
mieHello everyone, I'm trying to duelboot a Asus Chromebook C213SA. I am having trouble disabling write protetction on this model. Any help02:12
valoriehmmm, nothing in the factoids02:30
valoriemie: you might find more help in #ubuntu which is a much larger channel02:31
valoriesince this isn't a specifically Kubuntu/KDE issue02:31
mievalorie, thanks!02:31
valoriebest of luck finding a solution!02:32
miewhile I have you, some of the channels I try to join do nothing when I hit join. any reason?02:32
valoriesome are only available to those who have identified to nickserv02:32
ubottuFor information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode.02:32
mieyou both the bomb. Thanks02:33
valorieit keeps irc spam down some02:33
claydoh@mie #galliumos perhaps02:39
miethe real problem I'm having is disabling write protection02:50
user|88604google drive03:49
IrcsomeBot<EEElton> @valorie, How do I joini can't join via Telegram, can I?10:33
BluesKajHi folks12:18
jani_Hey, i have a fix for everyone of you chatters here: format c:12:22
BluesKajjani_, nice try :-012:28
OerHeksagain jani_ ..12:28
OerHeks!ops | this channel please12:30
ubottuthis channel please: Help! Channel Emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies!) acheronuk, ahoneybun, claydoh, genii, ikonia, jussi, Mamarok, mneptok, Nalioth, ovidiu-florin, Pici, Riddell, ryanakca, shadeslayer, Tm_T, tsimpson, valorie, Unit193, yofel, dax.12:30
BluesKaj!ops | jani_12:30
ubottujani_: Help! Channel Emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies!) acheronuk, ahoneybun, claydoh, genii, ikonia, jussi, Mamarok, mneptok, Nalioth, ovidiu-florin, Pici, Riddell, ryanakca, shadeslayer, Tm_T, tsimpson, valorie, Unit193, yofel, dax.12:30
=== zenon is now known as zenon_old
zenon_oldI have a hybrid laptop/tablet that always has issues with touchpad detection. This isn't exclusive to Kubuntu but it's what I'm currently running. It's a Dell Venue 11 Pro. I'm completely lost as to how to fix it so it always sees the touchpad12:37
zenon_oldIt will always see the keyboard. More times than not the touchpad will not work on boot. Sometimes if I unplug the tablet from the keyboard and reattach it will detect the touchpad, other times everything stops working12:38
BluesKajzenon_old, have you setup the touchpad parameters in system settings>input devices>graphic tablet12:47
zenon_oldI have not. Let me take a look. Does it matter if it's not a true Wacom?12:49
jani_I have a Win10 laptop, not a single issue.12:49
BluesKajjani_, please leave your comments to yourself aboput windows, this is kubuntu support12:50
chealerhi. with Amarok's situation in 19.04 what would you recommend instead?14:14
diogenes_chealer, deadbeef.14:14
diogenes_or clementine14:14
chealerheh, deadbeef uses assembly14:19
chealerI'll try clementine, thanks diogenes_14:19
diogenes_chealer, yw.14:19
diogenes_chealer, there used to be also gmusicbrowser, no clue whether it's still around.14:23
chealeris Kontact/KMail installed instead of Thunderbird because it's good or just for dependency reasons? I use Gmail and gave up on KMail about 10 years ago when it had serious issues (including data loss). I used Thunderbird since. It has important issues with Gmail too but I don't want to go back to something way worst than Thunderbird.14:26
chealeryuk - manual pages open in Chromium after I installed it (Kubuntu 19.04). is there a known workaround?15:16
chealer(plus they display like crap)15:16
Heavyarms__chealer, have you already tried changing your default browser?15:31
chealerHeavyarms__: ah, no. looks like Chromium did grant itself that title. so setting Firefox as default does solve.16:05
chealerI hadn't realized man pages could be displayed in a browser other than Konqueror.16:05
chealerthank you Heavyarms__16:05
Heavyarms__no problem16:07
shaheerare there any other channels for general purposes ?16:29
chealershaheer: like what?16:36
BluesKajthere's #ubuntu for all ubuntu flavours and the ##linux chat for more general questions16:38
shaheerany room for anythung other thank Kubuntu16:39
BluesKajor #ubuntu-discauss16:39
BluesKajerr #ubuntu-discuss16:39
IrcsomeBot<rareandreal> https://youtu.be/EjxSCLagPbw16:51
=== robert_ is now known as Guest80538
shaheerhow to upgrade to kubuntu 19.04 from 18.04 LTS16:58
=== Jasa__ is now known as Jasa
user|77448good evening,question for you..how can i open and watch a dvd protected video18:20
=== birdy_ is now known as birdman007
deathtactics101is it at all possible to install openjdk 8 on version 19.0422:46
tomreynmaybe there's a PPA, or 3rd party repository, or snap.22:49

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