[00:17] Wxl: To run a GUI app with pkexec, you have to write a xml file and place it in /usr/share/polkit-1/actions and a running polkit agent [00:33] wxl: guiverc Neon testing uses ubiquity, no need to bother with that. I am downloading unstable now. [00:36] kc2bez - I don't see you in #kde-neon :) .. I just got troubles with iso .. so got nowhere anyway.. [00:37] yeah, I should probably join over there to follow along. I got the testing booted in a vm, unstable is nearly downloaded. [00:39] i couldn't get it to boot on BIOS machine; I was just asking .... (no answer anyway) if they want me to report what I got; I will.. but it booted on my uefi thing, just not the bios d780 I prefer [00:46] wxl: guiverc Automated LUKS partition isn't enabled in Neon unstable. It does have cala though. [00:49] FWIW the large (suspend) swap partition is default. It wants to create a 8.8 GB swap on my 8G VM. [00:50] :( [01:48] Bah [01:49] Indeed. [01:49] @tsimonq2 you got Debian friends we could get to compile cryptsetup with luks1 as default? [01:52] wxl[m]: cyphermox is about it. [01:52] Otherwise I do have upload access to do it. [01:52] Although I would really much prefer to ask cyphermox before I do that :) [08:29] https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/b9h6gh/disco_installing_the_kubuntudesktop_package/ [08:29] @HMollerCl @tsimonq2 ^^^ [09:08] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-properties/+bug/1823306 [09:15] @HMollerCl @tsimonq2 I'm going to try to talk to the Discover developer to see if there is a way to have discover 'sed' out the 'lxqt-sudo' from the command it tries to execute if it finds it in there. [09:30] @acheronuk if I can't upload it today I will this weekend [09:31] Is it normal that a programm call the .desktop instead of the direct the script? [09:33] @HMollerCl [Is it normal that a programm call the .desktop instead of the direct script?], It doesn't. It parses it to find out what to run. [09:34] then runs that command using /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/kf5/discover/runservice [09:35] Rather than harcoding the executable in Discover's code [10:41] I see, I thought it was not used because of the notShow flag [11:24] Nope, it is very much used [11:25] https://cgit.kde.org/discover.git/tree/libdiscover/backends/PackageKitBackend/PackageKitSourcesBackend.cpp?h=Plasma/5.15#n62 [11:26] Now I know. Kdesu is what you use? [11:28] Yes, which is why it works for Discover with just the plain Exec line we used to have. [11:31] I will make 3..desktop files the prior qt a KDE and a lxqt [11:34] I'kk have to patch idscover then, otherwise I'll end up with 2 sources buttons [12:12] @acheronuk [I'll have to patch discover then, otherwise I'll end up with 2 sources buttons], Do you have other idea? [12:14] If I make the qt to be shown in Kubuntu menu I have to add a "sudo" command before it, but if I make it, it will break discover [12:17] Don't worry about the Qt or KDE showing in the KDE menus. Not really needed. [12:18] @acheronuk [Don't worry about the Qt or KDE one showing in the KDE menus. Not really needed.], ok, but I will have to do 2 at leaste the normal qt for discover and a software-properties-lxqt.desktop to be shown in lxqt. Would that be ok? [12:19] That would work as long as the -qt one is just the plain Exec line as before [12:20] Discover won't know about software-properties-lxqt.desktop, so it's then just get one button for the plain -qt one [12:20] @acheronuk [That would work as long as the -qt one is just the plain Exec line as before], yes, that's the idea, leave the qt as before and make a -lxqt for lxqt (with lxqt-sudo) and if you want a -kde withe kdesu. [12:22] don't worry about the KDE for now. At this stage I'm happy with just unbreaking discover [12:22] ok [13:07] mmm, anyone knows how to use bzr to branach from launchpad through a proxy? [13:15] tsimonq2: what's what about luks1? [13:21] @cyphermox [ tsimonq2: what's what about luks1?], LUKS2 is now default with the new cryptsetup [13:21] That's a problem because GRUB doesn't have support [13:27] @HMollerCl [mmm, anyone knows how to use bzr to branch from launchpad through a proxy?], anyone? [13:56] @HMollerCl [anyone?], https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1039057/how-do-i-use-bazaar-with-a-http-proxy I think? [13:57] thanks, I have set the proxy .bashrc but it didn't work [13:58] did you source bashrc after setting it? [13:58] what do you mean by source? I close the terminal and open it again [13:58] ah [14:00] this is what I hva en .bashrc #proxy … http_proxy= … https_proxy= … #export http_proxy [14:02] those two lines for http_proxy= should have `export ` before them [14:04] and https_proxy too of course [14:23] @teward001 [those two lines for http_proxy= should have export before them], before? not