
djahi all - does anyone know where the official upstream of sbsigntool lives now?01:40
djais it jejb's kernel.org repo, or does the official one live at Canonical still?01:41
sarnoldheh, the url in debian/copyright looks dead .. this looks like the new name for the old thing https://kernel.ubuntu.com/git/jk/sbsigntool/ -- looks like it's six years idle01:43
djayes, it's jk's old tool but it's still useful (the secure boot stuff hasn't changed much, and it was current when cyphermox wrote https://blog.ubuntu.com/2017/08/11/how-to-sign-things-for-secure-boot in 2017)01:44
cyphermoxdja: https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/jejb/sbsigntools.git/01:50
cyphermox(it does need an update, more specifically a merge from Debian; I will take care of that)01:51
djacyphermox: cool. There's an issue in at least cosmic where sbverify ignores -v despite having code to process it, it needs the getopt line to include lowercase v as well as uppercase V02:02
djaI can send a patch to james for master02:02
djaah looks like master already has it02:04
djacyphermox: master got the fix I wanted in 2014 so hopefully a sync with debian should catch it02:17
djathanks :)02:17
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LocutusOfBorgmwhudson, maybe we can make 1.11 migrate and then transition again?06:41
LocutusOfBorgdidrocks, ubuntu-report is having a sad day with new default golang... I don't think I understood the testsuite failure....06:53
didrocksLocutusOfBorg: ah, interesting, I guess autopkgtests rdepends?07:16
didrocksLocutusOfBorg: funny, because with the upstream google compiler, I'm using 1.11 (and not 1.12) for months…07:17
didrocksI bet it's a question of 1.11 with modules and it tries to fetch the upstream repo instead of the vendor/ directory07:18
didrocksand no git installed, so…07:18
didrocksthe question is really why gccgo 1.11 ignores the vendor/ directory07:19
didrocks(upstream compiler doesn't)07:19
didrocksthat's in mwhudson's hand IMHO07:19
LocutusOfBorgdidrocks, interesting I found mostly the same, after installing a lot of golang packages07:49
LocutusOfBorgdidrocks, interesting I found mostly the same, after installing a lot of golang packages07:49
mwhudsonuh what07:51
xnoxmwhudson, didrocks, does any of https://github.com/golang/go/issues/29670 make sense?07:52
LocutusOfBorgI mean, I installed stuff like: golang-github-spf13-pflag-dev and so on07:52
xnoxyou shall have PWD in GOPATH?07:52
LocutusOfBorgand it still tries to fetch them...07:52
LocutusOfBorgeven 1.12 seems to fail...07:52
xnoxdidrocks, i wonder if 'cd /tmp' at the end of debian/tests/setup would fix everything.....07:53
mwhudsonoh well07:54
didrocksxnox: need to test it. I don't have 1.11.4 here (upstream 1.12.*)07:56
xnoxdidrocks, yeah, i'm doing...07:56
xnoxdidrocks, also I wonder if the autopkgtest can be reduced to:07:56
xnoxTest-Command: /bin/true07:56
xnoxRestrictions: requires-build07:57
xnoxor whatever it was to ask autopkgtest to rebuild the package07:57
didrocksyeah, basically the idea is to rebuild + run the package tests07:57
mwhudsonor GO111MODULE=off07:57
mwhudson"Outside GOPATH while inside a file tree with a go.mod — defaults to modules behavior"07:57
xnoxcause that restriction would get you rw build-tree without needing to copy src tree.07:58
didrocksmwhudson: how is this related? in both behavior they should look at the vendor/ directory07:58
xnoxand like one should use AUTOPKGTMP not /tmp07:58
didrocksso unsure if autopkgtests doesn't include it07:58
mwhudson"By default, go commands like go build ignore the vendor directory when in module mode."07:58
mwhudsonif you're in a directory that's not in GOPATH and there is a go.mod file -> module mode07:58
didrocksmwhudson: where is that coming from? That was the first intent, but then, it got amended for distros like us07:59
didrockswhen I discussed with Russ Cox07:59
mwhudsoni should say that i'm not very aware of modules07:59
mwhudsonbut the behaviour in the autopkgtest is consistent with that wiki page08:00
didrocksI'm using modules for some months already :)08:00
