
SatiHello all. I have xubuntu 18.10 and I received info about possible update to 19 however the window says it's just ubuntu not xubuntu. Is this fine or this would crash my system completely?01:07
Unit193That's saying the base system, Ubuntu.  The upgrader handles Xubuntu differently, but it doesn't know about the Xubuntu specific release announcements.  That's fine to upgrade.01:08
Sati@Unit193 thanks for reply. I am quite new to linux. So just to be sure, after I click upgrade and download I will have 19.04 xubuntu?01:09
Unit193Unless something goes wrong, yes you should.01:10
SatiThank you!01:10
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
SatiI've downloaded the 19.04 update for xubuntu from 18, but not yet restarted because the window is asking me now if I want to keep some "no longer needed" packages(200+) and briefly looking there, there are few packages with xfce name(for eg. xfce quick-launcher-plugin) and I wonder what should I do, to keep them or it's really "not needed"?02:39
Unit193qucklauncher was removed from the archives, so that one is good to go at least.  I can't say for certain, but I'd guess most of those packages start with 'lib'?02:43
Satiand there are few(10-20) with x11 description02:43
Satianother example of some xfce files orange, orange-data02:45
Unit193orage is good to go as well.02:45
Unit193So, seems fairly harmless.02:45
SatiOk, thank you @Unit193 once again for clarification02:45
Unit193Sure thing, happy to help.02:46
Satithen I restart, hoping to see you again soon :)02:46
Sati_@Unit193 It went without problems, thanks. Only the xubuntu background when system starts, etc. is black instead of blue.03:22
Sati_xubuntu loading background03:23
Unit193I believe that's as planned.03:26
lisbethsI love how easily customizable xubuntu is: https://imgur.com/a/dLMIMzr06:07
Iololisbeths, you monster.06:15
gnrphaha, nice. Just the widescreen doesn't fit06:29
lisbethsit's barely noticeable06:35
lisbethsI got the start button to work by actually making it part of the wallpaper and I have a second panel that is transparent for the whiskermenu06:35
lisbethsthe issue is that when I hover over the button on the second panel it turns blue from the greybird theme06:35
lisbethsso I need to edit the greybird theme so when you hover over that style of button it is translucent06:36
lisbethsI've been considering adding powershell to it too06:36
gnrphow much time did you spend on this? Oo06:36
gnrpalso: Can you go full disgusting mode and skin it like Windows 10? Including the ads in the start menu? :P06:37
lisbethsWell I like to take xfce and try to make it look exactly like other operating systems06:37
lisbethsI've made it look like mac osx, elementary os, gnome 3, mate, lxde, cinnamon, and kde06:37
lisbethsAnd one day I want to write a piece of software that swaps between these instantly to show off how versatile xfce is. So you press a button and boom it looks like mac osx. Press another button and boom it's gnome 306:38
lisbethsThe issue is that mac osx and windows xp are copyrighted06:38
gnrpdo you have the screenshots of all that collected somewhere?06:38
lisbethsSo as a disclaimer I will leave a warning that says "don't do this to make it look like windows xp. That's illegal06:38
lisbethsNo I don't have screenshots but I can show you how to do it06:39
lisbethsIt's basically as easy as playing with the panel and changing the buttons and colors06:39
lisbethsand there is this dock called either docky or plank I don't remember which and that can copy like the unity theme or the gnome 3 or mac theme06:39
lisbethsBut I've riced out xfce to look 100% exactly like elementary os06:40
lisbethsTo me if xfce can look 100% exactly like gnome or kde then why do gnome or kde exist?06:41
lisbethsIt's like canonical should make xfce the mainline ubuntu because it does more with less ram06:41
gnrpwell, because gnome and kde is more than just the look06:41
lisbethslike wut?06:42
gnrpEven though I don't like to use any of the two, there is a good reason for that06:42
