
carbonzerohey folks. I'm here to help with any questions and direct those to the proper people who can answer them better than me.15:46
Eickmeyercarbonzero: We appreciate it, but you don't have to announce it every time. ;)15:49
carbonzeroEickmeyer, lol. ok, sorry.15:50
Eickmeyercarbonzero: Biggest reason is that, if anyone joins, they can't see that message since they don't have the backlog.15:52
carbonzeroEickmeyer, ok, gotcha.15:54
carbonzeroso basically I don't need to spend all of that energy typing for no reason?15:54
carbonzerosave my fingers a little bit more.15:54
studiobot<Eickmeyer> 👍15:57
carbonzeroEickmeyer, how do I use sudo to get into that EFI folder you were telling me about?17:33
EickmeyerOpen a terminal, type "sudo -s", enter your password, type "cd /boot/efi/EFI".17:34
carbonzerooh yeah, I remember that from the other day. Thanks dude! Now I can make it behave better.17:34
carbonzeroand delete the directory for Windows?17:35
carbonzerolet me write that down before I forget.17:35
carbonzeroEickmeyer, cool, got it. Jotted it down in my notes. thank you my friend. I've actually got to reinstall windows on that second hard drive because my father in law wants to look at my laptop since he got it for me and he wants to see it in action with kubuntu with ubuntu studio packages on it.17:37
Eickmeyercarbonzero: Knock yourself out! Have fun.. :)17:38
carbonzerobut i'll be able to make it load into kubuntu automatically now.17:38
EickmeyerYou bet. :)17:39
carbonzerobut what's also cool is that I can go into the BIOS and change the hard drive order and have it load the windows hard drive to show him how all of that works, too.17:39
carbonzeropretty cool stuff.17:39
Eickmeyercarbonzero: Okay, well, be careful. You delete that windows UEFI loader, it won't boot Windows anymore.17:40
studiobot<Eickmeyer> @carbonzero ^17:53
studiobot<Eickmeyer> Just making sure that if you want to dual-boot, that you still can.17:53
carbonzeroEickmeyer, ok, I'll take that into consideration when I get Windows reinstalled. I won't that OS for anything anyway. Just there to show my FIL how I can have one drive for one and the other for *ubuntu17:59
carbonzeroEickmeyer, what I might have to do is install Windows on the SSD where the boot manager sits and then just put Kubuntu on the HDD.18:00
carbonzeroand then change the boot order so that Kubuntu is first.18:00
carbonzerothat might actually solve my issue18:01
Eickmeyercarbonzero: Yes, it would, but by default the grub bootloader would also show. Keeping that from showing is a whole different trick.18:32
* Eickmeyer is off to run errands18:32
carbonzeroEickmeyer, yeah, I'll need your help with the grub when you get back.19:21
studiobotLucas Weaver was added by: Lucas Weaver21:21
studiobot<carbonzero> Welcome Lucas!21:44
studiobot<Lucas Weaver> howdy21:44

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