xnox'cd /tmp' fixes everything08:00
xnoxlet me try the GO111MODULE=off08:00
didrocksok, so it's just that we are not in the correct directory08:00
didrocksI wonder if -mod=vendor hasn't been added in 1.12, not 1.1108:01
didrocksI'll add that for future references, at least with gccgo as I only use a vendor directory for the ubuntu package (not when doing upstream dev)08:02
mwhudsondidrocks: why are you using gccgo!?08:02
xnoxdidrocks, mwhudson - 'export GO111MODULE=off' in debian/tests/setup also works08:03
xnoxi can upload fixup with either 'cd' or 'export' or both.... any preference?08:03
didrocksmwhudson: isn't what the distro is using? Not upstream go compiiler?08:04
mwhudsondidrocks: if you want to figure out how go modules should interact with packaging and implement that in debain ... >:)08:04
mwhudsondidrocks: no!08:04
didrocksxnox: I would like to try GOFLAGS08:04
LocutusOfBorgme too08:04
xnoxdidrocks, what do you want me to try in GOFLAGS?08:04
didrocksxnox: GOFLAGS=-mod=vendor08:04
xnoxso... export GOFLAGS=-mod=vendor ?08:05
didrocksmwhudson: ah, I really thought that, good news08:05
didrocksxnox: it should pick the vendor/ directory in that case08:05
LocutusOfBorggoflags works too...08:05
xnoxdidrocks, we have always used golang-go on all arches it was available on, and only fellback to gccgo on arches that didn't. but golango is now available on all arches.08:05
didrocksmwhudson: if I have official time allocated for figuring out go modules support in debian, I would love to :)08:06
mwhudsondidrocks: go build -mod=vendor is supported in 1.11 it seems08:06
didrocksxnox: ah, that's where my misinterpretation was for08:06
mwhudsondidrocks: what kind of whisky does will like? :)08:07
didrocksmwhudson: ask him, he may answer that he prefers beers anyway :p08:07
xnoxdidrocks, GOFLAGS works too. so which of the three to upload?08:08
* xnox doesn't like the version number in that GO111MODULE=off variable, as if, it's per-version-specific var08:09
mwhudsoni think the idea is that it indicates the version it became valid in08:10
didrocksxnox: please use GOFLAGS and submit it in ubuntu-report upstream :)08:10
mwhudsonyou're not going to have to say GO112MODULE=off with go 1.1208:10
* mwhudson afk for a while08:10
xnoxi see that didrocks 2019 edition, does not like to prefix releases with 'v' =)08:13
didrocksxnox: arg, nicely spotted! I blame debcommit -r :)08:13
* didrocks adds a second tag08:13
* xnox ponders if i should be uploading or not08:14
xnoxplease upload?08:14
LocutusOfBorgbtw xnox you might want to add all the three and decomment only the GOFLAGS one, so in case in future something breaks again... we have fallbacks08:14
didrocksxnox: feel free to upload :)08:14
xnoxdidrocks, ack, pushed tag to my repo. no idea if github merges tags or not.08:15
didrocksxnox: I guess for safety I'll pull/push08:16
didrocksonce CI pass :p08:16
xnoxdidrocks, i think it's a trap08:16
xnoxdidrocks, "feel free to upload" and like no.....08:16
xnox376 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 201177 deletions(-)08:16
xnoxis my diffstat when i try to make an upload08:17
didrocksah I know08:17
didrocksyou need to go mod vendor08:17
xnoxwell, vendor tree is not in git?! or i failed to init them?08:17
didrocksto generate that vendor/ dir08:17
didrocksyeah, it's not in git08:17
xnoxyeah, not doing that =)08:17
didrocksbecause you have go.mod and go.lock which defines the content08:17
didrocksso you have the exact same content08:17
didrocksI can upload anyway if you are scared :p08:17
didrockslet me sponsor you :p08:18
didrocksthe day we have module support in debian/ubuntu, this go mod vendor can cease to exists08:18
xnoxwillcooke is not in the channel, but i am offering a whiskey tasting out of my own reserves to make ^ happen.08:19
LocutusOfBorgtravis is happy!08:21
didrocks changelog   |    6 ++++++08:22
didrocks tests/setup |    1 +08:22
didrockslooks better ;)08:22
didrockssponsored with love :)08:23
didrocksthanks xnox, mwhudson, LocutusOfBorg08:23
LocutusOfBorgthanks you all!08:23
LocutusOfBorgI hope we can move forward with golang-1.12 now :)08:23
