=== Snake is now known as Guest33105 === brainwash_ is now known as brainwash [10:36] how can I systematically run all cores of my notebook? === marcc is now known as kub [16:48] hi [16:48] the bug report page is friggin annoying so I tell you here: Thinkpad T530 on docking station, starting with lid closed sends it into suspend right after start no matter what you tell it in power settings. [17:01] hello deadrom, you can look at this thread, maybe you could try some configuration options - https://forum.xfce.org/viewtopic.php?id=12970 [17:02] maybe "HandleLidSwitch=ignore" in the /etc/systemd/logind.conf could help? [17:03] you can also try "xfconf-query -c xfce4-power-manager -p /xfce4-power-manager/logind-handle-lid-switch -s false" or "xfconf-query -c xfce4-power-manager -p /xfce4-power-manager/logind-handle-lid-switch -s true" [17:04] Spass: so I should set that to true to be sure the text file edit takes effect? [17:06] from what I understand yes, also you can check what setting you currently have by using "xfconf-query -c xfce4-power-manager -p /xfce4-power-manager/logind-handle-lid-switch" command [17:07] was set to false. gonna try. [17:07] and also "HandleLidSwitchExternalPower=ignore" may be needed in logind.conf [17:07] in any case I think it ios reasonable to expect the setting in the power settings gui to be authoritative. [17:08] Spass: I found that there and set it accordingly, too [17:08] at least that gives me some clarity on which screws to tinker with, thanks [17:09] no problem, hope that helps or give some hints for other possibilities [18:13] Spass: worse now. now goes into suspend 10 seconds after I woke it up no matter what I do. got to keep the lid open. [18:23] deadrom, what you try to achieve? [18:24] diogenes_: thinkpad on dock goes to suspend or standby when lid closes [18:24] deadrom, and what is the expected action? [18:25] diogenes_: xfconf-query -c xfce4-power-manager -p /xfce4-power-manager/logind-handle-lid-switch -s true and HandleLidSwitchExternalPower=ignore and HandleLidSwitchDocked=ignore in systemd/login.conf made it worse. [18:25] expect system to stay on [18:25] has 2 ext. displays on docks [18:28] cat /etc/systemd/logind.conf | nc termbin.com 9999 [18:54] diogenes_: termbin.com/l7aa [18:57] deadrom, try changing "#HandleLidSwitch=suspend" to "HandleLidSwitch=ignore" [18:59] ok. cannot test right now. gotta be back later. [19:14] what is the fastest way to lower/raise the volume? [19:15] Kumool, mousewheel? [19:16] I currently have the pulseaudio plugin for the panel which handles media keys, unfortunately if I press the key multiple times it freezes and lowers the volume after a second [19:16] diogenes_: that works sometimes [19:19] the problem is the media key is actually slower than doing that [19:20] I think its because its forking each time the key is being hit to lower the volume [19:20] Kumool, as i said mousewheel is much faster. [19:20] but I like the button [19:21] >_< [19:21] its also handy when you have things in fullscreen [19:22] you could set a key combination that will increase/decrease the sound with x% [19:22] x%? [19:22] with as many precentage as you want, 5 10 15 [19:23] mmm isnt there a daemon that will listen to the key and lower the volume accordingly [19:23] I imagine that should be quite fast [19:26] theres a xfce4-volumed which points to http://goodies.xfce.org/projects/applications/xfce4-volumed [19:27] which is a 404 [19:27] "This is a volume keys control daemon for Xfce Desktop environment. It controls the volume using multimedia keys, for the card configured in xfce4-mixer. It also provides volume change notifications." [19:27] xfce4-mixer is missing [19:28] Kumool, you could use pulseaudio directly [19:28] pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -5% [19:28] pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +5% [19:28] !info xfce4-volumed [19:28] xfce4-volumed (source: xfce4-volumed): volume keys daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.0-0ubuntu2 (bionic), package size 12 kB, installed size 85 kB [19:44] great, lowering and then lowering the volume doesn't make it go crazy [19:44] thanks ondondil [20:09] How do I set FoxitReader as default PDF reader? [20:10] rapidwave: right-click a pdf file, open with other application, search and pick foxitreader [20:10] or use the MIME type editor [20:17] FoxitRreader isn't listed at all [20:18] not possible to navigate to the location? [20:19] Nope. It opens Software Center [20:22] do you have the input field "use a custom command"? [20:22] in the "open with" dialog window [20:33] It lists a lot of software, but not foxitreader [20:33] It might [20:33] No it does not [20:33] Isn't there a spot in settings somewhere? [20:55] rapidwave: what spot? I already mentioned the MIME type editor [20:57] does foxitreader have a launcher in /usr/share/applications ? [20:57] No [20:57] how do you start it? [20:58] command-line [20:58] then you should create a .desktop launcher for it maybe [20:59] it can be placed in ~/.local/share/applications [21:00] use the command "exo-desktop-item-edit foxitreader.desktop" [21:00] to create one [21:01] What should I use as working directory? [21:03] leave it empty I guess [21:04] It still doesn't show in either of those directories, no in the open dialog [21:04] you have to move the .desktop there [21:04] Where do I findi t? [21:05] probably in ~/ [21:05] anyone can help with systemd [21:06] Doesn't appear to be [21:06] kadiro: proper systemd support can be found in #systemd [21:06] brainwash, thanks [21:07] rapidwave: how did you run the command? terminal? [21:07] Yes [21:07] and what was the current working directory when you executed the command? [21:10] "exo-desktop-item-edit ~/.local/share/applications/foxitreader.desktop" [21:10] brainwash, the channel looks dead [21:11] it has 500 users [21:11] compared to 120 here [21:12] you can ask in #ubuntu which should be very active [21:12] brainwash, yeah may be it is not an officiel channel [21:12] ok [21:13] #systemd is the official channel [21:13] and the best place for systemd related questions [21:13] (we still don't know what your actual question is) [21:14] The launcher is now in ~/.local/share/applications, but still doesn't show in open dialog [21:14] brainwash, I have a custom service file that seems ignoring one command ( modprobe ) paste.ubuntu.com/p/qdncMt68q5/ [21:26] Why doesn't Xubuntu use Ubuntu's tools for this? [21:26] In fact..I'll try to switch over DE and try it that way [22:20] Spass: it's ok now. either the reboot or that third thing did the trick. thanks. [22:20] great to hear [22:33] Hello, I've been having a weird issue since I recently updated to 18.10, seems that when I lock the screen, it won't come back. I can use ctrl-atl-f1 to get to the tty then, I sometimes can switch back (which I get the session locked screen) and in a few seconds it does show the login screen, but sometimes I have to unlock the session with loginctl. Is there an easy way to fix this?