
furtifSalut tout le monde :-)00:24
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IrcsomeBot2carbonzero was added by: carbonzero02:35
IrcsomeBot2<carbonzero> (Photo, 960x1280) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/vKLSRcig/file_14326.jpg02:35
IrcsomeBot2<carbonzero> Hey I'm getting this error with today's live build and I was trying to access software sources to add more options like I always do. How do I fix this? I feel naked without the rest of my options chosen.02:37
tomreyncarbonzerolive build of what?02:37
tomreynhubertjjj: ?02:38
IrcsomeBot2<Eickmeyer> tomreyn: tsimonq2 is already on it.02:39
Eickmeyertomreyn: It seems as though @carbonzero uncovered a bug.02:40
tomreynmaybe pkexec can be used in the meantime02:40
Eickmeyertomreyn: Possibly.02:41
IrcsomeBot2<carbonzero> I feel naked without the rest of my ubuntu options chosen im software sources. Lol02:41
IrcsomeBot2<carbonzero> It's today's daily build, @IrcsomeBot02:41
IrcsomeBot2<Eickmeyer> @carbonzero Ircsomebot is just the bridge bot, like studiobot.02:42
IrcsomeBot2<carbonzero> Oh wait, @tomreyn. Just answering your question02:42
IrcsomeBot2<Eickmeyer> tomreyn was asking.02:42
IrcsomeBot2<carbonzero> Yeah, realized that after I commented. Doh.02:42
IrcsomeBot2<Eickmeyer> hehe02:42
tomreyni think gksudo was removed, maybe lxqt-sudo should be removed for the same reasons.02:43
tomreynbut i don't know the code02:43
EickmeyerYeah, but like I said, a developer is already working on it.02:43
IrcsomeBot2<carbonzero> @tomreyn, yeah I'm just a general user at the moment so 🤷‍♂️02:44
tomreyncool cool.02:44
IrcsomeBot2<carbonzero> Learning software development though so I'll be able to fix this stuff eventually02:44
IrcsomeBot2<carbonzero> I'm hastily installing all of my apps so I can get on IRC on my laptop and off of my phone. Lol02:46
IrcsomeBot2<carbonzero> Do I need to file a bug report for that?02:46
Eickmeyer@carbonzero Nah, it's being fixed.02:57
IrcsomeBot2<carbonzero> @Eickmeyer cool! So I'll be able to get into software sources by tomorrow?03:08
IrcsomeBot2<Eickmeyer> @carbonzero, That I couldn't tell you. Depends on a number of factors.03:09
IrcsomeBot2<carbonzero> @Eickmeyer oh I see. No problem. Eh, at least I found something that needed fixed. Lol03:10
krytarikWell, in the meantime you could just launch it manually using the proper Sudo frontend.03:11
IrcsomeBot2<carbonzero> @krytarik Can you pass me a note with that command?03:12
IrcsomeBot2<carbonzero> Pretty please? My terminal knowledge's ummm...lacking...severely...but I've got some of it down.03:13
krytarikI'd try with: "kdesu software-properties-qt"03:13
IrcsomeBot2<carbonzero> @krytarik kdesu? That's new to me. No sudo?03:14
IrcsomeBot2<carbonzero> Hmm..interesting.03:14
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !pkexec (for older releases: !gksu and !kdesudo). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo03:14
IrcsomeBot2<carbonzero> Ok, so still use sudo? Just like normal?03:15
IrcsomeBot2<carbonzero> Oh see? Got brains but dude, empty.03:16
IrcsomeBot2<carbonzero> Me on empty03:17
IrcsomeBot2<carbonzero> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/FHf7Mx0h/file_14327.jpg03:19
IrcsomeBot2<carbonzero> What the...??? Ugh...03:19
IrcsomeBot2<carbonzero> Tell you what, I need sleep. I'll hit this again tomorrow. I'm having to get up super early to go to L.A. in the morning and I feel half asleep as it is. I'll check in tomorrow and get through this with you.03:21
krytarikTry and see what installing 'kde-runtime' would pull in additionally.03:22
valoriehmmm, that !sudo factoid needs fixing03:46
IrcsomeBot2Bot Information was added by: Bot Information06:10
IrcsomeBot2<Bot Information> (Photo, 1280x631) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/gq3xOCeS/file_14315.jpg 🚀Вinаncе opened DЕХ Тestnet Platform! … 🚀Вinаnce opened the distribution of рrizes!! … 🚀 5000 ВТC AND 20 000 ЕТН givеаwаy rigth now!!! … ✅All info is here bit.ly/Decent_Exchange … ✅Official Telegram group @DEX_TestNet06:10
IrcsomeBot2<bauchhaus> Is there a 19.04 kubuntu image out there?07:30
IrcsomeBot2<acheronuk> @bauchhaus, Image as in iso?07:40
IrcsomeBot2<bauchhaus> Yes07:41
IrcsomeBot2<Jorge Sánchez> @bauchhaus, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/ … Daily (beta) builds are there. You'll have to wait until 18 of April to get the stable release.08:23
IrcsomeBot2<bauchhaus> @Jorge Sánchez, 👍09:01
BluesKaj'Morning folks10:18
