
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
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mborzeckihmm https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6652 travis job is finished (and green), gh status is still pending :/06:28
mupPR #6652: sanity: use proper SELinux context when mounting squashfs <SELinux> <Simple 😃> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6652>06:28
zygagood morning06:33
zygamborzecki: sucky night, my dog is sick, keeps throwing up all night06:33
zygamborzecki: I'm tired and not sure how the day will unfold06:33
mborzeckizyga: uhh, sucks, make him fast a bit, always helps with my dog pack06:37
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zygaback in the office07:22
mupPR snapd#6654 opened: packaging/fedora, tests/upgrade/basic: patch existing mount units with SELinux context on upgrade <SELinux> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6654>07:41
mborzeckialmost there with selinux07:42
mborzeckijust one more PR on top of what's already open07:42
mborzeckimvo: morning07:49
mvohey mborzecki07:52
mvomborzecki: how are you? how are the tests this morning?07:52
mborzeckimvo: undecided, had to restart a spread job bc ubuntu-16.04-32 was taking too long a hit a kill-timeout:?07:53
mborzeckimvo: maybe a trivial review to start the day? https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/665207:53
mupPR #6652: sanity: use proper SELinux context when mounting squashfs <SELinux> <Simple 😃> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6652>07:53
mvomborzecki: sounds great07:55
mvomborzecki: doing that now07:55
mborzeckimvo: thanks!07:57
zygaeh, the dog keeps throwing up07:59
zygahey mvo07:59
zygamvo: a quick one please: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/665007:59
mupPR #6650: cmd/libsnap: neuter variables in cleanup functions <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6650>07:59
mvozyga: sure, looking08:02
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zygahey pawel08:02
mborzeckipstolowski: hey08:03
mupPR snapd#6650 closed: cmd/libsnap: neuter variables in cleanup functions <Created by zyga> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6650>08:11
pedronismvo: hi,  #6602 could use a 2nd review08:21
mupPR #6602: cmd,interfaces: replace local helpers with cmd.InternalToolPath <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6602>08:21
mvopedronis: looking08:26
pedronismvo: zyga: it seems you found some kind of agreement in #6410  , is that implemented? is it close to land?08:39
mupPR #6410: release-tools: add debian-package-builder <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6410>08:39
mupPR snapd#6559 closed: pkg/apparmor: scratch documentation of apparmor <Created by zyga> <Closed by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6559>08:42
zygapedronis: yes, I will try to get to it today,08:47
zygapedronis: the agreement is that we simply take the script's essential part and add it as a debug section in the sid task08:47
zygapedronis: so that if it fails, people know how to debug08:47
pedroniszyga: mvo wrote something else at the end08:47
pedronis(so maybe there is not an agreement)08:47
zygapedronis: looking08:50
zygaah, that's even easier08:50
* zyga goes to do that now08:50
zygasorry, today is not great, my dog is sick and makes all kinds of mess :/08:51
pedroniszyga: it's fine, I was just trying to understand if there was a bit of clarity there, otherwise at this point I would have close it08:52
pedroniszyga: I don't think you are particularly blocked by me anymore right this moment, I need to go back to mvo's remodel PRs08:52
zygapedronis: I'm okay now, thank you!08:53
pedroniszyga: sorry for the poor dog08:54
ppisatimvo: does the dtb update mechanism work in core18 now?09:00
ackkhi, I'm hitting this error since yesterday when trying to build with snapcraft in bionic containers: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/bhYGfpj8Rc/ anyone could advise?09:01
Chipacaackk: Recursivity.  Call back if it happens again.09:02
* Chipaca puts away his BOFH excuse generator again09:03
pedronispstolowski: hi, 6491  can be landed09:03
pstolowskipedronis: great, ty! zyga - last chance to have a look09:04
ackkChipaca, I can reprooduce constantly, I can't seem to build the snap09:04
zygapstolowski: I looked a little last night and it is ok09:05
Chipacaackk: it was meant as a joke, sorry09:05
zygaapproved just now09:05
pedronispstolowski: I'm sure we can improve the test over time, but I don't think it should be a blocker09:05
Chipacaackk: snapcrafters should be alive shortly to help you out09:05
ackkChipaca, ok, thanks09:05
Chipacaackk: have you tried with snapcraft from candidate?09:05
* ackk tries09:05
pstolowskipedronis: yep09:06
mupPR snapd#6652 closed: sanity: use proper SELinux context when mounting squashfs <SELinux> <Simple 😃> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6652>09:06
ackkChipaca, same error09:07
ackkChipaca, does snapcraft need to run under sudo with --destructive-mode?09:08
ackkuhm, it seems so it's trying to do apt stuff09:09
Chipacaackk: I think when snapcraft runs it, it runs as rot09:10
Chipacabut i'm not 100% on that09:10
zygaackk: --destructive-mode mangles your system09:12
pstolowskipedronis: i've sent hotplug docs to you & Graham; i've deliberately omitted HotplugKey method that the interfaces could implement due to the slightly undefined story with versioning of keys that we talked about09:12
ackkoh it seems I had some stuff owned by root in ~/.cache/snapcraft09:14
pedronispstolowski: I'll try to look later today09:14
mupPR snapd#6491 closed: interfaces: hotplug nested vm test, updated serial-port interface <Hotplug 🔌> <Created by stolowski> <Merged by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6491>09:16
mvoppisati: we are working on the firmware update mechanism, but its not done yet, do you have a use-case where you need it?09:20
mupPR snapd#6651 closed: tests: all the systems for google backend with 6 workers <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6651>09:28
Chipacadegville: mo'in!09:36
degvilleChipaca: morning!09:36
ackkChipaca, there's currently no way of having "snapctl set" execute hooks automatically, right?09:36
Chipacadegville: the 'squiggly road' paragraph i added, i added it to clarify what i thought was maybe confusing, but not sure how successful i was09:36
Chipacaackk: what do you mean?09:38
ackkChipaca, if I run "snapctl set" from within a snap, it won't run the config hook right?09:38
ppisatimvo: yes, a bionic/snapdragon update that contains a heavily modified dtb09:38
Chipacaackk: you're holding it from the wrong end09:39
