
CroranI am having some trouble with using the Alt key for keyboard shortcuts in Bionic.01:48
Croranrunning sudo showkey -k in a termal and then pressing Alt+PrtSc shows a press and release for keycode 56 (Alt) before another press for Alt and then press and release for PrtSc and then release for Alt.01:50
CroranI didn't press Alt twice, so there should only be one release. I hope that gives someone a clue to help me.01:50
CroranI do have multiple keyboard 'languages' installed - English (US), and English (US, Intl, with dead keys), but I have English (US) currently selected.01:53
robert_ancelljamesh, any feedback you want to give on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd-glib/pull/64 ?02:19
gitbotsnapcore issue (Pull request) 64 in snapd-glib "Support new /v2/interfaces&select= API, deprecate old API" [Open]02:19
robert_ancellI changed a few small things, but it's mostly your original branch.02:20
jameshrobert_ancell: looks good.  I never got around to trying to extend the snapd side of the API to provide the info I wanted, which is why my PR languished02:28
didrocksgood morning06:11
dufluMorning didrocks06:12
didrockshey duflu06:13
=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski
seb128hey didrocks, duflu, good morning desktopers07:24
didrockssalut seb12807:24
seb128didrocks, en forme ? passé un bon w.e ?07:24
jibelhi all07:25
ricotzhey desktopers07:26
ricotzI am hoping dealing with armagadd-on-2.0 is top priority07:26
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1827727 in Mozilla Firefox "All plugins disabled due to expired cert" [Critical,Confirmed]07:26
didrocksseb128: oreilles très bof, sinon ça va, et toi ?07:26
didrockssalut jibel07:26
seb128didrocks, :-(07:27
seb128hey jibel, had a good w.e?07:27
seb128hey ricotz07:27
didrockshey ricotz07:27
ricotzseb128, didrocks, hi07:27
seb128ricotz, Oliver and chrisccoulson were discussing it over the w.e so I guess it is07:27
ricotzok, no one is to blame here, except mozilla :(07:28
jibelseb128, ça a été et toi?07:30
seb128w.e tranquille ici07:31
seb128ricotz, I wonder how they managed to screw like that :-/07:31
dufluOh hi seb12807:42
seb128hey duflu, had a good w.e? how is monday going so far?07:43
dufluseb128, the weekend was productive but uneventful. I fixed things and I cleaned things. Same today really. You?07:43
seb128w.e was nice, we still were in the north of France at my gf's place, didn't do much out but it was relaxing. We drove back yesterday, no issue nor traffic jam which was good. Back to my normal desk today!07:46
dufluSounds nice07:47
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers07:50
didrockssalut oSoMoN07:50
oSoMoNsalut didrocks07:50
dufluHi oSoMoN07:54
seb128lut oSoMoN, en forme ? bon w.e ?07:59
oSoMoNhi duflu08:00
oSoMoNsalut seb128 ! très bon week-end au sud de la Catalogne, premier bain de mer de l’année :) et toi?08:01
seb128oSoMoN, bon w.e, dans le nord de la France par contre et 11°C donc pas de quoi se baigner ... ;)08:02
jibelpetit joueur ;)08:05
oSoMoNsalut jibel, hey Nafallo08:16
Nafallohehe. found the workaround for the firefox bug in the ticket atleast ;-)08:32
oSoMoNNafallo, do you mean bug #1827727 ?08:42
ubot5`bug 1827727 in Mozilla Firefox "All plugins disabled due to expired cert" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182772708:43
ricotzoSoMoN, hi, please upload ff 66.0.4 build309:03
oSoMoNon it09:03
NafallooSoMoN: yeah, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/1827727/comments/2209:11
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1827727 in Mozilla Firefox "All plugins disabled due to expired cert" [Critical,Confirmed]09:11
Nafallojust need to remember to require signatures again when the package is updated :-)09:11
oSoMoNNafallo, mozilla rolled out an updated certificate via the Normandy mechanism, you should have gotten it without the need to do anything on your part, provided you didn't disable Normandy in your settings (it's enabled by default)09:13
Nafallohmm. well, I definately had the bug before I changed things. how can I check if Normandy worked?09:18
Nafalloapp.normandy.first_run = false09:19
Nafallo.enabled = true09:19
tomreynabout:studies would list a 'study' referring to the mozilla bugzilla id09:19
Nafallopref-flip-search-composition-57-release-1413565 only one on the list09:20
Nafallowe do alter settings as part of our corporate install though ;-)09:21
tomreyni think you also need app.shield.optoutstudies.enabled;true (which should be the same as "Allow Firefox to install and run studies" at about:preferences#privacy i *think*09:22
Nafallopref("datareporting.policy.dataSubmissionEnabled", false); ← this could be related :-)09:22
Nafallobut yeah, rather than attempting to change policy, I'll wait for the .4 update ;-)09:23
oSoMoNNafallo, I'm preparing it at the moment09:24
dupondjeNafallo: https://storage.googleapis.com/moz-fx-normandy-prod-addons/extensions/hotfix-update-xpi-intermediate@mozilla.com-1.0.2-signed.xpi10:40
