=== JTa1 is now known as JTa [02:28] eickmeyer what is to be expected when installing the packages from the gui when using versions older than what backports supports [02:28] apt install linux-lowlatency worked fine without the gui [02:29] the kernel is the highest priority because everything else runs on top of it [02:29] lowlatency is fine for testing but even low latency is not enough for production [02:30] have you read proverbs [02:31] I was thinking of the nearly cybornetic benifit of having a realtime computer [03:38] hey eickmeyer [03:38] hey Eickmeyer[m] [03:39] tell me about the matrix environment, have you found any peers [03:40] eickmeyer after running the studio installer several times it stalls each time [03:40] ubuntu1_: I can't officially be here, I'm out for the weekend. [03:40] Just the same, please stay on-topic in here. [03:41] ok is there a matrix client you suggest [03:43] talk outside of the office [10:01] ubuntu1_: search a bit on the web for once and you'll find one that's called Riot [10:04] mods awake? [10:04] Eickmeyer ???? [10:05] cfhowlett: i guess he's still asleep :) [10:06] yep [10:07] is there an issue? [10:07] no just a continuing discussion [10:08] ah ok [11:18] welcome too this world [11:18] welcome to your life [11:18] with arms wide open [11:18] * ubuntu1_ twitches fingers in left hand [11:19] the hand of vengeance [14:04] ubuntu1_: this is a support channel, please take your chitchat elsewhere [18:10] Hello! [18:12] I'm having problems with the audio in Ubuntu Studio. I have sound coming from my speakers, but not from the headphones. Yesterday after some fiddling around with Ubuntu Studio Controls, I had sound coming from the headphones, but not the speakers. In the sound settings it said: Speakers (unavailable). [18:22] Go_Diego_Go was added by: Go_Diego_Go [18:24] Hello guys! I'm having problems with the audio in Ubuntu Studio. I have sound coming from my speakers, but not from the headphones. Yesterday after some fiddling around with Ubuntu Studio Controls, I had sound coming from the headphones, but not the speakers. In the settings it said: Speakers (unavailable). [18:54] Trying to remap channels names: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/sN7tpxVHq4/ [18:54] it is untested as pasted -- have not been able to get it to work === JTa1 is now known as JTa [22:52] I installed the Ubuntu Studio Audio apps including the backports into my Ubuntu MATE desktop. Do I need the backports ppa? When I try to update, I get an error message saying "The repository 'http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio-ppa/backports/ubuntu disco Release' does not have a Release file." Also, I have a PC with only Ubuntu Stud [22:52] io 19.04, and it does not have backports. [22:55] @Duke [I installed the Ubuntu Studio Audio apps including the backports into my Ubuntu …], Not for 19.04. We have nothing to backport to it since it has the latest packages. The back ports are only actually required for 18.04. [22:57] Since I'm running Ubuntu MATE 19.04, I can delete the backports ppa? [23:00] Also, I think I found a bug in Ubuntu Studio controls. On my macs, when I start JACK and check all of the boxes in the audio setup, I get the connection errors in Ardour that I mentioned a long time ago. If I stop JACK and uncheck all of the boxes, Ardour 5.12 works fine. [23:02] @Duke [Since I'm running Ubuntu MATE 19.04, I can delete the backports ppa?], It's not the fact that it's Ubuntu MATE, it has more to do with it being 19.04. We'll announce when there are backported packages in the PPA. [23:03] @Duke [Also, I think I found a bug in Ubuntu Studio controls. On my macs, when I start …], Ardour doesn't require Jack. [23:04] As for the rest, OvenWerks can address whether or not it's a bug. Remember, it's a configuration tool and not an actual indicator of what is running. [23:05] Thanks Erich. I'll remove (at least uncheck) the backports ppa. [23:06] eickmeyer back? [23:07] ubuntu1_: Only for quick questions as I'm mobile. [23:59] hey krytarik is there a xen specific ubuntu channel