[00:01] hey I am having trouble installing something from github to ubuntu. running it gives me `espeak-ng: symbol lookup error: espeak-ng: undefined symbol: espeak_ng_SetVoiceByFile` [00:02] FrogCast: you'll have to file an issue with the specific GH repo [00:03] Or read the documentation to see about any deps [00:03] blackflow: I can run it from source directory, and followed the install instructions [00:03] installing software outside of apt or snaps is not really supported here in #ubuntu. [00:03] but the install command seems to fail to link the libraries [00:05] This works: `ESPEAK_DATA_PATH=`pwd` LD_LIBRARY_PATH=src:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} src/espeak-ng -v zh "你好 "` << when I do the `sudo make install` command, it fails. [00:05] its fine if I need to go to another channel, but I am assuming its just me not knowing the proper `make install` command to make this work [00:07] Hope all is well tatertots [00:11] FrogCast: btw, I'd recommend you not to run that make install with sudo. Instead see if the Makefile supports a prefix change and install somewhere in your ~/ [00:12] blackflow: sure [00:35] hey, I've been searching online, but I couldn't find a straight answer. What would be an easy way to compare two directory trees to see what files have been added, deleted, or modified? [00:35] I don't mind if it's in the command line or in a graphical interface (although the former would be more versatile) [00:36] woenx: `diff` works [00:43] I'm playing with diff now [00:43] let's see what I can get [00:45] woenx: there is also dirdiff (apt install dirdiff) [00:46] woenx: rsync with dry run? and see the logs [00:47] . [00:48] ubuntu hdmi audio is not working. all devices showing as unplugged in pavucontroller [00:49] !sound | qwebirc27343 [00:49] qwebirc27343: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - https://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !players and !mp3. [01:01] gabrielc, that could be another solution, yes === sad_ is now known as sanroot [01:31] none of the sound troubleshooting guides worked. I think it might be an ubuntu bug [01:35] qwebirc27343: If it's an issue with HDMI, then chances are it's related to your video card. What kind of video does your system run? [01:35] Also, note that not all HDMI video cards support audio. [01:37] Eickmeyer: it's worked up until now. I have a nvidia card [01:38] qwebirc27343: What did you change? [01:38] qwebirc27343: Also, nvidia is notorious for incompatibility with the Linux kernel. [01:38] just stopped working out of the blue last night. didn't do anything I can remember [01:39] qwebirc27343: Which version of Ubuntu are you running? === mmarconm is now known as SeuMadruga [01:39] 18.04 [01:39] would buying a speaker fix the issue? [01:40] qwebirc27343: That would be a workaround. You might also try downloading the proprietary NVidia drivers from their site if you haven't already. If you already had and it stopped working last night, it was probably a kernel update. [01:41] Which means that the driver might need to be reinstalled. [01:41] Eickmeyer: I have two sound cards. one nvidia and an intel cannon lake [01:42] I'm pretty sure I was using the cannon lake. don't think I ever got the nvidia one working [01:42] Then chances are it [01:43] ... [01:43] qwebirc27343: The audio over HDMI is dependent on whatever it was plugged into. If nvidia handles the HDMI, then that's the issue. [01:43] !nvidia | qwebirc27343 [01:43] qwebirc27343: For nvidia and matrox graphics cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto . For AMD/ATI graphics cards, see « /msg ubottu ati » and « /msg ubottu fglrxmissing » For the latest Nvidia drivers see https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa [01:44] qwebirc27343: If it's Intel graphics that handles the HDMI, then you might either have a hardware failure or simply need to reboot your system. [01:45] headphones work. pretty sure it's the nvidia [01:45] Can I ask about the state of blueray? I'm looking for archival backup and not for movies. [01:45] might file a bug report [01:45] qwebirc27343: No, no bug report necessary. Try updating your nvidia drivers first. [01:46] qwebirc27343: Also, Ubuntu has no control over NVidia. Like I said, they're notoriously incompatible with the Linux kernel, and that's NVidia's problem for not supporting Linux. [01:46] Am I able to write data on a USB blueray-rw, and does it support the latest sizes? movie playback isn't required. [01:48] moppy: https://www.howtogeek.com/240487/how-to-play-dvds-and-blu-rays-on-linux/ [01:48] Oh, no movie playback required. [01:48] It's for backing up a raid array. tape drives are expensive. [01:48] and they always chew up tapes :) [01:49] moppy: I don't have any personal experience, but there was a discussion here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1031866/why-is-there-no-proper-blu-ray-support [01:52] moppy: Feel free to scroll around here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/blu-ray [01:52] Unfortunately, that's all I've got. [01:54] thanks [01:54] Eickmeyer: my hdmi is connected to my graphics card, but I didn't have the cannon lake card physically installed. when I installed it, the sound started working up until now. I have the 5 pin connector in one location on the motherboard but it can't reach the other 5 pin location because it's blocked by my graphics card. could that be why? === root is now known as Guest29018 [01:56] qwebirc27343: That's a possiblity. You may have shorted something out inadvertently, or inadvertent static discharge (can happen even if you don't feel it). Unfortunately, that means you have a hardware failure. [01:59] ll [02:22] Hi, why my LD_LIBRARY_PATH could by empty [02:24] ErreDeRUa: please share your whole story to the