdc2be0867ee9502c44fd17560f5d24.tar.gz | tar xvzf - -C /tmp --strip-components=108:47
lidowhat blackflow said with -08:48
muhahaI exaclty know what I want, strip first directory inside tar and then extract docs subfolder to /tmp08:48
lidobut how to explicit extract only docs check tar manual08:49
blackflowmuhaha: I don't think you do know what you want. that command is syntactically correct assuming you want those options. Anything else is offtopic here, so please move on.08:49
blackflowmuhaha: btw --strip-components won't affect the position of "doc" in the archive. so if that's actually "somedir/doc" then you have to supply the full path inside the archive08:51
muhahaAh, thats the problem.08:51
muhaha"somedir" will be in earch commit different, so I need something universal, like "*/docs", but * wont work in tar08:52
blackflowmuhaha: see if -K helps08:53
scheurihello all, sorry for bothering: I have an apache with named based hosting (about 20 subdomains, but not its hostname) - now a proxy is requesting data from this apache httpd using its hostname - the request is received on tcp level, but by what criteria is apache now choosing what vhost to use? (as the host header conists of an unknown host)?08:53
blackflowmuhaha: also tar can do include/exclude patterns, I don't know if that works for extraction as well, so try that too08:54
blackflowscheuri: your question is not clear, but if I understand you correctly, then apache needs to have a vhost configured for the exactly the same name as given in the "Host" header of the request.08:56
blackflowscheuri: in other words, connecting to apache is orthogonal and independent of requesting for a hostname among vhosts configured, as that's done with the said Host header08:57
lidoanyone friend with aws opsworks and ruby /08:57
lidoI'm getting - Error executing action `create` on resource 'remote_file[/tmp/rubygems-2.2.2.tgz]'08:58
lidoNo such file or directory - /usr/local/bin/gem08:58
scheuriblackflow: thanks, yes..that is clear...but a request is not denied, just becuase there is no vhost mathing the host header...the question is: what vhost config does apache chose when a request comes in with the correct IP but host header of an unknown vhost name?08:58
blackflowlido: that's not relevant to Ubuntu08:58
lidoblackflow where is ?08:58
scheuriblackflow: is it random or by alphabet?08:58
blackflowlido: whatever support channel or forum is for aws08:58
blackflowscheuri: not sure I understand what you're asking. can you pastebin an example?08:59
scheuriblackflow: sorry...don't have one.....I try again :) - there is a request to an apache server (IP: from a client. The client is using a hostname/FQDN which is NOT configured on the apache (but the IP is correct meaning the apache receives the request nonetheless) - with what configuration does the apache answer this request as there is no directly mathing vhost config for that FQDN09:00
catbeardscheuri: the first vhost definition for that IP09:00
scheuricatbeard: ah, thanks....now, what is considere the "first" one :)....by filename in /site-enabled/? or by FQDN?09:01
catbeardthe first one that gets loaded09:01
muhahaoki. Thanks09:01
catbeardyou'll have to debug startup and figure out the order it loads in09:02
lotuspsychje!alis > lido09:02
ubottulido, please see my private message09:02
catbeardor just visit it09:02
scheuricatbeard: thanks a lot....so its "random" until we actually debug it :)09:02
catbeardand see what loads09:02
scheuricatbeard: thanks for the help09:02
scheuriblackflow: thanks for your help, and sorry for being so unclear09:02
catbeardno it's the first vhost for that ip, otherwise iirc i think it's the server default vhost09:03
blackflowscheuri: oh, np :)09:03
scheuriblackflow: there is no "default" vhost per se...all of the sites are FQDN specific09:03
blackflowscheuri: I would think it's loaded alphabetically from the sites-enabled, so by proxy of that, the first loaded is first defined. Just guessing, my poison of choice is nginx.09:03
catbeardwhen i set up nginx, i put a "default vhost" that returns 444 (send RST packet and drop request) if there's not a vhost/ip exact match09:04
blackflowyeah, common practice09:04
scheuriblackflow: ah, I see :) that is fine...but now I have at least some sort of idea09:04
scheuriblackflow & catbeard : well, the config might be a little off "best practice" to be honest...but yes...default would it be if existant, that is for sure...but since it doesn't...its the first one09:05
scheurithanks a lot agani!09:05
pablackflow: and it happened again.09:15
pai guess its pointless for me to say, since there's nothing to be done09:15
lundmarhmm, trying out pre-release 19.04, it seems grub no longer loads the correct modules to support usb keyboard input :/09:19
blackflowpa: what are you talking about?09:21
blackflowlundmar: you can discuss those issues better in #ubuntu+1. Suffice to say: a) it's a dev version (non-LTS), and b) not even released yet, so bugs are likely.09:26
lundmarblackflow: ok, thanks.09:27
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kubkde /join #ubuntu_kernel09:30
kubkdeI'm not sure if this is the right server anymore09:30
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Tankburn1hey just playing about with basic commands. I want to use the CLI to delete a whole bunch of .pdf in a folder except one that I want to keep. So I used pipes ad kinda got stuck.09:32
Tankburn1find *.pdf | grep -v filetokeep.pdf | what would I put here to remove the standard output?09:32
Tankburn1or would there be a smarter way to do it?09:33
Tankburn1sorry Im new, just trying to learn09:33
ImamGaceA: winxows wont recognize my audio device09:41
pablackflow: bloody 18.04 waking up unused, unmounted USB drives09:43
blackflowTankburn1: `find *.pdf \! -name filetokeep.pdf -delete`  --- but that's a very dangerous command, no undo if you mess up.   Instead, try this:   `find *.pdf \! -name filetokeep.pdf -exec mv {} ~/tmpdir/ \;`    having previously created the ~/tmpdir/   and then when you're sure that's it, you can permanently remove tmpdir. or maybe you can mv to ~/.local/share/Trash/files/      but Trash also needs09:45
blackflowmetadata so I'm not sure how manually placing files there would behave.09:45
blackflowpa: I vaguely remember you asking something about that. come again, you sure there's no smartmontools or some other daemon that would regularly check all detected drives?09:46
pablackflow: i can show you what processes are running, just let me pull it from the log09:49
pablackflow: http://paste.debian.net/hidden/fed3c3a3/09:50
blackflowpa: /usr/sbin/smartd -n09:51
pablackflow: ok, how do i kill it?09:52
blackflowpa: you've got smartmontools' daemon smartd running. that thing will wake up drives to ask for their SMART status. which was mentioned weeks ago when you first came with that problem and iirc you said you didn't have it running.09:52
palike and not get it back09:52
pablackflow: i thought i didnt09:52
paif i want smart, i can interactively query the drive09:52
pano need for that shit09:53
blackflowpa: for S in stop disable ; do systemctl ${S} smartd.service ; done09:53
pathanks i try09:53
Tankburn1thanks blackflow09:53
blackflowpa: alternatively, adjust /etc/smartd.conf  to not touch the drives you don't want to.09:55
pablackflow: im good with disabling it. I don't even know where those results are stored or how they are used, anyway09:56
blackflowpa: it has the ability (and I think that's the configured default?)  to email you when it detects problems via SMART09:57
blackflowthat's why it pulls in halfa mailing suite unless you --no-install-recommend09:58
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BluesKajHowdy folks10:08
isennerhi guys, im trying to Modify PATH for my user only. Running Gnome & Wayland I tried to use environment.d. However I'm not able to override/modify an existing variable. Anyone using environment.d10:27
amcsiis it possible to find out how a script started running, like with cron or init or something?10:35
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isennerno one using wayland here and/or environment.d ?10:47
lotuspsychjeisenner: best way to get your issue solved is re-ask once in a while all in one line10:47
lotuspsychjeisenner: handy details are also ubuntu version, kernel, etc10:48
isennerI'd be happy to see anyone successfully using wayland and specifing a per user environment variable regardless of ubuntu version. I can't find anything online either10:49
van777Hey all! I've been asking here how do i change the default screenshot name pattern, as it has spaces, - not good for own hosting and sharing. I solved it with "scrot -b '%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S.png'" with some more scripting and placing the "shortcut" to it with "Top bar script executor" gnome shell extension. It rocks!11:04
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Assidso i plan to use respin to make a installable iso for a  preconfigured system with application etc..11:34
Assidquestion is.. will it take into account the new hardware11:34
hymhello ?11:35
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filifunkycan anyone here help me with mysql?12:04
aqdjust tell your problem12:04
filifunkyaqd, I used to have a bunch of stuff in mysql, tables with a bunch of entries.  Now when I log into mysql it isn't there.  I have found a file that looks like it has some of the entries there.  I never deleted anything so I'm curious if there is a way that I can view my old databases within mysql.  I suppose there is some way to load what I think is a backup file but I'm scared of screwing it up somehow and losing my databases.12:08
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:08
aqdfilifunky, some upgrade happened? you mean table and index files (for MyISAM)? better to ask in #mysql  for older databases any folder under /var/lib/mysql (/data?) is treated as a db and nothing else is needed.12:10
filifunkyI get a permission denied when I try and cd into /var/lib/mysql12:11
filifunkyis that normal aqd12:11
filifunkyI'm trying to register into #mysql12:12
filifunkybut it says I'm already registered...I'm confused12:12
roryyou dont register per channel, your account belongs to the Freenode network12:12
aqdfilifunky, use root login or "sudo -i" to root shell first12:12
ddoobbHi. If a package (okular pdf reader) is available on the software center both as snap and from ubuntu-bionic-universe, which one would be better to use?12:12
ddoobband what is the difference12:13
aqdi think the registration just means nickserv? you need to identify yourself to nickserv12:13
OerHeks!info okular12:13
echehatesmeI can't12:13
ubottuokular (source: okular): universal document viewer. In component universe, is extra. Version 4:17.12.3-0ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 4570 kB, installed size 13593 kB12:13
