
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
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=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
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rbasakI'm seeing some Launchpad git push failures.13:27
rbasakNot reproducible - seems to work on retry AFAICT (and retry up to three times is automatic)13:27
cjwatsonrbasak: We had a brief load spike but it seems to have tailed off13:27
rbasakgit-ubuntu is running a mass import catchup13:29
rbasakSince last night13:29
rbasakIn a fetch/update/push loop, some number (~15?) concurrently.13:30
rbasakI don't think it'd have caused that spike13:30
rbasak  04/26/2019 13:21:34 - ERROR:stderr: fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly13:31
rbasak    fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly13:31
rbasakThat was the last failure13:31
cjwatsonNo, not correlated with git-ubuntu behaviour13:33
cjwatsonIt'll be recipes13:34
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=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
EickmeyerHi all. hggdh and I are having the worst time targeting bug 1826413 to disco-updates. Seems like something went wonky (we both may have tried doing it at the same time, but I also noticed I'm missing some launchpad perms to do it anyhow).17:54
ubot5`bug 1826413 in ubuntustudio-controls (Ubuntu Disco) "ALSA Jack Midi bridge off selection not surviving a reboot" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182641317:54
EickmeyerNo idea why I went parenthetical on that.17:55
hggdhwhen I look at the bug, I do not have a "target to series" option shown for the Ubuntu task17:56
hggdh(LP account is hggdh2)17:57
EickmeyerWait, now it's showing, hggdh.17:57
Eickmeyergunnarhj did it.17:57
Eickmeyer(My LP account is eeickmeyer)17:58
EickmeyerNevermind all.18:00

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