pedronismvo: a did a pass on the first and last of the current remodel PRs09:39
Chipacaackk: if you're inside the snap, call the configure hook and let it call snapctl set09:39
ackkChipaca, the configure hook reacts to the set, doesn't set things09:39
pedronisChipaca: ?  the configure hook doesn't call snapctl set (usually)09:39
ppisatimvo: but if there's no dtb update mechanism, we can't pull it in09:39
Chipaca(the hook needs to behave differently when not called as a hook tho09:39
Chipacapedronis: we have tests for that use case09:40
Chipacapedronis: so i presumed it was a'ight09:40
pedronisit can do that09:40
pedronisis just not typical09:40
pedronisanyway it's not the first time we had that request09:40
ackkChipaca, in my case the config hook reads the config and generates some config files, I don't want/need it to set snap configs09:40
pedroniswe cannot really change the default though09:40
pedroniss/default/default mode of operation inside a snap/09:40
ackkChipaca, pedronis, I have a case where a script in the snap would need to set setuff via "snapctl set", and trigger the hook. I can call it manually, I was just wondering if there was a way to have snapctl do it09:41
pedronisChipaca: we could introduce snapctl set --configure  (it would need to error if called that way from inside the configure hook itself)09:42
Chipacaackk: is this from inside a hook inside the snap?09:43
ackkChipaca, not from a hook, just from a script shipped within the snap09:43
ackkChipaca, it's basically a "init" script09:44
ackkas in, to initialize the service configuration09:44
degvilleChipaca: I think the squiggly road is a valuable addition. I may have a small question I'll add to the doc.09:44
Chipacadegville: it's definitely advanced usage, but needs to be documented (and an attempt at explaining it) somewhere because people will butt against this at some point (and it will make their heads wobble)09:45
degvillethanks Chipaca, that's good to know.09:47
Chipacapedronis: --configure would have to be async though, right?09:47
Chipacaor weird if already inside a hook09:47
ackkChipaca, I don't think it should be allowed from a hook09:48
ackkChipaca, what I'm talking about is calling snapctl set from within the snap, but not in a hook, like from a app in the snap09:49
Chipacaackk: yes09:49
Chipacaackk: but 'snap set' kicks off a 'configure-snap' change09:50
Chipacaackk: if you're in a hook, you're running from a task09:51
pedronisChipaca: it would need care implementation wise09:51
Chipacaackk: so either it's weird because it will work in a snap and not a hook (surprising developers trying to do it), or needs extra care09:51
Chipacapedronis: ye09:52
ackkChipaca, setting configs in a config hook seems a bit weird to me09:53
Chipacaackk: agreed, but what about a refresh hook, to set config defaults say?09:53
Chipacaackk: what about in an install hook to run 'init'?09:53
ackkthat's a different hook though, so you could allow that09:53
Chipacawhere's the emoji for 'turtles all the way down'09:54
ackkI agree it's tricky, I'm just saying I don't think it would be really surprising if config hook doesn't trigger itself09:54
ackkwhereas triggering the config hook from other hooks makes more sense09:54
mvoppisati: ok, thank, looks like this will be our first test for the new feature then09:59
mvopedronis: thanks, I will go over them09:59
pedronisdegville: Chipaca: let me know when the epoch docs is ready for another pass from me10:02
degvillepedronis: will do, thanks!10:02
ppisatimvo: well, but if we push the kernel now and the mechanism is not working yet, we are going to break people's installation10:08
mvoppisati: right, then we can't push it yet :/10:12
mvoppisati: how is it organized on the dragonboard? the dtbs there are part of the gadget?10:12
degvilleChipaca: I've just left one quick q in the doc I can't get my head around.10:13
Chipacadegville: that's ok, i can't get my head around the q :-)10:13
degvilleChipaca: ahahaha!10:13
ppisatimvo: last time i talked with ogra, when ubuntu-image build an image, it picks them from the kernel snap10:13
ppisatiogra: ^10:13
* ogra reads backlog10:14
Chipacadegville: let me rephrase the paragraph and see if it helps10:14
degvillethank you!10:14
mvoppisati: kernel snap sounds promising - if they get loaded from /boot/dragonboard-kernel_121/foo.dtb we would be good but I doubt somehow this is the case10:14
ogramvo, yeah, as ppisati said, dragonboard uses the kernel snap (as every other board except the pi)10:15
ogra(for dtb's that is)10:15
Chipacadegville: did that help?10:16
degvillelooking now.10:16
degvilleChipaca: yes, thanks!10:17
Chipacadegville: it feels more stuttery now10:17
Chipacazyga: ooh, ooh, post-merge reviews!10:18
Chipacais that a song10:18
mvoogra: does that mean the dtb gets unpacked from the kernel snap to /boot/$kernel/foo.dtb already? if so we should be good, no?10:19
ogramvo, well, you wrote that code :P ... but yes, the dtbs dir from the kernel should be copied 1:1 into /boot/uboot/<snapname>/10:20
ograIIRC it copoes the whole dir10:20
mvoogra: yeah, I can look into the code if its DTRT but it sounds very promising10:21
ograand uboot.env should be set up tp load it from $snap_kernel/dtbs/10:21
mvoogra: cool10:21
ograonly the pi differs10:21
ogra(and some of my dev images where i pull dtbs from linux-next explicitly into the gadget)10:22
mvoppisati: so given what ogra wrote we should be good because the dtb is part of the kernel snap and the kernel extraction etc, this needs double checking, unfortunately I don't have a dragonboard myself but if you hvae the updated kernel, you could make it available in a store branch and I can ask our QA team to test10:22
mvoogra: ok10:22
mvoogra: that sounds all good, thanks for checking10:23
ogramvo, ppisati also, ondra is usually surrounded by dragonboards and clones if you need a tester ;)10:23
ackkChipaca, has $HOME always been set to $SNAP_USER_DATA?10:24
Chipacaackk: yes10:24
ogranot in 15.04 :P10:24
ChipacaI'm wishing we had a way to say 'no thanks'10:24
Chipacaogra: yes in 15.0410:24
ChipacaAFAIR at least10:24
ogra(there the variable was called differently :P )10:24
* Chipaca tickles ogra 10:25
ograa hilariously long name10:25
* ogra laughs 10:25
Chipacato be clear, we've been setting HOME to a-per-revision-place-the-snap-can-write-to since before snapd existed10:26
Chipacait's just not been called SNAP_USER_DATA all the time10:26
Chipacait used to be $SNAP_APP_USER_DATA_PATH10:26
ograand before that s/SNAP/SNAPPY/10:27
ograbut that was early on10:27
ackkChipaca, ogra so if an app with :home plug wants to refer to the actual user home, it would have to assume it's /home/$USER (or /root) right?10:29
