[19:07] degville: https://docs.snapcraft.io/snapcraft-parts-metadata/8336 <- look for "Advanced grammar", the URL is deae [19:07] *deae [19:07] *dead even :) [19:12] sergiusens: snapcraft question: I'd like to use snapcraft's source thing to download a file that is not a tarball [19:13] sergiusens: and use a custom plugin (or make or something simple) to process it further [19:13] sergiusens: any advice? [19:16] zyga: thanks for the heads-up. I've just been through the doc and can't find the missing link though (5 references to advanced grammar). I also did an invalid link scan. Could have been a temporary blip (sometimes this happens when the docs are updated). Could you check again and let me know? [19:16] degville: it's not a href link [19:16] if you check the source it's just an anchor [19:16] text [19:16] without the href attribute [19:16] zyga: ah, ok. got it - thanks! I'll fix it. [19:17] not sure how that gets created [19:17] thanks :) [19:20] degville: using license: proprietary (straight from the docs) results in validation error [19:20] error: cannot validate snap "xxx": cannot validate license "proprietary": unknown license: proprietary [19:20] sergiusens: ^ [19:23] zyga: good find, thanks. I'll look into it. [19:23] degville: I think it's a cross-team issue [19:23] the docs are correct but something along the way in the stack says "no" [19:24] zyga: I must admit, I've not tried putting proprietary in there, but yeah, I can add a caveat until it works. [19:24] heh, it's probably the 1st thing non-foss people will try :D [19:24] but yeah, I can understand why nobody tried it from the team [19:24] ahaha! true!