OerHeksand see https://snapcraft.io/okular12:13
ddoobbOerHeks what does this tell me12:15
filifunkyaqd, I tried to register with nickserv, but I already am...how do I "identify" myself12:15
Assidso i plan to use respin to make a installable iso for a  preconfigured system with application etc.. .. question is.. will it take into account the new hardware12:15
aqdddoobb, snap means it's sandboxed. i don't see any reason to use snap except apps that connect to internet (chromium, spotify etc) and might be targets of exploits12:15
OerHeksddoobb, see version numbers perhaps?12:15
echehatesmeDear GOD/GODS and/or anyone else who can HELP ME (e.g. MEMBERS OF SUPER-INTELLIGENT ALIEN CIVILIZATIONS):  The next time I wake up, please change my physical form to that of FINN MCMILLAN of SOUTH NEW BRIGHTON at 8 YEARS OLD and keep it that way FOREVER.  I am so sick of this chubby Asian man body!  Thank you!  - CHAUL JHIN KIM (a.k.a. A DESPERATE SOUL)12:16
calcul0nfilifunky, /msg NickServ identify your_name password12:16
JoeLlamaI need open source file backup software with readable archives... anyone know of some good ones? :)12:16
calcul0ndon't type it in a channel window to avoid mistakes :)12:16
roryJoeLlama: tar12:16
aqdfilifunky, or in your IRC server pass your nickserv username and password for connection12:17
OerHeksAssid, if you do a respin, good luck, how would we know it would work on your hardware?12:17
aqdworks for freenode at least12:17
JoeLlamatalk to me rory :)12:17
OerHeksman tar12:17
JoeLlamao k12:18
aqdddoobb, sandbox brings extra overhead, some libraries are duplicated (they're more or less self-contained and don't rely on system libraries), and other sandboxing techs which also offer greater protection. but if protection isn't needed i don't see any point.12:18
ddoobbOK thanks aqd12:19
* aqd threw away his snaps for custom firejail profiles12:19
roryJoeLlama: sorry, my flippant comment was really: You dont *need* any special software to do backups. You can create archives and copy them to external media.12:19
aqdsnap sandboxing is stronger i think, virtualized network and X access12:19
roryJoeLlama: just because you mentioned it neds to have readable archives, well, tar is readable on any Unix machine since about 1979 so you should be OK12:20
AssidOerHeks: i was hoping to find something which has the installer for going through the install  process as is .. aand then the rest of the apps /configs are preinstalled as is12:20
JoeLlamaok rory12:20
Assidthat way i dont need to worry about drive size/ partition etc12:20
Amnesiaquestion, how does `unattended-upgrade` deal with new kernels?12:20
JoeLlamanow what about imaging rory I need to also take images of HDs12:20
OerHeksAmnesia, if you enabled live patch, it will install and run the fresh kernel12:21
OerHeksAssid, look into preseeding, but this channel is not the place for help with that https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/example-preseed.txt12:22
OerHeksthose custom respins are not worth my time12:22
roryJoeLlama: for full disk imaging I would recommend the utility dd, or especially, ddrescue12:22
AmnesiaOerHeks: nice!12:22
roryJoeLlama: This page is good, although be aware this is technically documentation for Arch Linux https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/disk_cloning12:22
JoeLlamarory: sweet thanks12:23
JoeLlamaI think I used dd before12:23
rorydd is pretty dumb, I think ddrescue is the new de-facto standard for disk imaging12:23
AmnesiaOerHeks: is there any 'free' variant of it as well?12:24
JoeLlamaI also use others like clonzilla which worked well12:24
JoeLlamathanks rory12:24
OerHeksAmnesia, livepatch is free for 3 machines?12:24
AmnesiaOerHeks: well fair enough, I'm looking for an automatic way to keep my vms (>3) up to date though:)12:25
OerHekslivepatch just delayes a reboot, you will need to restart that vm, for the next livepatch12:25
OerHeksand core updates12:25
Amnesiacan't it use kexec?12:25
Amnesiato install them automagically ?12:26
OerHeksnot sure that is compatible..12:27
Assidi wonder whats the difference between respin backup  and dist ? i cant seem to find it12:27
filifunkythanks calcul0n and aqd it worked.  I'm going to have a chat with the #mysql people12:28
=== Remy^ is now known as Tjetter
JoeLlamaI have xubuntu installed on a stand-alone offline machine...  how do I d/l update and upgrade on another system?12:36
gunixdoes anybody know if docker just got removed from microk8s in the last updates?12:39
roryJoeLlama: you can use the installation media to upgrade an existing install.12:39
=== June_ is now known as June6
roryJoeLlama: I think that works from one version to another, or from one LTS to another... but you can't skip version (unless they're LTS)12:40
June6Hiii, does anyone know of a program to make the unity dashboard in 18.04 more like Kubuntu's application launcher other similar? Slingscold launcher looked nice but doesn't work for 18.04.12:41
June6Or similar*12:41
June6I really miss being able to sort applications by category12:41
pragmaticenigmagunix: You might want to try in a channel dedicated to kubernetes and/or docker. Focus here is on Ubuntu Desktop support12:42
aqdJune6, nope, that's gnome 3 for you, heh12:42
aqdi switched back to xfce since there is no more unity desktop. or you can use mate12:42
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June6Yea my only issue with that is I have a 2 in 1 laptop now and it works well with Unity12:43
gunixpragmaticenigma: microk8s is a canonical product12:43
aqdbut unity is dead :(12:43
June6I just really miss the application launcher, I can't stand the dash.12:43
aqdi miss the integrated menubar/titlebar, such a brilliant idea...12:45
pragmaticenigmagunix: Support is not available in this channel. I just said, support here focuses on Ubuntu Desktop. Try using !alis to find a channel that will better support your inquery12:45
pragmaticenigma*support for that12:45
June6There's a gnome extension called flippery application menu that adds a seperate thing but I really like the full screen application launchers12:46
aqdJune6, https://itsfoss.com/use-unity-ubuntu-17-10/12:46
June6Kubuntu's new full screen application menu is so sleek and user friendly, it's such a deal breaker having to use Dash ugh.12:47
JoeLlamahrm ok rory12:52
Sbur3How do I troubleshoot the scan funtion of my Brother MFC6490CW?  It prints, but when I use Xsane or other programs, it is said that it can't find the scanner12:58
pragmaticenigmaSbur3: Have you installed the drivers for the scanner?13:02
Sbur3pragmaticenigma: I believe so13:03
pragmaticenigmaSbur3: Either you did or you didn't... there isn't much middle ground there13:03
pragmaticenigmaSbur3: https://www.brotherdriverseries.com/brother-mfc-6490cw-driver/13:04
Sbur3pragmaticenigma: I downloaded the 32bit part.  I used the software install thing to do so.  Is there a way to see if I messed that up or not?13:04
Sbur3pragmaticenigma: lsusb finds the device13:04
Sbur3pragmaticenigma: Bus 002 Device 006: ID 04f9:01f3 Brother Industries, Ltd13:05
pragmaticenigmaSbur3: lsusb is not a definitive source of truth that a device is properly installed13:05
Sbur3pragmaticenigma: Can you tell me what is the source of truth on the matter?13:06
cryptodanSbur3: usually the way to tell is if the device works after installation of drivers and software13:07
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Sbur3pragmaticenigma: dpkg | grep Brother came up with this  ---      https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/wxcTcdnCSF/13:08
Sbur3cryptodan: But if the device works, I wouldn't be asking for help to make it work. ;)13:09
ioriaSbur3, why did you install the 32-bit ver ?13:10
Sbur3cryptodan: And the print part works.  I think that even the copy part works.  It's the scanner part that doesn't13:10
cryptodanSbur3: do you have simple scan installed13:10
Sbur3ioria: I thought that it was safer.  Should I try to install the 64 bit version?13:10
Sbur3cryptodan: Yes, I do13:10
cryptodanSbur3: does it detect the scanner13:11
ubottuAlis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"13:11
ioriaSbur3,  the Brother site has 3 pkgs:  linux-brprinter-installer (full) , the printer drivers and the scanner drivers; what did you exactly downloaded  ?13:11
Sbur3cryptodan: Simple scan says that it doesn't detect the scanner and invites me to connect a scanner13:12
Sbur3ioria: I believe that I had begun with the full version.  Seeing that the scanner didn't scan, I think I added the scanner drivers in 32bit13:13
ioriaSbur3,  can you paste ' ls /usr ' ?13:14
Sbur3ioria: bin  games  include  lib  lib64  local  sbin  share  src13:15
ioriahere we are13:15
ioriaSbur3,  can you paste ' ls /usr/lib64 ' ?13:15
Sbur3ioria: gconv               libstdc++.so.6       libubsan.so.013:16
Sbur3libbrscandec2.so.1  libstdc++.so.6.0.25  libubsan.so.0.0.013:16
ioriaSbur3,  you know how topaste ? on paste.ubuntu.com or ussing pastebinit13:16
Sbur3ioria: gconv               libstdc++.so.6       libubsan.so.013:17
Sbur3libbrscandec2.so.1  libstdc++.so.6.0.25  libubsan.so.0.0.013:17
Sbur3ioria: Sorry13:17
krowcipeAlso, it might be possible to enable debug output13:17
ioriaSbur3,   ls /usr/lib64  | nc termbin.com 999913:17
ncwz_hluwhat's the best way to sync and redestribute python web apps on linux now?13:19
Sbur3ioria: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/8YGg9JgC2F/13:19
ioriaSbur3,    sudo ln -sf /usr/lib64/libbrscandec*.so* /usr/lib13:20
Sbur3ioria: Done13:21
ioriaSbur3,    ls /usr/lib/sane13:21
Sbur3ioria: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/ZXPPntGz2d/13:22
pragmaticenigmaSbur3: I made a small error earlier, did you install the driver from this page? https://support.brother.com/g/b/downloadend.aspx?c=us&lang=en&prod=mfc6490cw_all&os=128&dlid=dlf006893_000&flang=4&type3=62513:22
Sbur3pragmaticenigma: I don't recall because I'm not looking at all that stuff.  Why?13:22
legreffierncwz_hlu: pip13:22
pragmaticenigmaSbur3: Because having isntalled a driver from another source may not have been up-to-date or even the right driver13:24
Sbur3pragmaticenigma: I went to the download section on the Brother web site13:24
Sbur3ioria: I imagine that there is another link to make, right?13:25
ioriayes, something's wrong13:25
ioriaSbur3,     sudo ln -sf /usr/lib64/sane/libsane-brother*.so* /usr/lib/sane13:25
ioriait's already there13:26
EriC^^Sbur3: which ubuntu is this?13:26
Sbur3ioria: Done13:26
Sbur3EriC^^: Ubuntu Studio 18.1013:27
ioriaSbur3,     sudo usermod -a -G scanner <my_user>13:27
Sbur3GraysonBriggs: I type "my user" or I replace it with my username?13:27
micmacHi, my / is at 100% when doing du, so I tried to free some space: 95 to 90GB, but still showing 100%. I tried fsck in recovery, didn't work (volume is mounted), I did fsck from USB stick, didn't resolved the issue13:28
