
mupPR snapcraft#2545 closed: catkin plugin: use build-packages for compilers <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2545>01:52
wadedyAnyone have any experience with nextcloud on ubuntu server 18?02:39
mupPR snapd#6809 closed: snapcraft.yaml: fix links ld-linux-x86-64.so.2/ld64.so.2 <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6809>06:03
pedronismvo: morning06:39
mupPR snapd#6812 opened: snapcraft: also include ld.so.conf from libc in the snapcraft.yml <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6812>06:51
pedronismvo: on the systems where we do repack_snapd we could also build with snapcraft, no ? are we just trying to avoid the double build?07:08
mvopedronis: we avoid the double build07:13
mvopedronis: its slow07:13
mvopedronis: like really slow07:13
mvopedronis: we could look into cheating somehow, i.e. build the snap from a binary deb07:14
pedronismvo: but the slow parts are probably not snapd, no? they are likely building the font cache stuff?07:15
pedronisjust installing the fc build deps takes forever07:15
mvopedronis: good point, I have no looked at what part takes how long. but that sounds plausible07:16
mvopedronis: another part of the problem is that for a realisitic test the snapd test has to be build in a 16.04 environment (gcc/toolchain etc). however then it needs to run on all distros07:19
mvopedronis: we could try with snapcraft cleanbuild or similar07:19
pedronismvo: so the build on LP takes 10 minutes (for amd64)07:21
pedronisif I'm looking right: https://code.launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/+snap/snapd-master/+build/54625207:21
mvopedronis: yeah, the travis log tells a similar story, about 10min07:24
pedronisalso indeed we do build it anyway, in the snapd-snap test07:26
pedronismvo: our quick tests take 6 mins07:28
pedronismvo: there is some argument to be made that maybe it would make sense to build our most used deb and the snap in the quick phase07:30
pedronisand then use it in the integration stage07:30
mvopedronis: yeah, that sounds very reasonable07:30
mvopedronis: we would have to have some external mechanism for the data sharing, I guess we can just GCE for this (?)07:32
mvopedronis: but I like this a lot, two jobs that build deb/snap and then pass it on to the integration stage07:32
pedronisthere are probably multiple options07:32
pedronisalso I think if we had a 16.04 prepared image with the right packages07:33
pedronisthat 10 minutes would go down a bit07:33
* mvo nods07:35
mvopedronis: I poked a bit, it looks like we need sergio and/or gustavo to setup a GCS bucket to upload the builds into but then this looks doable07:41
mvo(a bit of work though)07:41
pedronismvo: yes, and yes it's some work07:41
pedronisbut the build can be run by spread I suppose07:42
pedronisit's basically the snapd-snap test07:43
mvopedronis: indeed07:43
pedronisplus putting the build somewhere07:43
pedronisand using a dedicated system/image07:43
mvopedronis: this way we can optimize the build-deps and give it a machine with lots of horse-power(?)07:43
pedronisdon't know about the latter07:43
pedronisbut for sure we can have a build image07:43
pedroniswith more packages07:43
mvopedronis: this will be super nice because for 6 workers we don't need to build snapd 6 times anymore :)07:44
* mvo is a bit excited07:44
pedronisit's more complexity, so not so excited, but also the current approach is fragile, which is my main worry here07:46
pedronisI mean fragile in the sense that tests pass and shouldn't07:47
pedronismvo: I need to revert snapd edge again07:47
mvoindeed, thats how I understood it07:47
mvopedronis: I thought I had done this already, if not I have it in my history07:47
pedronisit gets build again07:47
mvopedronis: so can run it now07:48
pedronisI have done it07:48
pedronisalso I think the version you mention on TG were a bit off07:48
mvo6812 should *finally* fix it07:48
mvopedronis: oh? was I wrong there, sorry for that07:48
pedronisone was from a different tag07:48
pedronisI'm using the revisions for 2.38.1+git1331.gc31458907:49
mupPR snapd#6812 closed: snapcraft: also include ld.so.conf from libc in the snapcraft.yml <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6812>08:26
Chipacapedronis: got a question about 'snap refresh --list --cohort=xyzzy a_snap'08:40
pedronisChipaca: yes?08:53
Chipacapedronis: two things: one, that's doubly-specifying a thing (right?), and two, we don't even support 'snap refresh --list a_snap' today08:53
Chipacathe a_snap will get quietly ignored and you'll get a list of everything08:54
pedroniswhat is doubly specified?08:54
Chipacain fact, because for hysterical reasons 'snap refresh --list' is actually 'snap find --select=refresh', there isn't a good way to specify snaps to limit it to08:54
Chipacapedronis: because cohort implies snap name08:55
pedronisChipaca: it doesn't for us08:55
pedronisnor for the store really08:55