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IrcsomeBot2DevAspirerKlaus was added by: DevAspirerKlaus12:19
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ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.13:36
lotric /join13:52
lotric /join13:52
BluesKajlotric, you've joined13:53
lotricшо так тихо13:53
BluesKaj!ru | lotric13:54
ubottulotric: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.13:54
Greenfrogi have a problem with the application menu. when i access the taskbar and hover over the k icon for a sex. the words application menu appears mid screen then scurries to the taskbar. clicking on the menu puts it in the middle of the sreen disonncted from the bar. any ideas how to fix this? sometimes a reboot fixes sometims it doesn't then it breaks again.14:01
IrcsomeBot2<DarinMiller> Sound like you may have dual monitors and the primary monitor picked by the BIOS is not the same as the primary monitor for KDE.  Open a terminal and run killall plasmashell, then run plasmashell &14:07
Greenfrogyes i have multiple monitors thanks for the reply14:13
Greenfrogthat fized it, hope it stays fixed. thanks :)14:16
Greenfrogwow, i struggled with that one for a while even doing reboots think it might fix it :P14:27
Greenfrogoh, and reinstalls14:27
IrcsomeBot2<DarinMiller> It's just an initialization bug in KDE.  I think the bug has been reported but I have not made time to hunt it down...14:40
Greenfrogyou mean the app menu is really a bug?14:42
IrcsomeBot2<DarinMiller> KDE locks in the wrong location for displaying the menu and notifications on boot.  When plasmashell restarts, the correct layout is evaluated so you will need to restart plasmashell after every reboot until the bug is fixed.14:51
Greenfrogoh ok thanks14:51
Greenfrogat least it can be reset for now thats at least better14:53
Roeyhey all15:16
Roeycan ya guys help me figure out this audio issue?  I have the sound driver for my onboard sound loaded, but I don't see the device in PulseAudio!15:16
diogenes_Roey, you mean in pavucontrol?15:17
Roeyoh hey diogenes_!15:17
diogenes_and in: aplay -l15:18
Roeyyeah it sees it15:18
Roeyaplay -l lists the mobo sound, yes.15:18
diogenes_Roey, then you need to tweak the config file15:19
Roeyok so:15:19
Roeythank you for being the first person to actually say what I was suspecing15:19
Roeywhen I had upgrade to 17.04,15:19
RoeyI may have inadvertantly allowed it to replace a config file with a stock config file15:20
Roeywhich eliminated that onboard sound definition section15:20
Roeydiogenes_: where specifically should I check?15:20
diogenes_Roey, in: /etc/pulse/default.pa15:21
Roeydiogenes_: alright, I have it loaded in my editor; what should I look for, in particular?15:22
diogenes_try adding: load-module module-alsa-source device=hw:X,X15:23
diogenes_replace X X with the card number you get with: aplay -l15:23
Roeydiogenes_: hmm ok15:24
diogenes_after that, save changes and, pulseaudio -k15:25
Roeythey've all been commented out15:25
diogenes_then look in pavucontrol15:25
Roey#load-module module-alsa-source has been commented out15:25
Roeydiogenes_: aplay -l output: https://pastebin.com/WH1EVH5f15:26
diogenes_ok uncomment and save then: pulseaudio -k15:26
Roeydiogenes_: https://pastebin.com/pDhpWyqS15:27
Roeythat's the relevant portion of the config file15:27
Roeyis hw:1,0 correct though?15:27
diogenes_Roey, in aplay -l, look for lines: Subdevices: 0/115:28
diogenes_0/1 is the hw you need15:28
Roeyso that's 0,1,ok.15:28
Roeyoh and the pulseaudio config file says:15:28
Roey### (it's probably better to not load these drivers manually, but instead15:28
Roey### use module-udev-detect -- see below -- for doing this automatically)15:28
diogenes_yes you can try that too15:28
diogenes_first it wuld be wiser to try the reckmmended wayt15:29
diogenes_by the config life itself15:29
Roeythat one is already not commented out15:29
Roeysudo pulseaudio -k:15:30
Roey$ sudo pulseaudio -k15:30
RoeyE: [pulseaudio] core-util.c: Home directory not accessible: Permission denied15:30
RoeyE: [pulseaudio] main.c: Failed to kill daemon: No such file or directory15:30
diogenes_then reboot15:31
diogenes_not sudo15:31
diogenes_i didn't say sudo pulseaudio -k15:31
diogenes_simply: pulseaudio -k15:31
Roeyok *15:35
Roeyoh hey!15:35
RoeyNow I see built-in audio!15:35
diogenes_try if it works first :)15:36
diogenes_before you get excited15:36
RoeyI put on headphones and now I hear sound!15:36