gnrpit is the overall environment. Not only the looks, also the feel. And all the tools surrounding06:42
gnrpxfce is very minimal, you have a small handful of tools06:42
lisbethsI don't think of xfce as minimal I think of it as designed so well that it can be riced out with little effort or ram06:43
gnrpkde and gnome already provide all tools easy users use in their daily lifes (not saying they are good, but they are there)06:43
lisbethsOne thing I've realized is it is very trivially easy to make a new virtual desktop and put panels on int with buttons that run arbitrary shell commands06:43
lisbethsso this makes it very easy to make a gui that does stuff06:44
gnrphttps://xfce.org/projects vs. https://www.gnome.org/technologies/ vs. https://kde.org/applications/06:44
gnrpI mean, the KDE applications category alone is already as many projects as xfce has all in all ;)06:44
gnrpsorry, wrong link for gnome, it is this one here: https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects06:46
lisbethsI just don't see the virtue in kde or gnome. Xfce has been relatively untouched for the last 6+ years and still can do everything all of these other ones can do06:46
gnrpyou also should not forget that without gnome, no gtk, and no gtk, no xfce06:46
gnrpby far not. The window manager can maybe, yes (although I doubt that, gnome shell is quite powerful). But the overall project not.06:47
gnrpI mean, xfce has no web browser, no office suite, etc.06:47
lisbethsI don't consider those applications to be part of gnome/kde but merely also produced by those projects06:48
gnrpxfce is a window manager and file manager and all the stuff around (settings management, task bar, etc.)06:48
lisbethsIn my mind xfce is the future because it does more with less more easily06:48
gnrpwell, they are part of the desktop environment, you cannot neglect that. They provide the overall gnome/KDE look and feel inside the applications, where with xfce, you have quite a mixture06:49
gnrpin my mind the linux desktop is not the future, no matter how I try to turn it around... ;-)06:49
lisbethsI am just a diehard xfce fan I guess. The ultimate mix of versatility and filesize06:49
gnrpI agree with that. Although xfce could also be a bit slimmer tbh06:50
gnrpanyway, time to go to work, cu06:50
TunoHi anyone speak spanish?12:39
TunoI try to explain in english my problem whit xubuntu12:39
diogenes_!es | Tuno12:40
ubottuTuno: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.12:40
Tunothe battery administraitor show me always 100 percent of charge12:41
Tunoit have the driver and give de name and info of the baterry but ever show 100percent12:42
Tunoanyone know what can i do?12:48
pmjdebruijnTuno: for a laptop?12:51
pmjdebruijnTuno: is your laptop a very recent model?12:53
pmjdebruijnTuno: which version of xubuntu are you using? 16.04 18.04 18.04.1 18.04.2?12:55
pmjdebruijnTuno: what does 'uname -a' show when you into it into a Terminal Emulator12:55
pmjdebruijnand 'ls -l /sys/class/power_supply'12:58
pmjdebruijnTuno: ???12:58
TunoNetbook Asus eeepc i m using 18.04.212:58
pmjdebruijnthere are many EEE PC types... but all of fairly old I guess12:59
Tuno1015pe is the model of asus eee13:00
Tuno2g Ram 500gb hd micro intel atom13:00
pmjdebruijnTuno: what do the two command I said show?13:02
TunoLinux Tuno-1015pe 4.18.0-1813:05
Tunogeneric - 19 18.04.1 ubuntu smp13:05
Tunofri april 5 2019 i68613:06
pmjdebruijntry 'cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/uevent', and put that on pastebin13:06
pmjdebruijn'dmesg | grep -i battery'13:07
Tunothis two comand i have put into pastebin.com13:08
Tunosave the file and restar?13:09
Tunomy english isn t very wel13:11
pmjdebruijnexecute those commands, and put the result on pastebin.com, then reply the resulting pastebin.com link back here13:12
Tunoi do it in the asus netbook but now it shut down i need find 220v13:18
Tunothe result cant copy to here because i m whit me phone13:19
Tunoin the first command give me the same info that a grafic13:20
Tunoadministraitor energy13:20
