=== captain_fixerpc1 is now known as captainfixerpc14 === test is now known as Guest71251 [00:17] hi [00:18] where i can learn more about DNS leaks [00:18] ? [00:20] hi guys, using Ubuntu Jessie in a docker build, I'm getting: W: Failed to fetch http://deb.debian.org/debian/dists/jessie-updates/main/binary-amd64/Packages 404 Not Found [00:20] SDr Jessie is the name of a debian release, not a Ubuntu one. [00:22] SDr, Jessie is the name of a ToyStory character; as used by debian releases (outside of older releases pre-ToyStory) -- all of which are off-topic here [00:32] guiverc, understood, thank you. [00:54] hello all [00:55] on 14.04, in apache, for status mod, I'v configured require ip line. but its still opening /server-status for all other configured vhosts? [00:55] regardless [00:56] Haris: is this a new install? [00:56] nope. a very old one [00:57] Haris: you do know it will be EOL in exactly 31 days right? [00:57] its like the require ip or require all denied line has no affect [00:57] yes [00:57] I have to fix this security bug in prod [00:57] its showing out /server-status globally, regardless [00:57] Haris: have you tried #ubuntu-server or #apache? They might be better suited for this sort of issue [00:59] https://serverfault.com/questions/876115/unable-to-limit-apache-server-status-page-to-localhost maybe your answer [01:01] require local was already configured [01:01] I removed it to test just now [01:05] what context does ubuntu load the httpd modules enabled config files in? [01:28] join mmeeks === murthy is now known as murthy_ === sinner is now known as Guest54167 === murthy_ is now known as murthy === murthy is now known as murthy_ [02:07] do ppl still use bridge and tap [02:12] systemd? https://askubuntu.com/questions/978629/let-systemd-create-tun-tap-device-at-startup [02:20] do ppl still use that? [02:20] thank you [03:23] can someone give me default sources.list? [03:25] By default there will be a backup for your sources.list file on the same directory itself. /etc/apt/sources.list.save [03:26] is not [03:27] on 18.04 it should be [03:27] it's 18.10 and i'm using bedrock strata, probably bug.. -> need to make it myself [03:27] sane? `deb http://cz.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ cosmic main restricted universe multiverse contrib non-free` [03:30] "Ubuntu 16.04 will be supported for 5 years", meaning, it goes EOL in 2021 if my arithmetic hasn't gone totally South. I'm running Kubuntu 16.04. Will this receive the same full support for that time? [03:32] http://ix.io/1EQr sane? [03:32] sauvin, 3 years [03:32] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes/Kubuntu#Support_lifespan [03:33] That means Kubuntu 16.04 goes EOL in a few days, then? [03:33] i think so, yes. [03:34] How safe is it to click on the little button that pops up "A new version is available! Upgrade now!"? [03:34] * sauvin has never done a dist upgrade [03:35] sup sauvin [03:36] Not much, wassup with you? [03:38] 1. download the fresh 18,04 iso and put on usb. 2. no backup of data means data is not important 3. have fun upgrading! [03:39] Yeah, that's what I *usually* do. Installing a new distro takes about twenty minutes. What takes forever is re-installing all my STUFF. [03:40] ah i sent wrong URL, New URL http://ix.io/1EQs, requesting sanity check ty [03:40] sauvin: ' ubuntu-support-status ' . I expect that you will see that the kernel (main) is supported for 5 years. [03:41] can i use `deb rsync://mirror.dkm.cz/ubuntu/...` ? [03:41] Bashing-om, from what I'm reading, Ubuntu BASE is supported for five years. It's the KDE stuff on top of it that'll start to wobble. [03:42] sauvin: Yup . [03:42] i imagine rsync would be usefull for a private mirror [03:42] * sauvin is busily emptying out a partition [03:44] So I'm planning to install Ubuntu to my ThinkPad once I get it to boot (odd things are happening). Any specific flavour I should use? (I use Ubuntu MATE across most of my Linux stuff) [03:45] * the2048 is going to ask #ubuntu-offtopic as well [03:47] sources.list seems to work.. thanks for help (y) [03:59] what is executable for snapstore? [04:00] kreyren, huh? [04:00] i want to open snapstore via terminal [04:01] since i'm not using gnome and i can't find the shortcut [04:01] This is for snap apps? [04:01] yep store for snap apps [04:01] -> so that i can install snaps [04:01] Do you already have some snaps installed? [04:02] snap instal [04:02] That would be "install", I think. [04:02] snap not present, is there a package for it? [04:02] I tend to *find* stuff with something like snap find [04:03] ehm, even 18.10 has snap standard [04:03] this is not standart setup [04:03] this smells wonky [04:03] LoLz [04:03] What's the setup? [04:03] Bedrock Linux 0.7.2 with ubuntu strata [04:04] oh, and you make it a frankensteinubuntu :-D [04:04] good luck [04:04] Yeah, you're going to have to find a Frankenbuntu channel. [04:04] not franken it's running in containers using chroot() o.o [04:05] https://docs.snapcraft.io/installing-snap-on-ubuntu/6740 got it i think [04:08] yep got it :D [04:08] ty [04:10] you dont have steam snap? [04:12] did you look in snapcraft.io store? [04:12] yep https://snapcraft.io/search?q=Steam [04:13] or like how do you get steam on ubuntu? [04:13] ah steam-installer [04:14] which is broken lol [04:14] You use the steam PPA [04:14] where is steam ppa? [04:15] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/steam ? [04:15] * kreyren wonders why is ubuntu more complicated then gentoo [04:15] lotuspsychje, Hello! :) [04:16] kreyren, you are not official in title for support, so rant away with your wonky setup [04:16] Don't know, I always installed the package from the steam website [04:16] Mr_Cyclops: morning [04:16] OerHeks: again this is _NOT_ Frankenbuntu [04:17] frankenubuntu == system that uses packages from debian and ubuntu or other package managers -> this is container using chroot() [04:18] lotuspsychje, morning, though the clock just went pass midnight here. Btw, see you in ubuntu-discus [04:20] firefox is using hight cpu usage [04:20] anyone know how to fix this [04:21] How many tabs you got open [04:25] hi [04:27] gambl0re: compile it from source it uses less system resources when it doesn't have to support everything [04:28] Hrm. Clicking on the "Upgrade" button in Plasma Discover has precisely zero effect. [04:29] * kreyren still doesn't know how to get steam on ubuntu [04:30] * kreyren finds too much spam about different methods where neither of them works [04:31] kreyren: dont use notices in the support channel please [04:31] lotuspsychje: meaning [04:31] I didn't see any notices. [04:31] +1 [04:32] sauvin: * kreyren finds too much spam about different methods where neither of them works [04:32] elaborate [04:33] That wasn't a notice. It was an action. [04:33] kreyren: in #ubuntu-discuss [04:33] lotuspsychje: https://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=ubuntu+steam&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 [04:33] you have better way to describe it? [04:33] -> resolving issue with steam on ubuntu [04:34] -> is support matter [04:34] Goddamn it, I'm trying to do a dist upgrade, and all the repos are updated and all