[04:45] should we change link to http://releases.ubuntu.com/disco/ instead of daily now? === cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer [12:13] gcc 8.3.0-3ubuntu1 appears to introduce a bug that keeps our software from building while 8.3.0-2ubuntu2 still works -- is there a way for me to explicitly install 8.3.0-2ubuntu2 in the recent 19.04 to check that's actually the reason? [12:16] or even install them alongside to be able to use creduce to create a minimal test case [12:26] I take that back, gtest seems to be the cause of the issues... [12:32] so this is basically the test case: a file including and compiles with 19.04 still having 8.3.0-2ubuntu2 but not with the recent 19.04 having 8.3.0-3ubuntu1 [12:37] the preprocessed output of this translation unit does not compile under 8.3.0-3ubuntu1, so this seems to point at a compiler issue [12:43] seems to work on trunk though, so probably not a gcc regression in itself: https://godbolt.org/z/Fl-fJV [13:30] https://paste.debian.net/1075203/ [13:30] Dockerfile reproducing the issue [13:31] Can't seem to file a bug report on launchpad because "There is 1 error." [13:32] no I did, after not selecting any package: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1822320 [13:32] Launchpad bug 1822320 in Ubuntu "GCC 8.3.0-3ubuntu1 does not compile valid code" [Undecided,New] === lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje [21:46] does the regular update-manager work in disco dingo? [21:55] imi: Yes. [21:56] Eickmeyer: Resting not - You did so advise once the 19.04 beta was out :P [22:35] Bashing-om: Three letters and a period does not mean I'm doing much. :P [22:36] Eickmeyer: LOL, While so true - if ya at the keyboard -> working :) [23:13] $ getent passwd | grep www-data [23:13] www-data:x:33:33:www-data:/var/www:/usr/sbin/nologin [23:13] ^ OerHeks [23:16] oh hi tomreyn [23:16] oops wrong channel, sorry [23:16] i see that as a group, not an user that logs in [23:16] or need to logout [23:16] OerHeks: let's move to -discuss, where i meant to post this