
krytarikWouldn't know - try searching via Alis.00:00
m_ad[m]here we go again....00:01
OerHeksIRC channel: #ubuntu-server # from https://wiki.xen.org/wiki/Category:Ubuntu00:01
studiobot<Go_Diego_Go> @Go_Diego_Go [Hello guys! I'm having problems with the audio in Ubuntu Studio. I have sound co …], No one?00:15
Eickmeyer[m]!patience | @Go_Diego_Go00:16
ubottu@Go_Diego_Go: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/00:16
ubuntu1_krytarik, "here I go on my own again"00:41
krytarikGood luck!00:42
ubuntu1_eickmeyer has the potential for support nut not the content00:42
ubuntu1_krytarik, there is nowhere else to go you dont need to taunt me with sarcasms of luck00:43
krytarikWell, you did say that - although I missed the reference to the other message then, which wasn't sent by me.00:44
ubuntu1_eickmeyer presented support well but it didnt work well00:46
Eickmeyer[m]ubuntu1_: I'm here, but I will say this: I did not learn Ubuntu by asking for help in IRC chat rooms. I learned by actually doing, searching the internet, getting my hands dirty, and reading. You should do the same.02:15
Eickmeyer[m]Nobody in here is paid to be here, not even me. It's free support from a community for a free operating system. Don't expect people to walk you through every piece of doing things here.02:15
Eickmeyer[m]That said, your reputation from other rooms on this IRC network preceeds you.02:16
studiobot<Go_Diego_Go> Are you talking about me?02:20
Eickmeyer[m]@Go_Diego_Go: No, not at all.02:21
Eickmeyer[m]dx9s: Is that code contribution?02:24
dx9s@Eickmeyer[m], it isn't working ATM.. trying to figure out how to write a profile for the XR18 and X3202:28
dx9sI have the udev rule working and pointing to a custom profile .. but the profile I have, pulseaudio doesn't like it02:28
Eickmeyer[m]dx9s: Oh, interesting. I've never had to write a profile. For me, plug & play, start Jack, and it worked.02:29
* Eickmeyer[m] never tried to run an X32 without Jack02:30
dx9sYes.. Jack doesn't bother naming the channels common surround channel names. Jack isn't the problem, it works fine.02:30
Eickmeyer[m]Actually, one time Jack crashed and Pulse retook its position as sound server and started playing music previously routed to one channel... on ALL channels. Not ideal.02:31
dx9sTHAT said, if you plug a multi-channel sound card (USB these days), pulse starts labling the channels as-if it was surround channels.02:31
Eickmeyer[m]dx9s: Yeah, that's what we discussed at LFNW.02:32
dx9soh right. that's was you in the parking lot next to "lady jupiter' eh?02:32
dx9s(what ChrisLAS likes to call his RV)02:33
ubuntu1_Eickmeyer[m], not really02:39
ubuntu1_do you have a reputation meter02:39
ubuntu1_each instance is completely new02:40
ubuntu1_you are aggregating data based on false premises02:40
ubuntu1_with a farmers almanac maybe it is ok02:40
ubuntu1_but to apply any data you have to Myself is not02:41
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - PING astraljava, cub, holstein, jussi, joejaxx, ScottL, scott-work or Unit19302:41
Eickmeyer[m]dax: We have soulseeker in the form of ubuntu1_ causing problems in here.02:43
Eickmeyer[m]veremitz: ^02:44
veremitzban evasion? where are your channel ops?02:44
Eickmeyer[m]krytarik is around, but he's typically the only one.02:45
veremitzperhaps you should consider promoting a few :)02:45
Eickmeyer[m]veremitz: I'm working on becoming one.02:45
* Eickmeyer[m] has a stalled application02:45
Unit193ubuntu1_: Hello, please keep the discussion on the topic of UbuntuStudio support.02:45
veremitzo/ Unit193 :)02:46
veremitzhow goes?02:46
veremitzheh pwnd02:47
Eickmeyerveremitz, Unit193, etc.: thanks, guys.02:49
dx9s@Eickmeyer[m], you are located in Tacoma area right?02:51
veremitzEickmeyer: I see joejaxx, UbuntuIrcCouncil, sakrecoer in the founders list, fyi-fwiw02:51
Unit193dx9s: You might want to find in him #ubuntustudio-offtopic.02:52
Eickmeyerdx9s: Yeah, let's take this part to #ubuntustudio-offtopic.02:52
Eickmeyerveremitz: Yes, however, sakrecoer isn't leading the project anymore (the sole reason he's on that list), and I've assumed those responsibilities in the past year. The IRC Council is going through stuff now, so my op application is stalled.02:53
veremitzcool - all i hand then :) good luck!02:54
Eickmeyerveremitz: Thanks!02:55
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