dupondjeyou can just install this :)10:40
Nafallodupondje: ta :-)11:40
=== jdstrand_ is now known as jdstrand
GunnarHjseb128, sil2100: Please see my question about possible langpack update. ^13:28
seb128GunnarHj, hey, Lukazs is around today, also I'm unsure it's of high importance in a non LTS cycle13:29
seb128I mean it would be nice to fix, but if it's not fixed it's also not the end of the world13:30
seb128it's a non LTS and most user understand english and that's not an UI you use every day13:31
GunnarHjseb128: Yeah, it's to determine the importance I asked you. Let's sil2100 decide.13:31
sil2100GunnarHj: hey! Looking13:52
sil2100GunnarHj: hm, I guess it's something worth consideration, but more like something to do if there's any free cycles14:30
sil2100GunnarHj: problem is also that we'd either have to do it tranditionally, with a call-for-testing and such, which as we know will result in possibly only 3-4 languages being updated14:31
sil2100Or risk it with updating all, since we have no automation set up for the testing14:32
Trevinhomorning ppl14:55
seb128good morning trevinho, how are you? had a good w.e?15:03
Trevinhoseb128: yeah, good one. Great sightseeing in oaxaca area, thanks... yours?15:04
seb128was nice, in the north of france, most relaxed which was good15:04
TrevinhoI went to "hierve el agua", which are infinity natural pools. Amazing.15:05
GunnarHjsil2100: True. To address this issue it would be sufficient to update the language-pack-gnome-$LANG files only.15:12
GunnarHjsil2100: Btw, you mentioned a while ago that you'd bring up the testing approach for langpack updates at a sprint. Did you ever do that, and if so, what was the reaction?15:13
seb128Trevinho, nice :)15:22
seb128trevinho, https://code.launchpad.net/~khurshid-alam/indicator-appmenu/ignore-desktop/+merge/366990 is probably for you to review15:22
seb128trevinho, oh and well done fixing that gnome-shell ellipsizing issue ;-)15:23
Trevinhoseb128: oh well was easy enough actually... But incredible how a "typo" was preserved for so many releases15:47
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
tewardanyone have the timeline for Firefox updates?17:41
tewardsomeone in #ubuntu was asking since the latest 66.0.4 firefox came out < 24 hours ago17:41
sarnoldteward: it looks like builds are in progress https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+packages17:50
tewardtrust sarnold to always know things lol17:50
sarnoldman I'd be lost without my firefox history..17:53
sarnold(seriously, that's half the friction keeping me from trying qutebrowser.. the knowledge that (a) i'd need to bring over my entire firefox history to qute before using it (b) that I'd need to figure out some way to bring my entire qute history over to firefox when I'm inevitably dissapointed and try to switch back)17:54
=== joedborg_ is now known as joedborg
JanCseems like gnome shell in 19.04 also crashes if you have "world clocks" configured (so anybody who had those configured in cosmic won't be able to log in after upgrading to disco)22:08
sarnoldow :(22:16
JanCor anybody who configures those after is locked out on reboot/relogin, it seems22:17
JanCsomething I've mentioned before: I really don't understand why some JavaScript is allowed to crash the desktop so easily22:18
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1827953 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "when you have "world clocks" configured (e.g. from the Gnome Clocks application), Gnome Shell crashes on login, resulting in a login loop" [Undecided,New]22:37
sarnoldJanC: could you put in that that worked in .. bionic? cosmic? and dies in disco -- that'd probably help whoever looks at it22:38
JanCI used that in previous versions, yes22:38
JanCit's sort of explicit from where I mention it crashes if you had it configured before upgrading  :)22:41
JanCand the "expected behaviour" is how it worked before22:42
sarnoldJanC: woot, thanks!22:43
JanCI clarified that a bit22:44
JanCI often chat with people on the US east coast, west coast, in between, Pakistan, Australia, etc.22:46
JanCso it's useful to have quick acces to their local time sometimes  ;)22:47
sarnoldyeah, one page of my android launcher is devoted entirely to the clock.. ten different timezones on the thing (counting mine)22:47
JanCGnome Shell really needs to get a somewhat stable API22:49
JanCI've seen Gnome Shell crash because some extension used an API version current-2 (so 1 year or so) function22:51
JanC1 year old22:52
JanCalso see what I mentioned in here yesterday (quite some people end up with that login loop on upgrade because some extension crashes)23:02
JanCbecause some extension crashes Gnome Shell23:02
sarnolddouble-ow :(23:03
JanCI didn't file a bug on that yet because I wasn't sure what caused my crash/loop, but looking at sites like AskUbuntu they mention a couple extensions that cause issues23:05

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