
=== mceier_ is now known as mceier
bittinAnyone know if you can update to the Dev version of 19.10 now?15:00
hggdhbittin: you *can*. Just be aware that it is VERY early in the cycle. If you know what you are doing, then do it -- preferrably in a TEST machine, at least initially.15:06
bittinhggdh: alright how do i do then?15:07
hggdhbittin: the usual caveats apply: your machine may burst in flames, kittens may die, etc. In other words: assume some critical issue may pop up, and plan accordingly15:08
hggdhbittin: (1) verify /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades is set to 'normal'; if not, do so;15:09
hggdhbittin: (2) close all currently-running programs, open a terminal, and run 'sudo do-release-upgrade -d'15:10
hggdhbittin: actually, (0) make a backup of everything you consider important in your machine15:10
hggdhbittin: all the above assumes you are running a clean version of Ubuntu. No PPAs, no non-ubuntu programs/products installed, up-to-date. If there are (any of them), YMMV a lot.15:14
daxeoan isn't in http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-development yet, so i don't think do-release-upgrade knows about it15:25
daxthis early in the cycle you'd probably need to edit sources.list and dist-upgrade15:25
bittindax: does not seem so15:25
lotuspsychjeits raining cosmic to dingo upgrade fails in -announce15:27
lotuspsychjesee bug #1825420 also15:27
ubottubug 1825420 in linux (Ubuntu) "package linux-image-5.0.0-13-generic 5.0.0-13.14 failed to install/upgrade: triggers looping, abandoned" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182542015:27
bittindax: i tried not sure if i did anything wrong: https://pastebin.com/hPSCG7vT15:27
daxbittin: it's spelled eoan15:28
dax(and some of those repositories may not exist yet, since eoan is so new)15:28
daxi know hggdh already mentioned it, but just to emphasize: it's *extremely* early in the eoan cycle, and stuff is liable to be missing or broken for months15:29
bittindax: thanks, updating 405 packages now15:30
daxgood luck :)15:30
lotuspsychjebittin: are you installing 19.10 for fun or want to help bug out?15:32
bittinlotuspsychje: for fun but will report if i found bugs15:32
lotuspsychjebittin: hence my question, if you want to help bug out we reccomend using clean dailys and not upgrades. this way you wont give extra seeking work to the developers15:33
bittinlotuspsychje: well i have a stable install on another ssd in case something really horrible happends15:36
lotuspsychjeis it also a 19.10 bittin ?15:37
bittinlotuspsychje: nope 19.0415:37
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic15:40
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (eoan), package size 2 kB, installed size 15 kB15:40
bittinListening too http://ubuntupodcast.org/2019/05/02/s12e04-ant-attack/ and updating to 19.10 now15:40
lotuspsychjebittin: let us know if your upgrade went well ok, as its same kernel as the cosmic to dingo bug15:41
bittinlotuspsychje: will do gonna listen to todays Ubuntu Podcast episode first and do a reboot15:44
bittingonna reboot now wish me luck15:51
lotuspsychjelookin good15:54
bittinit booted 15:54
bittinthats a good start :)15:54
lotuspsychjebittin: how about your sources list and kernel version?15:55
bittinkernel 5.0.0-1415:56
lotuspsychjesounds good15:56
bittinand sources.list seems fine15:56
bittinthanks for the help and cya around16:00
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