ograunless it is a daemon or run by root, yes10:29
Chipacaackk: what I do in an app where I need to write to the user's home dir, is getent10:30
ackkChipaca, ah, I see10:30
Chipacaackk: https://github.com/chipaca/icdiff/blob/master/snap/snapcraft.yaml#L7310:30
Chipacaexport HOME=$(perl -we "print((getpwuid $>)[7])")10:30
* Chipaca whistles innocently10:31
pedronismvo: when you have time, what's the status of #6594 ?10:33
mupPR #6594: [RFC] tests: run smoke tests on (almost) pristine systems <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6594>10:33
ograHOME="$(getent passwd $USER | cut -d: -f6)"10:33
ogra(for a shell variant)10:33
Chipacabut, i was tempted to offer some sort of a no-home-squash flag for apps, because it is a bit silly in those cases10:34
Chipacapedronis: wdyt?10:34
pedronisChipaca: about what?10:35
Chipacapedronis: having a way of telling snapd not to rewrite HOME10:36
Chipacaper app10:36
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pedronisChipaca: in the snap(craft).yaml ?10:36
Chipacapedronis: because when your app needs to honestly access the user's home, currently you need to look it up10:36
Chipacapedronis: yea10:36
Chipacaexample is icdiff's git-icdiff app, which needs to read ~/.gitconfig10:37
Chipacaand ~/.config/git/config10:37
pedronisChipaca: why did we go with the current approach?   should it be tied to having a home plug?10:37
pedronissetting the flag but not having the home plug will not do any good10:37
Chipacapedronis: current approach is because a lot of legacy apps just work if you point home to someplace they can write10:37
Chipacapedronis: an app could have a personal-files without having home though10:38
Chipacabut maybe personal-files and home are the only two cases10:38
mvopedronis: 6594 is on hold, I need a good idea basicly, we can have a HO about the issue if you want or I can write something up, in a nutshell I want to ensure that the smoke tests are still run at every spread run but also that they run reliable in adt without surprises when I upload, so they should be as close as possible10:40
* dot-tobias says hi10:40
mvoogra: if ondra could test this kernel update, that would be great (cc ppisati)10:40
pedronismvo: ok,  I need to look at this carefully then before it makes sense to chat, worst case we'll chat next week about it10:40
mvopedronis: we can chat so that you don't need to do the digging yourself and then we can chat again10:41
mvopedronis: but either way is fine10:41
mvopedronis: its not urgent its just something that nags me10:41
pedronismvo: let's try to progress a bit on remodel stuff first10:43
pedronisChipaca: sounds it needs a forum post,  I'm not against , at the moment I'm unsure how to spell it sensibly in the yaml.10:44
Chipacabe-all-the-home-you-can-be: <integer>10:44
Chipacaif it's 42, don't overwrite HOME10:45
pedronisChipaca: :)10:45
* Chipaca reaches consensus and moves on to implement10:45
pedronisChipaca: also will people learn about this10:45
Chipacapedronis: maybe in the forum we should poke popey/wimpress/bad-jokes-igor10:46
pedronisChipaca: unrelated, what is scope in search?  I forgot it seems or never knew10:48
Chipacapedronis: scope=wide → cross-channel10:48
pedronisI had forgotten10:49
Chipacapedronis: snap find --narrow → not wide10:49
pedronisChipaca: I'm staring at this https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/blob/master/store/store.go#L1094 and wondering if Prefix is in a good position in the struct or not, totally nitpicky state of mind10:52
pedronisChipaca: anyway while doing that I noticed that this comment seems reversed: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/blob/master/store/store.go#L112710:52
pedronisChipaca: it's all common-id fault10:53
Chipacapedronis: I don't think so10:53
pedronisChipaca: should that comment say public?10:53
Chipaca1 sec10:53
pedronisit seems if you mix Prefix and Private it fails10:54
Chipacapedronis: right, you can only do fuzzy search of private10:55
Chipacapedronis: that is, you can't do name=foo private=true10:55
pedronisI'm totally confused10:55
Chipaca1 sec10:56
pedronisis "name" fuzzy search?  is q fuzzy search?10:56
Chipacapedronis: q is fuzzy10:59
WimpressChipaca pedronis What was this regarding?10:59
Chipacapedronis: name is prefix10:59
ChipacaWimpress: having a way to say 'this app needs the real $HOME, not $SNAP_POTATOES'10:59
ChipacaWimpress: i'll write a topic later10:59
Chipacaso we can hash it out if-n-when11:00
Chipacapedronis: I was trying to show you an easy example, but searching private snaps with names=... is hard :-)11:00
pedronisChipaca: anyway maybe that comment should say "cannot do private prefix searches"11:01
pedronisor maybe is just me11:01
Chipacapedronis: it's never just you11:01
Chipacapedronis: you're one in a million, meaning there's seven thousand of you11:01
pedronisChipaca: related to the other nitpicking thought, I wonder if the struct(s) shouldn't look like:  https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/cYbTtB7fjX/11:11
Chipacazyga: did you see https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6614#pullrequestreview-219370705 ?11:14
mupPR #6614: cmd/snap-confine: use fixed private tmp directory <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6614>11:15
zygaChipaca: looking11:16
zygaChipaca: no, I haven't11:16
pedronisChipaca: need to go for lunch, that struct(s) suggestion and maybe changing that comment could be in a follow up, if the common-id one turns great11:20
zygasuse folks are going through the patches I've sent11:20
pedronisChipaca: heh, s/great/green/11:20
Chipacapedronis: ack11:20
degvilleChipaca: when you get a moment, I've tried to replicate that squiggly road para into a table, which I hope is easier to parse (if accurate).11:23
Chipacadegville: i'll look in a few11:23
mvoChipaca: everybody wants a piece of you today :)11:24
Chipacamvo: it's my fault for being awesome11:24
mvoChipaca: it totally is!11:24
mvoChipaca: also see /msg :)11:24
* Chipaca hopes mvo didn't have a mouthful of tea just tehre11:25
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mvoChipaca: haha11:25
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mupPR snapd#6655 opened: timings: SetTag and SetTagFromChange helpers <Simple 😃> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6655>11:36
cachiomvo, hey11:38
ograogra@anubis:~$ hello-world.sh11:46
ograSNAP_INSTANCE_NAME is not set11:46
ograhmm, whats that ?11:46
ogradid we break the hello-world snap ?11:47
cachioniemeyer, the https://github.com/snapcore/spread/pull/75 is updated, could you please take a look? thanks11:47
