
user|51674minimum requirements?00:10
Roeyis Kubuntu getting that Fx patch tonight?00:35
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valorieRoey: Fx patch?02:16
tomreynunfortunately, with exaggerated use of abbreviations, no one can tell for sure, but there is a chance that Roey is referring to bug 182772702:21
ubottubug 1827727 in Mozilla Firefox "All plugins disabled due to expired cert" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182772702:21
valorieha, was just discussing that in another channel02:22
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lotuspsychjegood morning to all03:12
lotuspsychjeanyone with a kubuntu at hand to check something for a wishlist bug?03:12
lotuspsychjeits a short task03:18
Greenfrogis there anyone that has successfully connecte their ipod to kubuntu? i have ipod classic, it recognizes but cant transfer files that ipod sees03:21
lotuspsychjeGreenfrog: try clementine03:22
lotuspsychje!ipod | Greenfrog03:22
ubottuGreenfrog: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod03:22
Greenfrogso far i've tried several and none work03:23
Greenfrogok i'll try thanks03:23
Greenfrogthanks for the help03:23
Greenfrogin clementine is there a sync option or no? i dont see one. or is it drag and drop?03:28
lotuspsychjeGreenfrog: from the clementine website/link: https://github.com/clementine-player/Clementine/wiki/Portable-Devices03:30
Greenfrogok thanks again03:32
Greenfrogi see that now03:32
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lordievaderGood morning06:18
=== MANIAC is now known as Guest72377
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TomyMobilewhen installing kubuntu 18.04, i dont seem to have the option to have a separate /home partition. manual setup doesnt allow me to control lvm. i have an installiert on my disk with lvm and no separate partitions. how do you suggest i get to my preferred setup with a separate /home partition?09:35
TomyMobilegerman autocorrect :/09:36
JussiTomyMobile: encrypted home?09:41
Jussibut you have LVM for the rest of the disk?09:43
JussiManual setup should let you create 2 partitions, and mount 1 as / and 1 as /home09:44
TomyMobilepartitions, yes, but not LVs10:03
TomyMobileJussi: i can see but not modify the LVs. installer limitation afaict10:14
BluesKajHowdy folks10:51
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=== EvilRoey is now known as Welcome
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user|72192What appstore is used16:59
noobeluxevening guys, any idea how can i make dolphin to see my network samba shares?17:39
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Aaron_THi! Can anybody help me with clover efi bootloader ? It works fine but I can see nothing.. :D18:01
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Roeytomreyn: aye19:48
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