LocutusOfBorgI'm stealing golang-1.11 merge :D08:24
didrockssame :)08:24
didrocksI have even some dreams of 1.13 released in early August and us picking it up08:25
LocutusOfBorgor mwhudson you want to do it?08:25
LocutusOfBorgthe changelog is not listing all the delta, I'm unsure if it is wanted or not...08:25
xnoxi did not expect the day to start with go; it was meant to start with perl!08:43
LocutusOfBorgyou mean perl 5.28.2? :) /me hides08:43
xnoxnah, just some modules08:46
LocutusOfBorgyep I know, I see the proposed page :)08:49
xnoxLaney, our armhf autopkgtests appear to lack internets08:58
xnoxErr:50 http://ftpmaster.internal/ubuntu eoan/main armhf pinentry-curses armhf 1.1.0-208:58
xnox  Unable to connect to ftpmaster.internal:http:08:58
Laneyit happens sometimes, nobody has ever been able to figure it out08:59
Laneynever ever happens when you access them manually, that would be too easy08:59
xnoxyeah the other package now passed. lolz09:01
LocutusOfBorgLaney, since the introduction of systemd-resolve, from time to time, I get some DNS resolving failure09:03
dupondjeWas just about to ask something about golang-1.12 :) And I see history is full of golang talk :)09:03
Laneysame thing09:03
LocutusOfBorgand when I type: "systemd-resolve --status" to figure it out, my laptop auto-heals09:03
Laneynot on tests09:03
Laneydon't ask me about that stuff :-)09:03
dupondjeAre there plans to get 1.12.4 into disco?09:03
LocutusOfBorgdupondje, like the one already in eoan? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/golang-1.1209:04
dupondjeLocutusOfBorg: yep09:04
LocutusOfBorgjust backport it into your ppa :)09:04
dupondjeits bugfix only release, so might be usefull to backport it to disco no?09:04
LocutusOfBorgI'm to scared to SRU something I don't understand completely09:04
LocutusOfBorgdupondje, golang is a black hole for me09:05
LocutusOfBorgso... I don't know implications wrt archive sanity of stuff built with the previous version09:05
LocutusOfBorgas well as ABI issues while looking at the diff09:05
LocutusOfBorgand disco will be EOL soon, like in some months or so, loong before I can learn that language09:06
LocutusOfBorgLaney, the question was actually: can we put some hook to launch systemd-resolve --status when failures happen? or a cronjob saving it? or: are you using that as dns daemon or not?09:06
LocutusOfBorgI don't know if you are using systemd to resolve or not...09:07
LocutusOfBorgI presume you have some DNS server in your lan to translate ftpmaster.internal into a private ip, right?09:08
Laneyyes it's using systemd-resolved, but adding a hack like that is not really appropriate09:09
Laneyif there's a bug then it should be fixed...09:09
LocutusOfBorgLaney, I'm not asking to add in the archive... I'm asking to add it in some machine to reproduce and log the issue to debug it09:10
LocutusOfBorgor try to see if stop using it helps...09:10
Laneyand if you're experiencing the bug, then woohoo! we have someone who can debug09:10
LocutusOfBorgthat would be *too* easy09:10
LocutusOfBorgis it possible to install a custom systemd version on some armhf runners with debug code? or isolate some machines from the net and use them for testing purposes?09:11
LocutusOfBorgthat systemd-resolve bug is something I'm trying to understand why/when happens since a lot, and it is happening on my machine09:12
LocutusOfBorghopefully it is the same, and I presume it happens when I switch network, sometimes I'm connected on the same network via eth and wifi, when I disconnect wifi looks like the routing tables are not updated until I do some arp on the network (hopefully this is what systemd-resolve does)09:13
LocutusOfBorgI know having many connections on the same lan is not correct, this is something I forget to do (switching off wifi)09:13
LocutusOfBorgxnox, do you have systemd merge plans?09:18
xnoxyes, i will merge systemd09:19
* LocutusOfBorg wornders if something on new systemd will make armhf workers more happy09:19
mwhudsonLocutusOfBorg: sure go ahead with 1.1209:49
LocutusOfBorgmwhudson, the changes in gbp.conf are useful or not?10:10