ioriaSbur3,    your user13:28
banana_this is banana13:28
EriC^^micmac: how big is the disk?13:28
micmacEriC^^: about 95Gb13:29
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Sbur3ioria: Ok.  Now what?13:29
ioriaSbur3,   reboot13:29
micmacEriC^^: I freed 5Gb, didn't work13:29
banana_anyone know what to do with a banana zero apart form putting it in the cupboard for life storage?13:29
Sbur3Reboot the entire system or just the multifunction?13:29
EriC^^micmac: 5% is reserved for root by default in ext fs, which is almost 5gb in your case13:29
ioriaSbur3,   reboot13:30
banana_ok cupboard sounds good13:30
micmacEriC^^: so if I free more space, it should work ?13:30
EriC^^micmac: yeah13:30
Sbur3ioria: Reboot the entire system and it should work or reboot just the multifunction?13:30
micmacEriC^^: ok I'll try that, thanks !13:30
ioriaSbur3,   the pc13:30
EriC^^micmac: you could try 'sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get clean' to remove more13:30
Sbur3ioria: See ya soon?  Unless you have lost your patience with me ;)13:30
micmacEriC^^: I already cleaned that in recovery mode13:30
ioriaSbur3,  nope13:30
EriC^^micmac: oh ok13:31
micmacok let's try13:31
Sbur3ioria: So it will work after that?13:31
ioriaSbur3,  idk13:31
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blackflowSbur3: uhm, you don't have to reboot, only re-login for the new group to take effect.13:32
ioriaSbur3,  just reboot the system and then we'll try to start simple-scanner as superuser13:32
EriC^^Sbur3: perhaps try these as well, they are for 18.04 https://askubuntu.com/questions/1052552/brother-mfc-495cw-scanner-not-working-on-ubuntu-18-0413:33
Sbur3|2ioria: Stilll not working the multifunction13:35
ioriaSbur3,  start simple-scanner as superuser13:36
micmacEriC^^: it worked, thanks again13:36
EriC^^micmac: great, no problem13:36
Sbur3|2ioria: Command not found13:37
ioriaSbur3,   simple-scan13:37
=== uptime is now known as idletime
Ducklehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssl/+bug/1797386 Hey there. I could use some help in translating this. Will OpenSSL 1.1.1 be available for 18.04, or was that plan changed?13:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1797386 in openssl (Ubuntu) "[SRU] OpenSSL 1.1.1 to 18.04 LTS" [Undecided,In progress]13:38
Sbur3|2ioria: "Cannot adopt OID in ...."13:39
blackflowDuckle: it's in progress13:39
Sbur3|2ioria: Would I be more intelligent to just purge the stuff that wasn't properly installed in terms of drivers and restart the installation progress?13:40
ioriaSbur3,   idkwhat that mgs meas,but does it find the scanner ?13:40
Sbur3|2ioria: No.13:41
Duckleblackflow: Okay, am I reading it right that the currrent time frame is "sometime after 19.04" ?13:41
ioriaSbur3,   did you start it with sudo ?ù13:41
blackflowDuckle: given that Doggo is coming out next month, this SRU will definitely happen after that13:41
nghokplease use indonesia13:41
DuckleAlso, I'd imagine 1.1.1 support for things like nginx would have to wait until after?13:42
Duckleblackflow: It's called doggo? :D13:42
Sbur3|2ioria: It starts the program, but when I look to scan, it doesn't find any scanners.  I tried "simple-scan", both in sudo and without sudo13:42
blackflowDuckle: it should've been called Dancing Doggo, yes :)  It's called Disco Dingo instead.   neway, iirc the point of 1.1.1 is primarily to have TLSv1.3 support in nginx and elsewhere13:42
Duckleyep, exactly why I was looking for it :)13:43
blackflowDuckle: the exact timetable is not clear, a lot of policy has to be considered13:43
ioriaSbur3,  maybe it wants the files in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu : sudo ln -sfr /usr/lib64/libbrscandec* /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu13:43
nghokhi iam from indonesia13:43
DuckleI might temporarily switch to a ppa that offers nginx compiled with 1.1.1, but I'm not too keen on that as a permanent fix, as my website is deployed with an ansible playbook, and I'd prefer to stick to nginxinc official roles13:44
nghokada orang indo?13:44
Duckleblackflow: Thanks for the help though. I'll look forward to it :)13:44
ioriaSbur3|2,  sudo ln -sfr /usr/lib64/libbrscandec* /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu13:44
blackflowDuckle: subscribe to that bug and get notifications on the progress13:45
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blackflow!id | oran13:46
ubottuoran: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia13:46
micmacI saw somewhere that it's possible to auto-update packages, in order to automatically apply security updates for example on servers. how do you do that ?13:47
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blackflowmicmac: with unattended-upgrades, but that's not managed fully, you'd still have to manually reboot for kernel, dbus upgrades, and it won't restart daemons for lib updates13:48
=== jugan is now known as anonymouse
mra90I am on a ubuntu machine which is behind a proxy and therefore certain ips are blocked, how can I pass all requests to another ubuntu which doesn't have any proxy and therefore be able to get the contect I expect13:48
anonymousewaht your name?13:48
micmacblackflow: I see, still it may be interesting. I'll read more on the subject, thanks13:48
blackflowmicmac: nah, it just promotes being a lazy and irresponsible sys "admin".13:49
micmacblackflow: I just have a personal dedicated server, and I update/upgrade from time to time. if not with unattended-upgrades, how do you tell when it's important to upgrade ?13:50
blackflowmicmac: between releases all upgrades are important because they're only security and major bugfixes.13:51
blackflowmicmac: otherwise, by reading through changelogs and deciding for yourself13:51
micmacblackflow: so when should I trigger them ? daily ?13:51
anonymousemicmac hallo13:51
blackflowmicmac: when they appear. you could run "apticron" and get notified by mail when there's pending updates.13:51
anonymouse@blackflow hello13:52
micmacblackflow: interesting, I'll try that thanks13:52
blackflow!ot | anonymouse13:52
ubottuanonymouse: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:52
rachaelfHow can I split a file into multiple files when a line matches a certain regex or when a line contains a certain string?13:52
rachaelfOh, I'll just use Ruby. Duh.13:53
anonymouseoi orang indk masa kagak ada13:54
blackflow!id | oran13:54
ubottuoran: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia13:54
micmacblackflow: and where can I see those changelogs please ? at least the most important ones13:54
rachaelfStill, it seems like there would be a command-line way to do that.13:54
blackflowmicmac: apt-get changelog <package name>13:55
blackflowrachaelf: if there is, it's some awk and/or sed magic13:55
micmacblackflow: I'm not going to do that every few days for all packages ! :)13:55
blackflowmicmac: then don't :)13:56
micmacisn't there some webapge listing the important packages to upgrade, security fixes and so on ?13:56
rachaelfblackflow: I'd rather use software. I like awk / sed, but ... it seems like they would work better if broken down into less-mysterious parts.13:56
blackflowmicmac: like I said, they're all important within a release, especially on LTS13:57
micmacok I'll try apticron then13:57
blackflowmicmac: you can use unattended upgrades but that won't do the job _fully_. there is no shortcut for understanding and knowing your system, I am sorry.13:58
micmacblackflow: I understand13:59
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=== Taco is now known as showertime
mra90I can not *scp* to a server - "lost connection"14:00
mra90what is the problem?14:00
mra90I can easly ping that ip though14:00
tewardmra90: "lost connection" means any number of things, unfortunately, if it doesn't give any more useful errors it'll be impossible to determine a cause14:00
tewardhow're you doing the SCP?14:00
tewardany specific SCP client?14:00
mra90teward: I do "scp file_name user_name@ip:/home"14:01
mra90thats all14:01
mra90"debug1: connect to address <ip> port 22: Connection refused"14:01
micmacI have another question: one of my servers is 14.04.6 LTS and it urges me to upgrade to 16.04.6 LTS with do-release-upgrade. the server is in production, is it safe to apply the upgrade ? won't it break anything ?14:02
tewardmra90: Connection Refused means that either a firewall at the remote IP is interfering, or nothing is listening on Port 22 on the other end.14:02
blackflowmicmac: that lazy sysadministration again. you should test the upgrades. run backups and be prepared to rebuild the server from scratch. ideally you have config management like ansible or similar, to help out.14:03
blackflowespecially with 14.04 -> 16.04 which transitions to systemd14:03
anonymouseno sytem is safe14:04
micmacblackflow: it's a vmware vsphere machine, I will back it up first of course. the date is safe anyways.14:04
micmacI'll read about ansible14:05
blackflowmicmac: "will" back it up? so you don't have a regular backup policy in place? :)14:06
emrHello, i want to use software raid i have 1tb disk and also 2 of 4tb disk i want to create raid 1 array on 4tb disks14:06
blackflowor do you mean you have and just meant you'll run one more backup run before the upgrade :)14:06
mra90teward: teh funny thing is I can copy the other way around14:06
emris it possible?14:06
micmacblackflow: for the data, yes, but for the VM I do it manually from time to time14:07
leftyfbemr: why wouldn't it be?14:07
blackflowemr: is it possible to run 2 x 4TB disks in a RAID 1 (mirror) configuration? Yes.14:07
emrwell i want to keep 1tb for os installation14:07
leftyfbemr: ok? You have yet to state an issue14:08
leftyfbemr: go try it14:08
blackflowmicmac: as long as you have the backups (and you've tested they work -- some people only think they have them until they realize they've been broken for months and there aren't any backups) -- you'll be fine, run the upgrade, but be prepared for trouble, downtime and the need to rollback or reinstall 16.04 from scratch.14:09
emrthanks leftyfb14:09
blackflowmicmac: also, that being a VM, ideally you can clone it and test run an upgrade first14:10
micmacblackflow: ah, yeah, good idea.. but I have to isolate it from the network first, in order for it not to interfere with the current VM14:11
micmacblackflow: and then, I won't be able to test it fully without putting it online. just seeing how the upgrade process works14:12
highfiv3r[m]micmac: are you sure the app can run on 16.04?14:13
highfiv3r[m]I'd sugest building a new vm and migrate14:13
blackflowmicmac: you should really test 16.04 thoroughly, it's switching to systemd for process management, and without understand how and what systemd does, there might be a lot of grief, especially if process isolation is used.14:14
