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someballhi, I'm using lxpanel and I'd like to get the ids of the windows on the lxpanel taskbar22:34
someballits for hotkeys purposes22:35
someballanyone has an idea of how to do it?22:35
wxlsomeball: you mean as x understands it?22:36
someballnot sure, I want to pass it as a parameter to wmctrl22:37
wxlcuz you can probably do that with the likes of xwininfo but not lxpanel22:37
someballthis command focuses a window22:37
someballwmctrl -i -a "$appId"22:37
someballif you give it the right id22:37
someballok, ill check out xwininfo22:38
wxlsomeball: something like `xwininfo -name lxterminal | grep "Window id" | awk '{print $4}'`22:40
wxlsomeball: that said it would probably work to do `wmctrl -i -a "$(xwininfo -name lxterminal | grep 'Window id' | awk '{print $4}')"`22:41
wxlsomeball: or more generally, if you wanted to pass a value `wmctrl -i -a "$(xwininfo -name ${application} | grep 'Window id' | awk '{print $4}')"`22:41
someballyeah I can get every window id with wmctrl, but what I want is to know what their position is in the taskbar22:42
wxloh, and use -int if you want integer values22:42
someballwmctrl displays the ids in the order that the app was ran22:43
wxlyes, but it's a question of hexidecimal or integer22:43
wxlthen pass -int to xwininfo22:45
someballbeen reading the man pages for wmctrl and xwininfo23:13
someballnothing about the taskbar there23:13
wxlbecause it has nothing to do with the taskbar23:13
someballhaha, yeah I figured23:13
wxlas i said before, lxpanel's understanding of the sequence of opened applications is not exposed to the user23:14
wxlone thing you might want to do if you're working on sequential behavior is to look at the PID23:14
someballmmm, I dont need the ids to focus a window, so if there is a way to read the windows names on the taskbar that would do it23:15
someballwhat is PID?23:15
wxlput another way: lxpanel keeps its information about applications on the taskbar a secret23:15
wxlprocess ID23:15
wxlthey are sequential23:15
wxlxprop should give you it in the form of something like _NET_WM_PID(CARDINAL)23:16
wxlor you could just pgrep23:16
someballyeah I dont think thats gonna help me, I need the exact same order of the taskbar23:18
wxlwell it's the order they're opened, no?23:19
someballnot neccessarily23:20
someballI mean, I reorder some of them to a spcific order23:20
wxlso don't do that and then you'll have it XD23:21
someballwhich reminds I also want to hotkey a way to reorder them automatically23:21
someballok if it cant be done with lxpanel do you know one that lets me control it via terminal?23:23
wxlthe problem is you're asking for information only the panel understands23:23
someballI hope this journey for some hotekeys ends up in me making my own taskbar program xD23:25
someballI meant I hot it does NOT end up like that23:25
wxli don't see anything in xwininfo or xprop that would give you what you want23:28
someballI guess my hotkeys dreams will have to stop for now23:29
wxli mean you could probably use some other panel23:30
someballyeah I'm gonna explore that later23:31
someballhey I'm having a problem with lxhotkey23:48
someballI have added a bunch of hotkeys but there is no wat to scroll down on the list23:49

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