LocutusOfBorgalso, the "find -delete *.syso" is not listed in changelog10:10
LocutusOfBorgI think you should commit them on debian git repo...10:14
* LocutusOfBorg golang uploaded10:14
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mwhudsonLocutusOfBorg: uhh i merged golang-1.12 already10:25
mwhudsondidn't i?10:25
mwhudsonLocutusOfBorg: i thought you were talking about moving the default onto 1.12 ...10:27
LocutusOfBorgyep you did I made a mistake, I now uploaded 1.11 merged10:29
LocutusOfBorgI leave 1.11 default migrate (hopefully on next britney run) and then leave to you the default switch to 1.1210:29
LocutusOfBorgmy biggers concern is to kick 1.10 out10:29
mwhudsonLocutusOfBorg: the changes in gbp.conf are useful10:39
mwhudson<LocutusOfBorg> also, the "find -delete *.syso" is not listed in changelog10:39
mwhudsonsure it is, that's what "Do not distribute un-built from source race detector runtime files" is about10:40
mwhudsoni should probably get that change into debian but my inertia for ITP-ing golang-race-detector-runtime seems to be basically infinite10:40
mwhudsonLocutusOfBorg: i do the merges from debian via git not mom btw10:44
* mwhudson zzz10:44
LocutusOfBorgmwhudson, do you need a debian sponsor?10:46
LocutusOfBorgI couldn't find the ubuntu branch on debian git, but I might be wrong, and I hope the delta will go away...10:47
Wafficushi there can anyome help me modify the Ubuntu ISO Tester to solely automate the testing of Lubuntu isos?11:47
Wafficusif anyone can point me to the specific spot of the docs on how to use altermate isos id appreciate it11:48
Wafficus my email is SBanya@outlook.com if you can help me11:49
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sahidLaney: hello, in autopktest, what is related to the armhf worker? i have difficulty to find that14:08
sahidin my idea that was the arm64 workers but it seems that i'm worng14:08
sahidcoreycb: ^ you might have an idea14:13
acheronukmwhudson: hi. now eoan exists here, https://partner-images.canonical.com/core/eoan/current/ , is there a change of eoan docker images soon?14:29
acheronuk*chance of14:29
coreycbsahid: i'm not sure that i understand the question15:17
sahidcoreycb: it's related to this merge request https://code.launchpad.net/~sahid-ferdjaoui/autopkgtest-cloud/+git/autopkgtest-cloud/+merge/36669615:21
obiwahnhi guys i would like to build a newer binutils for 16.4 so it can be used in travis15:39
obiwahnit would be cool if here is somebody who can provide me with a template and who answers a few questions as they araise15:40
dokooSoMoN: the fonts update was needed because the new version was required in the security pocket15:41
oSoMoNdoko, ack, that's what I understood from talking to t_daitx, but the cosmic task in the bug report was irrelevant, right?15:42
dokoI assume so15:42
coreycbsahid: ah i see, you've updated the arm64 conf and there's no obvious armhf conf?15:46
sahidcoreycb: yep15:48
sahidi was expecting Laney to give me a hint15:49
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rbasakobiwahn: are you speaking as Travis upstream, or a Travis user? You should just ask your questions - nobody is going to put themselves on the hook for answering if they don't know what the questions are.16:49
obiwahnHow do I get the 18.04 biutils sources on 16.04?16:59
obiwahni know there ist apt-get source16:59
obiwahnIs there a cross release mechanism to get the sources?17:00
sarnoldobiwahn: copy the /etc/apt/sources.list to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bionic.list -- replace all the 'xenial' with 'bionic', then apt-get update && apt-get source binutils/bionic17:02
rbasakobiwahn: the cross release mechanism Ubuntu developers use is "pull-lp-source binutils bionic". pull-lp-source is in the ubuntu-dev-tools package.17:29
JohnGavrhello there17:34
JohnGavrI am coming here with a question about the new kernel17:34
JohnGavrWhen i stop a video or a music in any client, i hear a bip on the external audio speakers. In other kernels don't do that.17:35
obiwahnthank you - i am just setting up a vm and look how far i get17:49
