[02:00] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Sean Davis: Parole Media Player 1.0.2 Released @ https://bluesabre.org/2019/04/04/parole-media-player-1-0-2-released/ [02:21] Bashing-om, hello, did you get the email about the two new ubuntu members? [02:23] Wild_Man: No ! .. Have not checked my mail since early this AM .. looking now :) [02:25] Wild_Man: No, I did not receive any new notifications :( [02:25] Bashing-om, did you get added to the team? [02:26] Wild_Man: Yup .. krytarik did take care that I am now a recognized member. [02:26] okay, I think I have your email if I do I will forward it to you [02:28] Bashing-om, I just sent it [02:28] Wild_Man: K - will look :) [02:29] Thanks, I am out of town again this time with my wife so my time is very limited or I would add it myself [02:33] Wild_Man: I take care of it - Do we have a https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-news-team/ release of the added members ? [02:35] Wild_Man: Yup .. I got it ( the listing) :) [02:35] Bashing-om, I did not think we have one, you found one? [02:36] Wild_Man: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-news-team/2019-April/002847.html . [02:36] Yes, from our list we do [02:37] Wild_Man: Will serve for a source in UWN. no ? [02:38] I think it will do [02:41] Bashing-om, this is how we did it last time for reference if you need or want it https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue569 [03:01] Bashing-om, looks like Chris already added it [03:02] Wild_Man: Chris is hot :P [03:03] Indeed! [03:04] Bashing-om, he did not include the source [03:09] Wild_Man: K - I fix in the morrow --- winding down for beddy bye here (maybe). [03:10] Bashing-om, I added the link [03:28] Bashing-om: Since the last time this came up and I checked, you didn't subscribe to the team mailing list yet still, did you? >_< [03:29] ..Wait a minute, you can't send mails to there either then though - but you definitely are! So just disabled getting any or another email address you didn't check? [03:32] krytarik: Beats me .. I will have to have a deep look at what I am subscribed to - and no I have not blocked any. [03:50] Bashing-om: "^\S+@ubuntu.com" - oh, this is why you can send mails to the team list while you aren't subscribed to it - and I just checked that again. [03:54] krytarik: Lemme see if I can stretch my tired brain and look at "https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Join" . [04:06] krytarik: See how that works out ., subscribed at https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-news-team . [04:09] Bashing-om: It'd seem you need to confirm it still though. [04:11] krytarik: I expect to have to do the confirmation from a received E-mail, waiting . [05:38] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Softpedia:: Google Chrome 73.0.3683.103 Released for Linux, Windows, and Mac @ https://news.softpedia.com/news/google-chrome-73-0-3683-103-released-for-linux-windows-and-mac-525569.shtml (by Bogdan Popa, Microsoft News Editor)