Tunoever 100 percent13:21
pmjdebruijnfor that to make sense we'd really need a perfect copy-paste13:21
Tuno in a few moments i return whit the info13:22
pmjdebruijnI can't promise a solution of course, but at least we might get an understanding of where the problem lies13:23
Tunoall rigth thank very mucho13:25
Tunohi i m here again14:07
TunoPOWER_SUPPLY_MANUFACTURER=ASUS POWER_SUPPLY_SERIAL_NUMBER=    [    1.742828] ACPI: Battery Slot [BAT0] (battery present)14:08
Tuno[    1.742828] ACPI: Battery Slot [BAT0] (battery present)14:08
Tunothis is the other comand14:09
pmjdebruijnTuno: considering that your battery should actually be ful14:13
Tunobut the battery is empty. now it be whit de red light cliping.14:16
Tunoever show the battery full... show charge or descharge but ever battery ful14:17
Tunoi have win7 in other partition14:23
Tunoin win show the battery correctly14:24
pmjdebruijnI wonder if he had the latest BIOS in his system :(14:41
ghosalmartini was in here yayday about a black screen booting issue to do with raid14:46
ghosalmartinit was being of secure boot14:46
lisbethscheck dis https://imgur.com/a/QkYS7VK check out this17:20
Spasslisbeths, you tried, but that Greybird GTK/Xfwm theme doesn't fit too well, check this out ;) https://www.xfce-look.org/p/1230964/17:58
Spass(you can use Xfwm theme from that)17:58
pmartwhy are there so many notification area plugins in xfce-panel? Notification Area, Indicator Plugin, Status Notifier Plugin :)18:04
pmartthey all seem to have same purpose18:05
pmjdebruijnpresumably for plugin compatbility18:05
* pmjdebruijn doesn't know for sure18:05
pmartwhich one is the "standard"? :)18:05
brainwashthe Notification Area is for classic tray icons18:09
pmartin what way classic?18:10
brainwashand Indicator Plugin can show Ubuntu indicators18:10
brainwashclassic as in the old way18:10
brainwashsomething that has worked for many years18:10
brainwashapps like nm-applet can fall back to a classic tray icon18:11
pmartyes but what functionality is missing in the old way?18:11
pmartdropdown perhaps?18:12
brainwashit's a modern alternative18:12
brainwashit most likely gives the devs more freedom18:12
brainwashyou can remove it and see if things still work for you18:13
brainwashsame for Indicator Plugin18:13
pmartno I'm currently having all three occupied: gigolo in classic, pidgin in indicators :)18:14
brainwashin recent Xubuntu releases the Indicator Plugin is only used for the messaging indicator I think18:14
pmartso i've booted live xubuntu 19.04 from usb drive and it's great, is there a way to make changes i've made persistent now?19:32
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=== GridCube_ is now known as GridCube
xubuntu_ghostHello, does anyone know how can I configure my system so the videos on web browsers play properly? Sounds its fine, its just the image that gets stuck.20:05
brainwashxubuntu_ghost: what have you tried so far?20:14
brainwashxubuntu_ghost: also, what hardware is that?20:15
xubuntu_ghostbrainwash / I have tried only different browsers. I have an old toshiba satellite amd 240 CPU21:02
brainwashxubuntu_ghost: year?21:02
brainwashquite possible that the CPU is just too weak21:03
xubuntu_ghostIt is a single core CPU, so it could be.21:03
xubuntu_ghostDownloaded files play just fine21:03
brainwashyou could use an external video player for things like youtube or twitch.tv21:05
brainwashvlc or mpv + youtube-dl21:05
brainwashplenty of info on the internet21:06
brainwashxubuntu_ghost: same result when switching to 480p?21:07
brainwashI'd think that low res videos should work fine21:08
xubuntu_ghostThey kinda do, I guess its my hardware . Thank alot mate21:10
gnrphm, how can I disable in the xfce terminal that it makes the text italic instead of marking it with colors?22:21
gnrpI want text to be able to be bold, but not italic. Or just make the remote machine (or is it tmux in between?) not make highlighted text italic22:22
xubuntu17iI install xubuntu and now?22:35

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