
xubuntu54dhi i have xubuntu 18.04 the problem i have is broken package unableto fixed any suggestion ?00:04
MakerblakerWhich package are you having issues with?00:14
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
n-iCeis xubuntu also a livecd?03:22
=== tko1977 is now known as _nickwinlund_
xubuntu82wдень добрый, скажите данная ос поддерживает сенсорный экран и тачпад?17:00
gnrpxubuntu82w: if you are not a spam bot, this is an English speaking channel ;-)17:01
knome!ru | xubuntu82w17:01
ubottuxubuntu82w: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.17:01
xubuntu82wgood day, tell me this OS supports touch screen tacpad?17:02
gnrpyes, it does, although you might be facing compatibility issues with the touch screen (check the vendor before) and xfce is imho not a good choice for touch-based usage17:03
=== _nickwinlund_ is now known as nickw
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xubuntu82wand what to choose then?17:05
gnrpI think gnome (so regular ubuntu) is more suited, but others might have better ideas. I don't use a touch screen right now17:07
gnrpI was using xfce with a touch screen for some time and it was nice, but you could tell that it was not made for that, I guess others impement it much better17:07
johanhelmuthDoes "apt list --installed" include more variables than the arch linux command "pacman -Qe"? I like the idea of lightweight, barebone, clean systems. And I'm surprised to see so much pre-installed packages on Xubuntu. Maybe the ubuntu apt list command just include more?17:49
johanhelmuthOr maybe the ubuntu base just has a lot more dependencies to begin with?17:51
brainwashjohanhelmuth: xubuntu is not lightweight17:53
johanhelmuthbrainwash: Yeah, I'm starting to realize that, I probably should have done more research before installing. I just went by what I've "heard" online without any regards of sources.17:54
Spassjohanhelmuth, Xubuntu can be minimal, but to achieve that you should use mini.iso and Xubuntu Core package, more about it here - https://xubuntu.org/news/introducing-xubuntu-core/17:56
johanhelmuthSpass: Ooh! Thanks a bunch, will check that out17:57
Spassbut yeah, Ubuntu base still makes it heavier than Arch + Xfce17:57
johanhelmuthMaybe Debian netinstall would be something for me? I really do prefer apt to pacman17:57
Spassit all depends of what you expect from an operating system, I guess17:57
johanhelmuthMaybe it's rude of me to discuss this here, actually17:58
Spassthere are many light distros based on Debian, but since I like Xubuntu I can recommend trying that Xubuntu Core way :)17:58
johanhelmuthWill definitely give that a try, thanks again, much appreciated!17:59
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johanhelmuthSpass: Your recommendation about the minimal Xubuntu install was exactly what I wanted! Bare minimum installed on the system. Good stuff.21:59
Spassnice, good to hear21:59
johanhelmuthhei there23:36
xubuntu90iI am having an issue I wonder if anyone can help with23:37
johanhelmuthask away, people seem very helpful in here23:37
xubuntu90iIf I restart my laptop after the battery dies, firefox, chromium, etc run extremely slowly23:38
xubuntu90ilots of lag, even typing lag23:38
xubuntu90iwhy could this be? and how do I stop it from happening23:39
johanhelmuthDo you use a Dell laptop?23:41
johanhelmuthHave a look at this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/789295/slow-cpu-after-resume23:42
johanhelmuthSeems like a powerstate issue.23:42
xubuntu90iaha thank you I will try this23:43
johanhelmuthGood luck23:44

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