
tdaitxdoko: took me a while to get my qemu updated, test the whole stuff, retest with patches applied, various LaF/swing/gtk settings, screenshots, and bug reports, but I believe that while upstream has fixed some issues (upcoming openjdk 11.0.4) the GTK2 experience is way better and seems to be working fine on bionic03:32
tdaitxshould we maybe revert openjdk-11 in bionic to rely on gtk2 by default? gtk+2.0 has about 38 reverse (b)deps in Bionic (and 37 in Disco)03:32
dokotdaitx: sure, we can. not sure about disco yet, because we will get these updates for disco. should be optional06:57
dokotdaitx: what exactly is this android build tools problem in disco?16:02
tdaitxdoko: jh_build is no longer respecting the --release flag for some reason, I believe it is related to the changes in javatools 0.72.316:09
dokoahh, the perl conversion16:09
tdaitxyeah, when they moved from bash to perl16:10
tdaitxit is setting -source 7 since then16:10
tdaitxon bionic:16:11
tdaitxjh_build --javacopts="--release 8 -sourcepath src/main/java" --no-javadoc \16:11
tdaitx--main=com.android.apksigner.ApkSignerTool \16:11
tdaitxapksigner.jar src/apksigner/java16:11
tdaitxfind src/apksigner/java -name *.java -and -type f -print0 | xargs -s 512000 -0 /usr/lib/jvm/default-java/bin/javac -g -cp /usr/share/java/apksig.jar:debian/_jh_build.apksigner -d debian/_jh_build.apksigner -encoding ISO8859-1 --release 8 -sourcepath src/main/java16:11
tdaitxon disco:16:11
tdaitxjh_build --javacopts="--release 8 -sourcepath src/main/java" --no-javadoc \16:11
tdaitx--main=com.android.apksigner.ApkSignerTool \16:11
tdaitxapksigner.jar src/apksigner/java16:11
tdaitxjh_build: find src/apksigner/java -name '*.java' -and -type f -print0 | xargs -s 512000 -0 /usr/lib/jvm/default-java/bin/javac -g -cp /usr/share/java/apksig.jar:debian/_jh_build.apksigner -d debian/_jh_build.apksigner -encoding ISO8859-1 -source 1.7 -target 1.716:11
dokotdaitx: but it works in unstable16:13
tdaitxI got an email from Bart Martens that my proposed update in debian failed to build16:14
tdaitxwith basically the same error as disco16:14
dokoand setting source and target instead of release?16:15
tdaitxback then I only build it locally on bionic, it worked so I uploaded to bionic, cosmic, disco, and debian (mentors)... I was not expecting the problem in disco16:16
tdaitxwe shouldn't really be using -source -target with openjdk-1116:16
tdaitxif any package fails to build with that, it is because it is probably a package that is made to work with (at most) openjdk-816:16
tdaitxif any package fails to build with --release 8, it is because it is probably a package that is made to work with (at most) openjdk-816:17
dokothe logic is wrong16:19
dokoif (not _has_java_option(\@javac_opts, '--release') and not _has_java_option(\@javac_opts, '-source')) {16:19
doko        # If neither --release nor -source is set, then set -source (and -target if also absent)16:19
doko        if (not _has_java_option(\@javac_opts, '-target')) {16:19
doko                push(@javac_opts, '-source', DEFAULT_JAVA_RELEASE, '-target', DEFAULT_JAVA_RELEASE);16:19
dokoit defaults to DEFAULT_JAVA_RELEASE, not the --release value16:19
tdaitxyeah, but I did set the --release, it should not be using -source -target there16:21
tdaitxI didn't look into that, just saw that this javatools change is what probably broke the build with --release16:22
dokotdaitx: what should it do? just pass --release 8, and not adding -source 1.7 -target 1.7?16:24
tdaitxfrom a quick look over that patch I have to say that I don't understand why it is even going into the if clause to set default16:26
tdaitxit should only go into that if neither --release and -source are set, but in the FTBFS --release is actually set16:26
tdaitxdoko: look at this:16:29
tdaitx+# Space-separated list of options16:29
tdaitx+'javacopts|o=s' => sub { @javadoc_opts = split(' ', $_[1])},16:29
tdaitx+'javadoc-opts=s' => sub { @javadoc_opts = split(' ', $_[1])},16:29
tdaitxit is not parsing the options correctly, there is a typo there16:29
tdaitxthe sub call should be setting the javac_opts array:16:31
tdaitx-        'javacopts|o=s' => sub { @javadoc_opts = split(' ', $_[1])},16:31
tdaitx+        'javacopts|o=s' => sub { @javac_opts = split(' ', $_[1])},16:31
dokofound it16:33
dokotdaitx: gtk2 for disco seems to be fine as well, no plan yet for demotion17:22
tdaitxdoko: ok, I was going to test a build that depended on gtk2 for bionic and gtk3 for disco+ (similar to openjdk-8 xenial/bionic), should I default to gtk2 as a dependency then? do we want to have it as an alternate dependency default to gtk2?17:24
dokoyes, the latter please17:26
dokoI just confirmed that gtk3 support will still take some time17:27
tdaitxdoko: ok, so depends "libgtk2.0-0 | libgtk-3-0", but what about b-dep?17:28
dokotdaitx: what did you remove? ;p17:29
tdaitxwell building with libgtk-3-dev allows us to run with gtk2 (since it dinamically loaded)17:29
dokob-d should be the default as well17:29
dokoI didn't look at the build system. if it has consequences17:30
tdaitxI never tested if b-deps on libgtk2.0-dev works the same way (it should, but)17:30
tdaitxok, I had some hope you had looked at this back on the openjdk-8 change =)17:31
tdaitxin that case I will check how they use the headers17:31
tdaitxdoko: I copied android-platform-tools-apksig from our ppa (bionic) into cosmic-proposed, it needs approval... it got rejected earlier this week, I assume because disco failed(?) but the bionic copy was approved later o_O17:34
dokotdaitx: accepted17:35
tdaitxbtw,  android-platform-tools-apksig rebuild ok on disco after the javatools fix, tks doko!17:36
tdaitxdoko: the upstream bug report for "defaulting to GTK3 instead of GTK2" mentions that the change should be coordinated with javafx17:48
tdaitxjavafx was tracked in https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8198654 and commited to http://hg.openjdk.java.net/openjfx/jfx-dev/rt/rev/3e6c9b6db69417:50
tdaitxso we might want to update javafx as well and revert/update this: http://hg.openjdk.java.net/openjfx/jfx-dev/rt/rev/3e6c9b6db69417:50
tdaitxinteresting, gtk dev packages are not actually required for building openjdk-11, I removed that build dependency and set the runtime alternatives for jre... uploading for a test build in a ppa now19:26

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