JohnGavrobiwahn, are you talking to me?18:02
Eickmeyer!support | JohnGavr18:02
ubottuJohnGavr: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Please be aware that this channel is for development only.18:02
obiwahnrbasak: I have unsatisfied build deps for binutils. I can proably build it with any other older gcc but what must I do to change the dependencies? Is it ok just to lower the versions in the control file?18:21
obiwahni think i just try to change files in the binutils dir and build the content with dpkg-buildpackage.18:22
obiwahnoh gosh dpkg-gencontrol|vendor has it to be that complicated:P18:37
cjwatsonYou shouldn't normally use dpkg-gencontrol manually18:37
cjwatsonChanging debian/control is usually all you need to do to change build-deps, unless debian/control is generated from other files in debian/ (which is fairly rare but some packages do it - in that case poke through the rules files under debian/ to find what the actual source file is and change that)18:38
obiwahncjwatson: What are the correct steps to change the dependencies when creating a backport?18:39
cjwatsonDepends wildly18:39
cjwatsonI mean most backports don't need to change build-dependencies18:39
cjwatsonIn the cases that do it's utterly specific to the problem at hand18:39
cjwatsonBut for general advice on changing build-deps, see my previous remark18:39
sarnoldobiwahn: hmm. I wonder, if you actually want bionic on travis's xenial systems, maybe using debootstrap would get you to your desired end result more quickly18:43
ddstreetxnox i see systemd in eoan is still failing boot-smoke due to lp #1825997 do you want me to prep a debdiff for you to include in your next upload or are you already working on it19:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1825997 in systemd (Ubuntu Eoan) "boot-smoke fails due to running jobs" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182599719:11
ddstreeti have a patch ready to fix it, then i think storage is the only failing test left, right?19:11
ddstreetxnox mp for u: https://code.launchpad.net/~ddstreet/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+git/systemd/+merge/36685719:20
pipegeekhi, folks!  was wondering: how does GNOME Software determine which packages to make visible and which ones to hide from search results?19:39
obiwahnIs there a command to install everything that is in a control file. Something like apt-get build-dep but for control files instead of packages19:39
pipegeekand in particular, would it be reasonable to open a feature request bug against the network-manager-.*-gnome packages (or against gnome-software depending on how that works) to request that they be made visible through that interface?19:40
pipegeekthose seem like reasonable things for nontechnical end-users to want to be able to install (e.g. "L2TP VPN Support for Gnome")19:40
pipegeekwithout having to open a terminal to do it19:40
pipegeeknever mind!  I just realized I can't read19:50
pipegeekit's already there, it's just not listed as a separate package.19:50
pipegeeksorry for the noise :)19:51
mwhudsonacheronuk: in short, yes21:25
mwhudsonLocutusOfBorg: no, i maintain all this crap in debian too21:25
mwhudsonLocutusOfBorg: the ubuntu branches are only in my launchpad git repo, not debian21:25
mwhudsonLocutusOfBorg: so it's perfectly reasonable for you not to have found them, now that I remember that fact :)21:26
Unit193mwhudson: ...If you get bored, could I entice you to look at gocryptfs?  (Sorry I'm bugging about this one yet again..)21:51
mwhudsonUnit193: uhh as in why is it still in proposed?21:58
mwhudsonlooks like it depends on the new golang-golang-x-sys22:00
mwhudsongolang-go4 maybe needs new grpc?22:01
mwhudsonthis stuff is all such a mess22:01
Unit193That's kind of why I asked you, since you seem to be an expert.  It got stuck in disco because x-sys needed a retry on arm64 (so I ended up backporting both to a PPA)22:02
mwhudsonhmm clearly i need to stop appearing like an expert :)22:06
Unit193Too late.22:06

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