channel, so volunteers can think along with you what you are trying to do? [02:25] Ok [02:25] Im setting cuda in my dual boot setup [02:25] Im running ubuntu 18.04 and i want to set permanently the following variable [02:26] export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-10.1/lib64\ ${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}} [02:26] But when i ask terminal [02:27] for the LD_LIBRARY_PATH content [02:27] it's empy [02:27] the method is simply [02:27] printenv | grep LD_LIBRARY_PATH [02:27] i have a few days in ubuntu [02:27] so i have no much knowledge [02:29] Performing that grep returns in console [02:29] LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-10.1/lib64${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:} [02:29] Once y have put that in the .bash with the export statement [02:29] so doesnt resolve it s content [02:30] which is previously empty [02:31] What are you trying to accomplish ? Install the cuda drivers? [02:31] The nvidia drivers are installed [02:32] indeed cuda is installed [02:32] the issue is more a novice issue [02:32] LD_LIBRARY_PATH maybe i overwrite it i dont know [02:32] but in this moment is empty [02:32] WHich should be its content? [02:33] You probably need to set the path in whatever it is you are compiling? [02:33] how to set permanently [02:33] the path [02:33] Ah, Try googling that I do not actually know. [02:34] i put it in .bashrc [02:34] expor ..... [02:34] as i mentioned in the begining [02:34] I need to put export EDITOR=nano, into mine. [02:34] #lazy [02:35] i use nano [02:35] i put this [02:35] I prefer it to vi, coz I'm a dummy [02:35] :p [02:35] Xaphan, life is good being a dummy vi is crazy [02:36] some people get up using it and are happy to, that's fine i'm a dumb mother trucker and will use nano. [02:36] mushroom, fed on crap, kept in dark. = happy [02:39] !language | Xaphan [02:39] Xaphan: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList [02:40] crap? [02:40] or trucker? [02:40] Trucker, in that context, would be an obfuscation. [02:40] I cleaned it up, where I usually wouldn't as it's common where I live to actually swear [02:40] eh fine, fuck it, lose another user that might be able to help someone, can't be fucked dealing with your bullshit (bye bye - expecting a ban now) see if i give a shit [02:41] !op [02:41] Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax [02:41] hggdh: [02:41] They already left, so.. [02:41] I didn't see that part message. [02:42] wow, this reminds me how much i dont like this channel. i dont like censorship. [02:42] i'll be going as well. [02:42] \o/ [02:43] * Eickmeyer shrugs [02:44] * krytarik hands Eickmeyer a mop [02:45] Interesting hostmask that Xaphan guy had [02:46] Heh, yeah not trollish at aaall! :P [02:55] Don't worry they are addicted they will be back with a different name they can't stop helping people. [03:05] hello, upgrading ssd on notebook and making clean install, have trouble deciding if 18.10 or 19.04 (dev mode) w/ the 19.04 release around the corner at all. Never have upgraded from one ubuntu verison to another yet. Any insights / opinions welcome [03:06] s/at/and [03:11] random4981451: Well, you could try and see if the 19.04 Daily works fine on your computer - and if so, pick it to install. [03:18] random4981451: the users choice also, to pick LTS or a non-LTS version of ubuntu, whats your need? [03:20] hello [03:21] welcome to ubuntu support lratliff [03:27] lotuspsychje: won’t use lts, need is main use on notebook (primary machine), am fine w/ the non-lts release cycle in general [03:28] the timing now sucks though w/ 19.04 being released shortly and me worrying about the version upgrade if I install 18.10 now [03:28] !final | random4981451 [03:28] random4981451: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Disco and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 19.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade » in a terminal. [03:28] Hey, I'm trying to filter the output of a command, by checking if a string is present in every line. I use the command awk '/string/{getline; print}' with a pipe after the main command, but some lines that do not match the string are still displayed [03:28] any ideas? [03:30] hello, I am having issues getting my `xrdp` to work with ubuntu after the `18.04.2` update [03:30] woenx: If you don't get an answer here (I have no idea), then ##linux might be able to help. [03:30] I can try [03:31] I keep getting the error: `Apr 6 22:31:03 adam-ubuntu gnome-session[4399]: Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused` [03:33] !firewall | cmosguy: It sounds like you might have a firewall issue [03:33] cmosguy: It sounds like you might have a firewall issue: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as gufw and ufw-kde also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo [03:33] cmosguy: That, or the xrdp service needs to be restarted. [03:34] Eickmeyer: can you tell me what port you think I need to enable for this? [03:34] I can connect fine to the xrdp [03:34] cmosguy: Sadly, that's as much as I know. [03:35] i type in my username/password [03:35] https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/grBTW9hL/image.png [03:35] but i am getting now where ;( [03:38] cmosguy: Sadly, I'm out of ideas. If nobody here answers, try in ##linux. [03:38] cmosguy: do you have older kernels in your list? [03:39] cmosguy: if you say this happened after update to .2 you might wanna try an older kernel boot [03:39] lotuspsychje: how do I check again? because I have a headless boot [03:39] oh [03:39] good point [03:39] cmosguy: you are on server or headless desktop? [03:40] headless [03:40] i am trying to connect to server via xrdp [03:40] cmosguy: maybe you can also try to talk to the #ubuntu-server