
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
=== marcc is now known as kub
mok0Just installed my first snap in Xubuntu 19.04, but it refuses to run:10:01
mok0➜  ~  /snap/bin/hello-world10:01
mok0cannot change current working directory to the original directory: Permission denied10:01
ghosalmartinI fresh installed the latest xubuntu on a raid0 and now it just boots to a black screen. any ideas? :P13:41
ghosalmartinIt booted to the live usb drive with no issues so I don't see it being a driver issue.13:41
ghosalmartinraid0 is set via the bios13:42
xubuntu39wHi, is anyone here?14:47
pmjdebruijnusually there are some folks around14:47
pmjdebruijnjust ask your question, and stick around for a while14:47
pmjdebruijnxubuntu39w: ?14:48
xubuntu39wI am on Xubuntu 19.04 Catfish is unable to find files in ~/14:49
pmjdebruijnok strange14:49
* pmjdebruijn has never tried catfish, so I know very little about it14:49
pmjdebruijnagain stick around, maybe someone else knows14:50
xubuntu39wNevermind. I installed MATE Search Tool. It seems to work fine. Something is wrong with catfish.15:08
xubuntu87whi there, where do I get the developer signing keys? thx15:48
xubuntu87wdoes xubuntu has pgp sgining key?15:59
j0sephhi all. Upon locking my screen, I am unable to turn the screen back on through any button presses whatsoever. My laptop power button is still on during this time. I am currently on Xubuntu 19.04. Is there any way to fix this? I can provide any extra details if necessary. Thanks16:10
=== Israphel is now known as Guest51211
=== Israphel_ is now known as Israphel
=== kadiro_ is now known as kadiro
=== Spass_ is now known as Spass

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