pedronisyou need to send the name and the cohort08:55
pedroniscan't just send the cohort08:55
ackkhi, is there a way to include a deb not from the archive in a snap, similarly to what stage-packages do?08:55
Chipacapedronis: sigh, ok. But still, there isn't a good way to send anything.08:56
Chipacapedronis: I could add client-side filtering to 'snap refresh --list'08:56
Chipacaif that is what we want08:56
Chipacaactually a_snap is not quietly ignored: you get 'error: --list does not accept additional arguments'08:57
pedronisChipaca:  to be quite frank I'm not sure why we though implementing snap refresh --list08:57
pedronisas part of find08:57
pedroniswas a good idea08:57
Chipacapedronis: i totally agree08:57
Chipacai'd much rather it were dry-run, on the refresh endpoint08:57
pedronisso we can do that08:58
Chipacanot as part of cohorts work though08:58
pedronis(and maybe at some point deprecate the other thing)08:58
Chipacai'll leave this bit of wrk for after this refactor08:58
Chipacaand move on with the rest08:58
pedronisChipaca: yes08:58
pedroniswe'll need to update the docs to say not yet implemented though08:59
* Chipaca hands pedronis the Red Seal of Not Implemented09:01
mvolooks like the snapd snap is finally happy again for cmd.CommandFromSystemSnap (yay)09:02
degville(I've just got to head out to vote in a local council election (thought I was registered for postal, but it appears not)).09:03
mvodegville: thanks for letting us know09:04
* Chipaca agrees degville should avoid going postal09:04
* degville has been going postal for around 3 years now.09:06
Chipacaoh dear09:36
* Chipaca LARTs pedronis 09:37
* Chipaca also LARTs github for not highlighting this09:37
pedronisChipaca: ?09:37
Chipacapedronis: commit message with lines that are … dunno, 200+ chars long?09:37
Chipaca'git log' is now a mess09:37
Chipaca329 characters long09:38
Chipacawide i mean09:38
pedronisthat is a workflow problem on my side, so I should fix it, but hard10:03
Chipacapedronis: what'd be a good name for a struct with all options of snapstate.Update? going with snapstate.UpdateSpec as a strawman (it contains everything in current update args plus cohort, except state and user)10:15
ChipacaUpdate explodes the test a lot less than Install does so i'm going with the refactor inline10:15
Chipacahmmm, otoh it explodes the helpers10:18
Chipacabut that might be unavoidable10:19
Chipacahmm, hmm, hmm10:19
* Chipaca hmms more10:19
* Chipaca goes for coffee10:19
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pedronisChipaca: not a big fan of Spec, but we use it elsewhere10:42
pedronisso seems ok10:42
pedronisChipaca: in the client code the same thing is just called SnapOptions though fwiw10:43
Chipacapedronis: but that's because it's not update-specific (tho why not UpdateOptions)10:47
pedronisChipaca: yes, that was more my point, most of things are Options11:15
mupPR snapd#6813 opened: data: update XDG_DATA_DIRS via the systemd environment.d mechanism too <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6813>11:17
Chipacayep, going with that11:19
Chipacahoping it doesn't explode in my face now :-)11:19
Chipacai need to take a break, go for a walk, and have lunch11:19
pedronisChipaca: mvo: will automatic snapshots be in 2.39 ?11:50
pedronisor is it 2.40 ?11:50
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Chipacapedronis: it's tagged 2.3911:55
Chipacapedronis: e.g. #666911:55
mupPR #6669: overlord/corecfg: make expiration of automatic snapshots configurable (4/4) <Created by stolowski> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6669>11:55
Chipacapedronis: there's some related PRs that weren't tagged 2.39 but they merged earlier than that one11:56
Chipacae.g. #672711:56
mupPR #6727: data/selinux: allow snapd to execute runuser under snappy_t <SELinux> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6727>11:56
Chipacawithout that ^ snapshots on selinux are wonky11:56
pedronisChipaca: thanks, will try to understand more at the standup11:57
Chipacai might be a bit late for the standup, i need to pick up the dog from the vet and the timing is a little close11:58
* Chipaca ⇝ runch11:59
* Chipaca steals ideas from twom12:00
cmatsuokamvo: is https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/blob/master/parts/plugins/x_builddeb.py#L27 still working? I think we'll be able to drop that using base: core12:20
mupPR snapcraft#2550 opened: storeapi: move from details (v1) to info (v2) <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2550>12:23
sergiusenscmatsuoka: what, the entire idea behind build-aux was to be able to drop that :-)12:23
cmatsuokasergiusens: yes, but currently snapcraft doesn't like build-aux/snap/plugins, mind if I fix that?12:24
cmatsuoka(i.e. it gets snapcraft.yaml from build-aux/snap, but plugins are still loaded from snap/plugins)12:25
sergiusenscmatsuoka: yes, please do12:25