guys, they might know whats ideal to xrdp headless [03:48] cmosguy: alternate you could try remmina, as its default on ubuntu now, maybe better luck with it then xrdp [03:48] lotuspsychje: i got it to work [03:49] what is `remmina`? [03:49] !yay | cmosguy [03:49] cmosguy: Glad you made it! :-) [03:49] !info remmina | cmosguy [03:49] cmosguy: remmina (source: remmina): GTK+ Remote Desktop Client. In component main, is optional. Version 1.2.0-rcgit.29+dfsg-1ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 154 kB, installed size 492 kB [03:49] should I uninstall xrdp? [03:49] then install that? [03:50] cmosguy: if you say you got it working..never bork something thats working :p [03:50] i just want something quick and snappy [03:50] when I use it [03:50] hmm i wonder why it says optional [03:53] I upgraded to 18.04 of ubuntu so that I could have copy and paste capability from windows to linux [03:53] and it still does not work! [03:53] arrg [03:53] wth [03:59] What's "copy and paste capability from windows to linux"? [04:00] elaborate calher what are you trying to do? [04:00] I was asking cmosguy [04:01] use the !tab calher :p [04:01] calher: i am trying to copy and paste text to and from windows to my ubuntu session in remote desktop [04:02] https://thenextweb.com/podium/2019/04/06/why-corporate-acquisitions-could-be-good-for-the-open-source-community/ [04:02] !discuss | Mike2_ [04:02] Mike2_: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks! [04:02] mIk3_08: ^ [04:03] cmosguy Ah, I see. [04:07] hallo === imsurit is now known as Guest31368 [04:18] what's the difference between Use CPU scaling governor 'performance' and Turbo Boost? [04:22] how do i create a shared file system between an ubuntu server and osx [04:25] guys [04:26] i can do a CTRL+V and CTRL+C to copy and paste from windows and xrdp in ubuntu, but how do I get the middle mouse click to work for the copy functionality ? === jrussouw is now known as lubuntufan [04:33] how do I use `gpaste` i just installed it [04:33] nothing works [04:33] exatly how do u want to copy and paste cmosguy [04:33] lubuntufan: middle mouse button [04:33] primary X11 selction [04:34] click on middle mouse to paste [04:34] dou get get a drop down menu when u right click [04:36] whoo i got it to work [04:36] it's all good [04:37] thx good luck furhter [05:06] Hi there I have a problem that my ethernet device/connection does not come up after suspend. After booting it works but after suspend it will stay in the "unavailable" state (nmcli device status) and not react to plugged in network cables. Any ideas which service to restart? I tried network-manager.server/NetworkManager.server and networking.service. [05:06] maybe a bug in ubuntu ? have you searched google ? [05:08] I did a quick websearch for the unavailable state. I'll try a another search for the suspend thing. Any idea about a relevant service that could be responsible here? [05:09] i remember there was some kind bug with certain laptops and ubuntu but i can't remember more . [05:10] Thanks will try and search a bit might come back later. [05:11] I am on a laptop btw so there's that [05:58] Another quick update because I found the bug report for my device/kernel module (sky2): https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1798921 [05:58] Launchpad bug 1798921 in linux (Ubuntu Cosmic) "sky2 ethernet card don't work after returning from suspension" [Undecided,New] [05:59] This suggests a fix is under way and already in xenial. [06:00] There is also a very similar bug for realtek devices / r8169 kernel module (which was already fixed): https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1752772 [06:00] Launchpad bug 1752772 in Linux "r8169 ethernet card don't work after returning from suspension" [Undecided,New] [06:09] what steps do I have to take on my ubuntu machine so i can remote into it using remote desktop form osx [06:20] black_13: https://www.techrepublic.com/article/how-to-enable-remote-desktop-connections-in-ubuntu-18-04/ [06:20] That has screenshots that will help you set up VNC. [06:22] thanks [06:22] command line? [06:23] i am using microsoft remote desktop on osx [06:38] Oh, that's proprietary. I generally try to avoid Microsoft solutions as if they were a plague because Microsoft has such a poor track record for security and reliability. VNC works well, although I know there have been various implementations of RDP I don't know how reliable they are since I don't use them at all. [06:39] VNC clients are available for MacOS. [06:40] Randolf; WOW! [06:41] I use team viewer for all OS [06:42] TeamViewer has a very good reputation. I don't use it because I don't know who at their organization has access to the remote sessions -- I work on a fair bit of security-sensitive stuff. [06:44] My preference is ssh, but for GUI stuff I need to use solutions like VNC (or anything else that doesn't involve any third parties) that I can wrap up in a VPN connection. [06:45] There are a lot of excellent VPN solutions (which also don't depend on any third parties); I use OpenVPN a lot. [06:45] With remote access to any systems, security should always be a high priority. [06:46] as always Randolf. [06:47] !ops | mIk3_08 returning troll see #ubuntu-discuss [06:47] mIk3_08 returning troll see #ubuntu-discuss: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax [06:49] i am banned in #ubuntu-discuss === RandolfR is now known as Randolf === gihel_ is now known as gihel === gms is now known as Guest52204 [07:43] hello [07:44] hello can anybody here help me connect to #ubuntu-discuss [07:45] How hard is it to just type /join #ubuntu-discuss [07:46] cim209 i already tried many time but nothing happen [07:48] many times cim209 [07:49] !register | kyle_8888 [07:49] kyle_8888: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode. [07:49] you need to register to join -discuss [07:50] and while you're at it, consider using a real irc client, too [07:50] !irc | kyle_8888 [07:50] kyle_8888: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see !alis - See also !Guidelines [07:50] Thanks guys === ___Trullo is now known as _Trullo === murthy is now known as murthy_ === murthy_ is now known as murthy [09:21] Hi guys, I'd like to report some bugs in 19.04 but when I tried to log into launchpad with my ubuntu 1 account it gives me an error. Does anyone know how I should report this please? [09:29] mikee3000: report the error at #launchpad [09:29] what is the error ? [09:29] nvm [09:30] @jeremy31 will do === murthy is now known as murthy_ === murthy_ is now known as murthy [09:58] hi [10:00] i am running Lubuntu 18.04 and have problems with devstudio (eclipse based IDE) [10:00] Is there something like Sticky Edges for multiple monitors in 19.04 with Gnome? can't find it anywhere and gsettings set org.gnome.shell.overrides edge-tiling true had not effect too === mike_ is now known as Guest68623 [10:06] hi hex === murthy is now known as murthy_ === Guest68623 is now known as mikee3000 === murthy_ is now known as murthy === beaky_ is now known as beaky [10:49] AlexP11223: join #ubuntu+1 for 19.04 support please === mint_ is now known as ronillon [11:14] Hi! [11:14] There is anyone there? [11:15] Finally. [11:15] I am not alone. [11:15] ? [11:16] I think? [11:18] Hello everyone. Im looking for help with setting up GRUB boot loader. The idea is to have GRUB on USB and from there chain boot multiple operating systems on their respective hard drives. That way I presume I could remove any HDD and still boot into remaining without problems. [11:20] I have followed advices from https://www.reddit.com/r/linuxquestions/comments/15jon7/installing_grub_as_a_standalone_bootloader/ but I get an error: :grub-probe: error: failed to get canonical path of `aufs'.: === kallesbar_ is now known as kallesbar === arch1mede6 is now known as arch1mede [11:53] hey, sorry to bother, can someone /msg me so i can test 1 thing rly quick? [11:54] if you do, pls let me know here, since i dont even know if its gonna work :< [11:55] did done. I see you saw. [11:55] its working boys! sorry to bother, have a nice day <3 [11:57] if I have a node app running on server 3001, what do I need to do to have it be accessible in a web browser? [11:58] calamity, you mean it's running on port 3001? enter the IP:port into the browser's address bar if this isn't what you mean, please clarify [11:58] calamity: try #nodejs [12:00] leftyfb: I've had this working fine on other systems - I thought there might be something different for ubuntu [12:05] Hmm, any mutt users? why does a mail message like this not have image inlined properly at the given pos? https://la.wentropy.com/CmPT [12:09] amosbird, I have used mutt, but not a daily user of it... I used it an an automates sense. Any chance the double '/' is causing an issue? === murthy is now known as murthy_ [12:25] hi === mike_ is now known as Guest71941 [12:44] Hi folks [12:45] Hi [12:58] добрый день [12:59] !ru | pavel_rf [12:59] pavel_rf: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. === murthy_ is now known as murthy [13:29] Hi! I need to build something that requires a different version of gcc. How do I do it without contaminating my machine? (eg I need to build it using gcc from ppa) [13:30] dipole: we dont reccomend building packages yourself, and we also dont support external ppa's [13:30] dipole: can you share your story what you are trying to do for what purpose? [13:31] lotuspsychje: sure: I'm trying to build Telegram desktop client. https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/dev/docs/building-cmake.md - and build instructions there require adding ppa and installing gcc [13:31] i just wanted to know what's the easiest way to do it without vm, nowadays === rodrigot44 is now known as gt8ost4l [13:32] dipole: why build telegram if its available on ubuntu with several versions? [13:34] /whowas cduncle [13:35] dipole: snap find telegram [13:35] lotuspsychje: i'm trying to debug an issue: with tdlib api when I acknowledge the message as read (and other person chooses to hide last seen), the message is marked as read, but my status is not set to online. This works correctly in desktop client. I would like to mess around with src code to see what is the difference between my requests and telegram desktop requests [13:36] dipole: think you best work with the git owners then? [13:36] dipole: hi [13:36] murthy: hey [13:37] dipole: you are aware that telegram-desktop is a qt app right? [13:37] murthy: right [13:38] dipole: so the telegram-desktop's master branch depends on gcc version greater than the one in Ubuntu's repository? [13:47] !rootirc | Irked [13:47] Irked: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet. [14:12] i am trying to execute a binary and get an error "Segmentation Fault (core dumped)" when i try it on another machine it works fine, how do i start trouble shooting this? [14:13] sruli: give us more background about it please, packagename? ubuntu version? what are you trying to do? [14:15] lotuspsychje: its a custom binary someone wrote for me a while back, works fine on 18.04 and 16.04 just on this 1 machine it started giving me this error today [14:17] sruli: contact the developer for support. My thought is maybe wrong architecture or missing library or something [14:21] leftyfb: cant get intouch with them (no response) important thing i forgot to mention, it wirks fine when running as root, i only get this error when trying to run as regular user [14:21] sruli: it works on Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04 on another machine right? [14:21] yes [14:22] sruli: ok, so it works on Ubuntu. It's a custom binary which we do not support. So if it's having an issue on one machine and not another, you'll need to contact the developer. [14:22] sruli: another tip you can try though, is to use strace to run it [14:24] i tried strace, dont have a clue how to read the utput === jelly-home is now known as jelly [14:32] sruli, i'd check for ' EACCES (Permission denied) ' entries === SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk [14:52] sruli: If you don't have the source code it's next to nothing you can deal with the problem. [14:55] i have the source code [14:58] sruli: your could check with the `file` command if the architecture matches for counterstrike server from valve for example you need some x86 libraries on a 64 bit machine [14:59] raver: it works fine as root on that PC so the libraries dont seem to be the problem [15:01] could it be that it creates directories during startup? [15:01] if so, running as root would led to permission denied when running as an unprivileged user afterwards... [15:01] not it does not create any direcories at startup [15:09] sruli: Use `ltrace` [15:11] brlin: i am getting error "is not an ELF file" [15:12] sruli: What is the output of `file _program_file_`? [15:13] remove and reinstall that 'custom build thingy' is most likely your solution [15:13] brlin: "ELF 64 bit LSB executable, x86-64" (u want the whole line?) [15:13] * as it works on other machines, you did something different [15:14] OerHeks: its not installed it a portable file [15:15] so you have not tried that? it is the same solution [15:16] OerHeks: i have replaced the file, doesnt halp [15:18] mailinglists hacked ? [15:22] running virtualbox for windows 10 with ubuntu runs slow is there a way to make it run better? [15:22] andrew: maybe try kvm [15:24] sruli what is kvm [15:24] yo guys, so i have this external HDD that i need to plug into windows, i did mkfs.fat -F32, the windows bleeps with the sound, control painel reconizes the HDD but it doesnt show up in "my computer" tab, wondering is i'm doing something wrong? :( [15:26] andrew: its a different VM engine, search for how to install kvm on ubuntu 18.04 [15:27] stormsz: format it with windows [15:27] hlo === test is now known as Guest46983 [15:27] andrew: try #virtualbox [15:28] hello [15:28] sruli: they are running Windows [15:28] sruli i an running ubuntu 19.04 beta [15:28] Guest46983: hi. What can we help you with? [15:28] andrew: Ubuntu 19.04 is not supported yet. Go to #ubuntu+1 [15:28] leftyfb: it doesnt show up on the native windows format thingie [15:28] stormsz: then that is a #windows problem [15:29] stormsz, and why not formatting in ntfs ? [15:29] Guest46983: please do not PM === Guest46983 is now known as leat [15:29] leat: please do not PM me [15:30] !id | leat [15:30] leat: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia [15:32] lefyfb 19.04 look good i like the way it looks. when is 19.04 coming out? [15:33] helo [15:33] andrew: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DiscoDingo/ReleaseSchedule [15:33] !id | use [15:33] use: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia [15:35] use: STOP PM'ing ME [15:35] leftyfb thank you for the help will go there. by by all [15:37] hello [15:38] lol67: Tolong hentikan [15:38] * gislaved pings leftyfb :P [15:38] lol67: Buka #ubuntu-id untuk bantuan [15:39] hentikan apa [15:39] lol67: Kami tidak berbicara bahasa Indonesia di sini. [15:40] can you tell me about sysre. [15:40] lol67: no [15:40] *system [15:40] lol67: /join #ubuntu-id [15:41] n [15:44] but #ubuntu-id is completely empty .. [15:46] ioria: i did but it didnt work, anyway its probly something i was doing wrong on the terminal, launched gnome disk and got it working first time [15:46] windows probly needs some adition info that i wasnt giving the HDD [15:46] thanks o/ [15:46] stormsz, use gparted and remake the PT , (msdos), the reformat with ntfs [15:46] *n [15:49] stormsz: what you trying to do === absence_ is now known as absence [16:05] Guys quick question: If I use eset nod32 on 32bit Ubuntu to scan an windows 7 hard drive, will it be able to scan for 64bit virus or no? [16:05] acpi [16:05] oops [16:06] No qwebirc83525 [16:07] due to the fact that the antivirus is running on 32bit OS or is something else? [16:08] detection is the same, different arch is your issue i guess https://forum.eset.com/topic/6817-linux-scan-with-windows-nod32/ [16:12] Folders are not completly visible when I use ls command in my terminal [16:14] nitish: paste an example [16:14] !paste | nitish [16:14] nitish: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [16:14] qwebirc83525: you'll need the 64bit driver to interact with 64bit compiled programs [16:15] I see [16:16] qwebirc83525, use a live iso to fix windows https://www.eset.com/de/support/sysrescue/ [16:16] qwebirc83525: Antivirus scans malware based on their pattern, the instruction set run on the host system doesn't matter. [16:16] raver: the binary creates a log file, the issue was due to it being called during startup so it creates the log file as root, subsequently it cannot log as user to root owned log file. that must be the issue, i cant understand why i never ran into this upto now. but that for telling me to look if something happens during startup [16:17] raver: \\thanks for telling me.. ^^ [16:18] OerHeks, is it dangerous to record the sysrescue on a infected system? === Guest37955 is now known as elias_a [16:19] brlin, so the scan will be effective regardless it is 32bit or 64bit? [16:19] qwebirc83525, what do you think yourself? [16:19] qwebirc83525: Yes, even ARM binaries like Android Apps [16:20] qwebirc83525: it wont you'll need 64bit to scan 64bit [16:23] I got a 10tb connected to server 18.04, I see " Very