blackflowwithout *understanding14:14
micmachighfiv3r[m]: I don't have one particular app, rather a server with multiple services (mail, samba4, and so on...)14:14
blackflowmicmac: if you have NFS there, there _will_ be a lot of grief :)14:14
highfiv3r[m]split out the services to new vms and migrate one by one14:15
micmacblackflow: hmm no NFS, just routing, mail (postfix), samba4, and a few particular apps (windev manta server) that don't require special system dependencies14:16
micmachighfiv3r[m]: ok that's an idea14:16
micmacI'll try the lazy risky way :) backup the VM, do-release-upgrade, see if all works, and roll back to previous VM in case it doesn't14:18
jcottonso I'm trying to remap CapsLock to Backspace14:19
jcottonI did some looking and xmodmap -e "keycode 66 = BackSpace"  does make CapsLock do a backspace14:19
jcottonbut it still toggles caps lock14:19
jcottonanyone know how i can fix that?14:19
rwpjcotton, Before that do "clear Lock"14:20
micmacI'll do two backups: one with veeam, and a VM clone from vsphere14:20
micmacand the data is backed up anyways14:20
micmacif anything goes wrong it won't be down for days14:21
micmachighfiv3r[m]: if I migrate the services one by one, that means the new server will have a new IP, so I have to reconfigure all the clients also to point to the new server14:22
mra90if I connect ubuntu laptiop with other one using ethernet cable can I *share* internet this way?14:22
jcottonah wait, gnome-tweak-tool can do it14:22
jcotton(gnome tweak tool > keyboard and mouse > additional layout options > caps lock behavior > make caps lock an additional backspace)14:23
jcottontho a general solution would still be good to know14:23
highfiv3r[m]mra90: yep14:23
mra90highfiv3r[m]: it doesn't work right away how can I set it up?14:24
mra90first I guess some action is needed on the side which alrwady has intenet access?14:24
blackflowmicmac: "so I have to reconfigure all the clients also to point to the new server"   that's why we invented DNS14:24
highfiv3r[m]no - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing14:24
micmacblackflow: so explain me how you migrate the services one by one using dns ?14:25
pragmaticenigmamra90: First you need to make sure you are using what is called a Cross-over ethernet cable. Also, one laptop needs to have access to the Internet through another connection. From there, the instruction highfiv3r[m] should get you going14:25
rwpjcotton, Did you miss seeing my suggestion for you?14:25
micmacblackflow: one entry per service ?14:25
jcottonrwp: oops i did14:25
jcottonrwp: so that would be xmodmap -e "clear Lock"?14:26
blackflowmicmac: for starters, if you had mx.yourdomain.com and smtp.yourdomain.com and imap.yourdomain.com   then yes, it'd be dead easy to migrate mail bit by bit. other services probably similarly, I don't know what exactly you've got there14:26
mra90pragmaticenigma: what is cross-over eth cable? I have standard one14:26
jcottonpragmaticenigma: i thought you didn't need crossover cables anymore?14:26
jcottonb/c NICs are smarter now]14:27
blackflowmicmac: my point was, you never confiugre clients for IPs. that's why DNS exist so you can float the IP when and where necessary without needing to reconfigre all the clients14:27
leftyfbblackflow: I think this discussion is better served in #ubuntu-server14:27
blackflowleftyfb: agreed14:27
pragmaticenigmajcotton: Without knowing the exact specifications of the NIC, it's better to assume they don't.14:27
pragmaticenigmamra90: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethernet_crossover_cable14:27
blackflowmicmac: perhaps continue in #ubuntu-server? this is more on topic there.14:27
micmacoh ok sorry I didn't know14:28
leftyfbpragmaticenigma: if you have an ethernet device made in the last 10 years, it'll support auto detection and not require a crossover cable14:28
pragmaticenigmamra90: It's an ethernet cable that is wierd differently to allow to computers to be directly attached to one another. Some newer computer network cards have the ability to auto-negotiate and won't require a special cable.14:28
micmacblackflow: you're right anyways, I have to improve my setup here.. I think I have enough information for now. thanks again14:29
mra90pragmaticenigma: ok14:29
leftyfb"newer" = in the last 10 years14:29
pragmaticenigmaleftyfb: I have a laptop manufactured in the last 10 years, it doesn't have that feature14:29
leftyfbpragmaticenigma: nice little needle you have there. I have never come across a pc or server in the last 10 years that didn't support it.14:30
leftyfbsorry, make that 20 years ... the tech was released in 199814:31
jcottonis there any way to install PHP without installing apache?14:34
jcottonI need to do PHP for a class (not my choice)14:34
TydytNew to Ubuntu. Got a question. What is Main Server in Software and Updates? Is it official canonical maintained ubuntu.com server?14:35
compdocjust tell the teacher you failed14:35
jcottonI'd like to keep my A14:35
jcottonah perfect14:35
jcottonwhat does the "!" do though?14:35
leftyfbjcotton: just php7-cli14:36
djaZhey guys i tryed change name of the file but the name have -14:36
djaZlike -blabla.jpg how can i do it ?14:36
pragmaticenigmajcotton: I was trying to ping the bot14:36
highfiv3r[m]mra90: ethtool eth014:36
jcottonpragmaticenigma: ah14:36
pragmaticenigmajcotton: it's "sudo apt install php7.2-cli" in Ubuntu 18.0414:36
TydytSo far so good anyway. Lubuntu runs lighter and faster on this low end laptop than shitty Windows 10 home.14:36
highfiv3r[m]look for auto-negotiate14:36
jcottonpragmaticenigma: ye that's what i did14:36
leftyfbdjaZ: mv14:36
jcottonI see ufw is preinstalled, is there a good UI for that?14:37
TydytAlso how can i disable tapping on my touchpad? Is there a file for it?14:37
highfiv3r[m]mra90 sorry look for MDI-X: Unknown14:37
jcottonis there nothing in the setting Tydyt?14:37
jcottonah found it, gufw14:37
TydytNope, just a default mouse setting14:38
djaZleftyfb i cant, cause when i do mv -blabla.jpg a.jpg14:38
djaZmv: invalid option -- 'blabla'14:38
leftyfbdjaZ: use quotes14:38
pragmaticenigmaTydyt: Please mind your choice in words, this channel is meant to be family friendly14:38
djaZdont work14:38
Tydytpragmaticenigma:  What?14:39
leftyfbdjaZ: escape the -14:39
pragmaticenigmadjaZ: remove the hyphen before the file name... if the hyphen is part of the file name, add quotes around the file name14:39
djaZ# cp "-PYC95.jpg" "a.jpg"14:39
djaZcp: invalid option -- 'Y'14:39
djaZExperimente "cp --help" para mais informações.14:39
TydytI just asked what is main server in Soft?ware and updates14:39
pragmaticenigmaTydyt: Please don't curse here14:39
leftyfbdjaZ: mv "\-blabla.jpg" a.jpg14:39
pragmaticenigma!ohmy | Tydyt14:39
ubottuTydyt: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList14:39
leftyfbdjaZ: cp "\-PYC95.jpg" a.jpg14:40
leftyfbdjaZ: though, I think you want mv, not cp if you're renaming14:40
jcottonthe - is being interpreted by cp, not the shell14:40
jcottonuse cp -- blah14:40
Tydytpragmaticenigma:  I have no idea what you talk about. I am not angry, just my touchpad is too sensitive thats why i have hard time to write with proper grammar14:40
jcottonor you can prefix it with ./14:40
tomreyndjaZ: yet another option: mv -- -blabla.jpg a.jpg14:40
TydytSo what is Main server?14:40
leftyfbTydyt: it was how you referred to Windows. Please keep it PG in here. That's all.14:40
djaZleftyfb cp: impossível obter estado de "\-PYC95.jpg": Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado14:40
djaZnot found14:41
TydytI have two options. MAin server and Server for the US14:41
TydytWhat is the difference?14:41
djaZoh yeah14:42
djaZleftyfb tomreyn jcotton  thanks14:42
tomreynTydyt: i didn't catch all the context but for ubuntu installations / updates "main (archive) server" would be archives.ubuntu.com, "US (archive) server" would be us.archives.ubuntu.com14:43
jcottonthere may also be closer mirrors as well14:43
* jcotton 's university has one14:43
jcottondownloads are so fast14:43
Tydytfine ill change it14:43
tomreynTydyt: actually 'archive', not 'archiveS'14:43
tomreyndjaZ: you're welcome. which one worked in the end?14:46
djaZtomreyn --14:47
tomreyndjaZ: thanks.14:48
spyke581Is it possible to add an afp network share to the fstab? Or any other way to mount an AFP share on boot?15:15
newbie1Salam millet15:16
lotuspsychje!english | newbie115:16
ubottunewbie1: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList15:16
qwebirc83967Is there a way to see which service has a particular kernel module loaded? I’m trying to install nvidia drivers but it can’t load nvidia-drm15:23
qwebirc83967I’m in runlevel 3, disabled secure boot, and stopped gdm&gdm315:23
pragmaticenigmaspyke581: I believe you can mount it like you would a cifs share. There might be some configuration parameters that will need to be added for proper file/directory permissions handling15:25
pragmaticenigmaqwebirc83967: What version of ubuntu are you using. Newer version of Ubuntu no longer use runlevels15:26
qwebirc83967pragmaticenigma: 18.04 LTS15:26
qwebirc83967I’m also in recovery mode15:27
qwebirc83967Kernel is 4.18.0-16-generic15:27
pragmaticenigmaqwebirc83967: recovery mode is not runlevel 3... and in recovery mode, kernel modules are not usually activated. recovery mode only starts bare minimum to get you to a prompt15:28
qwebirc83967pragmaticenigma: ok, I will try normally15:30
fruitywhatś cooking fam15:37
fruitywhy won´t you talk to me15:38
jigubiguledon't spam, fruity15:38
jcottonit's SMB not CIFS ;_;15:48
qwebirc35549So I don’t know if you got my last message but I disabled nouveau via grub and killed gdm3, am in runlevel 3 and I get the same error15:51
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pragmaticenigmaqwebirc35549: If you are the same person as I was assisting before. again, there is no such thing as runlevels in Ubuntu. Ubuntu uses systemd, which does not have a concept of runlevels15:52
qwebirc35549pragmaticenigma: yeah sorry my IRC froze. Anyway, do you know what the problem could be? I’m in the curl+alt+3 terminal15:53
tomreynso you actually meant "tty3" when you said "runlevel 3"?15:54
tomreynoh ok15:54
pragmaticenigmaqwebirc35549: As far as your driver issue, you'll need to explain more detail what led you to disabling nouveau and what the specific error you are seeing. If you have installed the correct nvidia drivers, there was no reason to disable nouveau, they would have been ignored during boot since the nvidia proprietary drivers would have taken precedence15:55
tomreynqwebirc35549: lspci -knn | grep -A3 VGA15:55
