[00:56] Wild_Man: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue574 up for acceptance. [03:46] Bashing-om, release schedule for dingo is thursday (18th) so 'next week' in general community news should say "last this week" [03:48] guiverc: Good catch ! .. will correct when I remove "WIP" .// Do you expect to be around tomorrow eve to do the socials ? [03:48] that'll be a bit late... it's monday arvo already; we usually publish early tuesday my local time :) yeah is your answer [03:49] (i haven't finished my read thru - i'll do it as I can..) [03:50] guiverc: :) .. I keep forgetting the Aussie in you :P [03:51] :) [04:18] Bashing-om, Ubuntu Ratings/Reviews s/are are/are/ (ie. remove the double-word) [04:20] guiverc: Noted too :) [04:22] in Disco Disco (19.04) Release Candidate testing there's another "released next week" however should this be dropped completely; duplicate of disco final freeze first notice (just different wording) [04:22] ^ those two are in hub [04:23] guiverc: Noted . [04:27] https://plus.google.com/+UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter needs to be removed (and from skeleton too!) [04:28] guiverc: K - will do that also :) [04:28] my read thru is complete anyway; you want to remove g+ from skeleton. [04:30] skeleton/template https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/IssueTemplate [04:32] change made Bashing-om (g+ shouldn't re-appear in subsequent issues) [04:32] guiverc: My my you are feelinng industrious :P [05:13] Bashing-om, minor ones edited (/next/this/ & /are are/are/ & /g+// but didn't touch hub.disco.rc,testing /next/this/OR duplicate/drop? [05:14] guiverc: Lemme look and see what you see :P [05:18] guiverc: As the hub summary has amplified testing info - I would like to keep it. tsimonq2 Also has an announcemnet but adds nothing that is not already covered. [05:20] guiverc: Yeah agreed ,, the "next week " should be amended to "this week". - but next week is the authors words. [05:21] yep - I wondered about keeping too, also if next/this really applies (b/c of Apr.. 18th specific mention) [05:21] I'm happy with the wording as is b/c of date mention [05:24] guiverc: Well, we could make it explicit that "next" is from the author as by [next] ?? [05:25] i'm not really a fan of "Apr... 18th" -- but it's a direct quote so I ignored it... why I left that alone & didn't touch it with my barge pole :) [07:50] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Security:: Episode 28 @ https://ubuntusecuritypodcast.org/episode-28/ [18:57] Pulling "WIP" and editing "next" too. [20:03] M/L is away .. doing the forum post next. [20:06] Forum posting is done - re-directs next. [20:17] re-directs also done. Pending is posting to the social medias :) [21:15] Want me to push #574 fridge? (I need a 2nd) [21:16] guiverc: Yeah .. All looks good - :) [21:18] :) thanks Bashing-om i'll take your response as my 2nd once I finish clearing spam on fridge [21:18] we've got offers for someone to help write (author stuff) - from a diy solar panel... interested? [21:18] guiverc: Works for me to be that 2nd -for what that is worth. [21:19] guiverc: Always interested on a means to lighten/enlarge our load :) [21:19] krytarik & tsimonq2 felt I didn't need to worry about 2nd due to regularly schedule for uwn - but fridge rules say it so I like it... [21:20] guiverc: I like sticking to a known good procedure :) [21:21] :) [21:25] http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2019/04/15/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-574/ [21:28] I'll do social media posts later.. time for bird feed... [21:28] guiverc: Fridge looks good :) [21:33] Bot confirmtion that the Fridge is posted :) [21:45] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: The Fridge: Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 574 @ http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2019/04/15/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-574/ [21:50] mewe & tweet done. [21:51] guiverc: :) clear now to wipe Gdoc574 ? We start all over again ? [21:52] i was looking for my high-tech exercise book (passwd) to log into fb - not done yet.. [21:52] guiverc: Excuse me for rushing :( [21:53] (now to look for my phone..) but yeah you can wipe .. i won't use it & it's out-of-date anyway [21:53] (we have the wiki) [21:54] guiverc: K - on your say-so I do :) [21:55] fb now done too :| [22:01] Anddd .. we do UWN575 :) [23:15] All done? [23:16] yep :) and thanks Wild_Man [23:16] Thanks guys another, job well done! [23:16] Wild_Man: We do UWN575 now :P [23:18] WOOT! [23:19] fyi: i'll be unable to put 19.04 to fridge till very late friday (my local)... my passion play committment is higher priority (spel?) for me so I won't be available when I expect 19.04 to finally be released... I can be a pre-2nd if acceptable before-hand (???) [23:22] We announce when 19.04 comes out? [23:22] It is our responsibility [23:23] Wild_Man, http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2018/10/18/ubuntu-18-10-cosmic-cuttlefish-released/ - but it's a ubuntu-news team responsibility; not just uwn [23:25] guiverc, I see, I will be busy that day until late, it will be the 19th UTC time by the time I am here [23:26] (Wild_Man they're a bit more work than uwn; source is ML post which is all text; so all formatting is added...) - it'll get done when we're available/when we can.. [23:27] guiverc, is it a copy and paste? or we have to right up the summary? [23:28] we copy/paste ... only the bottom paragraph is added but no writing, just insert name/team/date etc in correct places (from a prior one.. 50% of time taken is looking for ML post itself!) [23:31] (okay ~10-20% of time is looking for post..) [23:31] guiverc, okay if I get back before you and get to it I will give it a go