big device. Trying to use READ CAPACITY(16)" in the logs, is that normal? [16:24] 10tb hdd * === murthy is now known as murthy_ === SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL [16:45] I'm trying to find out if it's possible to install adobe xd plugins (where adobe xd will be installed using wine / play on linux). [16:45] I'm on ubuntu 18.04 (the insallation target :) [16:46] plongshot, good luck, try the #winehq channel for wine support [16:47] OerHeks: thx. Didn't know about that one === murthy_ is now known as murthy [17:14] Can someone please point in towards an Official LAMP Stack installation How-To? [17:16] Zuverink: sudo tasksel install lamp-server [17:16] Ben64, thank you [17:17] https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-install-ubuntu-server#0 [17:17] https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/ [17:17] and join #ubuntu-server :-) [17:17] !lamp [17:17] LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process. [17:19] OerHeks, https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/ is awesome, thank you! [17:24] "sudo tasksel indtall lamp-server' installs the apache aspect but then crashes. The msql... config steps never materialise, any help? [17:35] Zuverink, that cmd is ok; you probably have some external sources or repository installed [17:43] hi all [17:43] i need some help with my ubuntu oinstalltion === root is now known as Guest86014 [17:44] i am new and i need to write an image via ubuntu terminal. Any idea how to use dd? [17:44] have you checked 'man dd' [17:47] Anyone here experienced with IKev2 VPN connections? I have an issue where it looks like a vpn connection is available and running but I'm not able to correctly route any traffic through it. I'm running ubuntu 16.04 and I'm also using xl2tpd and strongswan to setup the VPN + authentication [17:56] hi [17:57] how do i set a file to be read only? [18:04] hey [18:05] so for some reason bash is now saying it doesn't understand the command "code" [18:05] Command 'code' not found, but can be installed with: [18:05] sudo snap install code [18:05] I didn't change anything [18:05] CoolerY: what would 'code' do? [18:05] how do i figure out what changed? [18:06] hggdh, vscode [18:07] previously I was able to do "code ." to open vscode in that directory [18:07] CoolerY: I guess you are talking about the MS version of Visual Studio. Then you are probably missing the path to it in your environment ($PATH) [18:09] hggdh, no [18:09] CoolerY: where is it installed (full path)? [18:11] CoolerY: what bash is telling you is that a program called 'code' could not be found anywhere in $PATH [18:12] CoolerY: and how was it installed? [18:14] CoolerY, The old vscode snap that the "snapcrafters" team maintained has been retired in favour of the official one. You should "snap remove vscode" to get rid of the old one, and "snap install code" to get the new one, I think. Then the command to launch it is now just "code" [18:26] jups, https://snapcraft.io/code [18:50] Hi there I am having problems setting ap a canon Pixma TS8250 in 18.04 every time I send a print job ubuntu says it's printing, the printer says it's processing and then ubuntu says printing complete but nothing actually happened [19:16] Question for somebody who is a noob to doing network bonding in Ubuntu. My goal is to bond an on-board 100Mbps adapter and a PCIe 1Gbps adapter so that I have a combined total bandwidth of 1.1 Gbps. Not only for failover redundancy, but so that if I'm saturating my client machine's 1Gbps connection copying tons of files to the server, the server still has 100Mbps of available bandwidth left over so things like Plex or my game services won't have to [19:16] fight for bandwidth. [19:16] What would be the best bonding mode for this situation? [19:18] I don't think that is going to work how you think it is. Talk to ##networking [19:22] I need help if anyone has the time [19:22] IRC pro tip: Ask your (real) question. [19:23] Lol [19:24] Bo55: have you done any testing ? [19:24] Fine. Lol so my desktop doesn't have wifi naturally and i bought a netgear a6100 wifi adapter. But it's not recognized on ubuntu [19:24] Bo55: aka troubleshooting [19:25] enlightenedMIER: Install the driver [19:25] https://github.com/diederikdehaas/rtl8812AU [19:26] I was looking at that chipset before but decided against it because you have to do it manually [19:26] Yeah. :( i wish i didn't buy it [19:26] Oh well. I'll try your advice. Ty [19:26] It's not too bad, You just have to compile it yourself [19:26] and add it into modprobe [19:27] Yeah well I'm not use to doing that. I'm new at this so its a bit confusing [19:27] Ah. I found some steps online [19:28] look into the DKMS setup too so it doesn't break on kernel updates [19:28] 0o0o!! Ty!! [19:53] I didn't install the snap version I think [19:54] I installed vscode from the website [19:56] hey [19:56] I tried to uninstall vscode [19:56] but its not working [20:00] sudo apt-get remove vscode doesn't work [20:00] neither does sudo apt-get remove code [20:00] says that the packages are not found [20:02] If you were setting up a home server with Ubuntu, which would you recommend, point releases like 18.10, or LTS? Server will be hosting Plex, Minecraft, Rust, Pihole and Nextcloud. [20:02] Well I guess that is more appropriate for ubuntu-discuss. [20:06] is there a way to add a port forwarding to an existing SSH connection? [20:06] Great I hate this [20:06] Now there are 2 vscodes === sinner is now known as Guest83312 [20:07] How do i uninstall these? [20:09] Sven_vB: Yes, there is. [20:10] Sven_vB: Look up "ESCAPE CHARACTERS" and the ~C there in man ssh [20:14] fdf [20:14] hi [20:14] rypervenche, thanks! [20:14] CoolerX: since there's no vscode in either the apt or snap repos's, it's not a supported