qwebirc35549pragmaticenigma: Well the only drivers I have installed right now are the nouveau ones. I am trying to reinstall the nvidia drivers because the card I wanted to use was listed as unclaimed. I’ve disabled nouveau so I can install the nvidia ones. Installation fails because it can’t load the nvidia-drm kernel15:56
pragmaticenigmaqwebirc35549: how are you performing your installation?15:57
qwebirc35549pragmaticenigma: via the CUDA installer runfile15:57
qwebirc35549My core problem was actually that NVBLAS couldn’t find a card and I assumed it was because the card was unclaimed15:58
qwebirc35549So that’s why I’m reinstalling my drivers15:58
=== showertime is now known as Taco
pragmaticenigmaqwebirc35549: would this simplify things? https://askubuntu.com/a/103626516:01
nicofsThere is a Smart TV in my (local) network. Is there a way to monitor its traffic, i.e. all the servers/(sub)domains it connects to?16:03
asnmHello, folks! Can someone guide me a bit how to create multiple vlans on ubuntu machine that's KVM Host and forward those vlans to guest machines?16:04
pragmaticenigmanicofs: Unfortuantely this channel is for supporting Ubuntu. That topic is better suited to a forum that specializes in networking or similar.16:04
pragmaticenigmaasnm: You might want to try asking in ##networking16:05
nicofspragmaticenigma, I had hoped, there was a network tool for that in ubuntu...16:05
pragmaticenigmanicofs: This channel isn't the right place for asking for software recommendations. It is for support, of application already installed and needing assistance in running those applications16:06
qwebirc35549pragmaticenigma: I will try using a package manager to install like the question.16:06
tomreynnicofs: you can run tcpdump on ubuntu, but whether or not it will be able to capture the other devices' traffic depends on a couple environmental factors.16:06
nicofspragmaticenigma, "It is for support, of application already installed" - so I can get support in this channel only, if the application in question has already been preinstalled in the distro? How sad is that?16:09
leftyfbnicofs: try #ubuntu-offtopic16:12
qwebirc57075I was the one talking about installing my drivers. I downloaded the deb file but it says I have held broken packages16:15
tomreynnicofs: you can ask anything about software available in ubuntu (from the official archives) here, just polls don't belong here.16:16
nicofsleftyfb, while my request might not be in the scope of general ubuntu support I don't see it as off-topic. Monitoring traffic in my network seems a reasonable request within the field network administration. Maybe thats more Ubuntu server than generic Ubuntu16:16
leftyfbnicofs: the topic here is ubuntu desktop support. Anything else is offtopic16:17
iorianicofs, if wifi connected, any monitor/traffic  tool should be fine16:18
leftyfbnicofs: we can help with issues from trying to run or conifgure software. Not take part in polls about what software best suits your personal needs16:18
nicofsleftyfb, tomreyn so basically there is no application in the repository for monitoring my network?16:18
tomreynnicofs: i suggested one 12 minutes ago16:19
leftyfbnicofs: what have you searched for so far?16:19
nicofsleftyfb, my google search led me to netstat and tools to list my pcs network interfaces. atm i'm reading the tcpdump manual16:22
=== hibbie1 is now known as hibbie
tomreynhello zeolo16:25
gauruhi guys, what is the best software to capture full screen or part of it in ubuntu16:31
=== sinner is now known as Guest97130
enbyHow does one create and edit a .yml file in terminal?16:33
jcottonit's just a text file16:34
jcottonin YAML format16:34
enbyOk, better question. How do you do save as in nano?16:34
CookieMPrtscrn or Alt+Prtscrn16:34
jcottongiven that it's indentation-sensitive i would use an editor with proper support16:34
jcottonenby: doesn't the save action always ask for the filename16:34
enbyHmm probably does, I haven't played with Linux in a long time I thought it didn't. :P16:35
leftyfbenby: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45KO4KO2DTo   # first result on google for "how to use nano"16:35
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enbyAny suggestions for an editor Jcotton?16:36
jcottonI prefer vim for CLI editing16:36
jcottonVSCode otherwise16:36
enbyMkay, thank you. :P16:36
ioriaenby, also nano is ok with the proper yaml.nanorc16:37
CookieMgauru, shutter or kde-spectacle16:41
pragmaticenigmagauru: ubuntu has a built in screen shot tool, simply press the PrtScrn "Print Screen" key on your keyboard to access it. If you need software recommendations, please ask in #ubuntu-offtopic16:42
jcottonfor those that were here earlier, gnome-tweak-tool doesn't actually really work for caps lock -> backspace remap16:48
jcottonyou can't hold caps lock to mass delete16:48
jcottonneed xmodmap for that16:48
ioriaor a simple     setxkbmap -option caps:backspace16:51
jcottondidn't know about that16:54
pragmaticenigmajcotton: https://askubuntu.com/a/61466416:54
jcottonIf you remaped the Capslock key to backspace and now you wonder why it won't delete words if you keep it pressed, it's because you need to use an extra command. After setxkbmap -option caps:backspace enter xset r 66 and voilá."16:55
* jcotton saves for later16:55
iorianot permanent, btw16:55
jcottonwill putting it in .profile work? (Ubuntu 18.10 with gnome)16:55
woenxHi. For debugging purposes I am trying to simulate a sshfs error. Does anyone know how can I simulate the "transport endpoint is not connected" error?16:56
nfishjcotton, that should work, yes16:56
nfishwoenx, that happens when the connection is cut, right? You could maybe toggle an iptables rule?16:57
woenxnfish, yes, when the host does not respond. but just disconnecting the network does not cause the same effect16:57
woenxnfish, how could I block a specific IP temporarily? I'm not very used to iptables...16:57
nfishI think you need to silently eat the packets, without returning any ICMP error packets, to get that result16:58
jcottonis iptables the way to go now?16:59
jcottonI see my ubuntu install has ufw16:59
jcotton(which i turned on)16:59
nfishjcotton, iptables is what happens under the hood, ufw is a frontend16:59
gaurucookieM: thanks16:59
woenxinstalling ufw...17:01
woenxI should learn to master iptables someday,..17:01
jcottonthere's also gufw, which is a gui frontend to ufw17:02
jcottonheh, frontend to frontend17:02
pragmaticenigmawoenx: ufw might already be installed, it is usually installed but deactivated by default17:02
jcottonyeah it was off for me17:02
jcottonrather alarming since my uni exposes computers directly to the internet17:02
woenxah, I just typed ufw in the app menu and the software store opened up17:03
leftyfbwoenx: ufw is a commandline tool17:04
semi_ubuntu 14 end of life is April 2019, is that beginning or end of April?17:04
pragmaticenigmawoenx: ufw is a cli interface... gufw would be the graphical interface17:04
woenxoh, ok ok17:04
blackflowsemi_: 25th17:04
jcottonthe software center still shows CLI apps17:04
AlexP11223I use Ubuntu 18.04 on VirtualBox and sometimes I get weird freezes like this https://i.gyazo.com/8bb3ee190e0e988e41ff56e6419bd666.mp417:05
AlexP11223Some menus don't work, can switch to apps only via taskbar, cannot select text in text editor, etc.17:05
AlexP11223Keyboard seems to work fine and in this case it "unfreezed" after opening the start menu (win key) I think.17:05
AlexP11223Is it caused by VM? Or Gnome DE? I wonder if I encounter such issues if I install it as the main OS17:05
semi_blackflow: thanks!  Do you happen to know the EOL for ubuntu 12 ESM?  Same April 201917:05
blackflowsemi_: nope, sorry17:05
pragmaticenigmasemi_: ESM should be documented in your purchase agreement17:06
tomreynAlexP11223: hard to tell. is ubuntu fully up to date? are there significant errors logged?17:07
tomreynAlexP11223: are you using a supported virtualbox version on a supported host OS?17:07
=== NegativeFlare_ is now known as NegativeFlare
AlexP11223tomreyn: should be up to date, installed just a week ago. Windows 10 x64, vb 6.0, intel 9900k17:08
tomreynAlexP11223: so what does this report? nc termbin.com 9999 < <(lsb_release -ds;cat /proc/{version,cmdline};)17:09
woenxone question, blocking one IP in iptables is the same as blocking a hostname?17:09
compdochost names can change17:10
tomreynwoenx: (as the name suggests) iptables works with ip addresses only.17:10
woenxweird, I try to block the host to which I try to connect through SSH17:11
blackflowactually iptables accepts hostnames too17:11
tomreynAlexP11223: okay, this looks current indeed. now have a look at "journalctl -b" or post it using: journalctl -b | nc termbin.com 999917:11
woenxand when the rule is active, I can't establish new connections, but already mounted folders still work17:11
pragmaticenigmawoenx: blocking a hostname is not a guaranteed method to blocking. once an application as resolved the IP address of a hostname, it may cache it to reduce overhead of rechecking for each connection.17:11
woenxpragmaticenigma, ok17:11
tomreynblackflow: but it will resolve them at some point and then filter based on what it resoved them to.17:12
blackflowtomreyn: true, just saying hostnames are acceptable in arguments17:13
woenxso iptables affects new connections, but does not block already stablished connections, right?17:13
blackflownot good for blocking but okay for whitelisting17:13
tewardwoenx: iptables affects *all* connections, depending on what rules you're adding.17:14
blackflowwoenx: depends on how the rules are defined. if there's an allow rule for ESTABLISHED flows (which is usually a standard practice), then yes, won't be affected unless you flush the tables17:14
woenxhow would you make a rule to block outgoing traffic to one specific ip?17:15
jcottonnfish: putting those commands in .profile didn't work :/17:15
jcotton(caps lock to backspace mapping)17:15
jcottonbut sourcing it from the terminal works fine17:15
nfishjcotton, hmm, it might be getting run before X starts17:15
jcottonreboot didn't help either17:16
jcottontried just in case17:16
M151what you mean17:16
jcottonnfish: is .profile read regardless of login shell?17:16
jcotton(mine's set to fish)17:16
tomreyn!who | AlexP1122317:16
nfishjcotton, oh. I believe .profile is bash only17:16
ubottuAlexP11223: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:16
jcottonactually yeah it's still read17:17
jcottonb/c EDITOR and VISUAL are set correctly17:17
ioriajcotton, i suggest StartUp Applications for a xsetkbmap cmd17:17
tomreynAlexP11223: video acceleration faile dto initialize, so this might be why the GUI lags. also there are many reports for issues with a gnome-shell extension.17:18
jcottonioria: i'll try that17:18
tomreynAlexP11223: if you have any non default gnome-shell extensions installed, disable them, restart gnome-shell and see if things improve.17:22
OerHeksnever heard of psi-plus.desktop ..17:23
