
Ukikieinfinity: Cool, thanks!01:12
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: inxi (disco-proposed/universe) [3.0.32-1-1 => 3.0.33-1-0ubuntu1] (ubuntu-budgie, ubuntu-mate, ubuntustudio, xubuntu)01:13
Ukikie...Why are Budgie and MATE using this?01:14
EickmeyerUkikie: I don't even know why it's in Ubuntu Studio. I guess because we have Pidgin installed by default?01:16
UkikieWhy would Pidgin do it?  I figured Studio would have it as they tend to copy Xubuntu on some things anyway.01:16
EickmeyerUkikie: Well, bad assumption. What IRC client is installed by default?01:17
EickmeyerUkikie: Not your assumption, mine.01:17
UkikieXubuntu doesn't really have one by default, we dropped xchat and never added hexchat.01:18
UkikieSpecifically, opted not to.01:18
EickmeyerOur chat redirects go to the webchat. So, I'm trying to figure out how inxi is even in a seed if that's the case.01:18
UkikieI'm guessing your seed lists it?01:19
krytarikEickmeyer: Inxi != Irssi >_>01:19
EickmeyerUkikie: I see it. Still think it's odd.01:20
Ukikie...I mean, you guys added it, don't look at me with those funky eyes. :>01:21
EickmeyerIt's in Xubuntu's seed too.01:21
valorieit's tiny!01:26
valorieand useful01:26
* valorie dl'd and installed it01:27
valorieI wouldn't touch irssi with a 10-foot pole though01:28
valorie<3 Konversation01:28
EickmeyerI'm a Quassel guy myself, but you already knew that.01:28
krytarikAt least.. oh there it is. >_>01:28
Ukikiequassel-data recommends/suggests it.01:40
Ukikievalorie: inxi -r is a great tool to look at your enabled repos, only one I know that has deb822 support.01:40
valorieit's a nice tool sometimes when helping users too01:41
valorieeven if they don't have it installed, it takes only a moment to do so01:41
valorieas long as the box in question is online01:42
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: ubuntustudio-look (disco-proposed/universe) [0.58 => 0.59] (ubuntustudio)02:02
Eickmeyerinfinity: ^ Just a wallpaper I made and got a lot of great feedback.02:04
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: materia-gtk-theme (disco-proposed/universe) [20190201-1 => 20190201-1ubuntu1] (ubuntustudio)11:06

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