package and therefore you'll have to seek support from wherever you installed it from [20:14] CoolerX: if you had not originally installed directly from the MS links (which I did when they released it), then it is NOT under any package manager [20:15] hi, i need help, trying to mount a img on a linux vps box and im root. mount -o loop,offset=33554944 chr.img /mnt [20:15] CoolerX: running 'snap list' will tell you if there is a snap for VS installed [20:15] gettin this : mount: /mnt: mount failed: Unknown error -1 [20:15] ah [20:15] CoolerX: snap remove code [20:17] rypervenche, is there a way for non-interactive shells as well? [20:17] cemcem: loop=$(sudo losetup -f) ; echo Your partitions are found at /dev/$loop; sudo losetup -P $loop chr.img # then you'll have partitions at /dev/loopXXpX [20:17] Sven_vB: Not to my knowledge. But it might exist. [20:17] rypervenche, np, thanks! [20:21] leftyfb, root@server:~# sudo losetup -f [20:21] losetup: cannot find an unused loop device: No such file or directory [20:22] cemcem: what version of ubuntu is this? [20:23] cemcem: nc termbin.com 9999 < <(lsb_release -ds;cat /proc/{version,cmdline};) [20:23] cemcem: ah, this is a VPS. It might not be a proper ubuntu kernel or might even just be a jailed environment [20:23] VERSION="16.04.6 LTS (Xenial Xerus)" [20:24] and the kernel is? [20:24] cemcem: that is not the output tomreyn asked for [20:24] cemcem: nc termbin.com 9999 < <(lsb_release -ds;cat /proc/{version,cmdline};) [20:26] how can i install nc? [20:26] cant find that command [20:26] Linux server 2.6.32-042stab128.2 #1 SMP Thu Mar 22 10:58:36 MSK 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux [20:27] this is the output of uname -a [20:28] woah! [20:28] 2.6!!!! [20:28] cemcem: good luck with that. Find another VPS provider. [20:28] :) [20:28] cemcem: you'll need to contact your VPS provider for support. You are not running a supported version of ubuntu [20:29] RH6? [20:29] openvz virtuozzo with a RHEL6u9 kernel [20:29] I was going to guess virtuozzo [20:30] that's not really installs. They're jailed environments [20:30] actually im trying to install mikrotik router on vps box. there is a img file [20:30] anyway [20:30] thank u [20:30] cemcem: you'll need to contact your VPS provider for support. You are not running a supported version of ubuntu [20:30] ok [20:30] cemcem: I would suggest getting another VPS provider [20:30] one running a kernel made in the last decade [20:31] any suggestion? [20:31] cemcem: nope. Also not the place for it. Try #ubuntu-offtopic [20:31] ok thanks alot [20:52] Hello [20:55] I need to know if there is a easy way to oinstall the gimp help system / pages with ubuntu 18.04 or if there is a ubuntu specific / recommended way to do so? [20:56] Can be installed from command line with apt? [20:56] how? [20:57] So i installed the drivers but i don't see it showing up [20:57] Not sure what to do from here [21:02] This is my issue: [21:04] I lost access to my Windows 10 after messing up with Gparted,,, i get this error when rebooting:"error no such device: 4ACC6.... setting partition type to 0x83, invalid signature.... " then i downloaded Boot-repair, it did not work and now, i am automaticaly logged into Linux, i lost that menu where i have to choose between Win10 and Ubuntu [21:05] I can see the Windows folder on my Ubuntu Desktop, all my files are there, but i can't boot to Win10, i'm stuck with linux. [21:07] xubuntu99w: in Ubuntu, run: sudo update-grub [21:07] :( [21:08] I did update the grub [21:08] I'm totally stumped darsie [21:08] how? [21:08] https://askubuntu.com/questions/1131964/xubuntu-i-lost-everything check the image i uploaded there, you can see my Gparted stats [21:08] I followed the directions online but it's not working [21:08] I know that feeling. [21:09] Someone here may be able to help you. [21:09] I think there was an error around the sudo modprobe part [21:09] I wish i never bought this wifi adapter [21:09] Lol [21:09] If you check the URL i shared, you can have a better insight on my problem, because i wrote everything. [21:09] Or this computer [21:10] enlightenedMIER: Give people enough context so they can help you. [21:11] So guys, can you help me please? [21:12] Ok. [21:12] Ty darsie. I'll try [21:13] enlightenedMIER: Like, what directions did you follow, what did you do, what went wrong. post relevant output to e.g. pastebin.com and link it here. [21:13] Ok [21:16] Please check my thread and help me.https://askubuntu.com/questions/1131964/xubuntu-i-lost-everything [21:16] Omg i got it to work!!!! [21:16] Darsie!!!! [21:16] yay :)) [21:16] you sure? [21:16] there is a problem with gimp help system and how to install it on this systme (ubuntu 18.04). I'm psending time to find nothing specific and clear about how to install this or to correct the problem. [21:16] * enlightenedMIER hugs darsie [21:16] Yes!!!!!! [21:16] hehe [21:16] You must have forgotten that I'm ew :). [21:16] If anyone know what the problem please saay cause I'm not finding it [21:17] Lol hahahaa [21:17] Well u r nice. [21:17] thx :) [21:17] Sorry that i hurt your feelings [21:17] ok [21:17] Or if i did? Idk [21:17] Lol but sorry either way [21:17] :) [21:18] ~~~ THE END ~~~ [21:18] Is there someone here who can help me resolve my issue? so we can go private?? [21:18] Hahaa [21:18] plongshot, gimp-help-common would pull in documents [21:18] xubuntu99w: be patient [21:18] plong install synaptic, a much more detailed software center [21:19] !info synaptic [21:19] synaptic (source: synaptic): Graphical package manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.84.3ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 624 kB, installed size 3276 kB [21:20] DerRaiden: I try that [21:20] ty [21:27] DerHeks https://imgur.com/a/Xh8tdoz [21:27] ^ This did not work [21:28] There is no informatoin on this for linux (and, specifically, ubuntu). [21:28] gimp has been with ubuntu since forever. What gives! [21:29] well, open synaptic, search gimp, and you find lots of files with languages [21:30] i thought 1 will be installed by your locale settings? [21:33] I try [21:33] ty [21:36] not in software center. There is only to install gimp itself. It does not resul in an installation where the help sysem is available. I'm still out there searching and trying to find info (couple hrs now). Doesn't make any diff. Yes, I can read the help socumenation online (same stuff) but I don't want to. I get all kind of features by having it installed with gimp locally (like contaxt help and all kid stuff). Why I can't have that [21:36] when I go sudo apt install giimp? [21:36] it part of the program right? The package? [21:36] plongshot, install synaptic, a much more detailed software center [21:36] But gimp don't tell you nutin bout how to fix. The exist nothign [21:37] oh, ok [21:37] install and open synaptic, search gimp, and you find lots of files with languages [21:37] I will :) [21:37] softwarecenter gives metapackages only [21:46] hello, I have a problem with rocket league, crash on launch. someone can help me, please? [21:55] For some reason insatlling synaptic via command line dosn't install it or it won't launch. I get asked for my password but after entering it (correctly) there is nothing. The password prompt closes and that's it [21:55] I'm gonna resart. brb [21:58] Gazp: /join #winehq for help with wine [21:58] why wine [21:58] Gazp: oh, is it a steam game? [21:58] yeah lol [21:59] Gazp: ok, then try #steam [21:59] native steam game === graham_ is now known as Guest77781 [22:10] #steam Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited [22:10] ill probably just drop linux, so buggy [22:11] heh [22:13] that means registered [22:13] !register [22:13] For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode. === daniel is now known as Guest46568 [22:20] What an idiot. [22:33] TOR? [22:42] Is there a way to rename static workspaces in ubu 18.04? [22:44] I moved my installation directory for a program from /opt/v2 to /opt/v3. Now my XFCE menu gives me the error message "Failed to execute command /opt/v2/run.sh" What is the config file to change this directory? [22:44] roadrunneratwast: how [22:45] are we supposed to know [22:45] lol [22:45] :D [22:45] Is there an xubuntu config file for the start menu? [22:46] i am just going to rename the directory from /opt/v3 to /opt/v2 [22:46] sounds good [22:48] roadrunneratwast: Anything in the XFCE Whisker Menu is simply looking through a list of "*.desktop" files in /usr/share/applications and assigning them according to their category. Those "*.desktop" files tell it what application to execute. [22:49] roadrunneratwast: When you move an application from its default installation, that messes up that process. [22:49] roadrunneratwast: Best practice is to never move the location of a program. [22:50] roadrunneratwast: also, I don't think any official ubuntu packages install to /opt. So it sounds like maybe your application is some 3rd party application which we cannot support [22:50] @Eickmeyer: Cool. Good to know for future use. [22:52] leftyfb /opt is where i install downloaded applications -- in this case RubyMine. Where does one usually put such applications on linux box? [22:52] roadrunneratwast: .deb's don't usually as you where to install applications. Those are the applications we support here. [22:53] ok. cool [22:53] roadrunneratwast: Nothing in the Ubuntu repositories will install to /opt. [22:53] leftyfb: Google Chrome's .deb installs to /opt, but we don't support that here, much like you said. [22:53] roadrunneratwast: rubymine is available as a snap [22:53] oh wow [22:53] who knew about snaps? [22:54] anyone who tried to run a command in which belonged to a snap on Ubuntu 18.04 [22:54] i ended up installing htop through a snap [22:55] Airee: It should run normally. [22:55] Eickmeyer, it's actually a little slower. [22:55] sometimes it needs some time to fire up for the first time. [22:55] Airee: That's to be expected from a snap. [22:55] Yeah, so not running normally :D [22:56] Airee: I meant normally as in launching the same way you'd launch something that was native. [22:56] Yeah. [22:57] Airee: I failed to see you were responding to roadrunneratwast, so in the future, please respond to that person. Got me confused, thought you were asking a support question. [22:58] Eickmeyer, I was gonna explain that i was responding to them but it seemed too long worded and awkward [22:58] Airee: Then respond the same way you responded to me just now. [22:59] !who | Airee, to alleviate confusion [22:59] Airee, to alleviate confusion: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [23:01] Is there a way to install a java runtime environment without installing a gui on Ubuntu server? Trying to get my Minecraft server up and running on a headless server and when I try to install default-jre it tries to install X11 and all kinds of GUI utilities. [23:02] Nvm, got it I think, default-jre-headless [23:02] Gerowen: I was just about to say that. :) [23:02] Gerowen, that may install 10 or 11. Minecraft works with 8. [23:02] Airee: 10 and 11 are backwards-compatible with 8. I have run Minecraft servers just fine on those. [23:03] Eickmeyer, OK. I tend to have the best compatibility with nonvanilla servers on 8. [23:04] Airee: That's nonvanilla, which likely runs older versions of Minecraft. That said, this topic is not for this room. [23:04] Airee: Mine is vanilla, but I'll keep that in mind if I do run into any problems. [23:05] Eickmeyer, Spigot and Forge servers work great on latest vers :D [23:05] Airee: Good to know.