
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers08:02
oSoMoNand happy Friday!08:02
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dufluMorning oSoMoN08:07
oSoMoNgood afternoon duflu08:08
jibeltsimonq2, canary images are not published anywhere yet.08:10
jibelgood morning everyone08:10
dufluHi jibel08:15
jibelcpaelzer__, hi, I still have bug 1761497 which is pretty annoying for manual iso testing. Is there a way to listen to events like key strokes received by the guest?08:16
ubot5`bug 1761497 in virt-manager (Ubuntu) "syslinux menu is displayed when a desktop ISO is powered from virt-manager" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176149708:16
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cpaelzerjibel: re-reading old bug ...08:18
oSoMoNsalut jibel08:19
jibelcpaelzer, it's like the VM receives a keyboard event on boot08:20
cpaelzerjibel: is still the different host HW the only difference between good&bad systems?08:20
cpaelzerjibel: also if on an affected machine you start it via virt-manager but without a view of the guest graphics open - does it work then08:21
cpaelzeri.e. does the UI hve to be attached to trigger the issue?08:22
jibelcpaelzer, it's only on one machine, the HW is the only difference between good vs bad systems.08:23
jibelcpaelzer, and yes, the UI seems to have a role in triggering the bug08:24
jibeland it happens with any release booted on the guest (i tried with trusty)08:25
cpaelzerfor the sake of trying to be a friendly helper I tried to reproduce this once more now - but it doesn't trigger08:25
cpaelzerlet me think about potential debugging options that I might have forgotten08:26
jibelyeah, I think it's really a problem with the host difficult/impossible to reproduce on other hw08:27
jibelcpaelzer, if I start the VM directly from the manager without the view it works as expected08:28
cpaelzeryou can send-key extra keystrokes, but I don't know of monitoring them08:28
cpaelzermight be an unwanted big-brother feature after all08:28
cpaelzerjibel: for the sake of trying almost random things - switching the video backend between spice/vnc maybe?08:30
cpaelzernot sure how your guest looks like atm08:30
jibelcpaelzer, ah, actually switching to vnc solves the problem08:32
cpaelzerjibel: are by any accident the working systems already on vnc only instead of spice?08:32
cpaelzerjibel: and/or is this a sufficient workaround for you for now?08:33
jibelcpaelzer, the working systems are using spice.08:36
jibelcpaelzer, The workaround is sufficient, thanks for your help.08:37
jibelI'll see if I can dig further08:37
dufluMorning willcooke08:58
willcookehi duflu08:59
willcookere: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons/+bug/182193308:59
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1821933 in gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons (Ubuntu) "Touch input is offset with two screens (even appearing on the wrong screen)" [Undecided,New]08:59
willcookeI dont have any scaling set, do you want me to set it and retest?09:00
dufluwillcooke, no if you can reproduce it with 100% then that's plenty09:00
willcookecomment posted09:02
* duflu stops typing and looks09:03
dufluwillcooke, thanks. Back to being a pure gnome-shell bug. I did search for prior reports yesterday but found none09:04
dufluI can imagine the cause though09:04
willcookejibel can reproduce, so I'm happy its not just me09:04
dufluThe stage covers all monitors and possibly touch input is being scaled to that09:04
dufluSo the rubber band would appear at the proportion of the full stage that's the same as the proportion across the touch screen09:05
dufluOr any touch would09:05
dufluI happened to order a tiny external monitor yesterday for such bugs but it is not touch09:05
willcookeduflu, do we need T_revinhos eyes on it?09:13
dufluwillcooke, I can probably find the offending code myself but couldn't test any fix right now09:14
willcookeif you can stick it in a ppa, I'm happy to test09:15
willcookeas and why, like09:15
dufluwillcooke, actually jibel beat you to it (bug 1723039)09:17
ubot5`bug 1723039 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "With 2 monitors, touches to the touch screen appear across both (and in the wrong place)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/172303909:17
dufluwhich to use?09:17
willcookeI think that's different09:18
