
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
=== blake is now known as Guest14733
=== Makerblaker1 is now known as Makerblaker
=== Rtfsc9 is now known as Rtfsc8
ilias_grhi all. could you please recommend a light mplayer for xubuntu 18.04.2 other than Parole mlayer?05:39
=== Rtfsc9 is now known as Rtfsc8
ilias_grhi all. which is the best light alternative to Parole mplayer for xubuntu 18.04.2 ? Under 16.04 i run gnome-mplayer which isn't availlable for Bionic.07:51
kadirotry mpv ilias_gr07:51
kadirothere is audacious and rhythmbox for audio07:52
ilias_grkadiro: i am looking for something light and fast, lag-free like gnome-mplayer07:54
kadiroilias_gr, mpv is good and i found it my self light07:54
kadiroilias_gr, mpv is not different from mplayer and most command are the same you can call it mplayer207:57
kadiroyou can launch it with simple gui or without07:58
ilias_grkadiro: is it like this one: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-mplayer07:59
kadiroilias_gr, kinda, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mpv_(media_player)08:01
kadiroi have to go take some rest, good luck ilias_gr08:03
ilias_grok. thanks for your advise08:04
ilias_gr hi all. which is the best light alternative to Parole mplayer for xubuntu 18.04.2 ? Under 16.04 i run gnome-mplayer which isn't availlable for Bionic.11:28
diogenes_ilias_gr, for me it's deadbeef.11:28
brainwashilias_gr: gnome-mpv is available11:30
ilias_grbrainwash: i am looking for something light and fast, lag-free like gnome-mplayer. Gnome-mpv is it light as gnome-mplayer?11:31
ilias_grand suitable for xubuntu bionic?11:32
brainwashtry it11:33
ilias_grbrainwash: is there any difference between gnome-mpv and mpv ? for the 1st 39 newly packages will be installed for the 2nd only 37.11:40
brainwashthat indicates that you don't know what gnome-mplayer exactly is11:40
brainwashit's a graphical frontend for mplayer11:41
brainwashsame for gnome-mpv and mpv11:41
brainwashand mpv is based on mplayer11:41
ilias_grok. i am little confused. so i should give: apt-get install gnome-mpv or apt-get install mpv?11:42
brainwashfirst one will install mpv also11:43
brainwashgnome-mpv = fancy GUI + mpv11:44
ilias_gri proceeded with mpv first11:46
ilias_gri think it works fine11:52
ilias_grbrainwash: thank you11:53
Eickmeyer!chat | This is a test15:14
ubottuThis is a test: #xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, for all Xubuntu-related support questions. Please use #xubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:14
Eickmeyerhggdh: ^15:17
n-iCehow you doing17:09
knomefine, fine17:09
oldhairy11where are update rep?20:50
kadiroIn menu ==> preference i think20:55
kadiromine is in french so it can be different names20:55

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