
=== gdorn_xu is now known as gdorn
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
uvizachanoh w8 i said it08:12
uvizachanEhhh, anyways I was wondering if there's any impediment between this OS and me trying to use a VM to relay my Internet connections.08:13
gnrpuvizachan: Sneaky...08:17
gnrpuvizachan: Uhm, well, I don't know why you would do that, but yes, should work?08:17
gnrpyou mean a VM hosted on the same machine? It doesn't make too much sense and you spend resources, but it is possible08:19
johanhelmuthHmm, I'm having some issues with my boot time. I've checked my fstab, and everything is in order there, pointing to the correct UUIDs etc. types, mount points, options everything looks good. I've checked "systemd-analyze critical-chain" and checked the "systemd-analyze time", basically the userspace takes 1,6 seconds to get going, wich is nice and fast. But the kernel startup is insanely slow - 3315:12
johanhelmuthBeen googling for a bit, and most solutions I can find tend to point towards slow startups because of graphical.target, which is part of the userspace boot time, which isn't the case for me.15:13
johanhelmuthCould this potentially be a grub issue?15:14
diogenes_johanhelmuth, adm graphics?15:16
johanhelmuthnvidia graphics15:17
johanhelmuthI tried adding nomodeset to grub, but nothing really changed.15:18
johanhelmuthI also checked the boot log, and the only thing failing is the AppArmor initialization.15:19
diogenes_is it a fresh install? upgrade? what kernel? has it always been this slow or it's a new situation?15:19
johanhelmuthIt's a fresh install, xubuntu minimal install15:19
johanhelmuthkernel: 4.15.0-46-generic15:20
diogenes_and have you upgraded the kernel?15:20
johanhelmuthI have not15:20
diogenes_what is in: ls /boot15:20
johanhelmuthconfig-4.15.0-46-generic      memtest86+.bin            System.map-4.15.0-46-generic15:21
johanhelmuthgrub                          memtest86+.elf            vmlinuz-4.15.0-46-generic15:21
johanhelmuthinitrd.img-4.15.0-46-generic  memtest86+_multiboot.bin15:21
johanhelmuthThat's in /boot15:21
diogenes_i see15:21
diogenes_patebin the: systemd-analyze blame15:21
johanhelmuthThat mostly displays the userspace boot, right?15:22
johanhelmuthsystemd-analyze time shows:15:23
johanhelmuthStartup finished in 32.981s (kernel) + 1.669s (userspace) = 34.650s15:23
johanhelmuthgraphical.target reached after 1.632s in userspace15:23
diogenes_yeah, nothing extraordinary in there15:24
johanhelmuthI did notice one thing that might be odd, not sure though.15:24
johanhelmuthchecking "blkid", my boot partition doesn't have a UUID15:25
johanhelmuthWhich I'm certain it always have had before15:25
johanhelmuth"/dev/sda1: PARTLABEL="boot" PARTUUID="8e502ceb-20c6-4e85-a82d-e4aa89841940"15:25
johanhelmuthUhm, wait a second, fstab shouldn't contain boot, right?15:27
diogenes_johanhelmuth, i need to leave now, hopefully someone will help you fother on.15:30
Spassjohanhelmuth, you could try upgrading the kernel to 4.18 with this command "sudo apt install --install-recommends linux-generic-hwe-18.04 xserver-xorg-hwe-18.04"15:31
Spassbut that's a pretty big step, should be safe tho15:31
johanhelmuthwill definitely try that out if all else fail, for sure15:32
johanhelmuthI just have this feeling I messed my boot partition up somehow15:32
johanhelmuthSpass: Does your fstab include a line for the boot partition?15:46
Spasslet me see15:46
Spasswell, I have my ext4 there, mounted to "/" described with UUID with these options "errors=remount-ro 0 1"15:49
SpassI didn't make any changes to it, so it's a default entry15:49
johanhelmuthalright, that's pretty much what I was hoping to hear15:49
johanhelmuthalright, thanks15:49
johanhelmuthso my fstab is definitely not the issue then, hmm15:50
johanhelmuthI am almost certain I messed my boot partition up however, somehow. Because when I check the "blkid", everything is showing a UUID, TYPE etc. Except for my boot partition, it just shows the PARTLABEL and PARTUUID.15:52
johanhelmuthGonna stop my spammy speculations in chat here, and look for a fix. Thanks for the help again, Spass.15:54
Spassno problem, stay for a while, maybe someone will have some hints for you15:56
johanhelmuthYeah, I'm always online, I have my irc client running on my homeserver 24/716:00
johanhelmuthThank god, it's solved now16:35
johanhelmuth"Startup finished in 1.980s (kernel) + 1.667s (userspace) = 3.648s"16:35
johanhelmuththat shaved off 28 seconds16:35
johanhelmuthI had to remove the UUID from "RESUME=" in "/etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume", and replace it with "none".16:36
johanhelmuthApparently boot timed out waiting to resume a specific device, every time I boot.16:37
Spassthanks for the info, was that "/etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume" your custom config?16:38
johanhelmuthHonestly, I didn't even know it existed. Must be something that generated itself when I mounted my media hard drive16:38
johanhelmuthOr wait.. now I get it, oh wow.16:39
johanhelmuthSo during installation of Xubuntu, for some reason my ssd was named sdb, and my bootable installation usb was sda. But after installation, somehow, the system changed my ssd to sda.16:40
johanhelmuthWhich screwed my fstab up, so I had to fix the fstab. So I'm guessing what the resume was pointing to, was the old swap.16:41
xubuntu70whello everyone17:19
xubuntu70wI'm using xubuntu 18.0417:20
xubuntu70wi  don't understand why my laptop give me a blank/black screen when it wakes up from suspend17:21
xubuntu70wis it driver related or something ?17:21
GridCubeit's because the screensaver is still enabled17:22
GridCubemost probably17:22
GridCubeit could be other things17:22
xubuntu70wstill enabled but why ?17:22
GridCubedisable your screen power saving settings and try again17:22
xubuntu70wok thank you i'll try that17:22
GridCubei don't know https://askubuntu.com/questions/1094529/xubuntu-screen-does-not-wake-up-after-being-locked17:23
GridCubeit's a very common problem17:23
GridCubesorry meant to paste this xubuntu70w https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/180423517:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1801609 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1804235 Fails to deactivate dpms off mode after user initiated wake-up events(not system-suspended, just locked and dpms active)" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:24
xubuntu70wThank you GridCube i don't have a blak screenn anymore17:40
GridCubexubuntu70w: :)17:42
GridCubexubuntu70w: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-default-settings/+bug/130373617:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1303736 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "[SRU] Black screen after wakeup from suspending by closing the laptop lid" [High,Fix released]17:43
johanhelmuthMaybe a silly question, but do I need to remove nvidia drivers before installing new ones? Or will it automatically do everything for me? Suppose I have Nvidia 390 drivers, and I want to install the Nvidia 418 drivers. Will a "apt install nvidia-driver-418" suffice? Or do I have to remove stuff beforehand?23:40
johanhelmuthGoogled it, and I see mixed responses.23:40

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