=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [02:51] sup my fellow Kubuntuers? [02:51] I am doing some research on a bug regarding the mouse wheel scrolling speed change not having any effect.. [02:51] does anyone know about this issue? [02:52] this is in 18.04 LTS [02:59] what's the bug number? [03:00] one sec [03:00] 1682193 [03:01] bug 1682193 [03:01] bug 1682193 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Mouse acceleration significantly reduced after upgrade to 17.04" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1682193 [03:01] apparently installing the evdev driver then removing the libinput driver fixes it..but not sure what other problems that may cause [03:04] did you try https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/1682193/comments/32 [03:04] Launchpad bug 1682193 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Mouse acceleration significantly reduced after upgrade to 17.04" [Undecided,Incomplete] [03:05] this isn't a Kubuntu issue by the way, but all over *buntu [03:05] you might have more luck in #ubuntu [03:05] * valorie doesn't use a mouse [03:05] right [03:06] thanks [03:06] best of luck - it sounds annoying [03:07] not too bad..the pointer speed is fine, it's just when I scroll the mouse one detent only, it scrolls almost a full page on the web [03:07] :) [03:07] not major..but inconvenient [04:43] I updated to Disco. do I still need network-manager-wireguard package for wireguard to enable VPN connections via the nm applet? [04:45] i have to close my client now but I'll still stay connected via my matrix account [04:47] Also what is the front end of the kde connection manager called? Google only says network manager [05:43] Hi. You all have probably been flooded with this question, where can i find changelog of kubuntu 19.04 [05:45] nvm found it [05:47] (For those following along, that would be: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DiscoDingo/ReleaseNotes/Kubuntu) === phantos is now known as Stronghold [06:26] Evening all === laughing_man is now known as IamBorg [07:37] Hello there! [07:38] I've a prob with LibreOffice, I updated some minutes ago to KUbuntu 19.04 [07:38] Characters seems in bad resolution compared to the other system applications [07:41] https://hastebin.com/vatayasizi.css [07:42] In the hastebin u can find information about my system I got trough the app [07:47] https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/iln1x2vzR6yDZ7nckxXv?signature=d68470c286651aa05a6f4b26d61c52c53495b7465835355b9c06cf351e08d03c&policy=eyJleHBpcnkiOjE1NTU2NjIxMzh9 [07:48] is the wrong visualized [07:48] Did anyone know how can I fix this please? [07:53] Sitieno14, try to rename .config/libreoffice [07:55] unsolved [07:55] Hello there! [07:55] Here u can find more info about the system I'm running (KUbuntu 19.04): https://hastebin.com/vatayasizi.css [07:55] I've a problem with the LibreOffice installed by default, [07:55] characters seems in bad resolution compared to the other system applications: https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/iln1x2vzR6yDZ7nckxXv?signature=d68470c286651aa05a6f4b26d61c52c534... [07:55] Here u can see at left with no errors in visualization; [07:55] then at right there is the bad visualized. [07:55] Do someone have any idea about how can I fix it please? [07:57] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/H3rrZk69Mt/ [07:58] Sitieno14: That appears to be LP bug 1824743. [07:58] Launchpad bug 1824743 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "Fonts look bad after scaling display in Kubuntu Disco" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1824743 [08:01] I uninstalled libreoffice-kde5 and libreoffice-qt5 to install libreoffice-gtk3 [08:01] I solved but.. does it have any consequences? [08:03] Apart from the visuals, not really. [08:05] perfect, thanks a lot [08:05] have a nice day ~ [08:15] One short question. Should tracker be enabled in Kubuntu? I updated yesterday to 19.04 and tracker-extract and tracker-miner-f are using more than one of my cores. I have disabled desktop search in KDE. [08:22] @Niggolas: No, while there are packages in the official repositories containing those executables, they are definitely not installed on Kubuntu 19.04 by default. [08:24] @krytarik Thank you. I will kill those processes and search how to permanently disable them [08:26] Well, if you want to just remove those packages, try: "sudo apt purge --auto-remove tracker" [08:28] And pay