woenxI tried with the rule: sudo iptables -A OUTPUT <IP> -j DROP, but the filesystem detected that the host was disconnected and the connection was closed.17:23
=== murthy is now known as murthy_
ioria!info psi-plus17:24
ubottupsi-plus (source: psi-plus): Qt-based XMPP/Jabber client (basic version). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.248-1 (bionic), package size 3284 kB, installed size 10747 kB17:24
blackflowwoenx: that's not a valid iptables rule17:24
woenxwhy not?17:25
blackflowwoenx: because it's missing -d before that IP17:25
blackflowwoenx: also what "filesystem" has to do with iptables?17:25
jcottonhe's doing sshfs stuff iir17:26
=== murthy_ is now known as murthy
woenxblackflow, sorry, I copied it wrong, it had the -d. I want to simulate a "transport endpoint not connected" in the filesystem, by blocking access to a sshfs network folder.17:26
CrtxReavrAnyone noticed a wonky bug with the lastest putty (v0.71)?17:28
CrtxReavrPrinting putty icons in the top, left of the terminal during authentication?17:28
OerHeksCrtxReavr, nice, but it is not in our repos yet? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/putty17:29
CrtxReavrWell, I'm seeing this on the Windows build.17:29
CrtxReavrNot sure why someone would run putty on linux.17:29
CrtxReavrThough. . . .71 is a security patch release, so. . .17:30
blackflowfor the same reason why one would come to #ubuntu to ask about windows questions.17:30
* jcotton only uses putty for serial now17:30
jcottonWindows has OpenSSH now17:30
CrtxReavrSorta. . .17:30
jcottonit's literally OpenSSH17:30
jcottonMS ported it17:30
CrtxReavrThe Linux subsystem doesn't provide very good access to the network stack.17:30
jcottoni'm not talking about WSL17:31
jcottonand ssh works just fine from WSL17:31
CrtxReavrWell. .. okay. . . read about that. . ..but in that  case, the windows terminal is such shit, using OpenSSL in it would be horrible.17:31
jcottonwell yeah conhost is garbage17:31
blackflowguys, offtopic...17:31
CrtxReavrAnd no, ssh doesn't "work just fine" in WSL. . . none of the  port mapping features work.17:32
OerHeksCrtxReavr, interesting.. if you want to file a bug, against a non released package ..17:33
blackflowwoenx: you might want to use REJECT target instead of DROP, so the applications and FUSE recognizes packets blocked immediately.17:34
nfishblackflow, he's intentionally trying to test sshfs with network breakages in this case. But normally I agree.17:35
woenxblackflow, i'll try it17:35
blackflownfish: I know. if you DROP a packet then it takes some time for software to notice17:36
CrtxReavrI was pointed towards an explanation: https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/wishlist/vuln-auth-prompt-spoofing.html17:37
CrtxReavrSeems it was a kludge to address the vuln in 0.70.17:37
CrtxReavrPretty brilliant kludge, actually.17:37
blackflow!ot| CrtxReavr17:37
ubottuCrtxReavr: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:37
OerHeksCrtxReavr, those fixes are backported to 70-6, see the list & date https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/putty/0.70-617:38
woenxMmm, both with REJECT and DROP, the result is the same.. Ubuntu immediately notices the connection to the host has been interrupted and unmounts the share.17:38
CrtxReavrblackflow, no one cares about your shitty freenode rules.17:38
blackflowwoenx: yeah, perhaps you need autofs?17:38
blackflowRagequitReavr does tho.17:39
blackflowOerHeks: he wasn't even talking about the linux version17:39
OerHeksblackflow, my bad, did i send him away?17:40
blackflowno, I did.17:40
woenxblackflow, I use autofs17:41
blackflowwoenx: but then it should reconnect?17:42
woenxblackflow, well, yes, when I disable the rule17:43
blackflowwoenx: so what is the problem then?17:44
woenxblackflow, I try to simulate a "transport endpoint is not connected", when a sshfs mount is no longer available for some reason, but the filesystem still think it is. May be in that state for minutes or hours before showing the "transport endpoint is not connected" error17:45
woenxI am basically trying to test if a bug has been corrected in a program that deleted its database in that situation17:45
woenxbut it's hard to induce the problem artifically...17:46
pragmaticenigmawoenx: What about using a network switch or router in between the two machines... unplug the connection network switch to the network side... leaving the test computer attached to the network switch17:47
woenxpragmaticenigma, well, the remote machine is in another country... I don't have physicall access to the router/switch17:47
pragmaticenigmawoenx: You don't have to have the machines in the same area17:48
pragmaticenigmawoenx: The machine you are testing with, connected to network switch, network switch connected to company network... sever the connection between the switch and the company network17:49
woenxso what would you disconnect in this case?17:49
pragmaticenigmawoenx: second half of my comment17:50
ioriawoenx, might be a problem, yes (switched to tty and killed sshfs)18:05
ioriawoenx, maybe some ssh options should fix it (idk any)18:06
woenxioria, yes, but it's not a big deal. I was just trying to see how another program reacted to a connection loss in this case.18:10
ioriawoenx, maybe it is, because any bash/terminal windows freeze18:11
ioria(freeze = not usable)18:11
woenxYes, I know, but it has been this way for the last 10 years at least. The whole file browser freezes when a shared folder is no longer accessible.18:13
woenxthere is a bug report somewhere...18:13
ioriawoenx,  not only the file browser....18:13
woenxwell, yes18:14
woenxmost of the UI18:14
ioriamaybe a cron/while script/inotify rule  that check the mountpoint and if not available , send a notification and kill -9  sshfs  and fusermount -u18:14
Me3kAndroidhaving an issue, with accessing two other hard drives ... i can access them at /quasimoto and /unknownmoto but have no access to write anything to them .. anyway how to fix that..18:15
Me3kAndroidi created them via the install ubuntu 18.04 wizard .. at the same time as doing all partitions18:17
xamithanRead up on linux owner and permissions18:19
xamithanor just use sudo all the time18:19
Me3kAndroidok ...18:19
ducasse!permissions | Me3kAndroid18:20
ubottuMe3kAndroid: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions18:20
woenxbtw, how can I measure latency to a sshfs mount?18:20
woenx(I can't ping the host, the router blocks pings apparently)18:20
* ub3g33k thinks it works on more than just block devices18:21
lordcirthub3g33k, cool tool, thanks!18:22
ub3g33kyw :)18:23
heller_so, anything to remember when upgrading from version 15 to 18?18:24
blackflowwoenx: you can use mtr-tiny and use SYN packets18:25
tomreyn!yy.mm | heller_18:25
ubottuheller_: Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle18:25
woenxblackflow, I eneded up pinging my router from the remote host18:26
woenx100ms of latency, it's terrible.18:26
blackflowwoenx: well sshfs is not known for performance.18:27
woenxHow can I test the read/write and latency speed in a specific folder?18:27
woenxI know, but it's quite convenient18:27
blackflowprimarily it's a FUSE fs, so that alone will be a blow to perf. even if network wasn't18:27
OerHeksheller_, if you have no backup of your data, it is not important. see !eolupgrade for instructions18:27
woenxso what would be the optimal way to mount a remote filesystem in ubuntu, performance wise?18:28
ioriawoenx,  consider sftp + nautilus18:28
woenxisn't that the same as sshfs?18:29
blackflowwoenx: lower in the stack. iscsi, or even nbd.18:29
lordcirthheller_, from pre-16.04, I'd just back up and reinstall. But if you do upgrade, back up anyway.18:29
tomreynwoenx: nfs would already improve a lot.18:29
lordcirthI'd use NFS, and be sure to set up automounting / retries18:30
blackflowwoenx: question is, if that traffic goes over untrusted network, you'd still have to bottleneck it with a VPN or something.18:30
woenxtomreyn, could I use NFS in a remote connection (through internet)?18:30
tomreynwoenx: throuhg a vpn, yes18:31
woenxyes, I also have a openVPN connection configured to the same host, but it's even slower18:31
tomreynwoenx: webdav would also work over internet with https18:31
woenxbut mounting a sshfs and accessing via sftp in nautilus is basically the same, no?18:31
tomreynnot at all18:32
blackflowsftp is not a filesystem18:32
woenxwell, but I need to mount it somehow18:32
tomreynoh you mean sshfs compared to webdav performance? probably not as bad but also not great, yes.18:32
blackflowsshfs or nfs over uh.... ssh or vpn :)18:32
woenxI have a program that accesses some files in a specific folder, which in this case is in the remote network18:32
woenxbut the latency makes it freeze all the time18:33
blackflowwoenx: $32k question, do you really need a live fs?18:33
blackflowis that your final answer.18:33
woenxi am using Digikam, with a collection of ~100000 pictures, which are stored in a NAS18:33
ioriawoenx,  sftp does not use fuse18:33
woenxfrom a local network it's not that bad, but from internet it's terrible due to the latency18:33
woenxbut the folder needs to be in the filesystem, so the program can find the files18:34
blackflowwoenx: but can your use case download work files; work locally, (r)sync them back after you're done?18:34
tomreynwe're just repeating a conversation and discussion woenx brought up last time when their sshfs also performaned badly and didn't work reliably.18:34
woenxblackflow, that would be cool, but it's several GB of data and I don't have so much room in my laptop...18:35
tomreynbasically, we provided the same answers then. sshfs is a crude hack, will never perform well.18:35
blackflowdepends on what you're doing with the photos18:35
woenxwell, just editing minor stuff, changing dates, sorting folders, etc.18:35
woenxnetwork speed does nto seem to be a problem ~50mbps i'd say18:36
blackflownot much choice then.18:36
woenxbut latency18:36
ioriawoenx,  sure, in /run/user/1000/gvfs/18:36
woenxanyway, I think the main problem is that Digikam is not well optimized for low latency networks. it freezes all the time a file is not immediately accessible18:37
woenxand, moreover, it often shows that black windows with "this program is not responding..."18:37
woenxand it freezes the rest of the OS, not just this program18:38
blackflowwoenx: there are other tools like darktable18:38
pragmaticenigmadigikam is intended to have the files located on the same machine. Because image processing takes up a fair amount of system resources18:38
woenxwell, not all of it, but the filebrowser and google chrome at least are unusable if I don't close the warning window18:38
woenxno, darktable is good, but it's for other purposes18:39
woenxfor managing a picture catalog, digikam is definitely the best18:39