mupPR spread#75: Make spread tests for spread project run on google backend <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/spread/pull/75>11:47
mborzeckiogra: seems to work fine here11:50
pstolowskiogra: works here; what versions do you have?11:50
ograyeah, weird, works fine on my arm boards too11:50
ograogra@anubis:~$ snap list hello-world11:50
ograName         Version  Rev  Tracking  Publisher   Notes11:51
ograhello-world  6.3      27   stable    canonical✓  -11:51
ogralatest stable it seems11:51
pstolowskisnap version?11:51
ograogra@anubis:~$ snap version11:51
ograsnap    2.37.411:51
ograsnapd   2.37.411:51
ograseries  1611:51
ograubuntu  16.0411:51
ograkernel  4.4.0-141-generic11:51
zygaogra: is that an ancient instalation11:52
zygaogra: and hello-world.sh is using the /snap/bin/hello-world.sh shell script?11:52
ograogra@anubis:~$ /snap/bin/hello-world.sh11:52
ograSNAP_INSTANCE_NAME is not set11:52
mvohey cachio - sorry for the delay, was in a call11:52
zygaogra: which hello-world.sh11:53
ograogra@anubis:~$ which hello-world.sh11:53
ograogra@anubis:~$ which hello-world.sh11:53
ograIRC and slashes ... pfft11:54
Chipacaogra: snap run --shell hello-world11:55
Chipacaogra: printenv | grep SNAP | sort11:55
Chipacaogra: please11:55
ograobviously has that var11:56
cachiomvo, no problem11:57
cachiomvo, about core1811:57
cachiothere are several problems with the beta validation11:58
cachiomvo, but most important ones11:58
cachiothe core18/snapd-refresh test fails on all the architectures11:58
Chipacaogra: the 'SNAP_INSTANCE_NAME is not set' error comes from snap-confine11:59
cachioansd it is because after the revert, the test reboots and when it happens we loose the network configuration on the device11:59
zygaChipaca: I know11:59
Chipacaogra: do you have a wonky snap-confine :-)11:59
cachiomvo, basically, the board has ip:
cachioand not way to contact it12:00
zygaChipaca: but remember how we used to generate launcher scripts12:00
zygathose would set SNAP_NAME12:00
zygaChipaca: that would be one way of having this issue12:00
ograChipaca, dunno, my other snaps seem to work (i'm obviously typing here ... hexchat is from the snap)12:00
zygaogra: is /snap/bin/hello-world.sh a symlink or a script?12:00
cachiomvo, then I see a similar behaviour12:00
mvocachio: oh, nasty12:00
Chipacaogra: ls -l `which hello-world.sh`12:00
cachiomvo, installed the stable and tried to refresh with the core from bet12:00
ograChipaca, zyga, aha ! its a script !!!12:01
cachioand it fails12:01
Chipacaogra: you installed hello-world in 167412:01
mvocachio: what is the error message?12:01
Chipacaogra: :-)12:01
zygaogra: hahaha12:01
zygaogra: can you can the script here12:01
cachiomvo, the same, network is list12:01
* zyga was right :)12:01
ograi installed it whenever ... but yeah, its oooold12:01
mvocachio: it fails because there is no network anymore?12:01
* zyga high-fives12:01
zygaogra: I can add a workaround12:01
cachiomvo, mvo yes12:01
mvocachio: woah12:02
zygabut it would be best if snapd rewrote those things12:02
cachiomvo, in the logs I  don't see nothing about errors12:02
mvocachio: this is on our pc-amd64, right? no network-manager snap or anything like this12:02
cachioalso in the chnage everything is ok12:02
Chipacaogra: snap disable hello-world && snap enable hello-world12:02
cachiomvo, yes12:02
ograi can just re-move/re-install it, just wondering if there should be an automatic transition12:02
Chipacanot without epochs12:03
Chipacabah, epochs + revert not reverting to an incompat epoch12:03
ograChipaca, thanks, that works12:03
mvocachio: that is surprising, can you please pastebin the output "snap change <fail-change-id>" and the journalctl output after the refresh failed? but it sounds like I need to try to reproduce this myself ./12:03
cachiomvo, the good part is that is really easy to reproduce12:04
cachiomvo, just create a vm with the stable image12:04
cachioand refresh core1812:04
cachiothat's it12:04
cachiomvo, I'll give you that info in few minutes12:06
cachioI need to recreate the vm12:06
pedronisChipaca: #6635 is green12:07
mupPR #6635: client, daemon, store: search by common-id <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6635>12:07
Chipacapedronis: yes. Was wondering whether i should reorder te structs now12:07
Chipacaor just land it and forget about it :-)12:07
pedronisChipaca: first of all, does that struct restructuring make sense to you as well?12:08
Chipacapedronis: I like it12:08
Chipacapedronis: even if it wastes a few bytes :-p12:08
Chipaca(this is not a thing we'd hold hundreds of :) )12:08
pedronisChipaca: anyway at this point a follow up is fine12:09
pedronisI'm also double checking something anyway12:09
Chipacapedronis: double-checking what?12:09
pedronisChipaca: I wonder if it's true that you cannot mix prefix and private12:13
Chipacapedronis: easy enough to check12:13
Chipacagimme a mo'12:13
pedronisChipaca: I mean I'm sure it was true at some point12:13
Chipacahuh, this is new12:14
Chipacacannot run daemon: cannot obtain snap-seccomp version information: error: unsupported argument "version-info"12:14
niemeyercachio: Thanks, will do12:15
zygaChipaca: that's the new snap-seccomp work from maciej12:15
zygamborzecki: ^ we run the wrong snap-seccomp?12:15
Chipacano probs12:16
Chipacai just compiled snap-seccomp and dropped it in as well12:16
mborzeckiwe shouldn't be, it's at the same location as currently executed snapd12:16
mborzeckiChipaca: ah, yes, if it's like a custom build you'll need to drop the updated snap-seccomp too12:17
Chipacapedronis: it is not true that private + name don't mix, in the store12:17
Chipacamborzecki: will the new snap-seccomp work with the old snapd?12:17
zygaChipaca: ahh12:17
Chipacapedronis: IOW we can drop the restriction, if it's a promise12:17
mborzeckiChipaca: yes, it's just a new command line switch that's added, nothign was removed12:17
zygaChipaca: try make hack12:17
zygait's good for things like that12:17
Chipacaevery time I try 'make hack' i need to then manually remove a bunch of gromf from cmd/12:18
pedronisChipaca: do you remember if we decide that snapd side? my theory it was some restriction from the old elasticsearch backend12:18
pedronisChipaca: I would drop it, but double check with cprov first12:18
Chipacapedronis: it's from elasto-search days ,yes12:19
pedronisChipaca: anyway that's also why the comment confused me, it's a weird restriction, if had to have a restriction at all,  not allowing query  but only allowing exact or prefix for private would make more sense12:20
mupPR snapd#6635 closed: client, daemon, store: search by common-id <Created by chipaca> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6635>12:21