the latest packages are installed with sudo apt-get upgrade, but when I try to kdesudo "do-release-upgrade -m desktop -f DistUpgradeViewKDE", it says "please update all your packages". [04:36] sauvin, `sudo apt upgrade` can leave some behind; do a dist-upgrade or full-upgrade to ensure all packages are upgraded before do-release-upgrade (and please skip the language @ start) [04:36] sauvin: assuming that your /etc/apt/sources.list* and /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades is set appropriately for said version? [04:37] kreyren, not for the target version, just for the current version. guiverc: noted. [04:37] why do you need a do-release-upgrade then? it's used to upgrade whole system on new version afaik [04:37] apt-get full-upgrade doesn't upgrade anything. [04:38] sauvin, `apt-get dist-upgrade` (or apt full-upgrade) - full-upgrade is an apt option. [04:38] apt != apt-get ? [04:39] Nothing is updating, and do-release-upgrade is saying "install all available updates". [04:39] This is officially a Catch-22. [04:40] sauvin: elaborate on what are you doing? [04:40] Trying to jump from Kubuntu 16.04 to 18.04 using do-release-upgrade. [04:41] sent output of `cat /etc/apt/sources.list` and `cat /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades` [04:41] I understand now why the plasma-discover "upgrade" button has zero effect. It thinks the package manager is confused. [04:41] sauvin, you possibly need to reboot for all your upgrades to take effect (or restart services etc - reboot is often faster).. [04:41] I'll try a reboot, but nothing sugggested a reboot would be needed. [04:42] sauvin: ping me if ubuntu ppl tell you to reinstall :p [05:02] !register [05:02] For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode. === murthy_ is now known as murthy [05:13] I am using 18.10 . I have a GTX 560Ti discreet card on my system. I have two notification of Nvidia drivers version 340.107 and version 390 which is tested. However installing any of them renders my computer to 600x400 which I am unable to change. [05:14] nvidia-xconfig and then nvidia-settings should help [05:15] in terminal ? [05:15] yes [05:15] nvidia-xconfig will update your xorg.conf file [05:16] should I add sudo ? [05:16] no need [05:16] well I guess it wont hurt [05:17] sudo nvidia-xconfig <- will update the xorg.conf file and sudo nvidia-settings will give you a gui to change your resolution [05:18] Which driver should I download ? [05:18] 390 or 340 ? [05:19] 390 [05:20] Will I get the NVidia control panel ? [05:20] that is nvidia-settings [05:24] Many updates, upgrades and a couple of reboots later, and do-release-upgrade still adamantly tells me to install all available updates. [05:24] It is BROKEN. [05:26] sauvin: pastebin 'sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade' [05:27] Did that. Nothing upgrades. [05:27] sauvin: from wich release to wich? [05:27] Trying to go from 16.04 to 18.04. [05:28] !ltsupgrade [05:28] Upgrade from 16.04 to current 18.04 is now available, if you do not receive the upgrade window try update-manager -c [05:29] there was this bug about update-manager before on 16.04 i recall [05:30] do-release-upgrade is catatonic, so, maybe update-manager will fare better. [05:30] (when the !@#$@%# finally installs....) [05:32] OH... hey... duya tee eff, man.... do-release-upgrade is doing something now. [05:33] I didn't do anything except apt install update-manager. [06:06] Hey guys there used to be a command to switch opengl from nvidia to mesa without uninstalling the nvidia drivers, but as of 18.10 it stopped working. It was something like update-alternatives... how to do this? === Class7_ is now known as Class7 [08:10] Good morning! [08:11] Hello! === murthy is now known as murthy_ [08:18] welcome Moonsilence liquid-silence [08:24] quiet here today === murthy_ is now known as murthy [08:32] liquid-silence: its because this isnt a chat, but support room [08:33] o/ [08:36] I have question. Maybe anybody know the problem. I have ubuntu bionic 18.04 and want to use texlive wiht tlmgr package manager. I can't install packages cus of Remote repository is newer than local (2017 < 2018)". Does it possible to install texlive 2018 on ubuntu bionic 18.04? [08:37] note: I have 32bit core [08:52] trafaret1, maybe useful - https://github.com/blang/latex-docker/issues/21 [09:18] Whenever I try to install ubuntu, I get dropped in a prompt with the name "initramfs", does anyone know an article on how to debug what went wrong? [09:32] i have a clean, updated 16.04. the ALT+TAB window switching is showing the normal switcher and an opengl-accelerated switcher ontop of that.. how do I get rid of it? [09:42] Can you advice ? I can't install TeamViewer on 18.04 [09:42] https://pastebin.com/FyhijS0S [09:43] I can't install libqt5gui5 as well [09:43] https://pastebin.com/9W6QJn0t [09:53] Trangar, if an install failed; the first thing I would do is verify the install-media (I do this before install usually; but always if there was a problem; the secs it takes save hours-days of diagnosis) [09:55] XATRIX, https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=all&searchon=names&keywords=libqt5widgets5 shows the libqt5widgets5 looks fine to me, so I'd check your sources, and ensure you are using a valid & up-to-date mirror [09:56] XATRIX, check your mirror on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors (if using a country mirror, ping it to get IP & whois to work out who provides it if it's unknown to you) [09:57] XATRIX: download latest pacakage for teamviewer teamviewer_14.2.2558_amd64.deb [09:58] can you take a look on this: http://i.imgur.com/hV7o8IF.png [09:58] I removed installed packages of teamviewer, and tried to reinstall libqt5gui5, but still no go [09:58] i'll check the mirror as for now [10:00] XATRIX, the key with that link was any mirror that has "Last update unknown" (meaning the counter is beyond it's limit) should be changed to the main, or another... [10:02] hi [10:03] Hi guilherme, if you have a Ubuntu Support question, please just ask it (ideally in a single line, and be patient as someone will answer when & if they can) [10:05] guiverc: http://i.imgur.com/fSVaSxm.png [10:05] that's the mirror i'm on [10:05] do i have to switch to main ? [10:06] 1 day behind - mirror is not your problem. I'd check your sources; eg. `apt-cache policy [the package I looked up before]` [10:07] not installed, but there's a candidate for === sinner is now known as Guest48028 [10:08] XATRIX, single lines only, pastebinit if multi-line please [10:08] got it [10:09] guiverc: https://paste.debian.net/1075298/ [10:09] chek this pls [10:11] XATRIX, sorry I missed the key line - this is not your problem; you have unfixed issues from before that command that need fixing first "You might want to run 'apt --fix-broken install' to correct these" [10:12] 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. [10:12] do i really have ? [10:13] apt says nothing to fix\install === sinner is now known as Guest23756 [10:13] XATRIX, i gotta step away for awhile, you'll have to wait or someone maybe can help [10:13] yea, anyway thanks for advice. good luck! === mouses is now known as longcat [10:18] 