[07:47] huehner: rbalint submitted https://launchpad.net/bugs/1823125 did you test both tomcat versions? [07:51] running piuparts on the whole package set would be a good idea, imo [07:53] rbalint: the piuparts tests apparently succeeded in unstable ... [07:54] doko, ok, but the test in unstable is not valid for bionic [07:55] doko, i updated the bug, cosmic and disco are fine [07:55] rbalint: well, if you can find out what exactly went wrong ... [07:55] doko, please refresh [07:56] but in general we can't accept piuparts tests for one release that ran on an other [07:58] rbalint: I know that, but somebody has to investigate [07:59] doko, sure [08:02] rbalint: strictly speaking, this is not a regression, because tomcat9 is new [08:04] doko in practice it is, solr-tomcat pulls it in [08:05] http://people.canonical.com/~rbalint/openjdk-11-sru/bb-upgrade-all-proposed-tomcat9-fails-1554316440.log [08:05] i install everything from -updates and down that can be found in -proposed, then upgrade to proposed [08:05] solr-tomcat users will see their system broken by u-u [08:06] doko: only tested 8.5 as we built custom images around that [08:06] ahh, crap [08:07] doko: also i tested our usage (tomcat8-user,tomcat8-common with our init-script mostly) not the new systemd.service path which came in via the backport [08:08] doko: sorry if i didnt explain that clearly enough back then [08:26] doko: question about tomcat9, as far as i understood you had to add it as some common jars (servlet-api etc..) used by 8.5 now are built by 9 ? [08:43] doko: or did you really need to add the user-visible i.e. tomcat9.deb ? [10:49] huehner, new solr-tomcat depends on tomcat9, i don't really understand the question [10:49] (doko may be busy at the conference) [10:50] doko, re: piuparts investigation - only failures need to be investigated if britney blocks migration for them [10:51] and there are no place for packages in the archive regressing in piuparts [11:09] rbalint: then ignore my comment, i was raising dbout if we need tomcat9 with all binary packages really or could skip some -> apparently all needed [11:09] rbalint: sry for the confusion [11:11] ok no problem [17:21] tdaitx: are you looking at the u-u issues? [17:44] sbeattie: yes, I am [19:39] sbeattie, i could not test all package upgrades because the packages are not all coinstallable [19:40] sbeattie, i's suggest at least having a piuparts run including upgrades on each source package [19:41] sbeattie, if there was a run like this, tomcat9 was missed :-( [19:48] * sbeattie is unaware of any piuparts infrastructure that we have [19:49] It would be kind of nice if that was the default autopkgtest if there's no autopkgtest in the debian tree [20:12] sbeattie, it should not be ran only in absence of tests, since autopkgtest does not cover upgrades if the package is not in the base image [20:34] sure [23:56] rbalint: tomcat9 fix looks okay to me