cachiomvo, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/dcv8YmFVn2/12:33
cachiomvo, this is about the changes12:33
cachioI installed stable image and refresh core18 to beta12:33
cachiomvo, log https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/rZh668v8FK/12:34
cachiomvo, dmesg ourput https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/syvtCK48nN/12:37
=== ricab is now known as ricab|lunch
mvocachio: thank you12:57
mvocachio: out of curiosity, if you restart snapd manually does it have network again? does the entire system is without network or just snapd?12:57
joccachio: I've just hit the problem you're describing on a device I was testing, network failing to come up12:57
pedronisChipaca: so sounds we can drop that restriction to simplify that code a bit and do the change to struct(s)13:01
pedronisChipaca: when you have a moment13:01
cachiomvo, no13:01
Chipacapedronis: card material?13:02
cachiojoc, using core18?13:02
pedronisChipaca: yessish13:02
pedronisChipaca: especially if you cannot do it very soon13:02
joccachio: yes, flashed this morning with 20190327 image13:02
cachiojoc, nice, and you refresh the core18 snap?13:03
joccachio: i dont think i manually requested a refresh at any point13:04
Chipacapedronis: I could do it right now, but i probably shouldn't :-)13:04
cachiomvo, the whole systems is without network13:04
cachiomvo, ping: google.com: Temporary failure in name resolution13:04
mupPR snapcraft#2517 opened: project: ensure yaml load returns a dictionary <Created by cmatsuoka> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2517>13:12
cachiojoc, in that case, autorefresh happened13:20
cachiojoc, this is weird because autorefresh should refresh to stable13:20
cachiojoc, do you have access to this board/machine?13:21
joccachio: do you happen to know easiest way to get back in to this device without network?13:21
cachiojoc, serial?13:21
cachiojoc, which device is it?13:21
joccachio: its a thin client pc on my desk so i have physical access13:22
jocis serial console on by default?13:22
cachiojoc, but is it core18 systems?13:23
cachioor it is bionic?13:23
joccachio: core1813:24
mvocachio: ta - in a meeting right now, but will look at it after that13:25
mvocachio: super strange that the network goes down :(13:25
cachioso, and you didnt create a user right?13:25
cachiojoc, you just have the one that you used by ssh?13:26
joccachio: exactly13:26
cachiojoc, in that case I don't know13:26
cachiojoc, I use to creata another user with pass to be able to connect through the console13:27
zygaChipaca: what kind of stuff do you have to remove?13:27
Chipacazyga: barnacles13:28
Chipacapedronis: in health checks, is 'unknown' only when the hook isn't there, or also when it errors out?13:48
Chipacae.g. if the user does 'snapctl set-health --code=123 blocked', which will fail, is that `unknown`? or is it `error`?13:49
mupPR snapd#6631 closed: tests: split travis spread execution in 2 jobs for ubuntu and non ubuntu systems <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Closed by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6631>13:51
pedronisChipaca: so juju charm cannot set error by themselves, but here we allow that13:55
pedronisChipaca: I would be conservative,  if the hook errors/doesn't set the snap we don't really know if the snap overall is healthy or not13:56
pedroniss/the snap/the health status/13:56
pedronisChipaca: the question is a bit, would we rollback a snap that has  a failing health hook?13:58
Chipacai would not13:59
Chipacapedronis: hook errors / doesn't set the snap -> health is unknown13:59
Chipacapedronis: do we list unknown in notes? only if it's not 'no hook'?13:59
pedronisChipaca: yea, so we can start with unknown,  otherwise we would need to use error with one of the reserved snapd codes14:00
pedroniswhich we can got to later14:00
pedronisChipaca: you mean in snap list?14:01
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
=== ricab|lunch is now known as ricab
mupPR snapd#6656 opened: tests: split travis spread execution in 2 jobs for ubuntu and non ubuntu systems <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6656>14:27
zygacachio: I found a fix for the zypper issue14:49
zygacachio: --force-resolution14:49
cachiozyga, nice, I'll try that now14:50
mborzeckizyga: multipass doesn't work too well on arch now :/15:14
zygamborzecki: what's wrong?15:14
zygaI had to chmod the socket15:14
zygabut other than that it worked ok15:14
zyga(on tumbleweed)15:14
mborzeckizyga: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3yQZXXWm3c/15:14
mborzeckimaybe i'm missing some local libs15:15
zygamultipass is classic15:15
zygaso probably badly linked?15:15
zygaand report to Saviq :)15:15
Saviqmborzecki, zyga: yes, we know, https → http, sorry guys15:23
mborzeckiSaviq: thanks!15:24
mborzeckiSaviq: do you know which dep i'm missing locally?15:24
Saviqmborzecki: it's about it being incompatible, not missing, I'm afraid15:28
Saviqclassic snaps...15:29
Saviqwe'll soon be rid of that ;)15:29
mvocachio: so for some reason "systemd-networkd" service is dead after the uc18 refresh, its totally unclear why, manually starting it brings network back15:29
mupBug #1821944 opened: Chromium is unable to start after todays snapd upgrade 1.37.4ubuntu0.1 with 'mkdir: cannot create directory '/run/user/0': Permission denied'  <chromium> <directory> <permission> <update> <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1821944>15:32
cachiomvo, nice15:34
cachiomvo, I saw the same here15:34
cachiocould be related to the systemd change?15:34
ondramvo ppisati sorry I was with client, what dragonboard do you want to test kernel on? db410c?15:35
ondraand what kernel, 4.15?15:35
ograondra, check your mail15:35
cachiozyga, work much better with force-resolution15:36
cachiomvo, thanks for digging15:37
* cachio lunch15:37
zygacachio: +1, please propose that15:51
Chipacadegville: does the table i created make any sense to you?15:54
mborzeckizyga: some trouble with 6410 on my machine15:56
degvilleChipaca: yes, it does. Thank you for doing it! I do think it makes things much clearer by being explicit about what happens, though we may have to hide/fold it so as to not scare too many readers away.15:57
Chipacahttps://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1821944 seems bad15:57
mupBug #1821944: Chromium is unable to start after todays snapd upgrade 1.37.4ubuntu0.1 with 'mkdir: cannot create directory '/run/user/0': Permission denied'  <chromium> <directory> <permission> <update> <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1821944>15:57
cachiozyga, doesn't work well with tumbleweed https://travis-ci.org/snapcore/spread-cron/builds/510954310#L195216:03