'Morning folks [10:19] this is what happend with [10:19] https://pastebin.com/BF0MQA6E [10:19] how can i downgrade that lib ? [10:19] without it complete removal [10:24] jeremy31: oi [10:27] Hi, does anyone know why is linux-image-generic-hwe-18.04-edge in not available in the repos? Further - why is it installed in my system - I don't have Canonical Kernel Team PPA enabled [10:31] I see it comes from bionic-proposed/main - but why is it broken then? [10:31] Aren't those supposed to be stable? [10:32] (I mean not "tested", but at least no absent packages) [10:37] maria [10:38] mozgiii, because tyhere was a kernel upgrade this morning [10:44] BluesKaj: so? is it broken on every update? I'm asking because I need to decide what proposed means - it in the standard repos, but it behaves just as a no-guarantees PPA... [10:46] mozgiii, stay away from proposed ppas, they are basically untested dev packages [10:46] I thought I knew what I was signing for when I enabled it, but seems like it's a bit different [10:48] BluesKaj: I'm ok with that, but not ok with kernel annoying me by the partially-completed builds blocking updates :) I'll just disable it for now [10:50] thx === Sveta_ is now known as Sveta [11:07] no, it assumes the free market can find the best solution. if someone is being too immoral, customers won't buy from them and nobody will work for them [11:07] sorry [11:07] I wasn't meant to post that. [11:07] My keyboard is acting a bit iffy. [11:08] Dear GOD/GODS and/or anyone else who can HELP ME (e.g. MEMBERS OF SUPER-INTELLIGENT ALIEN CIVILIZATIONS): The next time I wake up, please change my physical form to that of FINN MCMILLAN of SOUTH NEW BRIGHTON at 8 YEARS OLD and keep it that way FOREVER. I am so sick of this chubby Asian man body! Thank you! - CHAUL JHIN KIM (a.k.a. A DESPERATE SOUL) [11:09] ecormier: please take the off topic spam somewhere else. === elias_a is now known as Guest37955 === Katnip is now known as Guest33342 === al2o3-cr is now known as Guest28422 [11:18] guiverc: turns out windows still had the disk locked, I had to boot into windows, shut down properly, and then it worked === Guest33342 is now known as katnip- === katnip- is now known as Guest51520 === Guest51520 is now known as Katnip_ [11:26] I believe if you disable hibernation in windows you wont ever have to deal with that again [11:29] buna la toti [11:30] este vreun roman pe aici_ === gr33n7007h is now known as al2o3-cr [11:30] stie cineva de ce nu se poate instala pe un getac s400 g2 ubuntu? === BurekzFinezt is now known as Burek [12:11] !ping [12:11] pong! [12:13] hello everyone. i am having a hard time. i have spent a while trying to install linux and was only successful by installing the ubuntu server then adding ubuntu-desktop on top of it. but i am still getting tons of crashes and segmentation faults and lzma errors when trying to unpack files to install. need any help i can get to be honest [12:14] obiwangeobi: which programs are you trying to install? [12:14] which ubuntu version are you sing? [12:14] *using [12:15] so far when i run firefox it crashes every few seconds. which makes searching for answers a little difficult. and the lzma error comes for any archive i try to extract. [12:15] when i run apt update it will work one time then the next it will say segmentation fault [12:17] obiwangeobi: try launching firefox from a terminal in case it gives any errors there, also paste the apt-get update error and look in "dmesg -w" for anything that shows up [12:19] hi all o/ [12:20] is possible to set the size of a windows to a certain value? (for example 1920x1080) [12:20] realnot: look into "devilspie" [12:21] I'm using gnome-boxes to virtualize windows 10. Inside windows I can select different screen resolution like 1920x1080 and 2560x1600. But my monitor has 2560x1440 [12:21] so i thought to resize gnome-boxes exactly to 1920x1080 (the same on windows guest) [12:22] EriC^^: cool [12:23] usually in virtualbox for instance if you set the guest to a certain resolution it sets the window to the same size, maybe there's a gnome-boxes setting somewhere? === ayekat is now known as MisterrT [12:31] EriC^^: no, can't find it === MisterrT is now known as ayekat === longcat is now known as mouses [12:43] me ubuntu broken, help me http://dpaste.com/3AQ3BWT [12:49] kreyren: what's the output of ~/Downloads [12:49] kreyren: what's the output of ls ~/Downloads [12:51] why is output of Downloads relevant? [12:55] looks like /run/snapd.socket is missing, so I'd guess that snapd is not running [12:55] what is snapd.socket [12:56] a socket file, used to communicate with the snap daemon [12:56] noted, how do i fix it? [12:57] I don't use snaps, so I can't tell more - but I'd guess that checking if snapd runs would be first thing [12:58] kreyren: looks like atom doesnt sit in the repos, so you must hae downloaded it, that's why it's relevant [12:59] !find atom [12:59] Found: libatomic-ops-dev, libatomic1, libatomic1-arm64-cross, libatomic1-armhf-cross, libatomic1-dbg, libatomic1-powerpc-cross, libatomic1-ppc64el-cross, libboost-atomic1.65-dev, libboost-atomic1.65.1, libx32atomic1 (and 110 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=atom&searchon=names&suite=bionic§ion=all [12:59] MonkeyDust: installing it from provided .deb is not an option atm [13:00] ayekat: snapd || snap service doesn't exist [13:00] ayekat: there is Daemons option in snap command, but it doesn't seem to be recognized [13:00] Usage: snap [...] -> snap Daemonds --help -> syntax err [13:01] seems to depend on systemd [13:01] probably [13:02] I'd expect there to be a snapd.service or something at the least [13:02] maybe also snapd.socket [13:03] ayekat: `sudo rc-update -v show | grep snap` outputs blank -> service not present [13:03] kreyren: well, it doesn't exactly *depend* on systemd - it merely provides unit files to let systemd manage it [13:04] kreyren: but the package probably doesn't provide anything for other supervisors, because ubuntu runs with systemd [13:04] >ubuntu runs with systemd [13:04] meaning [13:04] kreyren: so if you want it to work with an initscripts-based supervisor, you'll probably have to write your own initscript :-) [13:04] ah [13:04] mb missread it [13:05] writing custom initscript is an option, but i dont know what is required to start it [13:05] kreyren: read the docs :-) [13:05] you dont know? [13:06] kreyren: I mean, if you switch out one of the core components of a system, I'd expect you to know a bit better how to maintain that system [13:06] kreyren: no, I use systemd [13:06] I'm happy we've left the days of initscripts behind, to be honest [13:07] output of `apt-cache rdepends snapd`? [13:07] -> list deps of snapd [13:07] * kreyren prefers initscripts over stopjobs any day [13:08] yeah, well I'm not here to have a systemd debate - but fact is: ubuntu packages are built to work with systemd [13:08] everything else is your responsibility [13:09] like i can start systemd, but i would rather not [13:10] isn't there any other channel where i could ask to get the answer i'm looking for without the need to read the docs, because i'm lazy? [13:10] if you're too lazy to read the docs, then why did you do something