after? [14:24] #proxy … http_proxy= … https_proxy= … export http_proxy … export https_proxy [14:24] it worked!!! [14:24] thanks [14:26] @HMollerCl [before? not after?], Either or, but you can condense it into `export VAR=VALUE` [14:27] @HMollerCl treat the bashrc as a script - if you don't `export` the env var so it's usable by the entire env then `VAR=VALUE` is local only to the execution of that script and doesn't persist after it [14:27] so you have to `export` any value that you want used in the env that `source`'s `.bashrc` (`source ~/.bashrc` is done automagically at session load, but still :P) [14:30] ok, thanks! [14:36] @acheronuk bzr branch of software-properties doesn't bring me the code, I have to get the code from git, the copy t to the bzr and then do the add, commit, push (to my launchpad)? [14:36] you do know LP supports git right...? (Why do you need bzr again?) [14:38] @teward001 [you do know LP supports git right...? (Why do you need bzr again?)], cause couple of weeks @tsimonq2 told me to use bzr [14:38] @tsimonq2 ... why [14:38] @HMollerCl [@acheronuk bzr branch of software-properties doesn't bring me the code, I have t …], Its now in git: https://git.launchpad.net/software-properties [14:39] that's what i thought [14:39] @HMollerCl in this case I think we can call Simon "wrong" in this case [14:39] Last commit in bzr = Moved to git at https://git.launchpad.net/software-properties … https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/software-properties/main [14:40] @HMollerCl so git it, not bzr [14:40] and slap @tsimonq2 with a rotting fish [14:41] jajaja, what @tsimonq2 told me was before that commit [14:41] welllllll now it's in git [14:41] so git it [14:41] we'll still smack @tsimonq22 [14:54] @acheronuk [Its now in git: https://git.launchpad.net/software-properties], That wasn't the case when I was working with Hans [14:55] @teward001 [@HMollerCl so git it, not bzr], Right [14:55] * acheronuk shrugs [14:57] @tsimonq2 [Right], and git push to lp:`~/software-properties/software-properties` or where? [15:23] @tsimonq2 [That wasn't the case when I was working with Hans], well it is now so 😛 [15:27] git push lp:~/software-properties/software-properties didn't work [15:28] ssh: Could not resolve hostname lp: Temporary failure in name resolution … fatal: Could not read from remote repository. [15:28] I'm not sure if it's because of the proxy or not. [15:28] but I have been able to push to github other code. [15:30] @acheronuk @tsimonq2 do you know where I should push the code? [15:30] well [15:31] GH has FQDNs [15:31] `lp:` is shorthand [15:31] and that shorthand is hardcoded into bzr, not git [15:31] just to explain why you had the failure you did ;) [15:32] thanks @teward001 [15:33] I should git to https://code.launchpad.net/~hmollercl/software-properties/software-properties yhen? [15:35] fatal: repository 'https://code.launchpad.net/~hmollercl/software-properties/software-properties/' not found [15:37] @teward001 [and that shorthand is hardcoded into bzr, not git], You can set in .gitconfig … [url "git+ssh://yourlpname@git.launchpad.net/"] … insteadof = lp: [15:37] But it would still fail, as only core-dev can push to the software-properties main project [15:38] You need to push to your own personal git, then propose a merge [15:40] e.g. git+ssh://yourlpusername@git.launchpad.net/~yourlpusername/software-properties [15:41] ok, thanks @acheronuk I'm uploading now [15:42] not sure how I propose a merge in git though [15:43] https://code.launchpad.net/~hmollercl/+git/software-properties here is the code [15:49] I used to see that when using bzr, now I don't [15:50] I see no merge option [16:38] any ideas on how to propose merge? [16:38] you have to go back to the software-properties 'master' and then do the merge req from this branch [16:40] AFAIK it's done form the branch to the master [16:41] https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/software-properties/+git/software-properties/+ref/ubuntu/master/+register-merge [16:42] https://launchpad.net/software-properties [16:47] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T15: Fix software-properties-qt under other DEs] hmollercl (Hans P. Möller) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T15#379 [18:57] wxl: NO SOUP FOR YOU unless you wake up and reply [20:01] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T38: Document ppa-britney] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) just created this task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T38 [20:05] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T39: Add autopkgtest support to ppa-britney ] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) just created this task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T39 === DalekSec_ is now known as DalekSec