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mvocmatsuoka: x-builddeb is still working13:10
wisHey, does the ubuntu core support wifi on RPI2, by adding wireless adapter interfaces of a wifi adapter?13:42
wishow can I connect to wifi with a wifi adapter on Ubuntu Core on RPI2?13:47
Chipacawis: i'd ask ogra :-)13:51
ograwis, the kernel is the same as the one for classic ubuntu pi images, all wifi usb plugs that one supports are also supported by core14:03
mupPR snapd#6814 opened: overlord/corecfg: make expiration of automatic snapshots configurable (4/4) - 2.39 <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6814>14:03
mupPR snapd#6755 closed: overlord/snapstate: tweak autorefresh logic if network is not available <Squash-merge> <Created by stolowski> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6755>14:06
mupPR snapd#6638 closed: interfaces: add support for the snapd snap in the dbus backend  <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6638>14:10
mupPR snapd#6802 closed: overlord/ifacestate: update static attributes of "content" interface <⚠ Critical> <Created by stolowski> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6802>14:11
ChipacaI was so, so wrong about a change to Update's arity breaking less tests14:12
* Chipaca perseveres14:12
mvoChipaca: while I wait for some spread run - did we agree to pass the user-agent via a context? I heard yes just wanted to double check14:17
Chipacamvo: I heard yes, in that it's not the ideal but it's ok14:17
Chipacabut maybe pedronis can confirm14:18
Chipaca(ideal is when it's the same layer stuffing and unpacking the values14:18
mvoChipaca: excellent, I think that is what he said as well14:18
pedronisthey can be the same layer14:19
pedronisit depends on details14:19
Chipacapedronis: i think we're looking for a yes/no answer14:20
pedronisit's possible, I'm still unclear where/who do make this contexts14:21
Chipacapedronis: this would be: daemon creates the context, stuffs it with a value for the ua, and then store.Find takes a context, and unstuffs the value14:22
Chipacapedronis: alternative approach would be to add the ua to store.Search14:22
pedronisit's not only for search14:22
pedronisanyway atm only UpdateMany takes a context14:23
Chipacapedronis: in both cases, with a mind on this being the pattern we'd also use later from the sync bits of refresh/install/info/etc14:23
Chipacapedronis: yes it's not only search, search is just the first one14:23
Chipaca(search also covers 'snap info' fwiw)14:23
wisorga: I noticed that by ls ing the /lib/firmware and my device's firmware is there (ath9k_htc, Chipset: Atheros AR7010 & AR9287)14:23
Chipacamvo: ^ that means daemon's search hits store.Find and store.SnapInfo fwiw14:24
mvoChipaca: ok, I will look at the context then14:26
* mvo pokes hard at some tests first14:26
wisorga: but it's not being listed by: $ nmcli d wifi list and $ ip a show's it's (wlan0)'s state is down14:27
pedronisChipaca: mvo: to be clear it will be the same layer talking to itself because we probably want a helper in store that takes a request and makes a context14:30
wisI followed these docs: docs.ubuntu.com/core/en/stacks/network/network-manager/docs/configure-wifi-connections and wiki.debian.org/WiFi/HowToUse#WPA-PSK_and_WPA2-PSK14:30
mvopedronis: aha, that makes sense14:30
pedronisstore.UseContext(request (can be nil)) context.Context14:31
pedronisor something like that14:31
ograwis, well, i never use NM on core ... you dont see the device inn console-conf ? (the UI that comes up on first boot and lets you set up the user and netwrok config)14:33
wisorga, I did, and configured the wifi by selecting the ssid and entering the passhphrase (although I'm not sure if correctly because I did't see what I was typing carefully and there was no option to show the characters)14:37
ograwell, then it should be properly set up already14:37
ograif you were able to advance to the user creation your network should be properly set up14:38
wisit's connected to ethernet too14:38
ograconsole-conf uses the network connecion when creating the user ... so if that worked your wlan worked too14:38
wisis there a way to redo the console-conf after first boot?14:38
ograah, try to do the initial config without plugged in ethernet then14:39
wisI'll need to reinstall to do that?14:39
ograyou can try "sudo console-conf" when logged in via ssh ... but be aware that it does not allow you to ctrl-C it, you can not get out anymore if you do not finish it properly14:39
wisokay I'll do it over ssh and If it fails I don't mind reinstalling at this point.14:40
ograand indeed if you ssh you can not easily cancel the ethernet ... since you need to use it ... the easier alternative is surely a re-install14:41
ograafter all re-installing core is pretty quick14:41
wisoh right.. I need ethernet for ssh14:41
Chipacawis: or you could use serial14:42