like replacing systemd...? O_o [13:14] because i hate wasting time with systemd issues that are not present on openrc that is also faster o_o [13:15] well, right now you're wasting your time with issues you get because you are not using systemd - how's that better? [13:15] i solve it once -> make PR to bedrock and i won't have to care about that issue anymore [13:16] -> i will resolve simmilar issues faster thanks to informations gathered from previous issue [13:16] -> if it can improve effectiveness of my system by 0,0001% it's worth of my time :p [13:16] I mean - I rarely use the defaults, and I often change stuff to behave differently as well - but then I know I'm on my own and have to resolve issues on my own, and I don't go ask basic support questions [13:18] i dont think it's basic assuming that the error is not helpful and it's faster to ask sometimes then self-diagnosing it.. + it's ubuntu have you ever seen non-basic question here lol [13:18] also, this is #ubuntu, so it's pretty much the wrong place to ask for bedrock+openrc questions [13:18] asking ubuntu questions [13:18] yes, but with a problem that is not happening on ubuntu [13:19] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/1631514 https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snap-d-error-cannot-communicate-with-server-connection-refused/6093 https://github.com/Microsoft/WSL/issues/2972 [13:19] Launchpad bug 1631514 in snapd (Ubuntu) "snap doesnt work. error: cannot communicate with server" [Undecided,Expired] [13:19] * kreyren hmmmmmmmmmmmmm [13:21] kreyren: yes, none of these issues are relevant [13:21] why not [13:21] the first one is someone using manjaro, the second one is someone having weird permissions on one of the relevant directories, and the third one... is WSL [13:22] also, I've got things to do, and since you've already been trolling on #debian, I will drop my "assume good faith" cloak now - good bye [13:22] all of which are ubuntu excluding the arch linux part [13:23] not trolling, trying to solve it [13:23] and was interested what is your argument [13:23] ty for info tho [13:24] hello, I’m having some issues booting from a live USB, can someone help me with it? [13:24] LvdT: what happens when you try [13:24] what is your filesystem LvdT [13:25] it says “failed to open \EFI\UBUNTU\grubx64.efi” [13:25] and indeed there is no such folder, but it’s \EFI\BOOT on the USB disk [13:25] my filesystem... on the USB? I just wrote the iso using the startup disk creator [13:27] LvdT: is there such folder on provided source? if so your ubuntu image failed to be parsed on your bootable device [13:27] no, as I said, the folder on the USB disk is named BOOT and not UBUNTU [13:27] but I apparently can’t rename it [13:27] what source are you using for ubuntu image [13:28] I downloaded both the 18.10 and 19.04-beta from the official ubuntu site [13:28] URL? [13:28] actually the 18.10 came from the torrent [13:28] http://releases.ubuntu.com/18.10/ubuntu-18.10-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent [13:29] this is the one I’m trying to use now [13:29] checking [13:30] and what is your filesystem on the bootable device [13:31] expected FAT16, FAT32 [13:33] output from fdisk is: /dev/sdd1 * 0 3905279 3905280 1.9G 0 Empty and /dev/sdd2 3828884 3833811 4928 2.4M ef EFI (FAT-12/16/32) [13:33] seems sane [13:33] well, the first partition is type 0 which seems odd [13:33] but I have no idea how a live USB is supposed to work [13:34] BIOS usually needs 2MB of unformatted partition on the beginning of the bootable device, but your issue doesn't seem to be related to that [13:35] LvdT: is it possible that you've had something Ubuntu-related installed on that machine previously? [13:36] I’m running ubuntu there right now, it’s how I’m chatting [13:36] I bought a new SSD and I need to install the OS on that one now [13:36] because the boot device itself doesn't appear to reference EFI/UBUNTU in any way, so perhaps it's just an entry in your firmware (and the ISO is actually fine) [13:37] LvdT: check the output of `efibootmgr -v` [13:37] LvdT: perhaps there's an entry there that references \EFI\UBUNTU\… [13:38] LvdT: if installation is looking for /EFI/UBUNTU/grubx64.efi but /EFI/BOOT/grubx64.efi is present i would try to rename BOOT -> UBUNTU [13:38] kreyren: the install device is probably fine [13:38] Boot0000* ubuntu HD(1,MBR,0x98ccaab7,0x800,0x5f000)/File(\EFI\UBUNTU\SHIMX64.EFI) [13:38] also you can't rename anything in there, because it's read-only anyway [13:38] LvdT: ah, voilà - that's probably the culprit :-) [13:38] kreyren, that was my first try, but the option to rename is greyed out [13:39] LvdT: invoke `sudo nautilus` and rename it this way assuming you dont have permission [13:39] tried that [13:39] kreyren: it won't work, again [13:39] kreyren: it's a read-only filesystem [13:39] mount it as rw then [13:39] ... [13:39] stop it [13:39] ayekat, so... how do I fix that? [13:39] ayekat: what that's how i would solve it o.o [13:40] LvdT: so you said there is already an ubuntu installed on your machine? [13:40] yup, there is [13:41] and do you have the EFI system partition on the hard drive mounted? (the one that's responsible for booting your ubuntu) [13:41] it is probably mounted as /boot or /boot/efi, not sure [13:41] LvdT: does /sys/firmware/EFI exists on your current ubuntu? [13:42] looks like I do [13:42] but there should then be an EFI directory underneath - check if it contains an UBUNTU directory - if not, that Boot0000 entry is probably bogus and can be removed [13:42] /dev/sdc1 mounted as /boot/efi [13:42] LvdT: also, please paste the full output of efibootmgr somewhere [13:43] LvdT: post url from terminal> efibootmgr | nc termbin.com 9999 [13:43] ayekat: https://pastebin.com/unpHjSuX [13:44] jeremy31, https://termbin.com/vcy0 [13:44] as for the contents of EFI: there’s a BOOT folder and a ubuntu folder (lowercase) [13:45] alright, so the entries are probably actually fine [13:45] what about copying BOOT into UBUNTU which is expected assuming that EFI/BOOT is required for runtime too [13:46] I’d rather not mess up the configuration of my “working” system, especially since I’m not sure at this point I’d be able to reinstall it [13:46] not your working system, just the bootable device [13:46] kreyren: again, you can't modify it - it's read-only [13:46] I can’t modify anything on the USB... [13:46] and it's also just a poor attempt at fixing the symptoms [13:46] ayekat: mount it a rw assuming it's mounted of working system to be modified [13:47] LvdT: how do you boot from the USB? F2/F12/… something before the system starts? [13:47] F12, oddly enough there is two options for the disk [13:47] agree that it's poor attempt [13:47] kreyren: no, you cannot [13:47] why not [13:47] kreyren: I repeat - the FILESYSTEM is read-only [13:47] kreyren: it doesn't support writing [13:47] why is not mounting it as rw an option [13:48] one is named ubuntu (toshiba whatever diskname) and the other just toshiba whatever diskname [13:48] kreyren: it doesn't. support. writing. the filesystem. it doesn't. support. it. [13:48] kreyren: it's exactly as if you had inserted a CD - you can't write to the CD [13:48] doubt.. it's FAT32 [13:48] kreyren: that's the kind of filesystem on that USB [13:49] kreyren: doesn't matter [13:49] doubt, how did he get the ubuntu on it in the first time then [13:49] LvdT: do you have secure-boot enabled or something? [13:49] +1 [13:49] kreyren: dd - but that's a different layer [13:49] uh... I have no idea? do I have to check in the bios for that? [13:49] kreyren: sure, you can modify the bits and bytes on the disk directly - but not by mounting the filesystem [13:50] you can mount it as read+write on linux.. thats like core functionality of fstab [13:50] kreyren: *sigh* [13:50] kreyren: ok, go, try and see [13:51] kreyren: come back when you can actually prove what you claim [13:51] k [13:51] ayekat, do I need to check in the bios for secureboot, or is there a way to find out from the OS? [13:52] lvdt, in ubuntu termina> mokutil --sb-state [13:52] disabled [13:52] LvdT: to be honest, at this point I'm just guessing - it appears as if the firmware can't find the EFI files on the USB, but I'm not knowledgable enough in that area [13:53] would trying a different USB stick help? [13:54] it may be worth a try - the Toshiba options are only for the internal disk, I assume (unless you've got a toshiba USB drive) [13:54] yeah, the toshiba is the USB [13:54] ah [13:54] although it doesn’t say toshiba on the stick itself... but it’s always been labelled that way [13:55] ayekat: https://i.imgur.com/4T13CL1.png hmmmmmmmmm [13:55] kreyren: you missed the point entirely [13:55] kreyren: mount an ubuntu (or any other OS installation) live disk, and try modifying things in there [13:56] ayekat: /dev/sda2 on /mnt/test type vfat (rw,relatime,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro) [13:56] yes, I don't care [13:56] actually yeah, it’s not vfat [13:56] mtab gives me /dev/sdd1 /media/irene/Ubuntu\04018.10\040amd64 iso9660 [13:57] yes, and ISO-9660 is what's typically used for CDs and DVDs [13:57] like - read-only media [13:57] you can then put a FAT filesystem on top of that (again, not knowledgable enough for the details), and you get essentially a read-only FAT [13:58] well, I found another USB stick, it’s Snail.0, but it’s worth a try [13:59] LvdT: how did you write the USB, by the way? [13:59] startup disk creator [13:59] as you've got an Ubuntu at your hands, maybe just try with dd [13:59] i.e. sudo dd if=theubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdx (where sdx is your USB drive - careful) [14:00] yup, I used to do it all by hand once [14:00] ayekat: https://i.imgur.com/6PRttcp.png hmmmmmm [14:00] I’ll try that when this one is done writing [14:01] kreyren: now you're just trolling [14:01] ayekat: nah you just export this to .iso now or export it on FAT32 bootable device [14:02] *like normal ppl* [14:02] kreyren: sure, but that's something else - you essentially regenerate an ISO [14:02] ayekat: which reaches expected result [14:02] LvdT: netinstall not an option? [14:03] http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/cosmic-updates/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ [14:03] is netinstall on the server image? [14:03] also have fun generating the ISO that way, because you'll be missing quite a bunch of other things that are on the rest of the ISO [14:04] oh, there... I can try that one as well [14:05] LvdT: i think that provided link is desktop tho [14:05] checking [14:06] no, no, I meant to ask if the netinstall image was the server image, because those are the only two “easily available” options on the website [14:06] doubt it assuming that mini.iso is neither afaik [14:06] yup, I understand now [14:06] http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/18.04.2/release/ubuntu-18.04.2-server-amd64.iso mby? [14:07] from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/18.04.2/release/?_ga=2.224977690.1041228742.1553918599-846810610.1553918599 [14:07] the mini.iso doesn't support UEFI, also [14:07] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD <- but it tells you to use the server image instead [14:07] it's mini.iso it supports nothing as expected [14:07] oh, I think (I’m not so sure) that I had issues when I first installed this computer and tried using a non-UEFI image [14:08] it was my first UEFI system, so... yeah [14:08] can't you pick server installation on netinstall btw. ? [14:08] afaik possible on debian and opengeeko [14:08] debian doesn't really distinguish between "server" and "desktop" [14:09] there isn't much difference anyway [14:10] well, I’ll be rebooting now and trying to see if it works using another stick, or if the dd-written stick works [14:10] thanks for the assistance for now [14:10] good luck [14:10] hey guys, does someone know of a good png compression (command line) tool? pngquant seems allright, but I need something that can get me result similar to tinypng's [14:11] ciao [14:11] newmariobros [14:21] Jon30: https://pngquant.org/ ? [14:35] Where do I find Android SDK to provide to Eclipse? [14:35] I mean on the system [14:41] well, turns out the other USB stick worked [14:42] so problem solved, just popping by to say thanks again === tga0 is now known as Guest48966 [15:13] Hi All [15:14] welcome qwebirc15374 [15:14] I am getting "Unexpected SPCR Access Width" error while install from USB drive. [15:14] Please help me. [15:15] qwebirc15374: wich ubuntu did you burn on your usb, and wich tool did you use? [15:17] I download "kubuntu-18.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso" [15:17] Tool is "rufus-3.5" [15:18] qwebirc15374: so you getting this error at boot text? stops there? ir during install? [15:18] *or [15:21] hi [15:21] hola [15:21] hi [15:22] qwebirc15374: what kind of system is that? Os, ram? hd? brand? [15:22] how can I check which programs installed with apt are yousing "somepackage" ? [15:22] i dont understand you [15:22] ok [15:23] !es | programator_311 [15:23] programator_311: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. [15:23] i am a simple person, using linux [15:23] programator_311: do you have an ubuntu question? [15:23] no thanks [15:23] programator_311: please be silent then [15:23] ok [15:23] holy mother of scrollbacks [15:24] i am discovering the hexchat [15:24] !chat | programator_311 [15:24] programator_311: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [15:24] its my first time [15:24] ok [15:24] bye [15:28] Why am I getting this: ~$ logger -s Hello logger: socket /dev/log: No such file or directory [15:29] relipse2: wich ubuntu version do you have, what are you trying to do? [15:35] hola [15:37] hay alguien [15:37] yo aqui probando esto [15:37] no hablamos espanol aqui [15:37] i am learning ubuntu [15:37] !es | vrayro [15:37] vrayro: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. [15:38] tienes q escribir ingles :) [15:38] hey, I have to run nomodeset to boot up, and the graphics is stuck too 800 x 600 on install/live mode, the install menu window is larger than the display making me unable to install ubuntu, any ideas? [15:38] thank [15:38] beanfrog: wich graphics card chipset? [15:39] intel i7700hq intergrated and nvidia gtx 1050i [15:39] beanfrog: for gtx cards thats normal to getin with nomodeset, thenw e reccomend a