
=== pavlushka is now known as Guest54570
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slashdfrom what I can see no applicant today.15:02
sil2100Yeah, we just have the 2 carried-over action items to touch-base on15:03
slashdyeah do we start a meeting anyway ?15:04
slashdMy action for APAC is waiting on the original APAC requester15:04
sil2100hm, we usually wait for quorum when starting the meeting, but that's only relevant for when voting is required15:04
sil2100tsimonq2 doesn't seem to be around for his action item as well15:05
sil2100So I guess we'll be carrying them over15:05
sil2100All the other action items are done, so yay15:05
tsimonq2I'm around, but alas, with no completed action item :(15:05
slashdok, I guess we are done then ? ;)15:06
sil2100tsimonq2: no worries! Hope you'll find some time for that - remember, it's enough if you just have some base we can all chip in on15:06
sil2100I'd say we're done, but let's stick around here in case anyone comes with some DMB-related request15:06
sil2100I like treating DMB meetings as 'time when we're available for the community'15:07
sil2100(I mean, we're available always, but here we're specifically for that ;p)15:07
slashdsil2100, make sense15:07
ddstreetsil2100 slashd tsimonq2 or any other dmb member, my application is sched for next mtg; if you have any requests for info for me to gather before the mtg, please let me know at your convenience (or now, if you have something now)15:16
slashdddstreet, I won't be able to attend next meeting on May 20th, on my side I worked enough with you to have my opinion about your work. I'll make sure the dmb get my vote pre-next mtg.15:18
slashdso my absence won't be a blocker for you15:18
ddstreetslashd thnx15:23
slashdHere's my recommendation :15:24
slashd- set yourself as patch pilot for 1 or 2 days15:24
slashdit's low traffic really low15:24
slashd- http://qa.ubuntuwire.org/ftbfs/15:24
slashdfix something FTBFS15:24
slashdagain it's up to you, but I think it might help15:24
slashdmore 'upload' won't satisfy them I'm afraid15:24
slashdthere must be something in the list that is not super time consuming if you want to have a look15:25
tewardjust as a heads up SOMETIME before the end of the month (next week or two) I intend to file my application for Core Dev.  If you need any requests for info you need from me, let me know now or after I post the item to the agenda. (just wanted to give a heads up about it)15:26
cyphermoxaaaa. sorry, I thought I was on, but my connection was dead15:26
teward(work schedule is chaotic evil with interrupting my ability to get the application filed :P)15:27
slashdddstreet, try to expand your work outside more 'upload' only if possible, show that you can also handle other coredev task basically.15:28
sil2100teward: ok o/15:28
slashdsil2100, cyphermox, tsimonq2 : did we establish a list of thing we would like ddstreet to do before he re-apply for coredev (beside more upload) I know tsimonq2 is working on a document but meanwhile can we help ddstreet to reach its objective ?15:35
tsimonq2slashd: set yourself as patch pilot for 1 or 2 days> That seems to me to be a bit of a catch 22.15:38
tsimonq2Of course, recommendations can be made about what to do, and triage can be done, but a lot of it is, well, sponsoring.15:39
cyphermoxnot that I know. the story for applications is pretty much "do work", where that's ftbfs fixes, etc.15:39
tsimonq2Since we're at that point in the cycle, I would also recommend merges from Debian.15:39
tsimonq2cyphermox: +115:39
slashdtsimonq2, ddstreet did a few merge already from what I can remember15:40
tsimonq2As was said before, we're not looking for a set amount of uploads. We're looking to see that you have demonstrated skill in a wide variety of tasks.15:40
tsimonq2slashd: Ah, got it.15:40
slashdtsimonq2, right this is why i put focus on not only more uploads, ddstreet already showed his skill in the upload area imho15:40
slashdtsimonq2, remember ddstreet is already a sponsor in stable release, so he can help as patch pilot for stable release at least.15:41
ddstreetis that something that would carry any weight at all in my coredev application?  sponsoring to sru releases?15:42
ddstreeti was under the impression it would not15:42
tsimonq2slashd: Ohh, got it.15:42
slashdtsimonq2, ack15:42
tsimonq2ddstreet: Yes and no.15:42
ddstreetwell that's not ambiguous xD15:43
tsimonq2You should have devel uploads to supplement your SRUs, but I would say that if you can demonstrate your skill that way, that's fine.15:43
tsimonq2Sorry ;)15:43
slashdtsimonq2, I think he did a decent amount of devel upload in disco, and will continue in eoan : https://udd.debian.org/cgi-bin/ubuntu-sponsorships.cgi?render=html&sponsor=&sponsor_search=name&sponsoree=Dan+Streetman&sponsoree_search=name I don't think devel upload is an issue for ddstreet15:48
slashdwe can have a wider discussion next mtg, but my goal is more that provide reasonnable goal for him to succeed15:48
slashds/that/to ^15:49
slashdthis is why I have suggested patch pilot, and FTBFS situation, (he already did merge (for vlan) iirc and decent amount of devel uploads imho).15:52
slashdddstreet, so bottom line ddstreet continue to do what you are doing, and if you can show us other things such as FTBFS it won't hurt your next application I guess, that's what I can think of and seem to come out from the discussion so far, as you already did other proposal (merge, devel uploads, ...) hope it helps a little bit to prepare you for next mtg16:03
ddstreetslashd thnx16:03
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