willcookeit talks about turning off one screen09:18
dufluwillcooke, no he's only suggesting a solution I think09:18
willcooke"With an external monitor attached and the internal display being a touch screen, set the output to the external display only."09:19
dufluwillcooke, oh, no. Same bug occurs even when the touch screen is off09:19
willcookethat's not the same thing09:19
dufluStill the same bug09:19
willcookeThat bug is from 2017, but my machine has been find on cosmic and bionic09:19
willcookeso there's a regression there09:20
willcookemy bug has a video too, so..... ;D09:20
jibelduflu, different bugs09:23
duflujibel, different situations yeah but the same fix should do it09:23
dufluAlso there might have been a separate fix already to stop touches responding when a screen is off09:23
jibelno, my case was about disabling the touch screen when the display is off09:23
jibelthe other one is about the offset when 2 screens are on. How is it the same thing?09:24
duflujibel, oh, yes I see. When you say actions are visible you mean actions without a touch location.09:25
duflujibel, OK no problem. Sounds familiar so I think that might have been fixed in recent years09:25
dufluNow checking09:25
willcookemorning jibel09:27
duflujibel, your bug is magically fixed. Apparently09:33
willcookeah, now then....09:37
willcookeIf I turn off the laptop screen, which is the touch screen09:37
willcookeand only have video out on the external monitor09:37
willcookethen touch events still work09:37
willcookethey are positioned on the external screen, more or less in the right place09:38
willcookelike, if I touch in the middle of the (disabled) laptop screen, the event happens more or less in the middle of the external screen09:38
willcookeI assume "more or less" because the screens are different sizes and resolutions09:38
dufluwillcooke, hmm. I just closed that because I found the fix in mutter 3.31.409:45
dufluI guess it's not fully off?09:46
willcookeI guess so, the laptop lid is up but it looks like the backlight is off09:53
dufluwillcooke, it took me longer to remember how to PPA than to actually write a patch10:15
dufluGive it some minutes10:15
willcookeduflu, this can wait if it's already EOW for you10:16
dufluwillcooke, fair point. But wait for the build and let me know: https://launchpad.net/~vanvugt/+archive/ubuntu/lp182193310:16
willcookeduflu, merci10:16
dufluwillcooke, ugh. Actually the math is wrong and there is missing info I can't just fix :(10:19
willcookeSounds like I should open a bug uptream10:19
willcookeI'll test on Fedora too10:21
dufluwillcooke, yeah that can't hurt to log an upstream bug. The problematic function is the one in the patch I mentioned, but a fix would need to actually cover more code than that. If it's possible at all right now10:22
dufluwillcooke, I guess my faulty patch might work only for cases where the touch screen is at the top left10:23
willcookeI'll test it anyway, see what happens10:25
dufluI think if the touchscreen and the LCD below it are the same resolution AND placed at the top left of all monitors, THEN it might work10:27
dufluSo it may have the illusion of working in the end, but should not be proposed as a fix10:29
willcookeduflu, so for an upstream bug, do you think it should go against gnome shell?10:30
dufluwillcooke, no it's purely mutter10:30
dufluI'd just leave a gnome-shell task in Launchpad to help others find it. That minimizes duplicates10:30
dufluAlso minimises10:30
willcookesee you!10:31
willcookehave a good one10:31
tsimonq2jibel: ack, but they are meant to be published at some point?15:47
tsimonq2jibel: I ask because Lubuntu would like to jump on the train, so to speak. :)15:47
jibeltsimonq2, yes, once it's installable.16:00
jibelI'll tell you16:00
tsimonq2jibel: Fair enough. Are the remaining issues in the tooling or the packages that are in the PPA?16:02
jibeltsimonq2, just lack of time16:06
jibeltsimonq2, actually it should work with ubiquity, I'll try to push a build somewhere for you next week if you want to have a look16:07
tsimonq2jibel: Oh, is this the one with the stacked squashfses?16:13
tsimonq2If that's the case, it's a two-liner in Calamares, I just need to verify and test it.16:13
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willcookenight all, have a nice weekend17:53

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