later driver from the ubuntu graphics ppa [15:39] !nvidia | beanfrog [15:39] beanfrog: For nvidia and matrox graphics cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto . For AMD/ATI graphics cards, see « /msg ubottu ati » and « /msg ubottu fglrxmissing » For the latest Nvidia drivers see https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa [15:41] thanks i will try this [15:41] beanfrog: try a 390 or higher from the ppa [16:17] hello === tga0 is now known as Guest77125 [16:46] hey kings === sinner is now known as Guest2990 [17:17] snap install foobillard-plus === jose is now known as jose__ === jose| is now known as jose [17:32] Hi. help me please, I have ubuntu and I wanna install a dual boot with windows 10 but in gparted I can't make a new partition.. [17:32] adh: The Ubuntu installer will prompt you to resize your existing Windows partition. [17:32] adh: It will not simply overwrite Windows without asking. [17:32] basicly one installs windows 10 first, then ubuntu [17:32] If you installed ubuntu first you going to have a bad time [17:32] Random audio glitches in Firefox from the repos. Firefox snap is fine. Restarting Firefox fixes it. Suggestions? [17:33] i have only ubuntu, not windows [17:33] adh, is Windows 10 installed in Legacy rather than EFI? [17:33] granted it's been years since this happened, ... gparted and resizing stuff like NTFS is iffy [17:33] Ok, so i have to uninstall ubuntu, then install windows and finally reinstall ubuntu [17:33] though i couldn't speak for the partitioners in the installer, these days [17:33] and you cannot make free space in a running system, use a live iso for that [17:34] adh what does terminal say> mokutil --sb-state [17:35] if you are going to do a clean install of Ubuntu, then I'd install windows first (the windows installer usually .. whether a user wants it this way or not) wipes out other partitions ... that's why it's recommended to install Windows first, at times [17:36] actually it's because the bootloader will be messed up if you do windows last [17:36] Install Windows 10 in UEFI mode, not legacy [17:37] that could be it, but if you select "use entire disk" on the windows installer, it will wipe out partitions too, IF you are not careful [17:39] Ok, thank you guys, you are the best!! [17:42] hi [17:42] welcome hubertjjj [17:42] my first time on IRC [17:42] ! [17:43] !chat | hubertjjj [17:43] hubertjjj: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! === Wryhder is now known as Lucas_Gray [18:01] aye folks! I wouldnt consider myself a NEWB -however - I was unaware control+shift+f2 in ubuntu did what it did [18:01] Hi, If someone has secure boot enabled, and he compiles some kernel module, he won't be able to modprobe it because it's unsigned? [18:01] so here i am - fullscreen terminal only [18:01] hey alkisg nice to see you [18:02] lol while I can handle cli only - I kind of miss my GUI [18:02] do I just restart from here? lol [18:02] Hi lotuspsychje! :) [18:02] alkisg: correct, unless they make a machine owners key and use mokutil [18:02] Thank you jeremy31 [18:03] I was trying to remember the shortcut to get the command promp? I thought it was control alt f2/con shf f2? Ive used it minimally I believe just to do a restart without restarting the box? [18:03] !tty | rad [18:03] rad: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login). To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution [18:03] Kind of digg fullscreen terminal - if I could split multiple sessions and edit this font [18:03] no shit! awesome ! so I can bounce back.. [18:03] NICE! you rock! thank you! [18:05] dude so I get 7 different sessions - well 6 I guess.... 7 being the standard.. thats pretty badass - While fullscreening Terminator/Terminal is ok - this is much more 'terminal' feel loolol thanks again [18:06] last question - so is this session stored anywhere else? ie) can I retrieve this terminal window from inside my gui? or are they treated as separate sessions? [18:15] is there a terminal based browser? Im trying to test myself and keep from going back to UI now lol - I used googler but it seems to ..well, there must be something better? [18:15] more functional rather === SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk === SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL [18:17] hello [18:18] !info links2 | rad [18:18] rad: links2 (source: links2): Web browser running in both graphics and text mode. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.14-5build1 (bionic), package size 2869 kB, installed size 4739 kB [18:18] Anyone used Git Virtual File System? (GVFS) ? [18:18] i've heard that it's not what I expect [18:19] actually ill ask in -server <3 [18:21] how are you [18:21] motherfuckers [18:21] !language | lucas [18:21] lucas: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList [18:21] stupid people [18:22] lucas: type /exit [18:22] fuck you [18:22] motherfucker [18:23] stupid [18:23] dddd [18:23] d [18:23] d [18:23] d [18:23] d [18:23] links2 - i just found lynx too seems? Ima check both out - appreciated! [18:23] welcome rad === tga0 is now known as Guest48359 [18:26] alright I SWEAR Im done after this because Im kind of realizing with tizonia for music, irc for entertainment (as long as folks remain active which blows me away folks still are after all these years! lol) .... [18:26] links 2 /lynx for browser - I mean I dont really need the GUI to be honest.. so any web developers or programmers in general - anyone use a complete terminal based IDE for coding? or nah that going a bit too far? [18:27] like course I can nano, vim - or.. (add your recommendation here) [18:27] rad: keep discussions for #ubuntu-discuss please [18:27] just cant imagine coding full time in nano or vi lol [18:27] yeah guess im skurrying away there aint i [18:27] here only ubuntu support [18:27] terminal based IDE? ;> [18:27] sry yall got me this far tho im good ;) on my system its alt-f1 for the UI tho not f7 [18:27] hardly an isuee tho [18:29] d [18:29] d [18:29] d [18:29] d [18:29] d [18:33] how do you scroll up in tty? I have google yes :X [18:36] rad: shift + page up [18:38] d [18:38] d [18:38] d [18:38] d [18:38] d [18:38] !ops | lucas flood abuse [18:38] lucas flood abuse: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax [18:40] Hi [18:40] Eh. [18:41] so I'm in live mode an updated a graphics driver, is restarting the lightdm service enough to restart the graphics and use new driver without reboot? [18:41] d [18:41] d [18:41] d [18:41] d [18:41] d [18:41] beanfrog: wich ubuntu version are you on? [18:41] studio 18.04 === BurekzFinezt is now known as Burek [18:42] beanfrog: you mean live mode setup? [18:42] the try mode [18:42] with the setup tool tag [18:42] yeah * [18:43] beanfrog: why would you install nvidia driver in the live? [18:43] beanfrog: install ubuntu physical and install nvidia driver from there [18:43] only have 800x600 with nomodeset, installed an nvidia driver to try get more reso [18:44] beanfrog: you can enter system nomodeset after an install too [18:45] can't install due to low resolution [18:45] unless there a terminal install option [18:50] can't find UUID=`` [18:51] genpaku, blkid [18:52] so the