[07:27] So what is this studiobot thingie constantly relaying people's messages? [14:16] astraljava: It's a bridge to Telegram. [15:01] Oh, right! Thanks :) [18:07] Everyone: Beta build (20190326.1) is marked as ready. I didn't see anything that wouldn't pass. [18:07] cool [18:07] The only real issue I found was bug 1822134, but I've got someone on that. [18:07] bug 1822134 in Ubuntu Studio "Ubuntu Studio Installation - Black Text on Dark Gray" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1822134 [18:07] So sit and wait for release then? [18:08] Apparently the materia theme doesn't play well with Ubiquity. [18:08] Yeah, pretty much. [18:08] Just a lot of testing. [18:23] * Eickmeyer did a thing: http://ubuntustudio.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/1fe8/ubuntustudio_disco_dingo_1080.jpg [18:26] My son keeps telling me our dog looks like a dingo (she is a malinois mix) [18:28] Anyway, That is fine as a backdrop if you like, you have my vote/ok/agreement/whatever. [18:43] OvenWerks: Okay. I don't know if I can upload it now, but I can definitely add it to the beta announcement. [22:19] I thought "artwork" had quite a late freeze [22:19] OvenWerks: I'll have to double-check that. You might be right. [22:21] OvenWerks: Not so sure. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DiscoDingo/ReleaseSchedule [22:22] Looks like it is past. I think it was step 21: UI freeze [22:23] Might be able to get a UIFe. [22:23] I am not the one to ask though [22:24] Yeah. I'm in the proper channels. [22:24] I seem to remember that if it was one of our packages it could be updated quite late so long as it didn't take action on the main release team :) [22:25] I just asked the main release team. We'll see what happens.