ograin any case, if you see a wlan0 device during console-conf your wlan should theoretically work.., at least from the kernel/driver side14:42
ograif you want to use serial, make sure to set a password for the user .. do: "sudo passwd $USER" to set one (and use the $USER variable there)14:42
ograelse you wont get a login prompt ... local consoles are only enabled if a password exists14:43
ogra(and serial is considered a local console)14:43
wisit looks like serial requires a USB to serial adapter which I don't have, so i'll just reinstall.14:52
Chipacawis: keyboard and screen? :-)14:56
Chipacawis: or just reinstall :-)14:56
wissame way I did it the first time, flash sd card, plug keyboard, hdmi and boot, only with ethernet disconnected, .. and more careful typing.15:00
mupPR snapd#6778 closed: snapstate: auto-install snapd when needed <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6778>15:13
wisI can't enter a forward slash (/) in the subnet mask field, only numbers and dots, despite requiring it in CIDR format15:23
* cachio lunch15:23
wisthe good news is that with ethernet disconnected my routers SSID displayed and I selected it, that means the wifi adapter is working.15:25
ograyup, it should ... you will definitely know it if your user creation worked15:26
ograthe forward slash is probably a bug with console-conf input filtering (most people simply use DHCP and dont fiddle with the netmasks, so it is likely that nobody did hit that issue yet)15:27
wisgood to know that I helped find a bug, I'll use dhcp for now and do a nmap scan to find the RPi's ip each time it changes, to be able to ssh15:29
wison a second though I think I can just use the raspberry.local hostname15:30
mupPR snapd#6815 opened: snapstate: auto-install snapd when needed (2.39) <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6815>15:31
Chipacapedronis: i'm going to push the updates pr, which is nominally done, but i haven't gone over it to make sure it doesn't have any think'os15:36
Chipacaso quality might be iffy15:36
Chipacabut, maybe it's fine :-D15:36
Chipacaand then, *then*, I'm going to EOW15:38
Chipacalike a BOSS15:39
Chipacapedronis: vvv15:45
mupPR snapd#6816 opened: daemon, overlord: support for cohort-key in refresh and switch <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6816>15:46
* Chipaca soft-EODs, getting ready to leave but still paying some attention to IRC15:46
wiswohoo, ping cern.org returns results with ethernet disconnected. Linux always surprises for good with out-of-box drivers.15:50
wisalthough the default (non-cloudflare) dns was concerningly slow15:54
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mupPR snapd#6817 opened: overlord,overlord/devicestate: do without GadgetInfo/KernelInfo in devicestate <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6817>16:09
pedronismvo: ^16:16
wisafter reinstalling and installing snap available memory is 770MB. I know that core is a stripped down server. how does the baseline memory consumption compare?16:20
wisinstalling htop*16:20
Chipacapedronis: I'm off, see you wednesday!16:21
Chipacapedronis: (but telegram in emergencies)16:21
pedronisChipaca: bye, have fun16:21
jdstrandmvo: hey, so, I'm not done testing yet (it has so far been going fine), but libseccomp 2.4 has a performance regression: https://github.com/seccomp/libseccomp/issues/15316:32
jdstrandmvo: 'real0m0.083s' with 2.38 template policy and 2.3.1 vs 'real0m0.242s' with 2.38 policy and 2.4.116:33
mvojdstrand: uh, that will make a difference I suppose, snap debug timings should give us some data here16:34
jdstrandmvo: I mention this as an fyi since the security team plans to push libseccomp 2.4.1 out to fix the CVE and bad bpf generation anyway16:34
jdstrandmvo: ie, even if you skip it now and forego the daemon user feature, you'd get it in your next sru16:35
jdstrandmvo: that said, people seem keen to fix it, so we could always sru those changes when they mature16:35
mvojdstrand: ok16:36
* mvo needs to get some dinner 16:36
jdstrandmvo: enjoy :)16:36
mupPR snapd#6818 opened: snapshotstate: disable automatic snapshots on core for now <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6818>17:32
mupPR snapcraft#2547 closed: [legacy] catkin spread test: allow python2 as well as python <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2547>17:38
* cachio afk18:12
cmatsuokaniemeyer: hi, any news on the extension review?19:28
niemeyercmatsuoka: Sorry, got distracted elsewhere.. I'll get to it first thing in the morning tomorrow19:30
cmatsuokaniemeyer: thanks! sorry for being annoying about that, but it's in our plans for lyon to have these properly merged :)19:32
niemeyercmatsuoka: Not annoying at all.. I apologize as I should have done it earlier in the week19:33
mupPR snapcraft#2546 closed: [legacy] catkin plugin: ensure cxxflags are consistent <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2546>21:12

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