Image Viewer is failing to render some images, I get a blank screen [18:52] beanfrog: do you have to boot with nomodeset, though? [18:53] I know the devs are trying but c'mon man... this OS can even render an image in its image viewer [18:53] beanfrog: xrandr may help you set a different mode (or install arandr) [18:54] beanfrog: if neither works for you, you can install using the alternative server, then, after booting into it, install ubuntu-desktop. [18:54] !details | genpaku [18:54] genpaku: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel. [18:55] yeah without nomodeset i get cpu hard locks, can never boot up, xrandr i added custom reso with cvt and it just won't switch to it, failed to get gamma size as xrandr errors if related [18:55] tomreyn: Hello! Thank you so much for your assistance the other night. I'm back up and running! [18:55] Lorraine: good to hear this. you're welcome! [18:56] tomreyn: that just maybe the way to do it, when installing the desktop will it automatically install graphics drivers? (not preferred) [18:56] wondows: obviously that's not so for mos tusers. [18:58] I really hope not [18:58] beanfrog: graphics drivers are provided out of the box in all supported hardware configurations. there is not always just a single choice for graphics drivers. [18:58] (*cant, btw) [18:59] wondows: if you are trying to get assistence with solving a specific issue, and that's the only thing this channel is for, please describe the issue. [18:59] use proper open formats, 'some image' smells fishy [19:01] this image https://i.imgur.com/KfVQhTt.jpg [19:02] !details | wondows, see the list of details we'll need [19:02] wondows, see the list of details we'll need: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel. [19:06] the devs of imgur do pretty good === Guest27134 is now known as cybercrypto [19:07] beanfrog: what's your hardware, which (exact) ubuntu version are you trying to install? [19:14] it is a problem with any linux os, always get hard/soft locks trying to boot up, went through with a friend trying to debug, and nomodeset seems too allow bootup, they suspected it was the nvidia driver the problem [19:15] known issue for nvidia [19:15] !nomodeset [19:15] A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter [19:16] that would work if ubuntu was already installed [19:17] it is also an option during install , with F6 when asked try/install [19:20] Is there any example server block for letsencrypt? [19:21] justme23: what is a "server block"? [19:23] There are plenty of examples on the website of configurations albeit no block because there is not one required [19:23] beanfrog: i'd say the issue is not with the linux kernel, but with the drivers provided by the graphics card vendor you chose. but surely that's a matter of perspective, and a topic for #ubuntu-offtopic rather. [19:24] infinmed_: the "website of configurations"? [19:24] the cerbot documentation [19:25] so far we don't even know whether that's the LE client justme23 is using. === sinner is now known as Guest58976 [19:25] https://certbot.eff.org/all-instructions [19:26] https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-let-s-encrypt-with-nginx-server-blocks-on-ubuntu-16-04 perhaps? [19:27] they have a program thag foes that for you now [19:27] that does [19:30] i mean you can manually add the key to your server block but you can look in nginx docs for those options and find the key in the fullchain in /etc/letsencrypt i presume === test is now known as Guest55425 [19:31] not positive wheee ubuntu might place it otherwise [19:31] and cert that id but i think they are in one pem [19:33] i can give you my two lines it requires ine moment [19:35] i will uh put my nginx conf at logiplex.net/nginx.txt in less than 60 seconds you can look if you want === tanuki_ is now known as tanuki [19:38] those two ssl key and cert lines jnside the ssl block is all you need [19:38] infinmed_: are you monologue to yourself? === tga0 is now known as Guest98708 === mouses is now known as longcat === sinner is now known as Guest44744 [20:26] hey hey. [20:32] Anyone got some good favorites for learning some python? Specifically I'd like to learn how to write a data crawler using scrapy. Mostly to scrap data off sports sites to do some quick data stats for a little project. [20:35] !ot | hi kZo [20:35] hi kZo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [20:36] there's also #python [20:37] some python editions https://fullcirclemagazine.org/special-editions/ https://www.hotscripts.com/category/scripts/python/magazine-articles/ [20:40] thanks OerHeks. Checking them out. === veebox is now known as daddy0 [21:19] Hello ! [21:19] I am French and I come here because it's a little dead on the FR channel. [21:19] hi lost1985 [21:19] I wanted help, if possible, about a question of data backup, probably simple, but I have a doubt. [21:20] lost1985: just go ahead and ask :-) [21:20] Nice. [21:20] If I copy my "home" folder to a external hard disk, I wouldn't have any problem for reading/copying/modifying these files to and from another Linux, Windows or other? [21:21] lost1985: well... depends on what filesystem you select. For Windows, you are sort of limited (I think) to NTFS or FAT) [21:21] lost1985, If that other drive supports symlinks and you've edited your fstab I cant see any issues [21:22] How do I get better sound? [21:23] It's just for backup all the data (vidéo, pitures, sounds, others...) but I'm not interested to save my "user profile", it will be like an unsorted big mass data storage device. [21:24] R13ose: on what? Bluetooth headphones, computer speakers? [21:24] lost1985, I use a NTFS as storage heavily (VMs, docs, ISOs) and I haven't encountered any issues as of yet. You might run into longer boot times if you have fsck enabled for the additional drive, or do not automount it at boot [21:24] Computer speakers === camel_ is now known as _fade_ [21:26] lost1985, This is what I do for my 2nd drive, although I have it mounted at /home/Backup (not a real profile). UUID=4X1YourNTFSUUID /home ntfs noatime,defaults, 0 0 [21:27] You can also use LVM to extend your home to cover both drives [21:27] R13ose, use a mediapayer that supports an equalizer, like Clementine, build in [21:28] What if I am listening to audio in both? [21:29] in both what? [21:29] R13ose, are you doing audio production? [21:29] I meant browser [21:29] No audio production [21:29] Hi, i'm trying to perform dual boot in my alienware pc [21:30] the issue is that the ubuntu installer doesnt recognize the SSD hard drive only the hard disk [21:31] some browsers give an equalizer plugin, online [21:31] R13ose, you can get an affordable USB DAC for your computer. It's a worthwhile investment if you enjoy quality [21:33] DAC? [21:33] The issue is software related (Linux keeping it free) unless you have a laptop, from my experience tower mobos are fine, with anything Mac being superior in terms of audio [21:33] luis_, if you have windows 10 already, you might need some tools for exfat [21:34] exfat-fuse exfat-utils [21:34] Digital to analog converter. To summarize it skips any software/hardware faults that your computer may have and outputs through its