
=== mike_ is now known as Guest43346
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jack4hi guys, I have installed lubuntu 18.10 to an old laptop, but when I boot it shows a white screen and the mouse cursor can move on it but nothing else appears on screen, how to solve this?16:03
jack4I can start lubuntu from dvd16:03
jack4but not without dvd16:03
n-iCehi jack416:05
jack4hi n-ICe16:05
n-iCecan't you use a usb?16:05
jack4I use a usb but the white screen appears16:05
jack4I use a dvd and it boots16:05
n-iCeHow did you make the usb bootable?16:06
jack4I downloaded the iso file and with rufus I wrote it to usb and to a dvd16:07
jack4I boot with dvd16:07
jack4if I don t have the dvd the white screen with a cursor appears16:08
jack4if I have dvd it boots16:08
jack4is there any way to download something to repair my installed version?16:09
jack4can I boot with dvd and install latest kernel? I couldnt install because it says read only mode16:10
jack4I could not install a kernel16:11
jack4n-ICe I am not very experienced16:18
jack4I think somehting is wrong with screen settings maybe or maybe a linux kernel is old16:19
jack4but if the cursor is moving means there must be a fix16:19
apt-ghettoDo you see the Grub boot menu?16:20
jack4no nothing16:21
jack4I dont see anything16:21
jack4it shows a white screen16:21
jack4and a mouse cursor I can move16:21
apt-ghettoPress ESC or the SHIFT key after power on your machine16:21
apt-ghettoWhen you see the boot entries, press the key "E" and then you can edit the options16:22
apt-ghettoLook for the words "quiet splash" and replace them with "nomodeset"16:22
apt-ghettoThen boot (I think with CTRL+X or F10)16:23
jack4okI will try this16:23
jack4apt-ghetto should I use nomodeset after booting my machine from hard-drive?16:29
apt-ghettoWhen you power on, you should see the Grub menu after a few seconds, and your installed Ubuntu should be selected16:30
apt-ghettoPress the key "E" and edit the boot options16:31
apt-ghettoAfter that the installed Lubuntu will start and maybe you can log in16:31
jack4I think that grub menu does not appear16:33
apt-ghettoThat is possible, if you don't have a dual boot16:33
apt-ghettoSo you should press repeatedly the ESC key or SHIFT and the Grub menu should appear16:33
apt-ghettoBut you have to do it from the beginning, before your installed Lubuntu starts16:34
apt-ghettoThe Grub menu looks like => https://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/original/1353953772.png16:37
jack4yes I have single boot and grub not starts16:39
apt-ghettoIf Grub does not start, no operating system is loaded and you will not see a mouse cursor16:40
apt-ghettoIf you see a mouse cursor, the boot loader has started the operating system and part of the graphical user interface16:41
apt-ghettoBut let's take another approach16:41
apt-ghettoStart your installed system and when you see the cursor16:41
apt-ghettoand then press CTRL+ALT+F416:42
apt-ghettoYou should see a text based login screen16:42
apt-ghettoNo login with your credentials16:58
apt-ghettoNow login with your credentials16:58
apt-ghettoThe password is not shown, not even as "****", so type it in and ENTER16:59
n-iCesorry, was working16:59
n-iCeDid you solve it?17:00
jack4ok I will try this later17:00
jack4I will go to that pc17:00
jack4I just keep notes17:00
apt-ghettoWhen you are logged in, update your system with `sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade`17:01
jack4ok I will try it17:03
=== Mead- is now known as mead

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