woenxI'd say even comparing to paid software18:39
woenxI did my research back in the day, and I compared many programs...18:39
=== murthy is now known as murthy_
woenxdarktable works very well for developing RAW pictures18:40
dabbillDepending on the camera18:40
dabbillI was really happy with Darktable when I was shooting Canon, but now that I switched to Sony, I wasnt as impressed.18:41
woenxI personally tended to use rawtherapee more often that darktable18:41
woenxI also have a Canon18:41
dabbillColors just seem to be off18:41
tomreyncould you move this conversation to offtopic, please18:41
woenxwhich is already 10 years old...18:41
dabbillI have been using Capture One Sony edition lately.18:42
dabbillJust wish it worked on Linux, hate using it in VM.18:42
woenxso, now that we are at it, is there any way to measure access time to a file system/folder?18:43
woenxso I can test different options and make my own statistics18:44
blackflowwoenx: sysbench, iirc18:45
blackflowwoenx: check the manpage first, I think default file sizes will be too much over the network18:46
tomreynFFSB, filebench18:46
dabbillwoenx:  I need to check out Rawtherapee again, its been a while since I have looked at it18:47
woenxI think it's simpler than darktable, but I kinda liked it18:48
woenxI see that sysbench requires to prepare a set of files larger than the ram, to avoid caching18:51
woenxI don't know if that's suitable for a remote directory...18:52
jerichowasahoaxwhat's the apt verb for determining the current status of a given package? e.g. whether or not it's installed, what version, etc18:53
Bashing-omjerichowasahoax: "dpkg -l <package> ' .18:53
ioria!info bonnie++18:53
ubottubonnie++ (source: bonnie++): Hard drive benchmark suite. In component main, is optional. Version 1.97.3 (bionic), package size 54 kB, installed size 169 kB18:54
jerichowasahoaxBashing-om: thank you18:58
Bashing-omjerichowasahoax: :) np18:58
woenxOk, i found it much easier to just use the 'dd' command to measure speed and latency18:59
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woenx250ms of latency, dammit19:02
TyrfingMjolnirI have issues booting in to single user mode19:04
TyrfingMjolnirI attempt to hold down SHIFT at boot in order to enter GRUB menu, but I get the regular loading screen.19:05
grymi'm on 18.04.  My mouse no longer registers left and right mouse clicks inside windows (like terminal, firefox..) but does register on the desktop (i can bring up a context menu, etc.).  How can I debug this?19:05
blackflowgrym: wayland session?19:06
Bashing-omTyrfingMjolnir: EFI machine ? then it is the escape key that grub looks for, Spam the escape key as there is but a 3 second window of oportunity,19:06
grymblackflow: i'm .. not sure? whatever's stock on 18.0419:06
blackflowgrym: xorg is. fire up xev and then click in the white window that appears. it should register ButtonPress and ButtonRelease events19:07
blackflowgrym: run `xev` from the command line19:07
grymblackflow: i see events registering on clicks.19:08
grymblackflow: the event is registered, but the terminal session i'm typing this to you in now doesn't respond19:08
blackflowgrym: can you logout & login, did that fixit?19:08
grymblackflow: it did not resolve the issue19:08
grymthis is new as of ~20 minutes ago, no system updates in that time19:09
lapionIs it normal that most files in /usr/src/linux-headers-4.18.0-16-generic/include/config/*/*.h are empty zero size files ?19:09
blackflowgrym: anything screaming from dmesg | tail -n 40  ?19:09
Bashing-omlapion: Duplicates here with zero file sizes .19:11
lapionBashing-om, no not duolicates all are empty zero size files not soft nor hardlinks.. and nowhere else are those files available..19:12
Bashing-omlapion: My result: https://termbin.com/gc2u .19:14
lapionIf I look in the deb fiules : see they are supposed to soft or hardlinks but they apparantly point to none-existant files19:15
lapionI think it's a problem for people that install headers without installing the full kernel sources..19:16
lapionBashing-om,  I think it's a problem for people that install headers without FIRST installing the full kernel sources..19:17
grymblackflow: nothing interesting.  I just rebooted again... everything was ok for about 90 seconds, then i got a 'system problem detected' GUI popup and the mouse is back to not responding to clicks19:17
lapionBashing-om, which should not be a problem because not everyone needs the full kenrel sources all the time19:18
grymblackflow: i opened up the 'logs' gui tool and the only thing i see is a complaint about not mounting a remote drive that i use sometimes19:18
Bashing-omlapion: Well, guess the files are there in the event that one builds from source ?19:18
grymblackflow: super no longer opens the ubuntu search-for-software start menu thing either19:18
lapionBashing-om, if the header files are necessary for a number of compiles that do no rquiere the full kernel sources19:19
ubonehi, i have ubuntu server 1804, could you tell me how to see the status of ports and how to open a port?19:19
lapionBashing-om, plus if someone installs the full kernel sources after installing the header files ...19:20
blackflowgrym: really no idea, but I thought dmesg would scream with GPU issues.19:26
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virmahaHello. ldconfig -p shows libxyz.so => /usr/lib/libxyz.so.0 , which is a symbolic link to /usr/lib/libxyz.so.0.0.1 . How can I delete the symbolic link and ensure it's purged by ldconfig?19:45
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grymblackflow: working-ish, and https://termbin.com/nrxp is the whole shebang19:49
blackflowgrym: what does  `journalctl -p err`  show ?19:50
grymblackflow: i hacked the line that gaave the mountpoint error out of fstab.  how that could possibly matter is beyond me...19:51
blackflowgrym: it wouldn't unless it messed up gvfs which in turn messed up something else in gnome19:51
blackflowgrym: that's gnome, right?19:51
blackflowwhoa wait, nvidia 340?19:52
grymold card :/19:52
grymblackflow: https://termbin.com/2xel19:52
grymGeForce GTX 77019:52
grymi don't ... thiiink i can go up to the 410mumble19:53
blackflowgrym: first things first, why do you have so many attempts against root on ssh? is this a remote server w/ GUI type of thing?19:54
qwebirc61402Wierd question: is there some command to play the sound ubuntu makes (16.04, unity) when you hit the volume up or volume down keys?19:55
grymblackflow: let's go with "universities are strange computing environments sometimes"19:55
blackflowgrym: I see. well, bump it to a non-standard port to quite the logs if nothing else.19:55
blackflowgrym: spice..... ah so that's a VM?19:56
blackflowor remote VNC something something type of access?19:56
grymblackflow: something like that, i think.19:57
OerHeksqwebirc61402, i am looking for that plop sound, you might be able to change that19:57
blackflowwell, do you not know if that's a local physical machine, or a remote VM?19:57
grymblackflow: oh, workhorse is a physical machine.  i'm typing on it right now19:58
blackflowgrym: anyway that would kinda explain your issues: everything okay and then all of a sudden irrational behavior with clicks that do register but don't really.19:58
grymblackflow: which 'that'?19:58
grymthe gvfs failure?19:58
blackflowgrym: accessing that desktop over spice or some kind of VNC19:59
grymi'll believe nearly anything about gnome :)19:59
blackflowgrym: anyway, nothing immediately screams at me from those logs, other than the mentioned spice thing. pulseaudio is complaining, but I doubt that would mess up clicks. there's one "Unrecoverable failure in required component org.gnome.Shell.desktop"  but I've seen that in gnome regularly. problem with gnome is a megaton of catastrophic sounding log entries but everything humming along ifne.20:00
TyrfingMjolnirBashing-om: Nope, bios; pounding the shift key works sometimes20:00
blackflowgrym: it'd be great if you could pin point exactly at what time the troubles being and then look at the logs at that time20:00
grymblackflow: ok.  thank you for the detailed look!  i'll sniff around.20:00
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:01
Bashing-omTyrfingMjolnir: Sorry - can not say .. now above my pay grade :(20:02
lotuspsychjeTyrfingMjolnir: what about Esc20:02
qwebirc61402OerHeks: Any luck on finding it?20:03
OerHeksqwebirc61402, no, i have no clue what that plop sound is names, in /usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/stereo20:04
OerHeksthey are .ogg20:05
blackflowTyrfingMjolnir: iirc there was a difference between left or right shift, can't remember which one is the "correct" one20:06
TyrfingMjolnirBut the window of opportunity is like 0.2s20:07
blackflowTyrfingMjolnir: you don't have to mash it, you can hold it down from the bios post screen onward20:07
qwebirc61402OerHeks: I think it might be bell.ogg?20:07
TyrfingMjolnirblackflow: That really does not work20:07
blackflowTyrfingMjolnir: worked in my case iirc. neway, did you get to the menu?20:08
OerHeksqwebirc61402, no, that is for terminal20:08
ioriain /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo20:09
OerHeksioria, you are great!20:09
qwebirc61402wow thanks20:09
shmamso I need to tail -f a log file and whenever a new thing gets posted to the log file, I need to make a curl request. I was thinking something like `tail -f my_log_file > ??` but not sure. Any ideas?20:10
OerHeksrename that ogg, and change your sound to that.. not sure it works right away, or logout/login again20:10
lotuspsychjeTyrfingMjolnir: does your keyboard work in bios?20:10
qwebirc61402follow up: is there a quick way to play a .oga file from the command line?20:10
lordcirthqwebirc61402, mpv20:11
ioria + libsox-fmt-all20:11
ioriaand the command is just 'play'20:12
ioria!info sox | qwebirc6140220:13
ubottuqwebirc61402: sox (source: sox): Swiss army knife of sound processing. In component universe, is optional. Version 14.4.2-3 (bionic), package size 100 kB, installed size 190 kB20:13
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lotuspsychjeScrewdriverr: welcome20:44
ScrewdriverrWould anyone be willing to help me troubleshoot my 2 in 1 tablet running Gnome? I am trying to get a program for additional gesture controls to work but am having trouble. Anyone have experience with these sort of programs?20:45
ScrewdriverrI set up the programs and everything and everything seems to be fine but Ubuntu is not recognizing any of the new gestures.20:46
lotuspsychjeScrewdriverr: think you will have better luck with unity on touch devices20:46
dabbillI have herd plasma has decent touch support20:48
dabbillalso Gnome 3.32 has added more touch support I believe.20:48
ScrewdriverrOh? I have been considering Kubuntu, I can't really stand Unity.20:49
lotuspsychjegood to know dabbill20:49
