[01:29] ochosi, something to come back to in 19.10... GNOME's new icons are pretty bad at smaller resolutions, we'll probably want to add our own for gnome-fonts and gnome-mines [02:22] lots of changes since cosmic, https://wiki.bluesabre.org/disco_changes [02:24] oh, ubuntu-mono finally got a reasonable package version update (from 16.10+18.10.20181005-0ubuntu1 in cosmic to 19.04-0ubuntu1 in disco) === brainwash_ is now known as brainwash [02:35] Wooohooo! [05:45] ochosi: I previously had display power enabled - still did the same thing - xset -q shows this for screensaver > timeout: 300 cycle: 300 [05:45] which I assume is 5 minutes and we'll ignore what you want? [05:49] ochosi: one other thing - this all suddenly started happening over the last couple of weeks - so it's something 'we' did to my system, I've not been about long enough to do anything to change it myself [06:25] ochosi: last annoying ping then ... so with display management enabled and presentation mode set to on - we turn my display off [06:25] installing Ubuntu :D [09:10] knome, confirming that the wiki seems to be dead [09:14] knome, https://dev.xubuntu.org/ also looks... unwell [09:15] weird [09:16] i made some changes yesterday -- but nothing that should affect things like this [09:16] meh [09:16] but let's see.. [09:17] i retract my statement [09:17] Duuude, learn to ) [09:17] there was a parenthesis missing [09:17] yeaaaah [09:17] but dev still misses the stylesheet [09:18] what's that about? [09:19] oh [09:19] http [09:19] there we go [09:19] sigh [09:21] it's all fixed now [09:21] we really should get this all running under wordpress so we didn't have to maintain custom code for stuff [09:24] So, ran updates too. [09:26] thanks [09:27] thanks knome and Unit193! [09:28] (I didn't do it, knome beat me.) [09:28] I retract my statement [09:28] there was a Unit193 missing [09:29] Going to try to bust out a quick 19.04 beta release note [09:29] updates? [09:29] i think that was pleia2 [09:31] i try to avoid server maintenance :P [09:31] I'm still under the impression I'm the backup Just in Caseā„¢ [09:32] well, pleia2 has a kid now [09:32] so you might want to change your impression ;) [09:37] We don't really know whether Unit193 has kids, too, do we? I mean, [s]he's not that open about [his|her] personal life. :p [09:37] Unfortunately, I'm not as much of a closed book as one might think. [09:38] Oh ok, well then, maybe some people do know. :) [10:34] We should package https://mail.xfce.org/pipermail/xfce-announce/2019-February/000671.html for disco [10:39] Done. [10:40] Cool [10:40] WIP release notes: https://wiki.xubuntu.org/releases/19.04/release-notes [10:41] Is this safe to push, considering beta freeze? [10:43] Should be. I think the archive is frozen and somebody will have to release it manually. [10:48] OK, pushed. [10:50] thanks Unit193 [10:53] Did we push weather? [10:53] And sure thing, I guess we'll see if it gets in. [10:54] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/disco/+source/xfce4-weather-plugin/+changelog [10:55] ...Shoulda put your name on it. >_< [10:55] nahhhh [10:56] I've marked our image ready, and linked our release notes on #ubuntu-release, so I think we should be good to go for today [10:57] Thanks for writing those too! [11:04] Need more SASL. [11:04] Yeah [11:05] Also, some combination of znc/hexchat/+r poorly handles disconnects. Had to restart znc to get back into debian-xfce and other channels [11:27] -SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ATTN: Xubuntu Core 19.04 - amd64 - amd64 built. [11:34] bluesabre: Also, if you have the ability to push https://sources.debian.org/src/gigolo/0.4.90-1/debian/patches/ ? [11:35] (Xubuntu core hasn't been tested yet, won't be able to until much later today.) [14:11] bluesabre: please create the corresponding issues against elementary-xfce, i can try to fix that for 19.10 [14:41] I still do regular updates to the dev server, but I haven't done them in a few weeks [17:34] knome: did you do something - or is it just working now and was local? [17:35] ochosi: well - I'm now trying to see what happens if I purge xfce4-screensaver and use light-locker instead [17:37] knome: never mind - missing lines from logs here for some reason - found missing bits on irclogs.u.c [18:02] ochosi: wasn't that then ... very annoying [18:12] Hi, I was wondering, is there a way to change the "Please unlock disk"-text when booting into an Xubuntu with full disk encryption? [18:13] wandering* [18:13] wondering was right :) [18:14] true [18:15] oleks: it'll likely be a string in a file somewhere - which you might be able to change - try using grep -R "search string" - I looked here but as I don't have encryption I don't have the file [18:22] flocculant: okeydokey [18:25] ochosi: not sure what's causing it - can't find anything in /home relatable - last option will be to nuke .xfce stuff and see - would rather not though lol [18:25] how about just creating a new user? [18:25] you can easily delete it again later [18:25] then you don't have to mess with your settings [18:31] flocculant: it occurs in /usr/share/cryptsetup/initramfs/bin/cryptroot-unlock, /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-top/cryptroot, and /lib/cryptsetup/cryptdisks.functions [18:35] ochosi: true [18:35] ochosi: I stopped thinking about things like this lately lol - catches me out all over again ... [18:39] oleks: ok - I'm just going to do a test install for tomorrow's beta - I'll do an encrypt test - and see if it goes horribly wrong changing the string [18:39] hehe, sure [18:39] ochosi: ;) [18:46] flocculant: I'm fine testing, it's a fresh install [18:47] I just need to know how to reinstall initramfs after changing its configurations [18:48] no idea without looking [19:25] ochosi: checked a new user - works as expected [19:26] I'll dig a bit deeper next week - or just nuke me [20:41] flocculant: ok nice [22:02] Xubuntu Core hit https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=892010 [22:02] Debian bug 892010 in exo-utils "exo-utils: exo-preferred-applications does not run with error "exo-helper-1: not found"" [Normal,Open] [22:10] As noted by Emery Fletcher, not me. [22:47] -SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ATTN: Xubuntu Core 19.04 - amd64 - amd64 built.