attention on what it might want to remove along with them too - that might be a clue what brought it in to begin with. [08:33] IrcsomeBot tracker caused me untold problems. Couldn't uninstall it without uninstalling other apps that I needed. I solved my prob by renaming the tracker executables. No ill side effects yet. That was 2 weeks ago. [08:54] @krytarik There are some surprises in there: (in particular libreoffice-style-oxygen) apturl* apturl-common* libcue2* libgnome-autoar-0-0* libisl15* libreoffice-style-oxygen* libtagc0* libtracker-control-2.0-0* libtracker-miner-2.0-0* nautilus* nautilus-share* tracker* tracker-extract* tracker-miner-fs [10:33] Notification Bot was added by: Notification Bot [10:33] (Photo, 1123x400) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/l7CHHryU/file_14852.jpg ❗️Cryptocurrency exchange Bitmex announced the AirDrop … ❗️Competition period: 2019/04/19 to 2019/04/20 … ✅ To celebrate the year of our stock exchange, we have committed ourselves to provide 10 000 BTC and 10 000 ETH to our fans around the world! … ✅ All persons are able to participate, including those in the United States … ✅ [10:33] bit.do/Bitmex_Blog … ✅ Telegram group t.me/joinchat/LD1AOlYQc30JMcbBJ2-zWw [12:17] Hi folks [12:31] I read in the "Upgrading from 18.10" Kubuntu release notes that the upgrade may not be available several days after the release. Is that true? I'm asking this because the Discover upgrade notifier in Plasma 5.15 hasn't notified me of the upgrade (and I have "Normal" upgrades enabled). It would be great if an admin can clarify this [12:40] @jorgetech_spacebiker, Did you follow the instructions in the: Detailed upgrade instructions can be found here: Kubuntu 18.10 to 19.04 Upgrade [12:40] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DiscoUpgrades/Kubuntu [12:41] Not yet, I already know about that. I was just curious to know if Discover notifies of Kubuntu distro upgrades. I read in the Plasma 5.15 release notes a fix regarding distro upgrade notifications [12:42] @jorgetech_spacebiker, No, it doesn't notify you of those. Kde ripped out the code that allowed that. :( [12:45] Are this commits related? They are recent: … https://cgit.kde.org/discover.git/commit/?id=e81d0d1bca83a61fd4c296939e9378311398eec2 … https://cgit.kde.org/discover.git/commit/?id=5aa9988402b30ef7c2aae66cbf23982ea2a024bd [12:45] I think Neon supports it and it is Ubuntu based [12:45] Neon had a seperate application to do it [12:45] @acheronuk, Oh I see [12:46] I hope in the near future Kubuntu has at least a GUI dialog for upgrading like standard Ubuntu does === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life === kde is now known as Guest30493 [14:00] what version of kde apps is in kubuntu 19.04? [14:00] 18.1? [14:33] Version 18.12.3 === fealer-M is now known as felixernst-M === felixernst-M is now known as FelixErnst-M [16:43] I upgraded to 19.04 and Discover shows no Snap or Flatpak repos. It only shows (undefined) [16:50] jorgetech_spacebiker check /etc/apt/sources.list and make sure your main and universe repos are uncommented [16:52] just the deb http sources , not the deb src [16:55] then run sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade in the konsole [17:18] That did not anything at all [17:18] not do* [17:20] I have also upgraded my laptop and the sources are there in Discover [17:20] This is very strange === ledeni_ is now known as ledeni [19:14] jorgetech_spacebiker: snap refresh [19:15] hi [19:15] What is a good irc where i can get some general pc help? [19:15] My computer doesn't turn on anymore [19:17] /join ##hardware [22:12] tomrayn: that did not work unfortunately [22:12] tomreyn* [22:13] Also if I remove the snap backends it doesn't offer me to install them on the sources page. And the apt sources are not there [22:14] I already tried purging and reinstalling with the same result. I cannot reproduce this on my other Kubuntu systems [22:29] Ok, I solved [22:29] PackageKit was broken somehow [22:30] Here is what I did to fix it in case anyone encounters this: … 1. sudo rm /var/lib/PackageKit/*.db … 2. sudo systemctl restart packagekit.service … 3. sudo pkcon repair [22:33] @acheronuk BTW do you think distro upgrades for Kubuntu in Discover could be notified using PackageKit, looking through the man pages I saw commands related to that === aequitassancti is now known as aequitassancti_ === aequitassancti_ is now known as aequitassancti__ === aequitassancti__ is now known as aequitassancti