pedronisjdstrand: hi, does this ring any bells  https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1821944 ?16:04
mupBug #1821944: Chromium is unable to start after todays snapd upgrade 1.37.4ubuntu0.1 with 'mkdir: cannot create directory '/run/user/0': Permission denied'  <chromium> <directory> <permission> <update> <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1821944>16:04
mborzeckicachio: zyga: shouldn't that job be using zypper dup?16:04
Chipacadegville: in that table, is it clear that after the first install the next rows are what happens on refresh?16:05
cachiomakes update and then dup16:05
zygacachio: update is  dup but weaker16:07
zygait should du dup16:07
zygajust do dup :)16:07
mborzeckidu dup16:07
* zyga needs to run now16:07
cachiozyga, mborzecki I'll try dup and if it works i'll push to snapd too16:08
ondramvo ppisati 4.15 test kernel snap booting fine on DB410 device16:22
ondramvo ppisati for more rigorous testing we would need cwayne's team's run, for which i can share test image16:23
cwayneondra: core?16:24
ondracwayne yep16:25
degvilleChipaca: yes, I think so. I've tweaked the intro sentence slightly.16:25
cwayneondra: link me and we'll kick some off16:25
ondracwayne ah but I have image for emmc and you guys test sdcard, right?16:26
Chipacadegville: ta16:26
Chipacadegville: good for a pedronis read i think16:26
cwayneondra: yea16:26
degvilleChipaca: Yep!16:26
ondracwayne for sdcard it's almost easier you build it yourself16:27
pedronisChipaca: degville: I made some comments, suggestions16:48
degvillepedronis: thank you!16:48
Chipacapedronis: lgtm :-)16:49
cwayneondra: what if I pay you in beer to build it for me16:49
pedronisdegville: Chipaca: the table needs a bit more intro, maybe just me but it took me a bit to parse it (maybe because two column have the same header but are different timelines)16:51
degvillepedronis: yeah, I completely see what you mean. Trying to tweak it now.16:52
pedronisChipaca: I did another small suggestion16:58
pedronisdegville: answered to your comments16:58
ondracwayne in beer? How many images do you want?16:58
degvillepedronis: great, thanks.16:59
cwayneondra: 1?16:59
ondracwayne and how many beers is that?17:03
degvilleChipaca: are you ok with me moving the epoch gdoc over to the Discourse topic? We can obviously still make changes there.17:06
Chipacadegville: go for it17:06
zygaI just realized that not sleeping last night will ruin my the value of studying in the evening:/17:07
mupPR snapd#6657 opened: tests: enable opensuse 15 and add force-resolution installing packages <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6657>17:07
cachiozyga, PR created17:08
cachiozyga, thanks :)17:08
cwayneondra: 317:10
cwayneondra: so this is just a core18 yeah? Since it's only 4.15?17:13
ondracwayne nah you can do core16 with 4.1517:13
ondracwayne this is how I quickly tested here17:13
ondracwayne http://people.canonical.com/~okubik/ubuntu-core-18-dragonboard-20190327-00.img.xz17:14
ondracwayne 3 beers pls :P17:14
ondracwayne I have not tested this one yet17:16
cwayneWhat could go wrong17:17
zygahttps://forum.snapcraft.io/t/building-applications-for-both-snap-and-flatpak-at-once/10608 <- this17:21
mvocachio: hey, I tried the following: created a stable image with "ubuntu-image ubuntu-18-amd64.signed", then ran "snap refresh --beta snapd" on that image. when doing that my network stayed up.17:43
mvocachio: when you did this test you used the current released core18 image, is that correct?17:43
mvocachio: I need to have dinner but I will keep poking at this, I'm not sure if it is snapd itself or something else causing this, I definitely see if when I upgrade from an older image (that was also using edge)17:44
mvocachio: I think we need to gather more data17:44
mvocachio: i.e. create a stable image then update things one by one and see what breaks network17:44
cwaynemvo: for us it was core1817:49
mvocwayne: oh, core18 - ok17:56
mvocwayne: the one in beta17:56
pedronisChipaca: degville: thanks for the work on the epochs docs17:59
degvilleChipaca: pedronis: no problem - thanks for your feedback.18:01
mvocwayne, cachio, pedronis yeah, upgrading snapd in isolation seems to be fine. but upgrading core18 to current beta is not, this looses networking. one of the changes there is indeed systemd18:05
jdstrandpedronis: wrt https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1821944; yes, this is an old bug where the snap is not allowed to create the parent dirs of XDG_RUNTIME_DIR. normally systemd creates that directory upon session login (eg /run/user/1000/...) but in this case tht command is run under sudo and thus XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is set to /run/user/0/snap...., and /run/user/0 doesn't exist18:08
mupBug #1821944: Chromium is unable to start after todays snapd upgrade 1.37.4ubuntu0.1 with 'mkdir: cannot create directory '/run/user/0': Permission denied'  <chromium> <directory> <permission> <update> <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1821944>18:08
mupBug #1821959 opened: File name breaking go modules <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1821959>18:09
jdstrandpedronis: this is why the mir snap has a special rule to create that dir. I've long felt if systemd isn't going to do it, then snapd should18:09
jdstrands/mir snap/mir interface/18:09
jdstrandpedronis: there are forum topics and bugs on this18:09
jdstrandhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/1751634, https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/1738197, https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/165634018:11
mupBug #1751634: Unable to launch program (installed as snap) as root <apport-bug> <artful> <bionic> <xenial> <snapd (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1751634>18:11
mupBug #1738197: Daemons do not have an /run/user/* dir created <snapd:Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1738197>18:11
mupBug #1656340: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is not created on app startup <bionic> <cosmic> <eco-team> <xenial> <Snappy:Triaged by zyga> <snapd (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1656340>18:11
cwaynemvo: sounds right18:11
mvocwayne: ta18:12
cachiomvo, hey, so18:15
cachiomvo, what can I test to help18:16
mvocachio: if you could just double check my findings that would be great. so an update of snapd itself should be fine with the core18 r782. well, anything with core18 782 should be fine18:17
mvocachio: but once core18 goes to beta/edge things go bad (no network)18:17
cachiomvo, sure18:18
mvocachio: once we know its not snapd we are good for core18:18