own hardware [21:34] @kubkde : thanks, I will try, but if I mount it in an other Linux, Debian for example, there is non problem with user/rights ? [21:35] Nice [21:35] ntfs is not posix, so it does not preserve permissions [21:35] R13ose, Setup for my random DAC was fine, no drivers needed. You could try compiling the Linux kernel with more space allocated towards audio but I haven't tested that out. (The recommended is around 2048(?) and defaults to 64) [21:36] Let me test... [21:37] vfat doesn't have posix standards, but I haven't received any errors on attributes [21:40] OerHes, i have windows, and im using rufus for the bootable [21:41] lost1985, by the way, why not just make a symlink to save yourself the trouble? If it's just media I think that would be easiest === tga0 is now known as Guest89763 [21:41] luis_, go in live mode, install those 2 tools, and gparted sees your hdd/partitions [21:42] and or check if windows is in UEFI mode installed, see the !uefi manual [21:42] !uefi [21:42] UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI [21:42] Is in UEFI [21:42] kubkde symlink ? [21:42] Is in UEFI [21:43] disable fast boot etc, and boot mate in uefi mode, easy [21:45] kubkde, Forget the name of my "/home" folder, I just want to save media files from a Linux to an external HDD, and I want to be able to read/copy/edit/delete these files on any system, without problem of rights. [21:46] Hm. Sure. I just did a move back and forth with cp and mv, using --preserve=all [21:46] Permissions/attributes were preserved [21:46] make that ext hdd ext4, solved === lsm5- is now known as lsm5 [21:48] lost1985, just make sure you're setting the correct flags when moving via cmdline. I don't know the exacts of moving through GUI, but I'm sure you could chown/chmod a folder recursively to maintain that all its contents retain their settings [21:50] kubkde, wow, but just "copy/paste" to a FAT32 partition is not enough ? Like Windows. [21:50] If it does not, then console will definitely tell you. 'ERROR:Unable to retain user set permissions" or something of the sort. Caveat, Windows does not have the xattr capability so it may read perms differently. But it shouldn't change unix side [21:50] lost1985, ? FAT32 is so old that it has very little in the way of utility [21:51] I don't think you should be too worried about FAT32 for large media storage [21:51] OerHeks [21:52] kubkde, Indeed, I have 4K movies, about 70 Go :) , so no. [21:52] So go live mode, in console, install extfat-fuse , extfat-utils, name the partition as ext4 [21:52] woof [21:52] but first disable hibernation in windows [21:52] Very sweet collection, lost1985 [21:53] i tried to cancel hibernation, but when the pc starts the browser is still open in windows [21:53] luis_, forget " make that ext hdd ext4, solved" was adressed to other issue [21:53] Is the reason you chose NTFS is so Windows can read it? There are other filesystems much better suited for media storage, a few *might* be supported by Windows [21:55] kubkde, I misspoke, I wanted to say "yes, the FAT32 is not suitable, because I have 4K films of about 70 GB EACH" (I didn't mean 70GB of movies). [21:55] The 'problem' Windows has is that it can't recovery from data corruption very well at all. BTRFS has been lauded as a strong FS to use as storage but it has its own quirks. You could possibly download drivers that would enable a WIndows compter to understand an EXT4 FS [21:55] Oh aha [21:56] kubkde, Yes, NTFS for this reason, I'm OK for other, but I don't want to CMD or FSTAB, or anyting, just "copy/paste read/write everywhere". [21:56] How to guarantee the windows pc is hibernate disabled [21:56] Yeah I think even one movie on FAT32 would be insane. [21:56] as i told it seem to bee hibernating in some way [21:56] The /etc/fstab symlink mumbo jumbo would make it sooo much easier :p === Sweepyoface1 is now known as Sweepyoface [21:57] Windows can't recover?...hmmm wonder why they have always enjoyed > %90 market share in the enterprise with all those fortune 500 corporations running windows servers [21:57] lol [21:57] tatertots, they're connected to the US military, and Windows is their spyware [21:58] oh i see [21:58] Windows users are the product. You know they have built in keyloggers, network tracking, cam/audio recording, etc [21:59] guys, back to support please, keep the flameware, not helpfull, tatertots [21:59] thanks OerHeks [21:59] :) [21:59] But they provide convienence so :shrug: I would love a barebones system that knew how to boot Windows executables, no idea how hard that would be... [22:00] kubkde: This is offtopic. [22:00] Apologies Eickmeyer [22:00] !offtopic [22:00] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [22:01] lost1985, you can try this: let me pastebin it and see if it works out for you [22:01] I am getting ready to post The.Daily.Show With Trevor Noah for march, but not all are (XL) should I add MIXED in the name ? [22:01] wot [22:01] oops sorry wrong channel [22:09] Lol [22:15] Any new Disco News? I'm tempted to wipe my F2FS KDE Neon part since I can't shrink, and keep it as my stable unix. [22:16] i had probs with the beta, but the latest disco-dailies have been good for me [22:18] !ubuntu+1 [22:18] Disco Dingo is the codename for Ubuntu 19.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+1 [22:19] !discuss [22:19] Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks! [22:46] anyone in here who happens to run ubuntu 18.10 or newer with a amd ryzen 2400GE? How well does that work out of the box without propertiary drivers? [22:55] Apachez: give it a try, doesn't take long. just download the live / installer ISO and boot off it. [22:55] Does Ubuntu 18.10 and 19.04 give me anything significant over 18.04 LTS? [22:56] AlexMax: likely not [22:56] AlexMax, not really. This one's pretty boring [22:57] Apachez: i think for ubuntu 18.04 i'd recommend the padoka ppa, yet. i don't expect it to work well out of the box on 18.04.2. but i can be wrong. [22:57] because I like the passive approach which can be done with akasa + intel nuc [22:58] passively cooled gpu, you mean? [22:59] I guess I have like two problems with Ubuntu as it stands. One is that when I don't use my mousewheel for a while, I'll use it and I'll go crazy and scroll 20 times in a row to the bottom for some reason. [22:59] And the other is that full screen zoom support just...doesn't work for me. It just looks completely glitched out. [22:59] I was hoping newer versions might have a fix for one or the other. [22:59] AlexMax: try a new mouse [23:00] It works fine on windows and on mac. [23:00] So it's not a hardware problem as far as i can tell [23:00] ok then [23:00] My mouse needs replaced, right click doesn't always work [23:02] !ot AlexMax [23:07] Apachez: https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=ryzen-2400g-may (may 2018) states that 2400G (not GE!) works fine on mesa 18.2 (ubuntu 18.10 has 18.2.2-0ubuntu1) and linux 4.17 (ubuntu 18.10 provides 4.18). https://www.gamingonlinux.com/forum/topic/3406 is someone reporting 2400GE (!) working with kernel 4.17.3 + Mesa 17.3.9 [23:08] based on which you should actually be able to use it on 18.04.2 with !hwe [23:09] tnx