
tomreyntemporal prime directive probably...00:02
tomreynneed to fix bug#1 first to advance to the next level and meet the volcanians00:04
sarnoldthat explains so much00:05
tomreyngnu hurd might also come into play there, not sure.00:07
sarnoldhehe :)00:10
tewardsarnold: if you're still around, see PMs00:36
Harishello all00:58
Harison 14.04, in apache, for status mod, I'v configured require ip line. but its still opening /server-status for all other configured vhosts .. regardless?00:58
Hariswhat context does ubuntu load the httpd modules enabled config files in?01:04
sarnoldHaris: the top-level apache2.conf file has a diagram showing how the config files are read in01:06
sarnoldHaris: here's the file *before* it gets preprocessed and put into the package http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jrxYgRSgpj/01:07
sarnold(I don't have easy access to the "real" thing, but the text at the top shouldn't matter)01:07
HarisI need the context. this diagram doesn't mention the context01:07
Harisputting in require ip line in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/status.conf has no affect to who can access /server-status01:09
Harisapache guys are telling me to check for which context this mod's config is loaded in01:09
sarnoldaha! http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/RPpXv4GSb5/01:12
sarnoldcheck around line 150 through 16501:12
Harisdoesn't make sense01:14
Harisdoesn't seem relative here01:15
sarnoldreally? it seems to me that it's your situation exactly :) you have a config, you want it enabled on only one vhost, so you should use a2disconf to disable it globally, and then add it manually to the one vhost where you do want it01:16
Harishow does one hide dot files on this same box01:37
Haristhis is my apache2 config for this vhost. I can't seem to hide dot files, be it via FilesMatch or Location blocks01:38
sarnoldhmm, your FilesMatch bit looks pretty close to what's on here https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/sections.html01:44
sarnoldis there anything in the logs that might indicate why that one didn't work? that one looked good :/01:46
tomreynHaris: whats an example file url path that should have been blocked but was not?01:49
Haristhe /.env /.env.example /.git /.gitignore01:50
tomreynalso define 'hidden', maybe you don'T actually mean to deny access but to remove off directory listings?01:50
Harisdeny access via web. allow access via dir locally01:50
Harisfor eg I have a laravel based app. it uses .env file for global config constants01:51
HarisI don't want the file containing global config constats to be readable via direct url access01:51
Harisbut only readable by app for including01:51
tomreynin line 29 you want either LocationMatch or Location ~01:52
tomreynStill, I guess a URL path of /.env should still have been blocked by the Directory block.01:55
tomreynor the FilesMatch one there rather01:56
sarnoldI never got the hang of directory vs location in apache. I found it easier to switch to nginx than learn apache. but the block from lines 8 through 17 all kinda looked plausible01:57
Harislocation is for url paths context. directory is for dir paths context01:58
Harisbut apache community suggests to use dir context. and not use location context01:58
sarnoldyeah I think I came to the same conclusion, that directory was more reliable than location, to the extent I ever got it working01:59
tomreynsame here. you can use either, and combine the two, but filesystem paths are really the more reliable approach.02:02
tomreyni actually like apache httpd's approach there better than nginx's, since it's more precise IMO, and more specific.02:04
tomreynand most of all much better documented02:05
tomreynthis is relevant, too, and important to remember when combingin Location* and Directory* https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/sections.html#merging02:06
Harisubuntu should have enabled locationmatch directive in 14.0402:08
Harisa single regex doing most of the work02:08
Harisis it enabled in apache on 16.x or 18.x?02:08
sarnoldtomreyn: 100% agreed on the better apache docs. no doubt. nginx docs have been adequate for the little I do..02:09
HarisI'v had to put per url Location block in my apache2 vhost config file(s)02:09
Harismakes for lengthy config files02:09
tomreynsarnold: have you ever needed to prevent access to dotfiles except for /.well-known in nginx? have fun figuring this one out.02:10
sarnoldtomreyn: no, everything in the directory is meant for public consumption. :) "the little I do" :)02:10
tomreynHaris: i'm convinced that LocationMatch works in 14.04. what makes you thhink it does not?02:11
sarnoldtime for the weekend! good luck Haris, thanks tomreyn :)02:11
tomreynsarnold: :-) enjoy yours!02:11
Harisapache syntax check gives msg that its not yet implemented on it yet and it doesn't wrok02:11
Harisgood luck sarnold =)02:11
tomreynHaris: hmm and your apache2 package version is?02:12
Harison 14.0402:12
tomreynweird. ok. and Location ~ doesn't work either?02:13
Harisyep. it says it is not yet built for taking more than one argument02:13
Harisfor Location or LocationMatch or FilesMatch02:13
tomreynwell, then i guess it's good it's reaching end of life in three weeks.02:13
tomreynthere are 2.4.10 backports02:14
=== Wryhder is now known as Lucas_Gray
MJCDHey all18:19
MJCDAnyone used Git Virtual File System? (GVFS) ?18:19
MJCDi've heard it's not what I expect18:20
rypervencheMJCD: What are you expecting it to be?18:20
MJCDbasically what I want is a CI and then an autocommit on save, automatic pulls, automatic versioning, etc18:20
MJCDaccessible as a filesystem18:21
MJCDauto-update from core repo18:21
MJCDall sorts of stuff18:21
MJCDat a more basic level18:22
MJCDjust versioning of files, auto pull, auto commit18:22
MJCDCI determines whether it happens at all and triggers the thing18:22
MJCDand just auto incrementing revisions18:23
MJCDidc if the x.x.version is like 32049118:23
MJCDbut i've heard it's infact nothing like that18:25
MJCDlike it SOUNDS like it should be that18:26
MJCDbut isn't, and I can't remember18:26
=== tanuki_ is now known as tanuki
tinocorafaeldtinoco was removed by: rafaeldtinoco21:10

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