mvocachio: and then we need to figure out why core18 is busted :/18:18
mvocachio: might involve diff -uNr /snap/core18/782/etc /snap/core18/828/etc18:19
mvocachio: anyway, some quesitons still :)18:19
cachiomvo, hice, I'll start digging18:19
jdstrandpedronis: there are also references to that topic in the forum18:25
pedronisjdstrand: yea, but then I read the bug closer, is not clear is about sudo,18:25
pedronisseems there's a core dump as well18:25
jdstrandpedronis: I've always asserted that if systemd isn't going to do it, snapd should because snapd is setting up the env var. there was a comment from jamesh somewhere (I can't find it in LP, the forum or github) where he had a differing opinion, but I can't remember what it was. I think he was fine about creating some dir that a snap could use, but didn't think /run/user/0 was correct cause it wasn't a18:27
jdstrandproper session. I can't recall the details18:27
pedronisjdstrand: yes, I don't see how that in particular would help, running sudo chromium is I suspect going to fail in other ways18:28
jdstrandpedronis: the only way I can think of that he'd get that denial is if he ran it under sudo, cause snapd is seeting XDG_RUNTIME_DIR to /run/user/0/...18:28
pedronisjdstrand: it says us much in the bug18:29
jdstrandpedronis: a snap not run with sudo trying to access /run/user/0 would be denied because /run/user is root:root 755 and /run/user/0, when created, would be 70018:29
jdstrandpedronis: I asked for more info18:30
pedronisI asked the same :)18:32
jdstrandoh, heh18:32
jdstrandI'd love to see someone make a decision on snap-confine doing a mkdir /run/user/0 fwiw18:32
jdstrandunrelated to this bug18:33
jdstrandthere is even commented out/ifdef'd out code to do it18:33
pedronisjdstrand: I thought we discussed it in Malta18:34
pedronisjdstrand: in the context of https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/632718:39
mupPR #6327: Allowing sockets under /run/user/0/$SNAP_NAME <Created by kubiko> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6327>18:39
cachiomvo, is it any way to refresh the core18 to a specified revision?18:41
jdstrandpedronis: I read that PR and that is different from the point I am making today. we may havev discussed today's point in Malta, but idr an outcome (or that conversation). I do recall reading something from jameh on the subject recently-ish18:53
jdstrandjamesh evevn18:53
jdstrandpedronis: the question in that PR is the yaml declaration of specifying that path explicitly as /run/user/*0*/snap.foo.sock18:55
cachiomvo, updated to core18 rev 798 and worked fine18:56
jdstrandpedronis: my point in that PR is that ondra should instead use $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/sock (or something)18:56
cachiomvo, trying now with 81018:56
jdstrandpedronis: in this case, systemd should create all the parent dirs. so this is a different issue than what I describe as a problem18:56
jdstrandpedronis: which is trying to use XDG_RUNTIME_DIR as a root is broken because nothing is creating it18:57
jdstrandpedronis: the snap can create XDG_RUNTIME_DIR, but not dirname XDG_RUNTIME_DIR18:58
jdstrandthe bugs describe the issue18:58
pedronisjdstrand: it sounds like we need a forum post to explain the use cases19:06
cachiomvo, http://people.canonical.com/~mvo/core18-changes/html/edge/unknownr818_unknownr821.html19:06
pedronisjdstrand: and your recommendation19:06
cachiomvo, I refresh from 818 to 821 and fails19:06
cachiomvo, I tested refresh to all the revisions from 78219:07
cachiomvo, 782, 788, 791, 193, 798, 808, 810, 818, 82119:07
cachiomvo, and with 821 fails19:08
jdstrandthere is but one use case that is described by the open bug, https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/165634019:08
cachioand in the change log19:08
jdstrandpedronis: ^19:08
mupBug #1656340: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is not created on app startup <bionic> <cosmic> <eco-team> <xenial> <Snappy:Triaged by zyga> <snapd (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1656340>19:08
cachiomvo, we have something interesting19:08
jdstrandpedronis: if you prefer a forum post, I can do that19:08
pedronisjdstrand: yes, for this, I would prefer a forum post19:08
jdstrandpedronis: I have to focus on the 'daemon user' work item for the maas team so I'll add to my todo19:09
pedronisjdstrand: that's fine, to clear I just think it merits some trail and context, even if I will just end up agreeing19:10
pedronis*to be clear19:10
pedronisI feel I am a bit lacking context/full picture atm19:10
jdstrandpedronis: that's fine. the idea is simple but I suspect followups that require some discussion and archaeology that I'll want to have time for so will wait a bit19:11
pedronisjdstrand: it's ok,  a daemon user is definitely a priority19:12
jdstrandpedronis: fyi, per joemcmanus, I'm going to be pretty heads down on this for the next little while. I'm mostly caught up on all store reviews (barring anything from last night) and PRs (a couple are in my inbox)19:13
jdstrandpedronis: if there is something that you feel is very urgent, please let me know and I can set the daemon user aside, otherwise I'm going to focus on that for a couple/few days19:14
mvocachio: that is interessting - the change from 818->821 is glib and systemd19:23
mvocachio: so that is very interessting19:23
cachiomvo, netplan too19:23
mvocachio: ohhhhhhh19:24
mvocachio: netplan sounds super suspicious19:24
mvocachio: its also a huge update19:25
mupPR snapcraft#2518 opened: snapcraft/extractors/setuppy.py: match setuptools metadata keys <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2518>19:25
cachiomvo, .4 to 0.9619:26
mvocyphermox: hey, we noticed that on core18 with the current beta/edge snap we have no network anymore, we pinned it down to a systemd update or a netplan.io update. netplan.io in proposed is a big update so this looks we might want to dig into this a bit more19:27
mvocyphermox: do you have any hints for us how to debug?19:27
pedronisjdstrand: that's fine,  will you write something in the forum about the daemon user design, or is that capture in the old forum post?  I remember Gustavo wanted to double check on it19:51
jdstrandpedronis: the old forum post is the complete design. this is I've affectionately called it, phase 0.25 of the design. there is no declaring in the snap yaml or anything. just simply, 'the security policy allows you to drop to/chown/chgrp etc to daemon user/group'. similar to now where we simply allow chown to root. the work I do will also add the implied rule of dropping to the SUDO_USER19:55