Screwdriverris Gnome 3.32 the new version of Ubuntu?20:49
lotuspsychjeScrewdriverr: if thats the case, you could test a 19.04 daily as a test20:49
dabbilllotuspsychje:  I am not 100% sure on that, but I thought I herd that on some one reviewing 3.32.20:49
dabbillScrewdriverr:  19.04 has Gnome 3.32 now.20:49
lotuspsychjeits worth a try right dabbill20:49
ScrewdriverrOh there is a way to test 19.04? I assume that is on the Ubuntu website?20:50
lotuspsychjeScrewdriverr: you can find the daily link in #ubuntu+120:50
Screwdriverrjoin #ubuntu+120:50
dabbillIRC much :D j/k20:51
ScrewdriverrAlso is there any way to get windows drivers working on linux?20:56
ScrewdriverrOr am I kinda outta luck if the manufacturer doesn't provide it20:57
leftyfbScrewdriverr: out of luck20:57
dabbillyea pretty much20:57
dabbillwhat is the device?20:57
lordcirthScrewdriverr, is there a specific driver you need?20:58
ScrewdriverrI just got a Fujitsu laptop and there are only Windows drivers listed on the website. Anyways, thanks everybody, I'm going to go try 19.04.20:59
dabbillScrewdriverr:  most hardware just works on Linux20:59
leftyfbScrewdriverr: for what hardware specifically? The Windows drivers mean nothing in linux21:00
ScrewdriverrWell the fingerprint scanner doesn't work which I kinda expected and some of the buttons don't do anything. I also have a double battery and I am not sure if it is detecting both and showing it in the battery charge level.21:01
dabbillI have a Thinkpad P51s, and Gnome shows both of its internal batteries21:02
dabbillFingerprint readers are a hit and miss21:02
ScrewdriverrYea it's a pretty off brand laptop, I just got it yesterday. None of these things have been an issue really so it's ok.21:03
leftyfbScrewdriverr: your best bet is to pick a piece of hardware and work here to troubleshoot21:03
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dabbillScrewdriverr:  or in Ubuntu+1 if your running 19.04 :)21:04
blackflowyou mean #ubuntu+1 the channel here on freenode21:05
RussianBotzHow do I change my wallpaper?21:07
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OerHeksRussianBotz, systemsettings, background,  and click on the picture21:08
OerHekson top there are options, to choose your own21:09
RussianBotzOh thank you.21:09
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy21:10
monojamoon|hey guys, I have a bluetooth connectivity problem.21:12
monojamoon| I have a portable bluetooth speaker which I occassionally connect to my Ubuntu machine. The problem is that the connection doesn't seem to be 100% proper because the sound output quality from the speaker is low.21:12
monojamoon|However, if I disconnect and reconnect the device, the sound quality becomes optimal.21:12
monojamoon|I have tested the device on other machines, my android phone and Windows OS on the same machine, the speaker connects flawlessly on the first attempt itself.21:13
jeremy31monojamoon|: can you switch it from HSP/HFP to A2DP in sound settings when you first connect?21:13
monojamoon|yeah! the dropdown menu does have an option for it and I was able to change it21:14
monojamoon|oh wow!21:16
monojamoon|it worked! :)21:17
monojamoon|thanks jeremy31! :)21:17
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jcottonwhat's the Online Accounts bit for in Settings?21:22
jcottonlike does it let me mount my OneDrive?21:22
PinchiukasOk I installed sddm but I don't get a graphical UI on boot. I logged in through ssh and I can see that sddm is running.21:26
monojamoonMy Calc seems to have stopped launching. :(21:26
AlexPortableWhat is the ubuntu equivalent of joy.cpl on windows?21:27
leftyfb!ot | AlexPortable21:30
ubottuAlexPortable: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:30
AlexPortableeh yes this is ubuntu, im looking for support for ubuntu leftyfb21:30
leftyfbAlexPortable: what is joy.cpl?21:31
jcottonthe thing for joysticks in the Windows Control Panel21:31
Mordocleftyfb, It's the game controller control panel.21:31
leftyfbAlexPortable: there's several joystick control panels for ubuntu in the apt repos21:32
monojamoonjstest-gtk is one such package that I use.21:33
monojamooncan't say if it's the exact equivalent to joy.cpl.21:33
MordocAlexPortable, here's a guide that steps through and jstest-gtk like monojamoon suggested: http://www.pc-freak.net/blog/configure-joystick-gamepad-debian-ubuntu-mint-gnu-linux/21:33
leftyfbAlexPortable: future reference. For things like this, you should ask "What do I use to configure/test joysticks in ubuntu?"21:34
AlexPortableyes that might be better, thanks21:35
jcottonI wonder how relevant that still is21:35
jcottonlooks pretty old21:35
MordocIt's 2017...best I could find...21:35
jcottonoh i can't read21:35
jcottoni see 2017 at the bottom now21:35
MordocAll good.21:35
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mra90why I can not restart ssh by "sudo service ssh restart"22:04
mra90it says ssh.service not found22:04
jcottondo you maybe mean sshd22:06
jcotton(also i thought it was systemctl, not service)22:06
jcottonor am i out of date?22:06
OerHeksfor systemd, yes22:07
OerHeksbut if someone just asks a question without important details, the answer might be working22:07
mra90what can be a reason of "connecton refused, lost connection" while trying to scp22:12
mra90I can ping testintaion IP22:12
blackflowmra90: can you ssh regularly?22:14
OerHeksdid it ever work?22:14
mra90first attempt22:14
mra90ssh returns the same error message22:14
blackflowmra90: well, is the remote side listening on that port, or is there a firewall in effect that would reject the connection?22:15
mra90blackflow: how can I check if it is listening?22:16
mra90as i said I can ping that22:16
blackflowmra90: no, you can ping an IP, but can't verify with that if anything is listening on port 22 (or whichever you're using)22:17
blackflowmra90: you'll need to run diagnostics on the remote side, somehow. see if the sshd service is running, which port is it listening, if there's a firewall that would reject connections.22:18
mra90blackflow: yes, and is there a way to check if either side is listening on that port22:18
leftyfbmra90: what version of ubuntu is the server running?22:19
leftyfbmra90: server or desktop?22:19
leftyfbmra90: how did you install openssh on it?22:19
mra90it was there from start?22:20
blackflowopenssh-server to be precise (as client is by default)22:20
leftyfbmra90: negative22:20
leftyfbmra90: you need to install it22:20
leftyfbmra90: https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-enable-ssh-on-ubuntu-18-04/ # first result on google for "ubuntu 18.04 install ssh server"22:20
leftyfbmine has pretty pictures :P22:21
geniisudo lsof -i :22   ... should show sshd using port 2222:22
leftyfbgenii: they didn't have it installed22:23
mra90leftyfb: that's right I was missing it!22:23
mra90thanks a lot!22:23
* genii suddenly notices he was scrolled up22:23
blackflowss -l4n doesn't need sudo22:24
mra90the error messages however could have been better designed22:24
blackflowno, the error message is right on. the kernel set a closed port RST packet22:25
blackflow*sent. there's no way to know why, on the client side.22:25
StartupProblemsI have a ubuntu host that won't boot and I have no physical access to.  I think that I know if I disable Docker from being able to start automatically that it should work again.22:46
StartupProblemsHow do I disable the process just by editing the filesystem rather than running "systemctl" commands.22:46
blackflowStartupProblems: remove the symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/docker.service    or whatsitcalled22:48
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StartupProblemsblackflow: you're a star tyvm I knew it would be something simple like this.22:48
blackflowStartupProblems: I'm not using docker so I don't know what else is there, but if something else pulls in the docker.service, you might need to "mask" it, by creating that symlink back, except link it to /dev/null and not into /lib/systemd/...22:50
blackflowand btw you can chroot into your on-disk root and systemctl commands to enable|disable|mask services22:51
blackflowand *use22:51
StartupProblemsblackflow: I was looking up the commands to do that chroot option22:52
StartupProblemsThen I thought I could disable things if I asked in here in parallel22:52
StartupProblemsI guess I was wrong its apparently not docker thats stopping the boot process.22:59
StartupProblemsIf anyone can suggest another way to debug why the system won't boot that'd be incredibly useful.23:00
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blackflowStartupProblems: if journal forwards to syslog (default) you might peek into /var/log/syslog23:04
blackflowStartupProblems: meanwhile, surely there's some kind of virtual remote console you can utilize to "look at the boot screen"?23:05
StartupProblemsblackflow: there is a remote console on the more expensive hosting service at OVH but this is just a crap dev sever from Kimsufi so just a recovery mode23:09
blackflowand to think OVH (their enterprise line) is actually considered on the budget side of hosting :)  well, if there's nothing in the syslog and you don't have a (virtual) console, you're out of luck.23:11
StartupProblemsI imagine I can check the syslog23:11
asenssyhi there... I want to consume API with curl23:14
asenssyThis is a sample request for authentication using curl:23:14
asenssycurl –header “Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded” –data23:14
asenssy“client_id=YourClientKey&client_secret=YourClientSecret&username=YourUsername&password=YourPassword&grant_type=password” https://portal.bitcurb/token23:14
asenssycould someone help23:14
asenssyare --header and --date valid options23:15
asenssyfor curl23:15
HellFireasenssy: --header and --data are valid, yes23:16
asenssythank you23:17
prasketI am on 18.04 and starting yesterday I am getting `Err:11 http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/strycore/xUbuntu_18.04 ./ Release.gpg23:32
prasket  The following signatures were invalid: EXPKEYSIG 2F7F0DA5FD5B64B9 home:strycore OBS Project <home:strycore@build.opensuse.org>` Anyone else seeing this?23:32
OerHeksprasket, good luck, such external repos are not supported ( here)23:34
prasketsee I thought that was weird, I never remember installing that one. So I guess I assumed it was native. I will take this elsewhere them. Thanks for pointing that out.23:34
OerHeksall our repos start with ubuntu :-)23:35
OerHeksyou might have followed a wrong manual, or a frankenstein manual that says it can be done23:35
prasket:) probably23:39
ubottuGuest84895: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».23:41
blackflowprasket: probably some repo from the OpenSuse Build Service (that does other distros too)23:55

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