diogenes_so we can say you had a good day today :)15:37
Roeydiogenes_: THANK YOU SO MUCH :)15:38
Roeythank you thank you thank you for confirming what I supsected, that it was a config file issue15:38
diogenes_Roey, no problem :)15:39
Greenfrogcan someone recommend a backup utility?15:49
diogenes_Greenfrog, dejadup15:58
Greenfrogok thanks16:02
IrcsomeBot2zifi2 was added by: zifi217:34
valorieRoey: you are you still on 17.04?19:20
valoriebecause that is loooooooooong OEL19:21
valorieeol I mean19:21
tomreynlet's hope it was just a typo19:44
IrcsomeBot2Tourist Sam was added by: Tourist Sam19:53
Roeyvalorie: er19:56
Roey18.10 rather19:57
valoriegot it19:57
Roeygah.. I did lsb_release -a to make sure.19:57
valoriethis system is still 18.1019:57
Roey17.04 is not out yet right?19:57
Roeythat's in a week?19:57
Roeyor a couple of weeks?19:57
valoriebut I'll probably be in teh beta of 19.04 by tonight19:57
valoriebeta was yesterday19:58
valorieI have it on my travel laptop already19:58
valorieit's good19:58
OerHeks17.04 went eol couple months ago19:58
valorieI pruned a bunch of stuff off my seeding torrents and out of my ISOs folder19:59
RoeyOerHeks: yeah, I'm on 18.10, rather19:59
Roeyso when I dist-upgraded to 18.10,19:59
RoeyI just hit <enter> at a bunch of prompts to get it going already20:00
Roeyvalorie: when the upgrade completed, I could no longer find my motherboard's onboard sound device in pavucontrol20:00
Roeyso I had no analogue out, essentially.20:00
RoeyI just solved the issue this morning, thanks to someone's help here20:01
valoriesounds like some config got mangled or something20:01
Roeywhom I am trying to remember.20:01
Roeyit turns out that the din the pulse audio config file,20:01
Roeythe lines loading the sound drivers had been commented out20:01
Roeywhat I think happened was that the system's file had gotten replace with a stock config file20:01
RoeyI should always check those prompts20:01
carbonzerothere's a bug with 19.04 I found yesterday with the software sources.20:07
carbonzeroI tried to to get into it with my password and I've got a screen print of the error it gave me. Simon Quigley's said he'd fix it.20:07
carbonzeroI'm just relaying the issue here so all of you know, too, in case you didn't.20:08
Eickmeyercarbonzero: They do.20:08
carbonzeroEickmeyer, hey! ok. I just came online finally and thought I'd relay that message just in case.20:09
valoriecarbonzero: many of us have "bouncers" or use matrix so that we can read scrollback of the channel20:25
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IrcsomeBot2developerkoller was added by: developerkoller21:53
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Greenfrogwhen i first put in a cd rom in kubuntu it asked what do u want to do with this media? i made a mistake and said do nothing. how do i change that option?23:29
Greenfrogi know dumb d dumb dumb23:29
IrcsomeBot2<rareandreal> https://youtu.be/xSeBF-47v4w23:32
Greenfrogwhat was that?23:35
valorieGreenfrog: put it in again?23:41
valorieit should offer you the choice each time23:42
valorieit's not dumb -- sometimes you want it mounted, sometimes you don't23:42
valorieI mean, not a dumb choice23:42
aestheI have started using Kubuntu 18.04 on my work laptop and have come across an error with the company that I cant seem to workaround23:47
valorieerror with the company?23:47
valoriewhat company23:47
aestheI cant get an xl2tpd/ipsec connection to ppp23:47
valorieand what error?23:48
Sven_GYou can always mount it using Dolphin, and then run whatever software you want to use it separately.23:48
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up23:48
valorieaesthe: Sven_G was answering another question23:48
valoriethe !ppp answer is for you23:48
Sven_GThanks, valorie.23:48
valorieI'm not sure we have a working dialer application anymore23:49
valorieso few computers have modems now23:49
valorieno way to test anymore23:49
aestheI'm also wondering if it would be better if I downgraded to an older kernel23:50
valorieis your computer rather old?23:51
aesthemy colleague was able to get a connection going on Debian with the 4.9 kernel23:51
valorieDebian is ofter older software, yes23:51
aestheNo its an x1 carbon 6th gen23:51
valorieand it has a modem?23:51
aesthemodem, I wouldnt think so23:52
valorieI've not seen a modem in a laptop for a decade23:52
valorieI can't even remember the last one with a modem23:52
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