jdstrandpedronis: put another way, this is a way to expand security permissions to use the daemon user and group. you don't have to do anything special in the snap19:56
jdstrandpedronis: this is snap-seccomp work primarily19:56
pedronisjdstrand: I had the vague understanding that from how Gustavo talked about it, you would have to declare something in the snap19:56
jdstrandpedronis: actually, you are right, that is in the trello card19:58
niemeyerjdstrand: pedronis is correct.. we need to review the plan as the goal is to have users declared19:58
jdstrandI'm focusing only on the snap-seccomp bits for the moment since those are the hard bits19:58
jdstrandI can create that post after this low level work19:58
niemeyerjdstrand: We'll fake the underlying implementation, but we need to get the overall design right so that we can fake it properly on that initial phase, just for the daemon user19:59
zygaI am going home from classes19:59
jdstrandyes, that is in the card19:59
niemeyerzyga: o/19:59
zygaI see the chat backlog is interesting19:59
niemeyerjdstrand: Cool, thanks for checking19:59
zygaI will read everything here19:59
jdstrandI forgot about that cause I knew I wanted to focus on seccomp first19:59
jdstrandanyway, that's all fine19:59
cyphermoxmvo: I'd start by looking at whether there are files in /run/systemd/network20:06
mvocyphermox: thanks, yes, there is a file 10-netplan-eth0.network which looks valid20:21
mvocyphermox: but it looks like systemd-network (the service) is dead - does netplan fiddle with this one?20:22
cyphermoxuh, yes, to enable it20:53
cyphermoxmaking a link in /run/systemd/system/network-online.target.wants/systemd-networkd.service from the look of things20:54
mvocyphermox: ha! I just found this and it seems like the pervious netplan did create the symlink in "multi-user.target.wants"20:56
mvocyphermox: so it looks like on UC18 in beta network-online.target is also dead for some reason20:57
mvocyphermox: so it looks like we don't configure this target on UC18 to be enabled, that would explain it, right?20:57
cyphermoxoops, yeah that would explain it20:58
mvocyphermox: silly question (forgive me, its late) - what should we do? should netplan go back to the old target? or should we in UC18 enable network-online.target? and if the later, are there any risks?20:59
* cachio afk20:59
mvo(and if the later, whats the easiest way to do that ?)20:59
cyphermoxI don't know how this was handled in UC originally; I moved it to network-online when revising things to remove delays at booting with wifi on raspberry pis21:00
cyphermoxlet's see21:00
cyphermoxAFAICT network-online is the more correct way to handle this; but I'm not certain what the risk is in changing this21:04
cyphermoxmvo: you're getting this on bionic right now, right?21:06
cyphermoxie. UC18, so building from bionic, presumably with proposed enabled, otherwise you wouldn't have that change21:06
mvocyphermox: yeah, this is UC1821:07
mvocyphermox: correct21:07
mvocyphermox: these changes broke it http://people.canonical.com/~mvo/core18-changes/html/beta/unknownr818_unknownr821.html21:07
mvocyphermox: well "broke"21:08
mvocyphermox: its just in edge/beta for now21:08
cyphermoxmvo: is network-online.target enabled?21:09
mvocwayne: silly question, can we have some minimal gating for core18 edge->beta to prevent e.g. broken networking from entering beta? or is it too difficult?21:09
mvocyphermox: it says "static; vendor present: enabled"21:09
mvocyphermox: but also "Active: inactive (dead)"21:09
cwaynemvo: no reason we couldn't21:10
mvocwayne: its not urgent but I think this issue here with core18 highlights that a minimum amount of checks (initially "do we have network") would be cool before we allow core18 from edge->beta (cc sil2100)21:11
mvocyphermox: hm, this is a special target, let me try to figure out if I can enable this at all or if it is … well … special :)21:11
mvocyphermox: or do you happen to know if/how to enable this?21:12
cyphermoxas I recall nothing special need to be done to enable it21:12
mvocyphermox: :/ it tells me "Active: inactive (dead)"21:12
cwaynemvo: yep, I think cachio already does some similar testing on our devices21:13
cyphermoxmvo: check /etc/systemd/system; see if there's a symlink by that name there (network-online.target)21:13
mvocyphermox: manually running "systemctl start network-online.target" makes things happy21:13
cyphermoxthat's not a permanent fix though21:13
mvocyphermox: no symlink21:13
cyphermoxAAUI it just gets run...21:14
mvocyphermox: yeah, not a permanent fix for sure, just another data point21:14
mvocwayne: thanks, we should sync on this later this week, would love to explore options21:14
cwaynemvo: absolutely21:15
cyphermoxmvo: where can I get an image or this particular core snap?21:15
mvocyphermox: aha - I'm just reading up on network-online.target (in man:systemd.special(7)) and it says here that network-online.target is only pulled in if a unit requires it21:16
mvocyphermox: but this is a pretty empty system and nothing requires it21:16
mvocyphermox: from reading the man-page maybe "network.target" might be a better option?21:16
cyphermoxno; I'll just revert to what it was before21:17
mvocachio, pedronis fwiw, it looks like the network issue on core18 is netplan.io related so I think we don't need to block the core snap promotion for uc1621:17
mvocyphermox: thats fine as well, thank you!21:17
mvocyphermox: one last question (sorry for the flurry of questions) - will this revert happen soon or shall we (snapd team) patch netplan ourself in the UC18 edge ppa to unblock uc18 beta/edge snaps?21:22
cyphermoxmvo: I need to upload to disco and make new revisions for the SRUs in progress; it can be in tomorrow21:23
mvocyphermox: thats great, thank you21:24
mvocyphermox: that time frame is totally fine21:24
ondrapedronis I agree with jdstrand  that PR needs to be updated and use $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR instead, so we are not hardcoding path there. I just need to find time to update PR for this. I think if we use XDG_RUNTIME_DIR it needs change in two places, validation check and then using actual XDG_RUNTIME_DIR value when creating systemd socket definition22:11
mupPR snapcraft#2517 closed: project: ensure yaml load returns a dictionary <Created by cmatsuoka> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2517>22:56
Son_Gokuniemeyer, hey is the forum broken?23:48
Son_Gokuit seems to time out for me23:48
niemeyerSon_Goku: Heya23:50
niemeyerSon_Goku: Seems okay from here23:50
Son_Gokuwell, I can't get it to load23:50
Son_Gokuso I can't post about the snapd and snapd-glib updates :(23:50
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