
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
guiverc19.10 live test; shouldn't CTRL+ALT+T still open a xfce4-terminal ?11:37
guiverc(it's doing nothing for me)11:37
Spass[m]is Super+T working?12:08
guivercsorry Spass[m], I use an old model m keyboard, no super key12:20
guiverci'll try it on another box that has a 35 year younger keyboard...12:22
guivercSpass[m], on second box; ctrl+alt+T does nothing,  super+t also does nothing; then i loaded `xev` & can see it detect keystrokes though12:27
Spass[m]hmm, maybe it's related to this? https://forum.xfce.org/viewtopic.php?pid=52644#p5264412:34
Spass[m]guiverc: do you have libexo-1-0 installed?12:34
guivercwill look..12:35
guivercdpkg -l responds 'ii  ..' so yep  (box is in another room)12:37
guivercSpass[m], i just had bug 1821652 again, so ran the command Theo said to fix my screens (`XFSETTINGSD_DEBUG=1 xfsettingsd --replace --no-daemon` to gain debug info, which also fixes my screen issue) and NOW CTRL+ALT+T works too ??!!12:48
ubottubug 1821652 in xfce4-settings (Ubuntu) "unable to change display orientation on 19.04 xubuntu daily (live - 20190325) " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182165212:48
guivercsuper+T is working too !12:49
guivercdo you want a bug report over ctrl+alt+f/super+t or can I ignore?12:53
guivercs/ctrl+alt+f/ctrl+alt+t/ ^12:57
=== Spass_ is now known as Spass
Unit193guiverc: xfsettingsd is what interprets those keystrokes to open the terminal, so if it wasn't running (or running properly) then launching/replacing it would indeed fix it.20:12
brainwashguiverc: did you actually check if all other keybinds are working?21:10
Unit193bluesabre: We going all in this round, xfwm4 and xfce4-session too? :321:14
guivercUnit193, thanks, brainwash not that i can recall. i just woke up, so i'll endeavour to look in a few hours21:15
bluesabreUnit193: you betcha, we're going for it all21:30
guivercbrainwash, the keybindings (those tried) all work after xfsettings command is executed; but NOT before [xfset..] on d780 (optiplex) box22:38
Unit193So, why isn't xfsettingsd starting with the session, I wonder..22:38
guiverci'll boot & play with the thumbdrive (daily) on other boxes..  22:39
brainwashUnit193: or why is crashing/hanging22:39
brainwashI don't think that anything changed recently, so the daily iso should still be mostly 19.0422:41
brainwash-settings should be new22:41
brainwashjust remembered that22:42
brainwash4.13.4 -> 4.13.522:42
guivercfyi: another box can't use ctrl+alt+t  (i can't try super bindings sorry; another 80s model m keyboard)22:46
brainwashthere should be other keybinds which don't use the super key22:48
guiverci'll look.22:48
brainwashprint key for xfce4-screenshooter I think22:48
guivercnah, ctrl-esc, alt+fn not doing anything, and no prtscr does nothing22:50
brainwashxfsettingsd process is present?22:51
guivercif i execute the xfsett... command all keys work22:54
guiverc(i've switched to another box; that's in this room!)22:55
brainwashyou mentioned that already22:55
guivercnah it was a different box yes, but another box in another room. 22:56
guivercNOTE: this box the keybinding work on boot!  22:57
guiverc(the first three were all dell optiplex's, c2d & c2q's, this is later i5)22:57
brainwashdid you test with the 19.04 iso yet?22:57
Unit193guiverc: Can you see if the process was running but not functioning, or whatnot?  Also, ~/.xsession-errors?22:59
guivercfound 19.04 daily (20190416) & keybindings WORK as booted (prtscr, ctrl+alt+T)23:09
guiverc(i was looking for thumbdrive to write to, that 19.04 was already on drive so used that)23:10
guivercps:  that was tested on first box I had issues with; c2d d755(-8)23:11
guiverc-unregcat .xsession-errors |pastebinit -->  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SrFxVJxPSW/23:17
guiverc-unregps -elf |grep xf |pastebinit --> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SNZKntRPVs/23:20
guiverc-unreg   , sorry Unit193 not sure what check you want me to perform23:20
Unit193Huh, I don't see anything in .xsession-errors that'd account for that.23:22

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