
bluesabreUnit193, re: exo, currently working on making all the scripts use exo-2 paths01:18
bluesabresince exo-2 should now be default01:19
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
bluesabreUnit193, I think this commit will do it, but will do some tests and whatnot to confirm, https://git.xfce.org/xfce/exo/commit/?id=de2d50f242299b8d6ea9945b91eff23585e6f09102:30
bluesabreUnit193, did a lot of de-versioning in exo, https://git.xfce.org/xfce/exo/, and uploaded an exp package to https://launchpad.net/~bluesabre/+archive/ubuntu/experimental... going to test it out tomorrow in a vm and see if everything still works04:32
oleksflocculant: I did initramfs -k all -c after changing the text in the files I found, and everything went alright :-)06:59
Unit193Since you are editing a file in /usr/share, you should be aware that package upgrades will simply overwrite it.07:01
oleksUnit193: thanks for the heads up, but I hope that the actuall important setting was in /lib/cryptsetup/07:22
Unit193Same difference.07:22
oleksUnit193: fair enough, I guess I'd have to add internationalization settings to some package to make this permanent?07:23
Unit193bluesabre: Oh, and thanks for looking into it!07:49
Spass[m]I think that 24px panel is getting to small for modern resolutions, maybe you/we could think about changing it to something bigger? 26?08:37
Spass[m]24 would be ok if it was used just as an information panel with notification icons, but since Xubuntu uses it for Window Buttons, something bigger would be slightly better imho08:39
Spass[m]*too small08:44
bluesabreUnit193, from some limited testing, looks like everything is good there. Do you have any concerns about those changes (moving pixmaps to common, moving helpers and such to exo-2, removing the version from the perl script)11:05
bluesabreoh boy, all my recent SRUs are starting to get accepted into proposed11:06
knomeflocculant, i did somethikg :)11:08
bluesabreknome, that finnish word at the end looks awfully familiar11:33
Unit193It's Finnish for "TAKE A HIKE!!"11:40
ochosiknome: i'm a little out of touch but is everything sorted artwork-wise for 19.04?20:28
Unit193bluesabre: I haven't specifically looked at the changes, but having the perl helper in exo-2 just delays the issue a bit, no?20:29
bluesabreUnit193, the perl helper is moved to common since it's not compiled21:23
bluesabre(and doesn't depend on either lib)21:24
Unit193I like how there's -common and -helpers.21:52

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