
M_aDCan we include exfat-fuse and exfat-utils in the next release? I have a Sony audio player but i couldn't use the device and the sd-card at first. After installing exfat-fuse and it's dependency exfat-utils, they auto mounted and i was able to put files on it. Would be great if we have it working ootb.10:46
EickmeyerM_aD: Good question. I also want to look into including OBS. afaik not even stock Ubuntu carries exfat.14:23
* Eickmeyer goes asking around.14:27
M_aDsince both are in the repos i don't see a issue. Or don't we have the freedom to add/remove what we want?14:32
* M_aD will be back later14:36
EickmeyerM_aD: Here's the answer I got, and it appears to be an ongoing discussion. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/exfat-utils/+bug/164953714:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1649537 in fuse-exfat (Ubuntu) "[MIR] exfat-utils and fuse-exfat" [Undecided,Won't fix]14:41
EickmeyerBasically, it's not a good idea for licensing/patent reasons, but that's the part of the discussion that is ongoing.14:43
M_aDEickmeyer: i just read through it, thanks and understood :)16:52
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Got that crash, not sure what happened. Controls won't start. Not sure if this is a bug, or what's going on here.17:48
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Nevermind, looks like I was missing python3-jack-client. Installed, will add to deps.17:52
EickmeyerAdded and pushed.17:59
EickmeyerOvenWerks: I like the indicator, but in materia it's hard to read as it is grayed-out as if it were a button or something.18:00
OvenWerksI think that is more text size?18:09
EickmeyerPerhaps, that might help.18:10
EickmeyerAnd, uh, oops, looks like I omitted a comma.18:11
EickmeyerI'll screenshot it.18:12
EickmeyerOvenWerks: https://imgur.com/a/7PPdK5P18:15
EickmeyerThe text looks like that when it's running too.18:16
OvenWerksYa, the text stays the same.18:18
* OvenWerks needs to find a LED indicator.18:18
OvenWerksEickmeyer: leaving that aside how are other things?18:21
EickmeyerOther than that, it works great. No issues here.18:21
EickmeyerWell, once I added the python3-jack-client package, that is. :P18:22
OvenWerksI need to get some more things done so I can commit my current work and then rebase over master.18:22
OvenWerksI do not know why I didn't have to, I must already be using it elsewhere18:22
EickmeyerYeah. Well, nobody else should be running into that. Added as a dep.18:23
OvenWerksThank you.18:23
EickmeyerHey, that's why I'm here, right? ;)18:23
OvenWerksGotta have someone to test18:24
EickmeyerYep. I can't code, but I can test and package.18:24
* OvenWerks is reading the school long range facilities Plan 2018 - 202718:24
OvenWerkslots of "should" and "could"18:25
EickmeyerYikes. If that's anything like stuff here in the states, then I can only imagine the thickness of that plan.18:26
OvenWerksIm on page 36 of 5218:26
EickmeyerHere, 52 pages would just be the summary.18:27
OvenWerksmy wife in the mean time is taking an online "wound management" course18:27
EickmeyerHeh, interesting.18:28
OvenWerksshe is a practicing nurse, this is an upgrade/scope of practice increase.18:28
EickmeyerOh, good for her!18:28
OvenWerksAnd generally good to know stuff anyway.18:29
* OvenWerks gets to see the gory pics as well :P18:29
OvenWerksone of our schools is running at 179% cap...18:36
EickmeyerYIKES! That's not good. The new high school that was built in my parents' area, to replace the one I went to, was already at 110% cap when it opened. Failure to forecast is a conastant in government.18:40
OvenWerksOh it's not really, there are two schools on the same property and they share classrooms (el and mid) so the overall is under 100%18:41
OvenWerksThe school my son is going to (middle school) went from 7-9 to 6-9 and the local el went from k-6 to k-5 for the same reason.18:42
OvenWerksThe midlle/high schools show lower percentages but I am thinking that they are also including "special use" class rooms like cooking, wood work and metal work in those numbers.18:44
OvenWerksThose rooms may not be able to have 90% usage and yet still need to be there.18:45
EickmeyerI guess I should restate then. Failure to forecast is a constant in Washington State's government.18:46
OvenWerksIt is a problem here too. It is also a matter of making the best use of facilities18:47
OvenWerkswhatever happens, all secondary schools are a bus ride away so my yomger son will have to learn bussing the year after next.18:50
OvenWerksI think we have to pay for it too :P18:50
EickmeyerYeah. The schools where I live have free bus service, and even though it's a short drive, I have my son take the bus to school every morning. I get him in the afternoon.18:50
EickmeyerI find it funny. When I go into #ubuntu-release or #ubuntu-devel, even if there's an active conversation, if I ask for a MOTU to look at lsp-plugins they all scatter.18:51
EickmeyerI can see them all looking at each other, putting their fingers on their noses, saying, "Nose goes!"18:52
OvenWerksA short statement to that effect would be "polite"18:52
EickmeyerThe room just goes completely quiet and stays like that for hours after I do that.18:53
Eickmeyer"Erich Eickmeyer: Thread Killer"18:53
OvenWerksso that means yes we know it needs to be done, but none of us wants to take it on.18:54
EickmeyerIt's not even a complicated package. Yet, I think people are in shell shock after Carla, which was a gigantic bit of work.18:55
EickmeyerI feel like I'm doing pretty good when I package something and lintian has nothing to say about it.18:55
EickmeyerEven pedantic has nothing to say!18:57
OvenWerksIs it in debian?18:57
OvenWerksOh, no MM maintaner there18:58
EickmeyerIt has also been brought to my attention that MuseScore is out of date. Yet, for some reason, I still get MM emails about people doing stuff with MuseScore 2 when 3 has been out for over a year.19:00
EickmeyerOh, nm, not over a year. January, as I look at github.19:04
OvenWerksEickmeyer: I think a policy of keeping sw that is ahead of debian/ubuntu in our back port PPA even the same day as release might make sense.19:07
OvenWerksubuntu has a debian first attitude19:07
OvenWerksdebian is slow... adding the Studio backports as part of install may make sense.19:08
EickmeyerYeah. I'm looking at it and Thorsten Glaser is the maintainer for MuseScore, he's active.19:08
EickmeyerLooks like he has a package for MuseScore 3 in experimental.19:08
OvenWerksOr adding the add ppa button to -controls as well as installer.19:08
EickmeyerLet's keep the ppa button in installer since it's the... installer. 19:09
OvenWerksAnyway, I am taking Yf and son out so have to get ready.19:09
EickmeyerOkay, have fun. o/19:09

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